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LIC - Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites

LIC - Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites

Michele Walters | Richard L. Robertson


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Book Details


Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites focuses on new and emerging trends in pediatric imaging, with expanded content in all core clinical areas. The authors are prominent pediatric radiologists with extensive clinical experience in each of the subspecialty areas covered. Ideal for all radiology residents and practitioners, including specialists and any general radiologist who images children, this book also features coverage of the increasingly important aspects of communication and interpersonal relations with the patient, family, and members of the entire healthcare team.

  • Provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of the core material fundamental to this subspecialty.
  • Presents material in a logical anatomic sequence, organized by organ system.
  • Features a multi-modality approach, providing the most common imaging techniques tailored to each organ system.
  • Includes tables, boxes, pearls, key concepts, and differential diagnosis throughout the text to make key material accessible and easy to reference.
  • Features expanded coverage of new and emerging imaging trends, including state of the art imaging techniques, dose optimization, the roles of the child life specialist and anesthesiologist in pediatric imaging, and the importance of effective communication in pediatric imaging.
  • Focuses on team-based patient care with coverage of the increasingly important aspect of interpersonal relations with the patient, family, and members of the healthcare team.
  • Crucial differences between pediatric and adult imaging are emphasized within each major organ system.
  • Highlights key concepts of pediatric imaging, with special attention paid to dose optimization and the ALARA principle.
  • Includes the newest imaging safety standards surrounding children, focusing on safe radiation dosing and optimization of imaging via lower radiation doses.
  • Provides updated imaging approaches and illustrations of newer techniques applied in common pediatric conditions.
  • 1,120 images clarify basic principles and offer expert image interpretation guidance.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
IFC_Expert Consult page IFC2
Half title page i
The Requisites Series ii
Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vii
Foreword ix
Preface x
Acknowledgments xi
Table Of Contents xii
1 Introduction 1
Radiation Dose Optimization in Pediatric Imaging 1
Role of the Child Life Specialist and the Importance of Relationship Building in Pediatric Radiology 2
Role of Anesthesia and Sedation in Pediatric Imaging 3
Communicating With Patients and Parents in Pediatric Radiology 4
Suggested Readings 4
Web Sources 5
2 Chest Imaging 6
Imaging Techniques and Indications 6
Conventional Radiography 6
Ultrasound 6
Computed Tomography 6
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 6
Development of Airway and Lungs 7
Structural Development 7
Functional Development 7
Normal Anatomy and Variants 8
Pharynx 8
Larynx 9
Mediastinum 9
Lungs 11
Support Lines and Tubes in Intensive Care Patients 11
Upper Airway 14
Supraglottic Abnormalities 14
Laryngomalacia 14
Acute Epiglottitis 15
Glottic Abnormalities 15
Laryngeal Atresia 15
Subglottic Abnormalities 15
Congenital Subglottic Stenosis 15
Croup 16
Bacterial Tracheitis 17
Retropharyngeal Cellulitis/Abscess 18
Other Causes of Upper Airway Disease 18
Tonsillar Enlargement/Adenoidal Hypertrophy 18
Foreign Body 18
Neoplasms 20
Subglottic Hemangioma. 20
Laryngeal Papilloma. 20
Lower Airway 23
Tracheobronchomalacia 23
