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Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology E-Book

Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology E-Book

Jerome F. Strauss | Robert L. Barbieri


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Book Details


Thoroughly revised and now enhanced with color artwork, the new edition of this premier reference continues to offer the latest information on the diagnosis and management of reproductive endocrine disorders. National and international leaders from the field of reproductive endocrinology—including 30 new authors—equip you with coverage that encompasses the full spectrum of reproductive pathophysiology and disorders, from pregnancy and birth to reproductive aging. Full-color illustrations and new drawings provide a real-life depiction of basic cell structures and endocrine responses for a better understanding of the material, while new chapters explore the issues shaping today’s practice.

  • Covers the full spectrum of reproductive pathophysiology and disorders, from pregnancy and birth to reproductive aging.
  • Includes the work of leaders in the field of reproductive endocrinology for guidance you can trust.
  • Offers new content on preservation of fertility, endocrine disturbances affecting reproduction, imaging technologies, and adolescent reproductive endocrinology that explore the issues shaping today’s practice.
  • Includes full-color illustrations and new drawings which provide a real-life depiction of anatomy and cell function and dysfunction for a greater understanding.
  • Provides a list of suggested readings at the end of each chapter for further reference.
  • Presents fresh insights into today’s field and future advances, as well as a greater international perspective.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Reproductive Endocrinology iii
Copyright Page iv
Remembrance v
Contributors vii
Preface xi
Contents xiii
PART I Endocrinology of Reproduction 1
CHAPTER 1 Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction 3
Historical Perspective 3
Neuroendocrine Anatomy3 5
GnRH–Gonadotropin Axis 11
Temporal Patterns of GnRH/LH Secretion 18
Feedback Regulation of GnRH and Gonadotropins 22
Metabolism, Stress, and Reproduction194 26
Sexual Differentiation of the Brain205 31
References 33
CHAPTER 2 The Gonadotropin Hormones and Their Receptors 35
Gonadotropins 35
Other Heterodimeric Glycoproteins Related to Gonadotropins 38
Gonadotropin Receptors 44
Suggested Readings 55
CHAPTER 3 Prolactin in Human Reproduction 57
Anatomy and Physiology 57
Neuroendocrine Regulation 60
Prolactin Action 63
Prolactinoma 68
Pregnancy in Women with Prolactinomas 76
Suggested Readings 78
CHAPTER 4 The Synthesis and Metabolism of Steroid Hormones 79
Steroid Hormone Structure and Nomenclature 79
Organization of Steroidogenic Organs and Cells 80
Acquisition, Storage, and ­Trafficking of Cholesterol 80
Overview of Steroidogenesis 82
Interesting Steroid Hormone Metabolic Pathways 97
Regulation of Expression of the Steroidogenic Machinery 98
Examples of Extraglandular ­Steroidogenesis 99
Secretion, Production, and ­Metabolic Clearance Rates of ­Steroid Hormones 100
Plasma Steroid Hormone–Binding Proteins 101
Inhibitors of Steroidogenic ­Enzymes 102
Suggested Readings 104
CHAPTER 5 Steroid Hormone Action 105
Steroid Hormone Receptors Act as Ligand-dependent Transcription Factors or Repressors 105
Evolution of Steroid Hormone ­Receptor Structure and Function 105
Activation and Repression of Gene Expression 109
General Factors That Influence Steroid Hormone Action 113
Nongenomic Actions of Steroids 118
Summary 120
Suggested Readings 120
CHAPTER 6 Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators in Reproductive Medicine 121
Biosynthesis of Eicosanoids 121
Pharmacology of Eicosanoids 126
Eicosanoids and Reproduction 129
Summary 137
Suggested Readings 137
CHAPTER 7 Neuroendocrine Control of the Menstrual Cycle 139
The Reproductive Axis 139
Neuroendocrine Components of the Reproductive Axis 139
Differential Control of LH and FSH Secretion 142
The Normal Menstrual Cycle 145
Suggested Readings 154
CHAPTER 8 The Ovarian Life Cycle 155
Germ Cells and Ovarian Morphogenesis 155
The Follicle and Its Surroundings 160
The Gonadotropins and Ovarian Function 178
Endocrine Activity of the Ovary in Reproductive Life 180
