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Marketing Research, Global Edition

Marketing Research, Global Edition

Alvin C. Burns | Ronald F. Bush


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For courses in global marketing.


Marketing Research: The Fundamentals

The Eighth Edition of Marketing Research continues to provide students with a “nuts and bolts” introduction to the field of marketing research. Intended for students with no prior background in marketing research, the book teaches the basic fundamental statistical models needed to analyze market data.


This new edition has been condensed and reorganized for a more streamlined approach. An integrated case study throughout the text helps students relate the material to the real world--and their future careers. All information has been updated to offer the most current insights on forces shaping marketing research, such as the impact of social media and mobile technologies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Inside Front Cover IFC
Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
Brief Contents 6
Contents 7
Preface 21
About the Authors 31
Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing Research 32
1-1. Marketing Research Is Part of Marketing 34
The Philosophy of the Marketing Concept Guides Managers’ Decisions 36
The “Right” Marketing Strategy 36
1-2. What Is Marketing Research? 37
Is It Marketing Research or Market Research? 37
The Function of Marketing Research 37
1-3. What Are the Uses of Marketing Research? 38
Identifying Market Opportunities and Problems 38
Generating, Refining, and Evaluating Potential Marketing Actions 38
Monitoring Marketing Performance 40
Improving Marketing as a Process 40
Marketing Research Is Sometimes Wrong 41
1-4. The Marketing Information System 41
Components of an MIS 42
Summary 44
Key Terms 45
Review Questions/Applications 45
Case 1.1: Anderson Construction 46
Case 1.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts 46
Chapter 2: The Marketing Research Industry 48
2-1. Evolution of an Industry 50
Earliest Known Studies 50
Why Did the Industry Grow? 50
The 20th Century Led to a “Mature Industry” 51
2-2. Who Conducts Marketing Research? 51
Client-Side Marketing Research 51
Supply-Side Marketing Research 53
2-3. The Industry Structure 53
Firm Size by Revenue 53
Types of Firms and Their Specialties 54
Industry Performance 54
2-4. Challenges to the Marketing Research Industry 56
New and Evolving Sources of Data and Methods 56
Effective Communication of Results 58
Need for Talented and Skilled Employees 58
2-5. Industry Initiatives 58
Industry Performance Initiatives 58
2-6. A Career in Marketing Research 62
Where You’ve Been and Where You’re Headed! 63
Summary 63
Key Terms 63
Review Questions/Applications 64
Case 2.1: Heritage Research Associates 64
Chapter 3: The Marketing Research Process and Defining the Problem and Research Objectives 66
3-1. The Marketing Research Process 67
The 11-Step Process 67
Caveats to a Step-by-Step Process 68
Introducing “Where We Are” 69
Step 1: Establish the Need for Marketing Research 69
Step 2: Define the Problem 71
Step 3: Establish Research Objectives 71
Step 4: Determine Research Design 72
Step 5: Identify Information Types and Sources 72
Step 6: Determine Methods of Accessing Data 72
Step 7: Design Data Collection Forms 72
Step 8: Determine the Sample Plan and Size 73
Step 9: Collect Data 73
Step 10: Analyze Data 73
Step 11: Prepare and Present the Final Research Report 74
3-2. Defining the Problem 74
1. Recognize the Problem 75
2. Understand the Background of the Problem 76
3. Determine What Decisions Need to Be Made 78
4. Identify What Additional Information Is Needed 79
5. Formulate the Problem Statement 80
3-3. Research Objectives 80
Using Hypotheses 81
Defining Constructs 81
3-4. Action Standards 83
Impediments to Problem Definition 84
