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Non-Interpretive Skills for Radiology: Case Review E-Book

Non-Interpretive Skills for Radiology: Case Review E-Book

David M. Yousem


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Book Details


The only review book of its kind, David M. Yousem’s Non-Interpretive Skills prepares you for exam questions on every aspect of radiology that does not involve reading and interpreting images: communication, quality and safety, ethics, leadership, data management, business principles, analytics, statistics, and more. Ideal for residents and practitioners alike, this unique study tool contains hundreds of questions, answers, and rationales that cover the entire range of NIS content on the credentialing boards and MOC exams. Your exam preparation isn’t complete without it!

  • Exclusive test preparation on every NIS area, including business, ethics, safety, quality improvement, resuscitation techniques, and medications used by radiologists.
  • 600 multiple-choice questions with answers and rationales provide a practical and solid foundation for exams and clinical practice.
  • Author David M. Yousem, MD, MBA and his colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Department of Radiology share years of expertise in radiology education, quality assurance, and business topics.
  • A single, easy-to-use source for thorough review of the NIS topics you’ll encounter on exams and in your radiology practice.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
IFC_Expert Consult pin page IFC1
Half title page i
Series Page ii
Non-Interpretive Skills for Radiology: Case Review Series iii
Copyright Page iv
Contributors v
Dedication vii
Contributor Dedications ix
Preface xi
Table Of Contents xiii
1 Best Practices 1
Questions 1
Answers 2
2 Communication Considerations 19
Questions 19
Answers 20
3 Core Competencies 33
Questions 33
Answers 34
4 Error Reporting and Management 49
Questions 49
Answers 50
5 Errors and Bias in Radiology 63
Questions 63
Answers 64
6 General Patient Safety Issues 71
Questions 71
Answers 72
7 Medicare Policies and Proposals 81
Questions 81
Answers 82
8 Medications and Contrast Agents in Radiology 91
Questions 91
Answers 92
9 Medicolegal Considerations 103
Questions 103
Answers 104
10 Patient Treatment 117
Questions 117
Answers 118
11 Quality and Safety Programs 131
Questions 131
Answers 132
12 Quality Improvement Tools and Concepts 143
Questions 143
Answers 144
13 Radiation Safety 155
Questions 155
Answers 156
14 Radiology Specialty Initiatives 169
Questions 169
Answers 170
15 Statistical Tools 179
Questions 179
Answers 180
Index 197
A 197
B 198
C 198
D 199
E 199
F 200
G 200
H 200
I 201
J 201
K 201
L 201
M 201
N 202
O 202
P 203
Q 203
R 203
S 204
T 205
U 205
V 205
W 205
X 205
IBC_Clinical Key Ad IBC1