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OCR A level Biology A Student Book 2

OCR A level Biology A Student Book 2

Sue Hocking | Frank Sochacki | Mark Winterbottom


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OCR A level Biology A Student Book 2

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents 4
How to use this book 6
Module 5: Communication, homeostasis and energy 8
Chapter 5.1: Communication and homeostasis 8
5.1.1 The need for communication systems 10
Survival and activity 10
The threat from changing environments 10
Coordinating the activities of different organs 11
5.1.2 Homeostasis 12
Homeostasis 12
Feedback 12
5.1.3 Temperature control in ectotherms 14
Controlling body temperature 14
Endotherm or ectotherm? 14
Temperature control in ectotherms 14
Advantages and disadvantages of ectothermy 15
5.1.4 Temperature control in endotherms 16
Endotherms 16
Temperature regulation mechanisms 16
Advantages and disadvantages of endothermy 17
Control of temperature regulation 17
Thinking Bigger: What is a mesotherm? 18
Practice questions 20
Chapter 5.2: Excretion as an example of homeostatic control 22
5.2.1 Excretion 24
What products must be excreted? 24
The excretory organs 24
The importance of excretion 24
5.2.2 The structure of the liver 26
Blood supply to the liver 26
Histology of the liver 26
5.2.3 Liver function 28
Many metabolic functions 28
Storage of glycogen 28
Detoxifi cation 28
Formation of urea 29
5.2.4 Kidney structure 30
The structure of the kidney 30
5.2.5 The function of the kidney 32
Ultrafiltration 32
The function of nephrons 32
Selective reabsorption 32
5.2.6 The function of the kidney 34
Reabsorption of water 34
Concentration changes in the tubule fl uid 35
5.2.7 Osmoregulation 36
Osmoregulation 36
Altering the permeability of the collecting duct 36
5.2.8 Kidney failure 38
Kidney failure 38
Treatment of kidney failure 38
Urine analysis 39
Thinking Bigger: Pollution in rivers 40
Practice questions 42
Chapter 5.3: Neuronal communication 44
5.3.1 Roles of sensory receptors 46
Sensory receptors 46
Pacinian corpuscles 46
Generating nerve impulses 46
5.3.2 Structure and function of neurones 48
Function of neurones 48
Structure of neurones 48
Myelinated and non-myelinated neurones 49
5.3.3 Nerve impulses: action potentials 50
Neurones at rest 50
Generating an action potential 50
Stages of an action potential 51
5.3.4 Nerve impulses: transmission 52
Local currents 52
Saltatory conduction 53
Frequency of transmission 53
5.3.5 Synapses 1 54
The structure of a cholinergic synapse 54
Transmission across the synapse 55
5.3.6 Synapses 2 56
Action potentials and cell signalling 56
Synapses and nervous communication 56
Thinking Bigger: Autoimmune disease 58
Practice questions 60
Chapter 5.4: Hormonal communication 62
5.4.1 Endocrine communication 64
Signalling using hormones 64
Types of hormone 64
First and second messengers 65
5.4.2 Adrenal glands 66
The structure of the adrenal glands 66
The functions of hormones from the adrenal glands 66
5.4.3 The pancreas and release of insulin 68
The pancreas 68
Releasing insulin 69
5.4.4 Regulating blood glucose 70
Blood glucose concentration 70
Negative feedback 71
5.4.5 Diabetes 72
Diabetes mellitus 72
Treating diabetes 72
The source of insulin for treating diabetes 73
Thinking Bigger: Diagnosing diabetes 74
Practice questions 76
Chapter 5.5: Plant and animal responses 78
5.5.1 Plant responses to the environment 80
Plant responses to external stimuli 80
Types of stimuli 80
Types of response 80
Control of responses – the role of plant hormones 81
5.5.2 Controlling plant growth 82
Auxins 82
Gibberellins 82
5.5.3 Plant responses: investigating tropisms 84
Where in a plant does growth occur? 84
Investigating phototropic and geotropic responses 84
Investigating the effect of plant hormones on phototropisms 85
Auxin in geotropic responses of roots 87
5.5.4 Commercial uses of plant hormones 88
Auxins 88
Cytokinins 88
Gibberellins 88
Ethene 89
5.5.5 The mammalian nervous system 90
Responding to the environment 90
Divisions of the nervous system 90
Central nervous system 90
Peripheral nervous system 91
5.5.6 The brain 93
The structure of the human brain 93
5.5.7 Reflex actions 96
What is a reflex action? 96
Blinking reflex 96
Knee jerk reflex 97
5.5.8 Coordinating responses 98
Stimulus and response 98
The ‘fight or flight’ response 98
5.5.9 Controlling heart rate 101
The human heart 101
Heart rate 101
5.5.10 Muscle 103
Three types of muscle 103
The neuromuscular junction 104
5.5.11 Muscle contraction 106
The sliding filament hypothesis 106
The role of ATP 107
Thinking Bigger: Improving flavours 108
Practice questions 110
Chapter 5.6: Photosynthesis 112
5.6.1 The interrelationship between photosynthesis and respiration 114
