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Physical Examination and Health Assessment - E-Book

Physical Examination and Health Assessment - E-Book

Carolyn Jarvis


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Book Details


With an easy-to-read approach and unmatched learning support, Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 6th Edition offers a clear, logical, and holistic approach to physical exam across the lifespan. Detailed illustrations, summary checklists, and new learning resources ensure that you learn all the skills you need to know. This gold standard in physical exam reflects what is going on in nursing today with coverage of emerging trends and new evidence-based content. It's easy to see why this text is, far and away, #1 in this market!

This item is a stand-alone text.

  • A clear, conversational writing style makes learning easier.
  • A two-column format distinguishes normal findings from abnormal findings, and uses color, step-by-step photos to clarify examination techniques and expected findings.
  • Over 1,000 full-color illustrations present anatomy and physiology, examination techniques, and abnormal findings.
  • Developmental considerations help in caring for patients across the lifespan with age-specific assessment techniques for infants, children, adolescents, pregnant females, and older adults.
  • Abnormal findings tables include over 300 pathology photos to help in recognizing, sorting, and describing abnormalities.
  • Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle boxes enable patient teaching and health promotion while performing the health assessment.
  • An emphasis on cultural competencies reflects today's care considerations for an increasingly diverse patient population.
  • Documentation examples show how to record assessment findings in the patient's chart, using the SOAP format.
  • Summary checklists provide a quick review of examination steps.
  • Spanish-language translations on the inside back cover highlight important phrases for better communication during the physical examination.
  • A companion Evolve website helps you review key content offering case studies with critical thinking questions, printable health promotion handouts, a head-to-toe examination video, heart and lung sounds, audio chapter summaries, and more.
  • NEW evidence-based guidelines reflect a focus on conducting the most effective, qualitative exams.
  • NEW Substance Use Assessment chapter addresses this increasingly critical aspect of holistic patient assessments.
  • 100 new photos of step-by-step examination techniques include all-new exam panoramas for key systems.
  • 100 new abnormal findings photos provide instant visual cues for findings that are unexpected or that require referral for follow-up care.
  • Expanded chapter on assessment of the hospitalized adult provides a focused assessment of the patient in the hospital setting.
  • New content on obesity provides current information on this growing health problem.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 6/e i
Copyright page ii
Dedication iii
About the Author v
Preface ix
New to the Sixth Edition ix
Dual Focus as Text and Reference ix
Conceptual Approach x
Features from Earlier Editions x
Supplements xi
In Conclusion xii
Acknowledgments xiii
Table of Contents xv
Unit 1 Assessment of the Whole Person 1
1 Evidence-Based Assessment 1
Assessment—Point of Entry in an Ongoing Process 2
Diagnostic Reasoning 2
Critical Thinking and the Diagnostic Process 2
Evidence-Based Assessment 6
Collecting Four Types of Data 7
1. Complete (Total Health) Database 7
2. Focused or Problem-Centered Database 7
3. Follow-Up Database 8
4. Emergency Database 8
Expanding the Concept of Health 8
Bibliography 10
2 Cultural Competence: 11
Demographic Profile of the United States 11
Immigration 12
New National Standards 12
Linguistic Competence 12
Health Disparities 14
Cultural Competence and Cultural Care 14
Heritage 14
Culture 14
Ethnicity 14
Religion 15
Spirituality and Religion 15
Socialization 16
Heritage Assessment 17
Health-Related Beliefs and Practices 19
Developmental Competence 20
Traditional Causes of Illness 21
Biomedical 21
Naturalistic 21
Magicoreligious 21
