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Human Anatomy, Global Edition

Human Anatomy, Global Edition

Elaine N. Marieb | Patricia Brady Wilhelm | Jon B. Mallatt


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For one-semester courses in human anatomy.


Help students visualize human anatomy

The #1 best-selling textbook for the human anatomy course, Human Anatomy, Eighth Edition is widely regarded as the most readable and visually accessible book on the market. The book’s hallmark strengths – detailed art that teaches better and a student-friendly narrative are enhanced through more prominent in-text media references and updated Focus Figures. Within the text, photos reinforce real-world applications, and cadaver photos and micrographs appear side-by-side with art, working together to help students accurately visualize key anatomical structures.


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MasteringA&P is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Instructors ensure students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content before class, and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
About the Authors 5
Preface 18
Acknowledgments 20
Brief Contents 21
Contents 22
1. The Human Body: An Orientation 37
An Overview of Anatomy 38
Subdisciplines of Anatomy 38
The Hierarchy of Structural Organization 38
Scale: Length, Volume, and Weight 42
Anatomical Terminology 42
Gross Anatomy: An Introduction 42
Regional and Directional Terms 42
Body Planes and Sections 43
The Human Body Plan 46
Body Cavities and Membranes 47
Abdominal Quadrants 49
Anatomical Variability 49
Microscopic Anatomy: An Introduction 49
Light and Electron Microscopy 49
Scanning Electron Microscopy 51
Artifacts 51
Clinical Anatomy: An Introduction to Medical Imaging Techniques 51
X-Ray Imaging 51
Advanced X-Ray Techniques 52
Positron Emission Tomography 53
Sonography 54
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 54
Focus on Levels of Structural Organization 39
Chapter Summary 55
Review Questions 56
2. Cells: The Living Units 58
Overview of Cells 59
The Plasma Membrane 60
Structure 62
Functions 62
Membrane Transport 63
The Cytoplasm 64
Cytosol 64
Cytoplasmic Organelles 65
Cytoplasmic Inclusions 69
The Nucleus 70
Nuclear Envelope 70
Nucleolus 70
Chromatin and Chromosomes 71
The Cell Life Cycle 73
Interphase 73
Cell Division 73
Developmental Aspects of Cells 76
Cell Differentiation 76
Aging 77
Focus on Mitosis 74
Related Clinical Terms 78
Chapter Summary 78
Review Questions 80
3. Basic Embryology 82
Stages of Prenatal Development 82
The Basic Body Plan 83
The Embryonic Period 84
Week 1: From Zygote to Blastocyst 84
Week 2: The Two-Layered Embryo 86
Week 3: The Three-Layered Embryo 86
Week 4: The Body Takes Shape 90
Weeks 5–8: The Second Month of Embryonic Development 92
The Fetal Period 95
Focus on Birth Defects 96
Related Clinical Terms 97
Chapter Summary 97
Review Questions 98
4. Tissues 100
I. Epithelial Tissue 101
Special Characteristics of Epithelia 102
Classification of Epithelia 102
Glands 108
Epithelial Surface Features 110
II. Connective Tissue 113
Special Characteristics of Connective Tissues 114
Structural Elements of Connective Tissues 114
Classification of Connective Tissues 117
Covering and Lining Membranes 125
III. Muscle Tissue 129
IV. Nervous Tissue 129
Tissue Response to Injury 131
Inflammation 131
Repair 133
The Tissues Throughout Life 133
Focus on Identifying Epithelial and Connective Tissues 126
Cancer—The Intimate Enemy 135
Related Clinical Terms 134
Chapter Summary 136
Review Questions 137
5. The Integumentary System 139
The Skin and the Hypodermis 140
Epidermis 141
Dermis 144
Hypodermis 146
Skin Color 146
Appendages of the Skin 147
Nails 147
Hair and Hair Follicles 148
Sebaceous Glands 151
Sweat Glands 151
Disorders of the Integumentary System 152
Burns 152
Skin Cancer 154
The Skin Throughout Life 154
Tattoos 146
Related Clinical Terms 155
Chapter Summary 156
Review Questions 157
6. Bones and Skeletal Tissues 159
Cartilages 160
Location and Basic Structure 160
Types of Cartilage 161