Tracheoesophageal Fistula 23
Asthma 24
Rings and Slings 25
Double Aortic Arch 26
Right Aortic Arch With Aberrant Left Subclavian Artery 26
Right Aortic Arch With Mirror Image Branching 27
Left Aortic Arch With Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery 27
Pulmonary Sling 27
Chest 28
Congenital 28
Bronchopulmonary Foregut Malformations 28
Bronchial Atresia. 29
Bronchogenic Cyst. 29
Congenital Lobar Hyperinflation. 29
Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation. 29
Sequestration. 30
Pulmonary Agenesis/Aplasia/Hypoplasia 31
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 33
Hypogenetic Lung or Congenital Venolobar Syndrome 34
Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation 34
Inflammatory 34
Infections 34
Bacterial Pneumonia. 34
Pertussis Pneumonia. 36
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae. 37
Mycobacterial Infection. 37
Viral Causative Agents. 37
Other Infections. 37
Swyer-James Syndrome. 39
Cystic Lung Disease 40
Cystic Fibrosis. 40
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. 40
Neoplasms/Mass-Like Lesions 40
Mediastinal Masses 40
Anterior 40
Disorders of the Thymus. 40
Lymphoma. 42
Germ Cell Tumors. 43
Middle. 45
Posterior. 46
Primary Lung Tumors 47
Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor. 47
Hamartoma. 47
Carcinoid Tumor. 48
Pleuropulmonary Blastoma. 48
Metastatic Lung Lesions 51
Unique Chest Problems in the Neonate 51
Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome 52
Retained Fetal Lung Fluid/Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn 56
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome 56
Neonatal Pneumonia 56
Persistent Fetal Circulation 57
Interstitial Lung Disease 57
Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis 57
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis 57
Vasculitis and Collagen Vascular Diseases 57
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis 58
Congenital Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia. 59
Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia of Infancy. 59
Suggested Readings 60
3 Cardiac Imaging 62
Congenital Heart Disease 62
Embryology 62
Identification of Cardiac Chambers and Great Vessels 62
Segmental Approach to Heart Disease 64
Heterotaxy 65
Physiologic Subgroups 66
Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease 68
Immediate Palliation 68
Permanent Palliation 68
Indications for Imaging by Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 69
Common Conditions 69
Left-to-Right Shunts 69
Ventricular Septal Defect 70
Atrial Septal Defect 70
Common Atrioventricular Canal 72
Patent Ductus Arteriosus 72
Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection 74
Intermixing States 75
Transposition of the Great Arteries 75
Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries 76
Persistent Truncus Arteriosus 77
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection 78
Right-Sided Obstructive Lesions 78
Tetralogy of Fallot 78
Tricuspid Atresia 81
Ebstein Anomaly 82
Left-Sided Obstructive Lesions 82
Coarctation of the Aorta 82
Congenital Aortic Stenosis 83
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 84
Shone Syndrome 85
Cor Triatriatum 86
Miscellaneous Conditions 86
Pericardial Absence and Pericardial Cysts 86
Kawasaki Disease 87
Rheumatic Heart Disease 87
Appendix 87
Cardiac Position 87
Visceral Situs and Atrial Situs 87
Classic Radiographic Signs in Congenital Heart Disease 88
“Named” Pediatric Cardiac Surgical Procedures 88
Aortopulmonary Shunts 88
Procedures for Transposition of the Great Arteries 89
Single-Ventricle Palliations 89
Differential Diagnoses 89
Suggested Readings 90
4 Gastrointestinal Imaging 91
Imaging Techniques 91
Conventional Radiography 91
Normal Bowel Gas Pattern 91
Abnormal Bowel Gas Patterns 91
Abdominal Masses 91
Pneumoperitoneum 91
Ascites 92
