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Political Violence in Context

Political Violence in Context

Lorenzo Bosi | Niall Ó Dochartaigh | Daniela Pisoiu


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Context is crucial to understanding the causes of political violence and the form it takes. This book examines how time, space and supportive milieux decisively shape the pattern and pace of such violence. While much of the work in this field focuses on individual psychology or radical ideology, Bosi, Ó Dochartaigh, Pisoiu and others take a fresh, innovative look at the importance of context in generating mobilisation and shaping patterns of violence. The cases dealt with range widely across space and time, from Asia, Africa and Europe to the Americas, and from the Irish rebellion of 1916 through the Marxist insurgency of Sendero Luminoso to the ‘Invisible Commando’ of Côte d’Ivoire. They encompass a wide range of types of violence, from separatist guerrillas through Marxist insurgents and Islamist militants to nationalist insurrectionists and the distinctive forms of urban violence that have emerged at the boundary between crime and politics. Chapters offer new theoretical perspectives on the decisive importance of the spatial and temporal contexts, and supportive milieux, in which parties to conflict are embedded, and from which they draw strength. 'Time, space and milieux have for too long been silences in the research on social movements. This most welcome collection helps fill the gap through theoretical reflections and empirical evidence, and it contextualizes political violence, recognising the importance of contingency and agency within a relational approach.' Donatella della Porta, European University Institute 'This is an excellent volume which shows why, when and how social contexts shape the dynamics of violence. Combining theoretical insights with meticulous and wide ranging empirical studies from all over the world, this book makes a powerful case for the centrality of relational analysis in the study of violent conflicts.' Siniša Malešević, University College Dublin

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Political Violence in Context i
Table of Contents v
List of Figures and Tables vii
Contributors ix
Acknowledgements xiii
Chapter One Contextualising Political Violence Lorenzo Bosi, Niall Ó Dochartaigh and Daniela Pisoiu 1
Chapter Two Political Violence in Time Lorenzo Bosi 15
Chapter Three What’s so Transformative about Transformative Events? Violence and Temporality in Ireland’s 1916 Rising Donagh Davis 23
Chapter Four Multiple Temporalities in Violent Conflicts: Northern Ireland, the Basque Country and Macedonia1 Joseph Ruane and Jennifer Todd 43
Chapter Five Temporal Factors in Prosecutions for Political Violence: The New Left in Japan and the United States Patricia Steinhoff and Gilda Zwerman 67
Chapter Six Remembering Violence: Four Cases of Contentious Memory in the Italian and Spanish Student Movements of the 1960s and 1970s Lorenzo Zamponi 89
Chapter Seven Spatial Contexts for Political Violence Niall Ó Dochartaigh 115
Chapter Eight Fighting the War on Two Fronts: Shining Path and the Peruvian Civil War, 1980–95 Luis De la Calle 125
Chapter Nine The Effects of Social and Spatial Control on the Dynamics of Contentious Politics in Xinjiang since the End of the 1990s Aurélie Campana 145
Chapter Ten Invisible Commandos, Visible Violence: Protection and Control in the Autonomous Republic of PK18 Jake Lomax 165
Chapter Eleven Armed Urbanism: Political Violence and Contestation in Conflict and ‘Non-Conflict’ Cities Jovana Carapic 187
Chapter Twelve Political Violence in its Milieu Daniela Pisoiu 209
Chapter Thirteen The Emergence and Construction of the Radical Salafi Milieu in Egypt Jérôme Drevon 215
Chapter Fourteen The Radical Milieu and Mass Mobilisation in the Northern Ireland Conflict Niall Ó Dochartaigh 237
Chapter Fifteen From Legitimation to Rejection of Violence: The Shifting Stance of the Radical Milieu in Italy during the 1970s Luca Falciola 253
Chapter Sixteen Dynamics of Radicalisation in the Relationship between Militant Islamist Groups and their Constituencies: The Case of al-Jamaa al-Islamiyya in Egypt, 1986–1998 Stefan Malthaner 277
Appendices – Data and Sources 299
Index 301