Growth of Cartilage 163
Bones 163
Functions of Bones 163
Bone Tissue 163
Gross Anatomy of Bones 164
Microscopic Structure of Bone 168
Bone Development and Growth 171
Bone Remodeling 175
Repair of Bone Fractures 177
Disorders of Bones 179
Osteoporosis 179
Osteomalacia and Rickets 180
Osteosarcoma 180
The Skeleton Throughout Life 181
The Marvelous Properties of Cartilage 162
Related Clinical Terms 182
Chapter Summary 182
Review Questions 183
7. Bones, Part 1: The Axial Skeleton 186
The Skull 188
Overview of Skull Geography 188
Cranial Bones 189
Facial Bones 198
Special Parts of the Skull 203
The Vertebral Column 206
Regions and Normal Curvatures 206
Ligaments of the Spine 207
Intervertebral Discs 207
General Structure of Vertebrae 208
Regional Vertebral Characteristics 209
The Thoracic Cage 214
Sternum 215
Ribs 215
Disorders of the Axial Skeleton 216
Cleft Palate 216
Stenosis of the Lumbar Spine 216
Abnormal Spinal Curvatures 216
The Axial Skeleton Throughout Life 217
Related Clinical Terms 218
Chapter Summary 218
Review Questions 219
8. Bones, Part 2: The Appendicular Skeleton 221
The Pectoral Girdle 222
Clavicles 222
Scapulae 223
The Upper Limb 223
Arm 223
Forearm 227
Hand 228
The Pelvic Girdle 230
Ilium 230
Ischium 232
Pubis 232
Pelvic Structure and Childbearing 233
The Lower Limb 233
Thigh 233
Leg 235
Foot 238
Disorders of the Appendicular Skeleton 240
The Appendicular Skeleton Throughout Life 241
Related Clinical Terms 241
Chapter Summary 242
Review Questions 242
9. Joints 244
Classification of Joints 245
Fibrous Joints 245
Sutures 245
Syndesmoses 246
Gomphoses 246
Cartilaginous Joints 246
Synchondroses 246
Symphyses 246
Synovial Joints 246
General Structure of Synovial Joints 247
Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints 249
Types of Synovial Joints 253
Factors Influencing the Stability of Synovial Joints 253
Selected Synovial Joints 257
Temporomandibular Joint 258
Sternoclavicular Joint 260
Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint 260
Elbow Joint 262
Wrist Joint 263
Hip Joint 264
Knee Joint 265
Ankle Joint 268
Disorders of Joints 270
Joint Injuries 270
Inflammatory and Degenerative Conditions 271
The Joints Throughout Life 273
Focus on Synovial Joints 254
Related Clinical Terms 273
Chapter Summary 274
Review Questions 275
10. Skeletal Muscle Tissue 277
Overview of Muscle Tissue 278
Properties of Muscle Tissue 278
Functions of Muscle Tissue 278
Types of Muscle Tissue 278
Skeletal Muscle 280
Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle 280
Microscopic and Functional Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Tissue 282
Disorders of Skeletal Muscle Tissue 291
Muscular Dystrophy 291
Myofascial Pain Syndrome 292
Fibromyalgia 292
Skeletal Muscle Tissue Throughout Life 293
Anabolic Steroid Abuse 293
Related Clinical Terms 294
Chapter Summary 294
Review Questions 296
11. Muscles of the Body 298
Arrangement of Fascicles in Muscles 299
Lever Systems: Bone-Muscle Relationships 300
Organizational Scheme Based on Embryonic Development 302
Muscle Actions and Interactions 304
Naming the Skeletal Muscles 306
Major Skeletal Muscles of the Body 306
Muscle Compartments of the Limbs 307
The Muscle Tables 314
Regional Surface Anatomy 368
The Head 369
The Neck 370
The Thorax 371
The Abdomen 371
The Back 372
The Upper Limb and Shoulder 373
The Lower Limb and Gluteal Region 376
Focus on Muscle Action 305
Related Clinical Terms 380
Chapter Summary 380
Review Questions 383
12. Fundamentals of the Nervous System and Nervous Tissue 385
The Functional Organization of the Nervous System 386
Functions of the Nervous System 386
Basic Divisions of the Nervous System 386
Nervous Tissue 389
The Neuron 389
Neuroglia 394
Gross Anatomy of the Nervous System: An Overview 397
Gray and White Matter of the CNS 397
Nerves 397
Neuronal Integration 399
Reflex Arcs 399
Neuronal Circuits 400
Integration Between the PNS and CNS 402
Disorders of Nervous Tissue 403
Multiple Sclerosis 403
Neuronal Regeneration 404
Nervous Tissue Throughout Life 405
Embryonic Development of Nervous Tissue 405
Focus on Neuronal Pathways 402