Calcifications 92
Fluoroscopy 92
Contrast Agents 92
Common Examinations 94
The Newborn 95
Intestinal Obstruction in the Newborn 95
Low Intestinal Obstruction 95
Hirschsprung Disease 96
Meconium Plug/Small Left Colon Syndrome 96
Colonic Atresia 97
Meconium Ileus 97
Ileal Atresia 98
Anorectal Malformation 98
High Intestinal Obstruction 99
Obstruction of the Stomach 99
Duodenal Obstruction 99
Malrotation 100
Jejunal or Proximal Ileal Obstruction 101
Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula 102
Omphalocele and Gastroschisis 104
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 104
The Infant and Young Child 107
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 107
Intussusception 108
Esophageal Foreign Bodies 112
Gastric Volvulus 113
Gastrointestinal Duplication and Meckel Diverticulum 113
Gastroesophageal Reflux and Hiatal Hernia 114
The Older Child 115
Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome 115
Appendicitis 116
Suggested Readings 117
5 Hepatobiliary, Pancreas, and Spleen Imaging 118
Liver and Biliary Tree 118
Anatomy and Embryology 118
Developmental Anomalies 118
Biliary Atresia 118
Choledochal Cyst 119
Caroli Disease 119
Acquired Conditions 121
Cholelithiasis and Choledocholithiasis 121
Biliary Sludge 122
Cholecystitis 122
Hydrops of the Gallbladder 123
Cholangitis 123
Hepatic Parenchymal Disorders 123
Hepatic Infections 123
Viral Hepatitis. 123
Pyogenic Abscess. 124
Fungal Infection. 124
Parasitic Infections. 125
Hepatic Steatosis 126
Metabolic Diseases 126
Hemochromatosis/Iron Deposition. 126
Tyrosinemia Type I. 126
Glycogen Storage Disease. 126
Hepatic Neoplasms 126
Benign Lesions 126
Hemangioma. 126
Mesenchymal Hamartoma. 127
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia. 128
Malignant Lesions 128
Hepatoblastoma. 128
Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 128
Rhabdomyosarcoma. 129
Metastatic Lesions. 130
Pancreas 130
Anatomy and Embryology 130
Normal Pancreas 130
Developmental Anomalies 131
Congenital Short Pancreas 131
Pancreas Divisum 131
Annular Pancreas 131
Systemic Disease With Pancreatic Involvement 132
Cystic Fibrosis 132
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome 132
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome 132
Pancreatic Cysts 132
Acquired Conditions 132
Acute Pancreatitis 132
Complications of Acute Pancreatitis 133
Chronic Pancreatitis 133
Pancreatic Tumors 133
Exocrine Tumors. 133
Endocrine Tumors. 134
Cystic Tumors. 135
Spleen 135
Anatomy and Embryology 135
Developmental Anomalies 135
Acquired Conditions 136
Splenomegaly 136
Small Spleen 136
Infection or Abscess 136
Neoplasms 136
Splenic Cysts 137
Trauma 137
General Considerations 137
Spleen Injury 137
Liver Injury 138
Pancreas Injury 139
Bowel and Mesentery 139
Hypoperfusion Complex 139
Suggested Readings 140
6 Genitourinary Imaging 141
Imaging Techniques 141
Ultrasound 141
Fluoroscopy 141
Voiding Cystourethrography 141
Retrograde Urethrogram 141
Genitogram 142
Nuclear Medicine 142
Radionuclide Cystogram 142
Cortical Scintigraphy 143
Diuretic Renography 143
Computed Tomography 144
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 144
Radiography 145
Normal Genitourinary System in Children 146
Kidneys 146
Ureters 148
Bladder 148
Urethra 148
Congenital Anomalies of the Kidneys and Ureters 149
Embryology 149
Renal Anomalies 149
Abnormalities of Development, Ascent, and Fusion 149
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney 149
Abnormalities of the Ureters 149
Ureteropelvic Junction and Ureterovesical Junction Obstruction 149
Vesicoureteral Reflux 151
Duplicated Collecting Systems 151
Congenital Anomalies of the Bladder and Urethra 154
Embryology 154
Congenital Anomalies of the Bladder 154
Urachal Anomalies 154
Neurogenic Bladder 155
Bladder Diverticula 155
Abnormalities of the Urethra 155