3-5. The Marketing Research Proposal 85
Elements of the Proposal 85
Ethical Issues and the Research Proposal 86
Summary 86
Key Terms 87
Review Questions/Applications 87
Case 3.1: Golf Technologies, Inc. 88
Case 3.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts 89
Chapter 4: Research Design 90
4-1. Research Design 92
Why Is Knowledge of Research Design Important? 92
4-2. Three Types of Research Designs 93
Research Design: A Caution 94
4-3. Exploratory Research 94
Uses of Exploratory Research 95
Methods of Conducting Exploratory Research 96
4-4. Descriptive Research 98
Classification of Descriptive Research Studies 99
4-5. Causal Research 102
Experiments 102
Experimental Design 103
How Valid Are Experiments? 105
Types of Experiments 106
4-6. Test Marketing 107
Types of Test Markets 107
Selecting Test-Market Cities 109
Pros and Cons of Test Marketing 109
Summary 110
Key Terms 111
Review Questions/Applications 111
Case 4.1: Memos from a Researcher 112
Chapter 5: Secondary Data and Packaged Information 114
5-1. Big Data 116
5-2. Primary Versus Secondary Data 116
Uses of Secondary Data 118
5-3. Classification of Secondary Data 119
Internal Secondary Data 119
External Secondary Data 120
5-4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Data 124
Advantages of Secondary Data 124
Disadvantages of Secondary Data 124
5-5. Evaluating Secondary Data 125
What Was the Purpose of the Study? 125
Who Collected the Information? 126
What Information Was Collected? 126
How Was the Information Obtained? 126
How Consistent Is the Information with Other Information? 128
5-6. The American Community Survey 128
5-7. What Is Packaged Information? 129
Syndicated Data 129
Packaged Services 131
5-8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Packaged Information 132
Syndicated Data 132
Packaged Services 132
5-9. Applications of Packaged Information 132
Measuring Consumer Attitudes and Opinions 133
Market Segmentation 133
Monitoring Media Usage and Promotion Effectiveness 133
Market Tracking Studies 134
5-10. Social Media Data 134
Types of Information 134
Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Data 135
Tools to Monitor Social Media 136
5-11. Internet of Things 136
Summary 138
Key Terms 139
Review Questions/Applications 139
Case 5.1: The Men’s Market for Athleisure 140
Chapter 6: Qualitative Research Techniques 142
6-1. Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods Research 143
6-2. Observation Techniques 146
Types of Observation 146
Appropriate Conditions for the Use of Observation 147
Advantages of Observational Data 148
Limitations of Observational Data 148
6-3. Focus Groups 149
How Focus Groups Work 150
Online Focus Groups 151
Advantages of Focus Groups 151
Disadvantages of Focus Groups 152
When Should Focus Groups Be Used? 152
When Should Focus Groups Not Be Used? 152
Some Objectives of Focus Groups 152
Operational Aspects of Traditional Focus Groups 153
6-4. Ethnographic Research 156
Mobile Ethnography 156
Netnography 157
6-5. Marketing Research Online Communities 158
6-6. Other Qualitative Research Techniques 159
In-Depth Interviews 159
Protocol Analysis 160
Projective Techniques 161
Neuromarketing 163
Still More Qualitative Techniques 164
Summary 166
Key Terms 167
Review Questions/Applications 167
Case 6.1: The College Experience 168
Case 6.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts 169
Chapter 7: Evaluating Survey Data Collection Methods 170
7-1. Advantages of Surveys 172
7-2. Modes of Data Collection 174
Data Collection and Impact of Technology 174
Person-Administered Surveys 175
Computer-Assisted Surveys 177
Self-Administered Surveys 178
Computer-Administered Surveys 179
Mixed-Mode Surveys 180
7-3. Descriptions of Data Collection Methods 181
Person-Administered/Computer-Assisted Interviews 182
Computer-Administered Interviews 188
Self-Administered Surveys 191