Endocrine Disruptors and Ovarian Function 186
Ovarian Aging 187
Suggested Readings 189
CHAPTER 9 The Structure, Function, and Evaluation of the Female Reproductive Tract 191
Structure and Morphology 191
Steroid Hormone Regulation of Female Reproductive Tract Growth and Differentiation 193
The Adult Female Reproductive Tract and Dynamic Changes During the Menstrual Cycle 198
Immunology of the Reproductive Tract 211
Uterine Receptivity and Embryo Implantation 213
Major Uterine Secretory Products 215
The Role of Growth Factors, Cytokines, and Gonadotropins in Establishing a Receptive State 218
Early Implantation Events in the Human 223
Biochemical Evaluation of the Endometrium 225
Clinical Evaluation of the Endometrium 228
Endometrial Neoplasia 231
Suggested Readings 233
References 233
CHAPTER 10 The Breast 235
Development of the Breast 235
Lactation, Prolactin, and Oxytocin 236
Benign Breast Disease 239
Breast Cancer: An Endocrine ­Disease 239
Breast Cancer Treatment 243
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Survivors of Breast Cancer 248
Pregnancy in Survivors of Breast Cancer 248
Suggested Readings 248
CHAPTER 11 The Endocrinology of Human Pregnancy and Fetoplacental Neuroendocrine Development 249
Establishment of Pregnancy 249
The Endocrine Placenta 253
Development of the Fetal ­Neuroendocrine System 265
Fetal Maturation and Timing of Parturition 272
Suggested Reading 281
CHAPTER 12 The Hypothalamo-Pituitary Unit, Testes, and Male Accessory Organs 283
Physiology of the Male Gonadal Axis 283
Sex-Steroid Receptors 289
The Testes 292
Spermatogenesis 295
Sertoli Cells 296
Regulation of Male Fertility 297
Decremental Changes in GnRH-LH-Te Axis in Aging 297
Suggested Reading 298
CHAPTER 13 Reproductive Immunology and Its Disorders 299
Basic Immune Principles 299
Reproduction and Immunology: The Fetal Allograft 307
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment of Immune- Associated Reproductive Disorders 309
Conclusion 322
Suggested Readings 323
CHAPTER 14 Menopause and Aging 325
Epidemiology 325
Premature Ovarian Failure 326
The Menopausal Transition (­Perimenopause) 327
Hormonal Changes with ­Established Menopause 329
The Decision to Use Estrogen 349
Colon Cancer and Other Changes 352
Androgen Therapy 352
Alternative Therapies for Menopause 353
Aging 354
Suggested Readings 355
CHAPTER 15 Male Reproductive Aging 357
Changes in Male Reproductive Function with Age 357
Attempts to Reverse the Consequences of Aging by Testosterone Treatment 361
Suggested Readings 363
PART II Pathophysiology and Therapy 365
CHAPTER 16 Disorders of Sex Development 367
Introduction to Human Sex Development 367
46,XY Disorders of Sex Development 374
General Management of Patients with Disorders of Sex Development 387
Suggested Readings 393
CHAPTER 17 Puberty: Gonadarche and Adrenarche 395
Introduction 395
Stages of Pubertal Development, Secular Trends, and Racial and Ethnic Differences 395
Physiology of Puberty 398
Disorders of Early Puberty 407
Approach to the Child with Precocious Pubertal Development 416
Disorders of Delayed Puberty 417
Approach to the Child with Delayed Puberty 428
Psychosocial Considerations for Precocious and Delayed Puberty 430
Conclusion 431
Suggested Readings 431
CHAPTER 18 Nutrition and the Pubertal Transition 433
The Normal Pubertal Process 434
How Does Fat Signal the HPO Axis? 436
Other Potential Molecules That Communicate Metabolic Signals to the HPO Axis 436
The Role of Body Weight as a Modifier of Puberty 437
Young Adult and Adult Associations 438
Conclusions 439
Suggested Readings 439
CHAPTER 19 Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Alterations of the Neuroendocrine Components of the Reproductive Axis 441
Hypothalamic Dysfunction 442
Pituitary Dysfunction 474
Suggested Readings 488
CHAPTER 20 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hyperandrogenic States 489
Epidemiology 489
Clinical Description 490
Clinical Evolution of PCOS 494
Altered Physiology 497
Pathophysiologic Concept 508
Long-Term Consequences 510
Differential Diagnosis 512
Evaluation 513
Treatment 514
Suggested Readings 515
CHAPTER 21 Female Infertility 517
A Statistical Model of Infertility 517
Diseases Associated with Infertility 518
The Initial Infertility Evaluation 520
Abnormalities in Oocyte Production 520
Hyperprolactinemia 532
Anatomic Factors in the Female 535