Posterior Urethral Valves 155
Other Congenital Anomalies of the Genitourinary System 156
Hypospadias 156
Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex 156
Prune Belly Syndrome 157
Acquired Abnormalities of the Genitourinary System 157
Infections of the Genitourinary System 157
Pyelonephritis 157
Pyonephrosis 158
Urethral Strictures 158
Abnormalities of Calcium Deposition 158
Nephrocalcinosis 158
Nephrolithiasis 158
Bladder Stones 159
Masses of the Genitourinary System 159
Unilateral Renal Masses 160
Mesoblastic Nephroma 160
Wilms Tumor 160
Multilocular Cystic Renal Tumor 162
Renal Cell Carcinoma 163
Angiomyolipoma 163
Renal Medullary Carcinoma 163
Infection 163
Other Renal Neoplasms 163
Bilateral Renal Masses 164
Nephroblastomatosis 164
Lymphoma 165
Leukemia 165
Pelvic Masses 165
Bladder Masses 165
Renal Cysts 165
Solitary Cysts 165
Polycystic Kidney Disease 166
Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease 166
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease 167
Vascular Abnormalities of the Kidneys 167
Renal Artery Stenosis 167
Renal Vein Thrombosis 168
Genitourinary Trauma 168
Renal Trauma 168
Bladder Trauma 169
Urethral Trauma 170
Scrotal Trauma 170
The Adrenal Gland 170
Morphologic Abnormalities 171
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 171
Masses and Pseudomasses 171
Adrenal Hemorrhage 172
Neuroblastoma 172
Male and Female Genital Tracts 174
Embryology 174
Male Genital Tract 174
Normal Anatomy of the Testis 174
Cryptorchidism 175
Acute Scrotal Pain 176
Testicular Torsion. 176
Torsion of the Appendix Testis/Epididymis. 177
Epididymitis/Orchitis. 177
Enlargement of the Scrotum/Testis 179
Hernia. 179
Hydrocele. 179
Varicocele. 180
Benign Testicular Masses 181
Epidermoid. 181
Adrenal Rests. 181
Microlithiasis. 181
Malignant Testicular and Paratesticular Masses 181
Rhabdomyosarcoma. 181
Primary Testicular Neoplasms. 182
Female Genital Tract 182
Normal Anatomy of Uterus and Ovaries 182
Anomalies of the Female Genital Tract 182
Ambiguous Genitalia 184
Ovarian Masses 184
Ovarian Cysts. 185
Primary Ovarian Neoplasms. 187
Ovarian Torsion 187
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 187
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 189
Rhabdomyosarcoma 190
Acknowledgments 190
Suggested Readings 190
7 Musculoskeletal Imaging 191
Imaging Techniques 191
Radiography 191
Ultrasound 191
Computed Tomography 191
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 192
Nuclear Imaging 193
Anatomy 194
Normal Variants 194
Physiologic Subperiosteal New Bone Formation 194
Physiologic Sclerosis 194
Growth Recovery Lines 195
Epiphyseal Variants 195
Metaphyseal Variants 196
Apophyseal Variants 196
Irregular Ossification 197
Sesamoid Bones 198
Accessory Ossicles 199
Upper Extremity 199
Lower Extremity 199
Pelvis 200
Constitutional Disorders of Bone 200
Skeletal Dysplasias 200
Symmetric Short Stature 203
Short-Limb Dwarfism 203
Rhizomelic Shortening. 203
Mesomelic/Acromelic Shortening. 203
Short-Trunk Dwarfism 205
Achondrogenesis/Hypochondrogenesis. 205
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasias. 205
Dysostosis Multiplex. 206
Proportionate Short Stature. 206
Asymmetric Short Stature 206
Chromosomal Disorders 206
Focal Congenital Anomalies of Bone 206
Sclerosing Bone Dysplasias/Disorders of Increased Bone Density 209
Systemic Skeletal Disorders 211
Metabolic Disorders 211
Rickets 211
Hyperparathyroidism 212
Renal Osteodystrophy 212
Hypothyroidism 212
Hypervitaminosis A 213
Scurvy 214
Lead Poisoning 214
Anemias and Coagulopathies 215
Sickle Cell Disease 215
Thalassemia 215
Hemophilia 216
Neurofibromatosis 216
Hip Disorders 217
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 217
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease 218
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis 220
Infection 220
Acute Osteomyelitis 220