Healing and Culture 22
Folk Healers 23
Transcultural Expression of Illness 25
Transcultural Expression of Pain 25
Culture-Bound Syndromes 26
Culture and Treatment 26
Culture and Disease Prevalence 27
Steps to Cultural Competency 27
Bibliography 28
Websites of Interest 28
3 The Interview 29
The Process of Communication 29
Sending 30
Receiving 30
Internal Factors 30
Liking Others. 30
Empathy. 30
The Ability to Listen. 30
External Factors 30
Ensure Privacy. 30
Refuse Interruptions. 30
Physical Environment 31
Dress 31
Note-Taking. 31
Tape and Video Recording. 31
Electronic Health Recording (EHR). 32
Techniques of Communication 32
Introducing the Interview 32
The Working Phase 32
Open-Ended Questions 32
Closed or Direct Questions 33
Responses—Assisting the Narrative 33
Facilitation. 33
Silence. 33
Reflection. 33
Empathy. 34
Clarification. 34
Confrontation. 34
Interpretation. 34
Explanation. 34
Summary. 34
Ten Traps of Interviewing 35
1. Providing False Assurance or Reassurance. 35
2. Giving Unwanted Advice. 35
3. Using Authority. 35
4. Using Avoidance Language. 35
5. Engaging in Distancing. 35
6. Using Professional Jargon. 35
7. Using Leading or Biased Questions. 36
8. Talking Too Much. 36
9. Interrupting. 36
10. Using “Why” Questions. 36
Nonverbal Skills 36
Physical Appearance. 36
Posture. 36
Gestures. 36
Facial Expression. 37
Eye Contact. 37
Voice. 37
Touch. 37
Closing the Interview 37
Developmental Competence 37
Interviewing the Parent 37
The Infant 38
The Preschooler 38
The School-Age Child 39
The Adolescent 39
The Older Adult 40
Interviewing People with Special Needs 40
Hearing-Impaired People 40
Acutely Ill People 41
People Under the Influence of Street Drugs or Alcohol 41
Personal Questions 41
Sexually Aggressive People 41
Crying 42
Anger 42
Threat of Violence 42
Anxiety 42
culture and genetics 42
Cross-Cultural Communication 42
Cultural Perspectives on Professional Interactions 43
Etiquette 43
Space and Distance 44
Cultural Considerations on Gender 44
Cultural Considerations on Sexual Orientation 45
Overcoming Communication Barriers 45
Working With (and Without) an Interpreter 45
Nonverbal Cross-Cultural Communication 47
Touch 48
Bibliography 48
Websites of Interest 48
4 The Complete Health History 49
The Health History—The Adult 49
Biographic Data 49
Source of History 50
Reason for Seeking Care* 50
Present Health or History of Present Illness 50
Past Health 51
Childhood Illnesses. 51
Accidents or Injuries. 52
Serious or Chronic Illnesses. 52
Hospitalizations. 52
Operations. 52
Obstetric History. 52
Immunizations. 52
Last Examination Date. 52
Allergies. 52
Current Medications. 52
Family History 52
Review of Systems 54
General Overall Health State. 54
Skin. 55
Hair. 55
Unit 2 Approach to the Clinical Setting 115
8 Assessment Techniques and the Clinical Setting 115
Outline 115
Cultivating Your Senses 115
Inspection 115
Palpation 115
Percussion 116
The Stationary Hand 116
The Striking Hand 116
Production of Sound 117
Auscultation 118
Setting 118
Equipment 119
A Clean Field 120
A Safer Environment 120
The Clinical Setting 121
General Approach 121
Hands On 121
Developmental Competence 122
The Infant 122
Position 122
Unit 3 Physical Examination 203
12 Skin, Hair, and Nails 203
Outline 203
Structure and Function 203
Skin 203
Epidermis 203
Dermis 204
Subcutaneous Layer 204
Epidermal Appendages 204
Hair 204
Sebaceous Glands 205
Sweat Glands 205
Nails 205
Function of the Skin 205
Developmental Competence 205
Infants and Children 205
The Pregnant Woman 206
The Aging Adult 206
Culture and genetics 206
Subjective Data 207
Objective Data 211
Documentation and Critical Thinking 227
Sample Charting 227
Subjective 227
Objective 227
Assessment 227
Focused Assessment: Clinical Case Study 1* 228
Unit 4 Integration of the Health System 763
27 The Complete Health Assessment: 763
Documentation and Critical Thinking 781
Recording the Data 781
Health History 781
Biographic Data 781
Past Health 781
Family History 782
Review of Systems 782
Functional Assessment 783
Perception of Health 783
Physical Examination 784
Measurement 784
Head-To-Toe Examination 784
Assessment 785
28 Bedside Assessment of the Hospitalized Adult 787
Using SBAR for Staff Communication 793
Bibliography 793
29 The Pregnant Woman 795