The importance of photosynthesis 114
Respiration 115
How photosynthesis and respiration interrelate 115
5.6.2 Chloroplasts and photosynthetic pigments 116
The structure of chloroplasts 116
Photosynthetic pigments 117
5.6.3 The light-dependent stage 119
Two types of photosystem 119
The role of water 119
Photophosphorylation 119
5.6.4 The light-independent stage 122
The role of carbon dioxide 122
The Calvin cycle 122
The uses of triose phosphate (TP) 123
5.6.5 Factors affecting photosynthesis 124
Limiting factors 124
Light intensity 124
Carbon dioxide concentration 124
Temperature 125
Water stress 125
5.6.6 Factors affecting photosynthesis: practical investigations 126
Measuring the rate of photosynthesis 126
Setting up and using a photosynthometer 126
Using the photosynthometer to investigate other factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis 127
Thinking Bigger: The future of fuel 130
Practice questions 132
Chapter 5.7: Respiration 134
5.7.1 The need for cellular respiration 136
Why do living organisms need to respire? 136
Why do living organisms need energy? 136
The role of ATP 136
5.7.2 Glycolysis 138
Glycolysis 138
NAD 138
The three main stages of glycolysis 138
The products of glycolysis 139
The stages of respiration 139
5.7.3 The structure of the mitochondrion 140
Mitochondrial structure 140
How the structure of mitochondria enables them to carry out their functions 140
5.7.4 The link reaction and the Krebs cycle 142
Pyruvate 142
The link reaction 142
The Krebs cycle 142
The products of the link reaction and the Krebs cycle 143
5.7.5 Oxidative phosphorylation and the chemiosmotic theory 144
The final stage of aerobic respiration 144
The electron transport chain 144
The proton gradient and chemiosmosis 144
How much ATP is made during oxidative phosphorylation? 145
The total ATP tally per molecule of glucose during aerobic respiration 145
5.7.6 Anaerobic respiration in eukaryotes 146
Respiration in the absence of oxygen 146
Reduced NAD has to be reoxidised 146
The ATP yield from anaerobic respiration 147
5.7.7 Practical investigations into respiration rates in yeast 148
Other ways to compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration in yeast 149
5.7.8 Energy values of different respiratory substrates 150
Respiratory substrates 150
Energy values of different respiratory substrates 151
Respiratory quotient 152
5.7.9 Practical investigations into factors affecting the rate of respiration 153
Using a respirometer 153
Thinking Bigger: ATP – more than just energy currency 156
Practice questions 158
Module 6: Genetics and ecosystems 160
Chapter 6.1: Cellular control 160
6.1.1 Gene mutations 162
Types of gene mutation 162
Point mutations 162
Indel mutations 163
Not all mutations are harmful 164
6.1.2 Regulation of gene expression 165
Regulation of gene expression at the transcriptional level 165
Post-transcriptional gene regulation 167
Post-translational level of gene regulation 167
6.1.3 Genetic control of body plan development 169
Homeobox gene sequences 169
How Hox genes control body plan development in animals 169
Mitosis 170
Apoptosis in the development of body form 170
Thinking Bigger: Epigenetics 172
Practice questions 174
Chapter 6.2: Patterns of inheritance 176
6.2.1 Genetic variation 178
Causes of phenotypic variation 178
Genetic factors 178
Environmental factors 179
6.2.2 Monogenic inheritance 180
The foundation for genetics 180
The monohybrid cross 181
Punnett squares 181
The test cross 181
6.2.3 Dihybrid inheritance 183
The simultaneous inheritance of two characteristics 183
Predicting ratios of traits in the F2 generation 183
6.2.4 Multiple alleles 185
Genes with multiple alleles 185
6.2.5 Sex linkage 187
Sex linkage in humans 187
Sex linkage in cats 188
Inactivation of X chromosomes in female mammals 188
6.2.6 Codominance 189
Codominant alleles 189
Codominant inheritance in animals 189
Codominant inheritance in humans 189
Codominant inheritance in plants 190
6.2.7 Autosomal linkage 191
Linkage 191
Inheritance of autosomally linked genes with no crossing over 191
Inheritance of autosomally linked genes with crossing over 192
6.2.8 Epistasis 193
Genes can interact 193
Genes working antagonistically 193
Genes working in a complementary fashion 194
6.2.9 Using the chi-squared test 197
Is the difference between observed and expected results signifi cant? 197
The null hypothesis 197
Applying the chi-squared test 197
6.2.10 Discontinuous and continuous variation 199
The genetic basis of continuous and discontinuous variation 199
Discontinuous variation 199
Continuous variation 199
Interaction between genes and environment 200
6.2.11 Factors affecting the evolution of a species 201
Natural selection 201
Genetic drift 202
6.2.12 The Hardy-Weinberg principle 204