Subacute and Chronic Osteomyelitis 221
Septic Arthritis 222
Lyme Arthritis 224
Transient Synovitis 224
Arthritis/Inflammatory Disorders 224
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 224
Chronic Nonbacterial Osteomyelitis 225
Juvenile Dermatomyositis 225
Benign Musculoskeletal Tumors 227
Fibrous Bone Tumors 227
Fibrous Cortical Defect/Nonossifying Fibroma 227
Fibrous Dysplasia 227
Osteofibrous Dysplasia 228
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis 229
Cartilaginous Bone Tumors 230
Osteochondroma/Exostosis 230
Enchondroma 230
Chondroblastoma 231
Osseous Tumors 232
Osteoid Osteoma/Osteoblastoma 232
Cystic Bone Tumors 234
Unicameral Bone Cyst 234
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 235
Giant Cell Tumor/Osteoclastoma 235
Synovial Metaplasia 235
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis 235
Synovial Chondromatosis/Osteochondromatosis 236
Malignant Musculoskeletal Tumors 237
Bone Tumors 237
Osteosarcoma 237
Ewing Sarcoma 238
Leukemia 240
Lymphoma 241
Metastatic Disease 241
Soft Tissue Tumors 241
Rhabdomyosarcoma 241
Synovial Sarcoma 241
Trauma 242
Upper Extremity 244
Clavicle 244
Humerus 244
Elbow 244
Forearm/Wrist 248
Hand 250
Pelvis/Hips 250
Lower Extremity 251
Femur/Knee 251
Lower Leg/Ankle 255
Foot 257
Child Abuse 258
Suggested Readings 259
8 Brain Imaging 260
Imaging the Pediatric Brain 260
Radiography 260
Ultrasound 260
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 260
Computed Tomography 261
Positron Emission Tomography 262
Congenital Malformations of Brain Development 262
Malformations of Cortical Development 262
Disorders of Neuronal Proliferation 262
Microlissencephaly. 262
Hemimegalencephaly. 262
Focal Cortical Dysplasias. 262
Disorders of Neuronal Migration 263
Lissencephaly. 263
Gray Matter Heterotopia. 264
Disorders of Neuronal Organization 264
Polymicrogyria. 264
Schizencephaly. 265
Abnormalities of Ventral Induction 265
Holoprosencephaly 265
Septooptic Dysplasia 266
Anomalies of Corpus Callosum 267
Hindbrain Anomalies 268
Malformation of the Cerebellar Vermis 269
Joubert syndrome. 269
Rhombencephalosynapsis. 269
Dandy-Walker spectrum. 270
Abnormalities of Dorsal Induction 270
Chiari Malformations 270
Chiari I Malformation. 270
Chiari II Malformation. 271
Anencephaly and Cephalocele 272
Anencephaly. 272
Cephalocele. 272
Hydranencephaly 274
Craniosynostosis. 274
Neurocutaneous Syndromes 277
Neurofibromatosis 278
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 278
Neurofibromatosis Type 2 279
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 281
Sturge-Weber Syndrome 283
Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome 283
Ataxia-Telangiectasia 284
Hydrocephalus 284
Cerebrospinal Fluid Production and Circulation 285
Causes of Hydrocephalus 285
Imaging of Hydrocephalus 285
Treatment of Hydrocephalus 286
Extraaxial Fluid Collections in Infancy 287
Inflammatory 289
Bacterial Infections 289
Meningitis 289
Cerebritis and Abscess 289
Tuberculosis Infections 291
Viral Infections 291
Central Nervous System Neoplasms 294
Supratentorial Tumors 294
Astrocytoma 294
Supratentorial Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor 295
Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor 295
Ganglioglioma 296
Choroid Plexus Tumors 296
Pineal Region Tumors 296
Sellar and Parasellar Tumors 297
Craniopharyngioma 297
Rathke Cleft Cyst 298
Chiasmatic/Optic Pathway/Hypothalamic Gliomas 298
Germinoma. 299
Hypothalamic Hamartoma 299
Pituitary Adenoma 300
Posterior Fossa Tumors 300
Medulloblastoma 300
Cerebellar Astrocytoma 300
Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor 300
Ependymoma 300
Brainstem Glioma 302
Vascular Disease 304
Stroke 304
Fetal and Neonatal Stroke 304
Childhood Stroke 304
Moyamoya Vasculopathy 305
Sickle Cell Disease 305
Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy 306