7-4. Working with a Panel Company 193
Advantages of Using a Panel Company 194
Disadvantages of Using a Panel Company 194
Top Panel Companies 195
7-5. Choice of the Survey Method 196
How Fast Is the Data Collection? 197
How Much Does the Data Collection Cost? 197
How Good Is the Data Quality? 197
Other Considerations 198
Summary 199
Key Terms 200
Review Questions/Applications 200
Case 7.1: Machu Picchu National Park Survey 201
Case 7.2: Advantage Research, Inc. 202
Chapter 8: Understanding Measurement, Developing Questions, and Designing the Questionnaire 204
8-1. Basic Measurement Concepts 205
8-2. Types of Measures 206
Nominal Measures 206
Ordinal Measures 207
Scale Measures 207
8-3. Interval Scales Commonly Used in Marketing Research 209
The Likert Scale 209
The Semantic Differential Scale 210
The Stapel Scale 212
Two Issues with Interval Scales Used in Marketing Research 213
The Scale Should Fit the Construct 214
8-4. Reliability and Validity of Measurements 215
8-5. Designing a Questionnaire 216
The Questionnaire Design Process 216
8-6. Developing Questions 217
Four Dos of Question Wording 218
Four Do Not’s of Question Wording 219
8-7. Questionnaire Organization 222
The Introduction 223
Question Flow 224
8-8. Computer-Assisted Questionnaire Design 227
Question Creation 227
Skip and Display Logic 228
Data Collection and Creation of Data Files 228
Ready-Made Respondents 228
Data Analysis, Graphs, and Downloading Data 228
8-9. Finalize the Questionnaire 229
Coding the Questionnaire 229
Pretesting the Questionnaire 230
Summary 232
Key Terms 232
Review Questions/Applications 233
Case 8.1: Extreme Exposure Rock Climbing Center Faces The Krag 234
Case 8.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts 235
Chapter 9: Selecting the Sample 236
9-1. Basic Concepts in Samples and Sampling 238
Population 238
Census 238
Sample and Sample Unit 239
Sample Frame and Sample Frame Error 239
Sampling Error 240
9-2. Reasons for Taking a Sample 240
9-3. Probability Versus Nonprobability Sampling Methods 241
9-4. Probability Sampling Methods 242
Simple Random Sampling 242
Systematic Sampling 245
Cluster Sampling 248
Stratified Sampling 250
9-5. Nonprobability Sampling Methods 253
Convenience Samples 253
Purposive Samples 255
Chain Referral Samples 256
Quota Samples 256
9-6. Online Sampling Techniques 256
Online Panel Samples 257
River Samples 257
Email List Samples 257
9-7. Developing a Sample Plan 257
Summary 258
Key Terms 258
Review Questions/Applications 259
Case 9.1: Peaceful Valley Subdivision: Trouble in Suburbia 260
Case 9.2: Jet’s Pets 261
Chapter 10: Determining the Size of a Sample 262
10-1. Sample Size Axioms 265
10-2. The Confidence Interval Method of Determining Sample Size 265
Sample Size and Accuracy 266
p and q: The Concept of Variability 267
The Concept of a Confidence Interval 269
How Population Size ( N ) Affects Sample Size 271
10-3. The Sample Size Formula 271
Determining Sample Size via the Confidence Interval Formula 271
10-4. Practical Considerations in Sample Size Determination 274
How to Estimate Variability in the Population 275
How to Determine the Amount of Acceptable Sample Error 275
How to Decide on the Level of Confidence 275
How to Balance Sample Size with the Cost of Data Collection 276
10-5. Other Methods of Sample Size Determination 276
Arbitrary “Percent Rule of Thumb” Sample Size 277
Conventional Sample Size Specification 278
Statistical Analysis Requirements Sample Size Specification 278
Cost Basis of Sample Size Specification 279
10-6. Three Special Sample Size Determination Situations 280
Sampling from Small Populations 280
Sample Size Using Nonprobability Sampling 281
Sampling from Panels 283
Summary 283
Key Terms 284
Review Questions/Applications 284
Case 10.1: Target: Deciding on the Number of Telephone Numbers 286
Case 10.2: Scope Mouthwash 287
