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Edexcel A level Physics Student Book 2

Edexcel A level Physics Student Book 2

Miles Hudson


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Edexcel A level Physics Student Book 2

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents 4
How to use this book 6
Topic 6: Further mechanics 8
Chapter 6.1: Further momentum 8
1: Energy in collisions 10
Elastic collisions 10
Inelastic collisions 10
Particle momentum 11
2: More collisions 12
Impulse 12
Collision vectors 13
Thinking Bigger: End of the World? 16
Exam-style questions 18
Chapter 6.2: Circular motion 20
1: Circular motion basics 22
Going round in circles 22
Angular velocity 23
Centripetal acceleration 23
2: Centripetal force 25
Why circular motion? 25
Centripetal force 25
Thinking Bigger: Artificial Gravity 28
Exam-style questions 30
Topic 7: Electric and magnetic fields 32
Chapter 7.1: Electric fields 32
1: Electric fields 34
Pushing charges 34
Electric potential 34
Uniform fields 35
Equipotentials 36
2: Millikan’s oil drop experiment 37
3: Radial electric fields 39
Radial fields 39
Radial electric field strength 39
Potential in a radial electric field 39
Combining electric fields 40
4: Coulomb’s law 41
Charged particle interactions 41
Everyday levitation 42
Thinking Bigger: Power Line Problems 44
Exam-style questions 46
Chapter 7.2: Capacitors 48
1: Capacitor basics 50
Storing charge 50
energy stored on a charged capacitor 51
2: Charging and discharging capacitors 52
Capacitor discharge curves 52
The time constant 53
Capacitor charging curves 54
3: Capacitor mathematics 55
Discharging capacitor maths 55
Capacitor calculus 57
The ‘37% life’ 57
Thinking Bigger: Ultracapacitors 58
Exam-style questions 60
Chapter 7.3: Electromagnetic effects 62
1: Magnetic fields 64
Magnetic flux 64
Flux linkage 65
2: Electric motors 66
Fleming’s left hand rule 66
3: Magnetic forces 68
Fred = BIL 68
F = Bev 68
The mass spectrometer 69
4: Generating electricity 71
Electromagnetic induction 71
Calculating induced e.m.f.s 72
5: Alternating current 73
Mains electricity 73
Measuring AC 73
Electromagnetic induction using an electromagnet 74
Transformers 75
Thinking Bigger: Metal Detectives 76
Exam-style questions 78
Topic 8: Nuclear and particle physics 80
Chapter 8.1: Probing matter 80
1: A nuclear atom 82
Atomic theories through history 82
Alpha particle scattering 82
Nuclear structure 84
A quantum mechanical atom 85
2: Electrons from atoms 86
Electron beams 86
An electron probe 86
Thinking Bigger: Bremsstrahlung 88
Exam-style questions 90
Chapter 8.2: Particle accelerators and detectors 92
1: Particle accelerators 94
Particle accelerators 94
Linear accelerators 94
Accelerating particles in circles 96
The cyclotron 96
Ninovium - scientists sometimes cheat too 97
2: Particle detectors 98
Principles of detection 98
Analysing detections 98
3: The Large Hadron Collider 101
CERN’s big synchrotron 101
What must a detector be capable of doing? 103
Thinking Bigger: Medical Particle Accelerators 104
Exam-style questions 106
Chapter 8.3: The particle zoo 108
1: Particle interactions 110
Creation 110
Annihilation 110
Electronvolt units 111
2: The particle zoo 112
The Standard Model 112
3: Particles and forces 114
Baryons 114
Mesons 114
Hadrons 114
The four forces of the apocalypse 114
4: Particle reactions 116
Reactions conserve properties 116
Charge conservation 116
Conservation of baryon and lepton numbers 117
Strangeness 118
Relativistic lifetimes 118
Thinking Bigger: Anti-Matter Matters 120
Exam-style questions 122
Topic 9: Thermodynamics 124
Chapter 9.1: Heat and temperature 124
1: Heat and temperature 126
Temperature 126
Absolute temperature 126
2: Internal energy 128
The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution 128
Root-mean-square calculations 128
Molecular kinetic energy 129
3: Heat transfer 130
Specific heat capacity 130
Specific latent heat 131
Black body radiation 132
4: Ideal gas behaviour 133
Boyle’s law 133
Charles’s law 134
The pressure law 134
Ideal gases 134
5: Kinetic theory equations 136
pV = 1/ 3Nm 136
Thinking Bigger: Reach for the Sky! 138
Exam-style questions 140
Topic 10: Nuclear radiation 142
Chapter 10.1: Radioactivity 142
1: Nuclear radiation 144
Background radiation 144
Types of nuclear radiation 145
dangers from nuclear radiations 147
2: Rate of radioactive decay 148
Probability and decay 148
Half-life 148
Half-life graphs 149
3: Fission and fusion 151
Energy-mass equivalence 151
Nuclear binding energy 152
Binding energy per nucleon 152
Nuclear fusion 152
Nuclear fission 153
4: Nuclear power stations 155
Nuclear reactors 155
Nuclear power - the way forward? 156
Nuclear disasters 156
Nuclear power legacies 157
Thinking Bigger: New Nuclear Power in the UK 158
Exam-style questions 160
Topic 11: Gravitational fields 162
Chapter 11.1: Gravitational fields 162
1: Gravitational forces 164
The attraction of gravity 164
Weighing the Earth 165
2: Gravitational fields 166
Radial fields 166
Gravitational field strength 166
Gravitational potential 166
Electric and gravitational fields 167
Thinking Bigger: Volcano Monitoring 168
Exam-style questions 170
Topic 12: Space 172
Chapter 12.1: Space 172
1: Starshine 174
Stellar properties 174
The Stefan-Boltzmann law 174
Wien's law 175
2: Stellar classification 176
Star classes 176
The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram 178
Stellar evolution 178
Low-mass stars 179
Massive stars 179
3: Distances to the stars 181
Big distance units 181
Trigonometric parallax 181
Standard candles 184
4: The age of the Universe 186
The Doppler effect 186
Hubble’s law 188
How old is the Universe? 189
5: The fate of the Universe 190
The Hubble constant 190
Future Universe? 190
Dark Matter 191
Dark Energy 193
Thinking Bigger: Dark Universe 194
Exam-style questions 196
Topic 13: Oscillations 198
Chapter 13.1: Oscillations 198
1: Simple harmonic motion (SHM) 200
Bouncing and swinging 200
2: SHM mathematics 203
Angular velocity and SHM 203
SHM graphs 203
3: SHM energy 205
Conservation of energy 205
4: Resonance and damping 207
Free and forced oscillations 207
Resonance 207
Damped oscillations 208
Resonance problems and damping solutions 210
Thinking Bigger: The Wobbly Bridge 212
Exam-style questions 214
Maths skills 216
Arithmetic and numerical computation 216
Graphs 217
Geometry and trigonometry 219
Applying your skills 220
Preparing for your exams 222
Glossary 230
Index 234