White Matter Injury of Prematurity/Periventricular Leukomalacia 307
Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage 308
Vascular Anomalies 309
High-Flow Vascular Anomalies 309
Low-Flow Vascular Anomalies 311
Aneurysms 312
Trauma and Nonaccidental Injuries 312
Skull Fractures 312
Cerebral Injury 312
Contusion 312
Diffuse Axonal Injury, Diffuse Cerebral Edema, and Hypoperfusion Injuries 314
Subdural Hematoma 314
Epidural Hematoma 316
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 316
Abusive Head Trauma 316
Metabolic Brain Disorders 317
Disorders That Primarily Affect White Matter (Leukodystrophies) 317
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy 317
Krabbe Disease 317
Classic X-Linked Adrenal Leukodystrophy 318
Maple Syrup Urine Disease 318
Disorders That Primarily Involve Gray Matter 319
Pantothenate Kinase–Associated Neuropathy 319
Disorders That Affect Both Gray and White Matter 319
Canavan Disease 319
Alexander Disease 320
Mucopolysaccharidoses 320
Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy With Lactic Acidosis and Stroke 320
Zellweger Syndrome 322
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease 322
Miscellaneous 323
Mesial Temporal Sclerosis 323
Suggested Readings 324
9 Spine Imaging 325
Imaging Techniques 325
Plain Films 325
Ultrasound 325
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 325
Computed Tomography 326
Radionuclide Imaging 326
Embryology and Normal Development 326
Developmental Abnormalities 327
Disorders of Primary Neurulation 327
Open (Non–Skin–Covered) Spinal Dysraphism 327
Myelomeningocele and Myelocele. 327
Hemimyelomeningocele and Hemimyelocele. 327
Closed (Skin-Covered) Spinal Dysraphism 327
Lipomyelomeningocele and Lipomyelocele. 327
Dorsal Dermal Sinus 327
Disorders of Secondary Neurulation 328
Fibrolipoma of the Filum Terminale 328
Tight Filum Terminale 328
Caudal Regression Syndrome 328
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma 328
Anomalies of Notochordal Development 329
Diastematomyelia 329
Neurenteric Fistula 330
Segmentation and Formation Anomalies of the Spinal Column 330
Other Developmental Abnormalities 330
Myelocystocele 330
Meningocele 330
Spondylodysplasias 331
Idiopathic Scoliosis 331
Congenital Scoliosis and Kyphosis 333
Scheuermann Disease 334
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 334
Achondroplasia 334
Mucopolysaccharidosis 334
Down Syndrome 334
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia 335
Craniocervical Junction Anomalies 335
Basiocciput Hypoplasia 336
Occipitalization of the Atlas 336
Klippel-Feil Syndrome and Segmentation Anomalies 336
Odontoid Anomalies 336
Craniocervical Junction Instability 336
Spinal Vascular Anomalies 338
Trauma 339
Spine Fractures 339
Cervical Spine 339
Thoracic and Lumbar Spine 339
Spine Ligamentous Injury 340
Spinal Cord Injury 341
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis 342
Lumbar Disk Herniation 342
Infection 342
Infectious Diskitis, Spondylitis, or Spondylodiskitis 343
Epidural Abscess 344
Meningitis 344
Arachnoiditis 344
Myelitis or Infectious Myelopathy 345
Inflammation 345
Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis 345
Multiple Sclerosis 345
Neuromyelitis Optica 346
Guillain Barre Syndrome 347
Tumors 347
Extradural 347
Benign Tumors of Mesenchymal Origin 347
Malignant Tumors of Mesenchymal Origin 348
Other “Malignant” Tumors of Mesenchymal Origin 350
Tumors of Neural Crest Origin 350
Intradural and Extramedullary 350
Intramedullary 351
Suggested Readings 352
10 Head and Neck Imaging 353
Imaging Technques and Modalities 353
Conventional Radiography 353
Fluoroscopy 353
Ultrasonography 353
Computed Tomography 353
Radionuclide Imaging 354
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 354
Angiography 354
Congenital and Developmental Abnormalities 354