Outline 795
Structure and Function 795
Pregnancy and the Endocrine Placenta 795
Changes During Normal Pregnancy 796
First Trimester 796
Second Trimester 797
Third Trimester 797
Determining Weeks of Gestation 798
Weight Gain in Pregnancy 798
Developmental Competence 798
Culture and genetics 799
Subjective Data 799
Objective Data 806
Documentation and Critical Thinking 820
Focused Assessment: Clinical Case Study 1 820
Subjective 820
Objective 820
Assessment 820
Plan 820
Focused Assessment: Clinical Case Study 2 821
Subjective 821
Objective 821
Assessment 821
Plan 821
Abnormal Findings FOR ADVANCED PRACTICE 822
Summary Checklist: The Pregnant Woman 828
Bibliography 827
30 Functional Assessment of the Older Adult 829
Functional Ability 830
Activities of Daily Living 830
The Katz Index of Independence in ADL 830
Additional Activity-of-Daily-Living Instruments 831
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 832
Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 832
Additional IADL Instruments 832
Advanced Activities of Daily Living 832
Measuring Physical Performance 832
Assessment of Risk for Functional Decline During Hospitalization 834
Assessment of Cognition 835
Depression and Function 835
Social Domain 836
Caregiver Assessment 837
Assessment of Caregiver Burden 837
Contexts of Care 837
Acute Care Setting 837
Community 838
Home Care 839
Nursing Facilities 839
Assistive Living 839
Continuing Care Retirement Communities 839
Maintaining Independence 839
Exercise 839
Health Care Maintenance 840
Environmental Assessment 840
Older Adult Drivers 840
Sleep 841
Spiritual Assessment 842
Special Considerations 843
Cultural Considerations 843
Assessing Those in Pain 844
Assessing Older Adults with Altered Cognition 844
Bibliography 844
Illustration Credits 847
Chapter 1 847
Chapter 2 847
Chapter 4 847
Chapter 5 847
Chapter 7 847
Chapter 8 847
Chapter 9 847
Chapter 10 847
Chapter 11 847
Chapter 12 848
Chapter 13 849
Chapter 14 849
Chapter 15 850
Chapter 16 851
Chapter 17 851
Chapter 18 851
Chapter 19 852
Chapter 20 852
Chapter 21 852
Chapter 22 852
Chapter 23 853
Chapter 24 853
Chapter 25 853
Chapter 26 853
Chapter 28 853
Chapter 29 853
Chapter 30 854
Index 855
A 855
B 857
C 858
D 860
E 861
F 862
G 863
H 864
I 866
J 867
K 867
L 867
M 868
N 870
O 871
P 872
Q 875
R 875
S 876
T 878
U 879
V 879
W 880
X 880
Y 880
Z 880
Endsheet 2 ibc_2
Endsheet 3 ibc_3
Endsheet 4 ibc_4
Endsheet 5 ibc_5
Endsheet 6 ibc_6
Endsheet 7 ibc_7
APPENDIX A-1: Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 0 Through 6 Years—United States • 2010 e1
APPENDIX A-2: Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 7 Through 18 Years—United States • 2010 e3
APPENDIX A-3: Catch-up Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 4 Months Through 18 Years Who Start Late or Who Are More Than 1 Month Behind—United States • 2010 e5
APPENDIX B-1: Standard Precautions e9
Standard Precautions e9
APPENDIX B-2: Transmission-Based Precautions e12
APPENDIX C: Body Mass Index Table e13
Appendix D: Sample Growth Charts for Girls and Boys (Height and Weight) e15
Appendix E-1: Blood Pressure Levels for the 50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th Percentiles of Blood Pressure for Girls Ages 1 to 17 Years by Percentiles of Height e21
Appendix E-2: Blood Pressure Levels for the 50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th Percentiles of Blood Pressure for Boys Ages 1 to 17 Years by Percentiles of Height e23
Appendix F: Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Estimated Average Requirements e25
Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies e25
Appendix G: Pattern of Normal Prenatal Weight Gain e27
Appendix H-1: Selected Percentiles of Triceps Skinfold Thickness and Bone-Free Upper Arm Area by Height in U.S. Men, Age 25 to 54 Years, with Small, Medium, and Large Frames e29
Appendix H-2: Selected Percentiles of Triceps Skinfold Thickness and Bone-Free Upper Arm Area by Height in U.S. Women, Age 25 to 54 Years, with Small, Medium, and Large Frames e30
Appendix I: Percentiles of Upper Arm Circumference (mm) and Estimated Upper Arm Muscle Circumference (mm) e31
Appendix J: Frame Size by Elbow Breadth of Male and Female Adults in the United States e33
Appendix K e35