Population genetics 204
The Hardy-Weinberg principle 204
6.2.13 Isolating mechanisms 206
Speciation 206
Isolating mechanisms 206
6.2.14 Artificial selection 208
The principles and uses of artificial selection 208
Ethical considerations of artificial selection 209
Thinking Bigger: The gut microbiome 210
Practice questions 212
Chapter 6.3: Manipulating genomes 214
6.3.1 DNA sequencing 216
Early DNA research 216
Fred Sanger’s DNA sequencing approach 216
The first DNA sequencing machine 217
High throughput sequencing 217
6.3.2 Applications of gene sequencing 219
The Human Genome Project 219
Genome-wide comparisons between individuals and species 219
Predicting the amino acid sequences of proteins 220
Synthetic biology 220
6.3.3 DNA profiling 221
The development of DNA profiling 221
DNA profiling 221
Applications of DNA profiling 222
6.3.4 The polymerase chain reaction 223
Principles of the PCR 223
The PCR process 223
Applications of the PCR 224
6.3.5 Electrophoresis 225
Principles of electrophoresis 225
Using DNA probes 226
6.3.6 Genetic engineering 228
The principles of genetic engineering 228
Techniques in genetic engineering 228
Reverse transcriptase 229
Restriction enzymes 229
Ligase enzymes 229
Insulin from GM bacteria 230
6.3.7 Issues relating to genetic manipulation 231
Ethical issues of genetic manipulation 231
6.3.8 Gene therapy 234
The principle of gene therapy 234
Somatic cell gene therapy 234
Germ line gene therapy 235
Thinking Bigger: The Human Genome Project 236
Practice questions 238
Chapter 6.4: Cloning and biotechnology 240
6.4.1 Natural clones 242
Natural clones 242
Plant cloning by vegetative propagation 242
Cloning in animals 243
6.4.2 Clones in plants 244
Using natural clones 244
Tissue culture 244
Advantages and disadvantages of artificial cloning 245
6.4.3 Artificial clones in animals 246
Artificial cloning in animals 246
Reproductive cloning 246
Non-reproductive cloning 247
Arguments for and against artificial cloning in animals 247
6.4.4 Introduction to biotechnology 248
History of biotechnology 248
Biotechnology today 249
The advantages of using microorganisms in biotechnology 249
Other forms of biotechnology 250
6.4.5 Using biotechnology to make food 251
Microorganisms in food manufacture 251
Advantages and disadvantages of using microorganisms 252
6.4.6 Other processes involving biotechnology 253
Scaling up production of drugs 253
The importance of asepsis 254
Production of penicillin 254
Production of insulin 254
Bioremediation 254
6.4.7 Microorganism cultures 256
Growing microorganisms 256
Aseptic techniques 256
Techniques used in microbiology 256
Using a liquid medium 258
6.4.8 Population growth in a closed culture 259
Serial dilutions 259
The growth curve 260
Primary and secondary metabolites 261
6.4.9 Immobilised enzymes 262
Immobilised enzymes in biotechnology 262
Methods used to immobilise enzymes 262
Industrial use of immobilised enzymes 263
Thinking Bigger: Could cloning cure diabetes? 264
Practice questions 266
Chapter 6.5: Ecosystems 268
6.5.1 Ecosystems 270
What is an ecosystem? 270
Factors affecting ecosystems 270
Ecosystems are dynamic 271
6.5.2 Transfer of biomass 272
Energy and materials in an ecosystem 272
Biomass transfers through ecosystems 273
Calculating the effi ciency of biomass transfer 273
6.5.3 Manipulating transfer of biomass 274
Increasing primary productivity - the entry of biomass into a food chain 274
Improving secondary productivity 275
6.5.4 Recycling within ecosystems 276
Recycling within ecosystems 276
Recycling nitrogen 276
Recycling carbon 277
6.5.5 Succession 279
Changing ecosystems 279
How does succession happen? 279
Successionon sand dunes 280
Deflected succession 281
6.5.6 Studying ecosystems 282
Sampling 282
Quadrats 282
Transects 283
Thinking Bigger: An environmentally-friendly diet 284
Practice questions 286
Chapter 6.6: Populations and sustainability 288
6.6.1 What determines population size? 290
Population size and carrying capacity 290
Types of strategist 290
6.6.2 Interactions between populations 292
Predators and prey 292
Competition 292
6.6.3 Conservation and preservation 294
Conservation and preservation 294
Why conserve? 295
6.6.4 Sustainable management 296
Sustainable management of ecosystems 296
Managing timber production 296
Managing fish stocks 297
6.6.5 Balancing the conflict between conservation and human needs 298
The Terai region 298
Maasai Mara 298
6.6.6 Controlling the effects of human activities 300
The Galapagos Islands 300
The Antarctic 301
The Lake District 302
Snowdonia National Park 303
Thinking Bigger: Life in the Antarctic Ocean 304
Practice questions 306
Maths skills 308
Using logarithms 308
Selecting and using a statistical test 309
Applying your skills 311
Exam technique 314
Glossary 323
Index 330