Orbit and Globe 354
Normal Development and Anatomy 354
Congenital and Developmental Abnormalities of the Globe 354
Anophthalmos and Microphthalmos. 354
Macrophthalmos. 354
Staphyloma. 355
Coloboma. 355
Morning Glory Disc Anomaly. 355
Malformations of the Orbit 356
Hypertelorism and Hypotelorism. 356
Abnormalities of Orbital Size. 356
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. 356
Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous. 356
Coats Disease. 356
Retinopathy of Prematurity. 357
Ocular and Orbital Abnormalities Associated With Craniofacial and Central Nervous System Malformations 357
Developmental Masses and Anomalies 358
Dermoid and Epidermoid. 358
Nasolacrimal Duct Cyst. 358
Lacrimal Gland Anomalies. 358
Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses, Face, and Mandible 358
Normal Development and Anatomy 358
Developmental Sinonasal Variants 359
Congenital Nasal Malformation 359
Congenital Nasal Masses 360
Fissural Cysts 361
Facial and Mandibular Anomalies 361
Cleft Lip and Palate. 361
Craniofacial Syndromes. 362
Ear and Temporal Bone 363
Normal Development and Anatomy 363
Developmental Variants 363
Congenital External and Middle Ear Malformations 363
Inner Ear Malformations 365
Vestibular Aqueduct Malformation 365
Cochlear Malformations 365
Vestibular and Semicircular Canal Malformations 365
Internal Auditory Canal Malformations 365
Perilymph Fistula 365
Genetic or Syndromic Inner Ear Anomalies. 365
Vascular Variants 366
Neck and Oral Cavity 367
Normal Development and Anatomy 367
Tornwaldt Cyst 367
Branchial Apparatus Anomalies 367
Thyroid Anomalies 368
Laryngocele 368
Anomalies of the Oral Cavity, Tongue, and Salivary Glands 368
Vascular Anomalies 369
Trauma 371
Orbit and Globe 371
Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses, and Face 374
Ear and Temporal Bone 374
Oral Cavity and Neck 375
Infection and Inflammatory Processes 376
Orbit and Globe 376
Suppurative Infection 376
Idiopathic Orbital Inflammatory Syndrome (Pseudotumor) 378
Other Inflammatory Processes 378
Ocular and Optic Inflammatory Processes 378
Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses, and Face 378
Acute Sinusitis 378
Subacute and Chronic Sinonasal Infection 379
Fungal Sinus Disease 380
Ear and Temporal Bone 381
Acute Infection 381
Chronic Otitis Media 384
Acquired Cholesteatoma 385
Cholesterol Granuloma 386
Mastoidectomy 386
Neck, Oral Cavity, and Jaw 387
Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy, Inflammation, and Peritonsillar Abscess 387
Retropharyngeal Inflammation and Abscess 388
Lymphadenitis and Abscess 388
Soft Tissue Inflammation, Cellulitis, and Necrotizing Fasciitis 388
Thyroid Inflammation 389
Salivary Gland Inflammation 389
Osteomyelitis 390
Neoplasms and Tumor-Like Conditions 390
Infantile Hemangioma 390
Teratoma 391
Lipoma 391
Pilomatrixoma (Calcifying Epithelioma of Malherbe) 392
Nerve Sheath Tumors 392
Fibrous Tumor-Like Conditions and Fibroblastic Tumors 393
Fibroosseous, Chondroid, and Osseous Tumors and Tumorlike Conditions 394
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and Other Histiocytoses 395
Rhabdomyosarcoma 395
Other Sarcomas, Neuroepithelial, and Neurogenic Tumors 397
Lymphoma 397
Leukemia 398
Carcinoma 398
Metastatic Disease 399
Orbit and Globe 399
Optic Pathway Glioma 399
Retinoblastoma 400
Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses, and Face 401
Juvenile Angiofibroma 401
Esthesioneuroblastoma 401
Temporal Bone 402
Schwannoma 402
Oral Cavity and Neck 402
Thyroid Tumors 402
Salivary Gland Tumors 403
Cysts and Odontogenic Lesions of the Jaw 403
Miscellaneous 404
Suggested Readings 404
Index 405
A 405
B 405
C 406
D 408
E 409
F 409
G 410
H 410
I 411
J 412
K 412
L 412
M 413
N 414
O 415
P 415
R 416
S 417
T 418
U 419
V 419
W 420
X 420
Y 420
Z 420
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