Chapter 11: Dealing with Fieldwork and Data Quality Issues 288
11-1. Data Collection and Nonsampling Error 289
11-2. Possible Errors in Field Data Collection 290
Intentional Fieldworker Errors 290
Unintentional Fieldworker Errors 291
Intentional Respondent Errors 293
Unintentional Respondent Errors 293
11-3. Field Data Collection Quality Controls 296
Control of Intentional Fieldworker Error 296
Control of Unintentional Fieldworker Error 297
Control of Intentional Respondent Error 298
Control of Unintentional Respondent Error 299
Final Comment on the Control of Data Collection Errors 299
11-4. Nonresponse Error 300
Refusals to Participate in the Survey 301
Break-offs During the Interview 301
Refusals to Answer Specific Questions (Item Omission) 301
What Is a Completed Interview? 301
Measuring Response Rate in Surveys 302
11-5. How Panel Companies Control Error 304
11-6. Dataset, Coding Data, and the Data Code Book 305
11-7. Data Quality Issues 306
What to Look for in Raw Data Inspection 307
Summary 310
Key Terms 310
Review Questions/Applications 310
Case 11.1: Skunk Juice 311
Case 11.2: Sony Televisions Ultra HD TV Survey 312
Chapter 12: Using Descriptive Analysis, Performing Population Estimates, and Testing Hypotheses 314
12-1. Types of Statistical Analyses Used in Marketing Research 317
Descriptive Analysis 317
Inference Analysis 318
Difference Analysis 318
Association Analysis 318
Relationships Analysis 318
12-2. Understanding Descriptive Analysis 319
Measures of Central Tendency: Summarizing the “Typical” Respondent 319
Measures of Variability: Relating the Diversity of Respondents 320
12-3. When to Use a Particular Descriptive Measure 322
12-4. The Auto Concepts Survey: Obtaining Descriptive Statistics with SPSS 323
Integrated Case 323
12-5. Reporting Descriptive Statistics to Clients 329
Reporting Scale Data (Ratio and Interval Scales) 329
Reporting Nominal or Categorical Data 330
12-6. Statistical Inference: Sample Statistics and Population Parameters 331
12-7. Parameter Estimation: Estimating the Population Percent or Mean 332
Sample Statistic 333
Standard Error 333
Confidence Intervals 335
How to Interpret an Estimated Population Mean or Percentage Range 336
12-8. The Auto Concepts Survey: How to Obtain and Use a Confidence Interval for a Mean with SPSS 337
12-9. Reporting Confidence Intervals to Clients 338
12-10. Hypothesis Tests 340
Test of the Hypothesized Population Parameter Value 340
Auto Concepts: How to Use SPSS to Test a Hypothesis for a Mean 342
12-11. Reporting Hypothesis Tests to Clients 344
Summary 345
Key Terms 345
Review Questions/Applications 345
Case 12.1: L’Experience Félicité Restaurant Survey Descriptive and Inference Analysis 346
Case 12.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts Descriptive and Inference Analysis 348
Chapter 13: Implementing Basic Differences Tests 350
13-1. Why Differences Are Important 351
13-2. Small Sample Sizes: The Use of a t Test or a z Test and How SPSS Eliminates the Worry 354
13-3. Testing for Significant Differences Between Two Groups 355
Differences Between Percentages with Two Groups (Independent Samples) 355
How to Use SPSS for Differences Between Percentages of Two Groups 358
Differences Between Means with Two Groups (Independent Samples) 358
Integrated Case: The Auto Concepts Survey: How to Perform an Independent Sample 360
13-4. Testing for Significant Differences in Means Among More Than Two Groups: Analysis of Variance 364
Basics of Analysis of Variance 364
Post Hoc Tests: Detect Statistically Significant Differences Among Group Means 366
Integrated Case: Auto Concepts: How to Run Analysis of Variance on SPSS 366
Interpreting ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) 369
13-5. Reporting Group Differences Tests to Clients 369
13-6. Differences Between Two Means Within the Same Sample (Paired Sample) 369