Immunologic Factors and Recurrent Abortion 539
Genetic Causes of Infertility 539
Unexplained Infertility 539
Empirical Treatment 540
Environmental Exposures Associated with Infertility 543
Adoption 545
Psychosocial Aspects of Infertility 545
Social and Ethical Issues 545
CHAPTER 22 Male Infertility 547
The Male History and Physical Examination 547
Treatment of Male Infertility 553
Conclusions 558
Suggested Readings 559
CHAPTER 23 Endocrine Disturbances Affecting Reproduction 561
Pituitary Disorders 561
Adrenal Disorders 567
Thyroid Disorders 570
Suggested Readings 575
CHAPTER 24 Endometriosis 577
History and Histogenesis 577
Epidemiology 578
Genomics, Genetics, and Epigenetics 579
Clinical Presentation 581
Pathogenesis 585
Treatment 590
Summary 595
Suggested Readings 595
CHAPTER 25 Benign Uterine Disorders 597
Uterine Leiomyomata 598
Adenomyosis 608
Endometrial Polyps 609
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 610
Intrauterine Adhesions 611
Dysmenorrhea 611
Suggested Readings 612
CHAPTER 26 Endocrine Diseases of Pregnancy 615
Diabetes Mellitus 615
Gestational Diabetes 620
Pregnancy in Women with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 624
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Diseases 627
Pituitary Tumors in Pregnancy 629
Pituitary Insufficiency 631
Disorders of Thyroid Function 633
Disorders of Calcium Metabolism 640
Adrenal Diseases 641
Ovarian Endocrine Tumors 645
Preeclampsia 646
Parturition 651
Suggested Readings 657
CHAPTER 27 Breast Cancer 659
Etiology 659
Decreasing Breast Cancer Incidence in the United States 664
Prevention of Breast Cancer 666
Treatment of Established Breast Cancers 668
Long-Term Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors 683
Breast Cancer in Men 683
Endometrial Cancer 684
Suggested Readings 685
PART III Reproductive 687
CHAPTER 28 Medical Approaches to Ovarian Stimulation for Infertility 689
Introduction 689
Induction of Ovulationin AnovulatoryWomen 696
Ovarian stimulation in theEmpirical Treatment of Unexplained Infertility 707
Ovarian stimulationfor in vitro Fertilization 709
Toward Individualized Treatment Algorithms 719
Health Economics of Ovarian Stimulation 722
Conclusions and Future Perspective 723
Suggested Reading 724
CHAPTER 29 Assisted Reproduction 725
The Gametes 725
Fertilization 728
The Early Conceptus and Implantation 729
Assisted Reproductive Technologies 730
Environmental Exposures and Life Style Factors in Assisted Rerpoductive Techniques 755
Nuclear Cloning and Stem Cells 756
Suggested Readings 756
CHAPTER 30 Gamete and Embryo Manipulation 759
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection 760
Assisted Hatching 767
Embryo Biopsy 769
Suggested Reading 775
CHAPTER 31 Cytogenetics in Reproduction 777
Organization of Human Chromosomes and Methods of Study 777
Chromosome Aberrations and Reproduction 782
Constitutional Chromosome Anomalies Affecting Reproduction 789
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis 797
Suggested Readings 798
CHAPTER 32 Evaluation of Hormonal Status 801
Principles of Hormonal Assays 801
Measurement of Gonadotropins 804
Measurement of Prolactin 806
Measurement of Estradiol and Other Estrogens 807
Measurement of Progesterone 807
Measurement of Androgens 807
Measurement of Inhibins 811
Measurement of Anti-Müllerian Hormone and Assessment of Ovarian Reserve 812
Measurement of βhCG 812
Measurement and Blood Levels of Insulin 812
Measurement of Adipose Hormones 814
Measurement of Growth Hormone and Growth Factors 815
Measurement of Calcium-Regulating Hormones and Bone Markers 816
Measurement and Blood Levels of Thyroid Hormones 817
Evaluation of Glucocorticoids and Adrenal Function 818
Diagnostic Procedure in Suspected Pituitary Tumors 820
Pelvic Evaluation 822
Suggested Readings 823
CHAPTER 33 Pelvic Imaging in Reproductive Endocrinology 825
Introduction 825
Functional Imaging of the Uterus 827
Contrast Imaging of the Fallopian Tubes 863
Endometriosis 867
Conclusions 870
Suggested Readings 870
CHAPTER 34 Contraception 873
Contraceptive Use in the United States 873
Contraceptive Effectiveness and Efficacy 873
Spermicides and Barrier Methods 874
Microbicides 874
Barrier Techniques 876
Intrauterine Contraception 889
Noncontraceptive Benefits of Hormonal Contraception 890
Contraception in Women of Special Subpopulations 891
Suggested Readings 892
Index 893