Integrated Case: The Auto Concepts Survey: How to Perform a Paired Samples t test 371
13-7. Null Hypotheses for Differences Tests Summary 372
Summary 373
Key Terms 373
Review Questions/Applications 373
Case 13.1: L’Experience Félicité Restaurant Survey Differences Analysis 375
Case 13.2: Integrated Case: The Auto Concepts Survey Differences Analysis 375
Chapter 14: Making Use of Associations Tests 376
14-1. Types of Relationships Between Two Variables 378
Linear and Curvilinear Relationships 378
Monotonic Relationships 379
Nonmonotonic Relationships 380
14-2. Characterizing Relationships Between Variables 380
Presence 380
Direction (or Pattern) 380
Strength of Association 381
14-3. Correlation Coefficients and Covariation 382
Rules of Thumb for Correlation Strength 382
The Correlation Sign: The Direction of the Relationship 383
Graphing Covariation Using Scatter Diagrams 383
14-4. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient 384
Integrated Case: Auto Concepts: How to Obtain Pearson Product Moment Correlation(s) with SPSS 387
14-5. Reporting Correlation Findings to Clients 389
14-6. Cross-Tabulations 389
Cross-Tabulation Analysis 390
Types of Frequencies and Percentages in a Cross-Tabulation Table 390
14-7. Chi-Square Analysis 393
Observed and Expected Frequencies 393
The Computed x2 Value 394
The Chi-Square Distribution 394
How to Interpret a Chi-Square Result 396
Integrated Case: Auto Concepts: Analyzing Cross-Tabulations for Significant Associations by Performing Chi-Square Analysis with SPSS 398
14-8. Reporting Cross-Tabulation Findings to Clients 400
14-9. Special Considerations in Association Procedures 400
Summary 402
Key Terms 402
Review Questions/Applications 403
Case 14.1: L’Experience Félicité Restaurant Survey Associative Analysis 404
Case 14.2: Integrated Case: The Auto Concepts Survey Associative Analysis 405
Chapter 15: Understanding Regression Analysis Basics 406
15-1. Bivariate Linear Regression Analysis 407
Basic Concepts in Regression Analysis 408
How to Improve a Regression Analysis Finding 408
15-2. Multiple Regression Analysis 410
An Underlying Conceptual Model 410
Multiple Regression Analysis Described 412
Integrated Case: Auto Concepts: How to Run and Interpret Multiple Regression Analysis on SPSS 415
“Trimming” the Regression for Significant Findings 416
Special Uses of Multiple Regression Analysis 417
15-3. Stepwise Multiple Regression 422
How to Do Stepwise Multiple Regression with SPSS 422
Step-by-Step Summary of How to Perform Multiple Regression Analysis 422
15-4. Warnings Regarding Multiple Regression Analysis 423
15-5. Reporting Regression Findings to Clients 425
Summary 428
Key Terms 428
Review Questions/Applications 428
Case 15.1. L’Experience Félicité Restaurant Survey Regression Analysis 430
Case 15.2. Integrated Case: Auto Concepts Segmentation Analysis 430
Chapter 16: The Research Report 432
16-1. The Importance of the Marketing Research Report 435
Improving the Efficiency of Report Writing 435
16-2. Know Your Audience 435
16-3. Avoid Plagiarism! 436
16-4. Elements of the Report 437
Front Matter 437
Body 442
End Matter 444
16-5. Guidelines and Principles for the Written Report 444
Headings and Subheadings 444
Visuals 444
Style 445
16-6. Using Visuals: Tables and Figures 446
Tables 446
Pie Charts 446
Bar Charts 449
Line Graphs 449
Flow Diagrams 451
16-7. Producing an Appropriate Visual 451
16-8. Presenting Your Research Orally 452
16-9. Alternative Ways to Present Findings 452
Videos 454
Infographics 455
16-10. Disseminating Results Throughout an Organization 455
Dashboards 455
Summary 456
Key Terms 457
Review Questions/Applications 457
Case 16.1: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts: Report Writing 458
Case 16.2: Integrated Case: Auto Concepts: Making a PowerPoint Presentation 459
Endnotes 461
Name Index 477
Subject Index 481
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