Related Clinical Terms 407
Chapter Summary 407
Review Questions 408
13. The Central Nervous System 410
The Brain 411
Embryonic Development of the Brain 411
Basic Parts and Organization of the Brain 413
Ventricles of the Brain 413
The Brain Stem 414
The Cerebellum 419
The Diencephalon 421
The Cerebrum 424
Functional Brain Systems 435
Protection of the Brain 437
The Spinal Cord 443
White Matter of the Spinal Cord 446
Gray Matter of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Roots 447
Protection of the Spinal Cord 448
Sensory and Motor Pathways in the Central Nervous System 449
Ascending Pathways 450
Descending Pathways 452
Disorders of the Central Nervous System 455
Spinal Cord Damage 455
Brain Dysfunction 455
The Central Nervous System Throughout Life 457
Embryonic Development and Congenital Conditions 457
Postnatal Changes in the Brain 458
Traumatic Brain Injury 456
Related Clinical Terms 459
Chapter Summary 459
Review Questions 461
14. The Peripheral Nervous System 463
Organization of the Peripheral Nervous System 464
Peripheral Sensory Receptors 464
Functional Classification 465
Structural Classification 465
Cranial Nerves 468
I. The Olfactory Nerves 471
II. The Optic Nerves 471
III. The Oculomotor Nerves 472
IV. The Trochlear Nerves 472
V. The Trigeminal Nerves 473
VI. The Abducens Nerves 474
VII. The Facial Nerves 475
VIII. The Vestibulocochlear Nerves 476
IX. The Glossopharyngeal Nerves 477
X. The Vagus Nerves 478
XI. The Accessory Nerves 479
XII. The Hypoglossal Nerves 479
Spinal Nerves 480
Innervation of the Back 482
Innervation of the Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Wall 482
Nerve Plexuses 482
Innervation of Joints of the Body 495
Innervation of the Skin: Dermatomes 495
Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System 497
Shingles 497
Migraines 497
Peripheral Neuropathy 497
The Peripheral Nervous System Throughout Life 498
Focus on Innervation of the Upper Limb 486
Focus on Innervation of the Lower Limb 492
Postpolio Syndrome: The Plight of Some ”Recovered” Polio Victims 498
Related Clinical Terms 499
Chapter Summary 499
Review Questions 501
15. The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Sensory Neurons 503
Overview of the Autonomic Nervous System 504
Comparison of the Autonomic and Somatic Motor Systems 504
Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System 506
The Parasympathetic Division 508
Cranial Outflow 508
Sacral Outflow 509
The Sympathetic Division 509
Basic Organization 509
Sympathetic Pathways 513
The Role of the Adrenal Medulla in the Sympathetic Division 516
Visceral Sensory Neurons 517
Visceral Reflexes 517
Central Control of the Autonomic Nervous System 519
Control by the Brain Stem and Spinal Cord 519
Control by the Hypothalamus and Amygdaloid Body 519
Control by the Cerebral Cortex 519
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System 519
The Autonomic Nervous System Throughout Life 520
Focus on Comparing Somatic Motor and Autonomic Innervation 505
Related Clinical Terms 521
Chapter Summary 521
Review Questions 522
16. The Special Senses 524
The Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 525
Taste (Gustation) 525
Smell (Olfaction) 526
Embryonic Development of the Chemical Senses 527
Disorders of the Chemical Senses 527
The Eye and Vision 528
Accessory Structures of the Eye 528
Anatomy of the Eyeball 531
The Eye as an Optical Device 537
Visual Pathways 538
Embryonic Development of the Eye 540
Disorders of the Eye and Vision 542
The Ear: Hearing and Equilibrium 542
The External Ear 542
The Middle Ear 544
The Internal Ear 545
Auditory and Equilibrium Pathways 551
Embryonic Development of the Ear 551
Disorders of Equilibrium and Hearing 553
The Special Senses Throughout Life 553
Related Clinical Terms 554
Chapter Summary 554
Review Questions 557
17. The Endocrine System 558
Overview 559
Endocrine Organs 559
Hormones 559
The Major Endocrine Organs 561
The Pituitary Gland 561
The Thyroid Gland 567
The Parathyroid Glands 568
The Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands 570
The Pineal Gland 572
The Pancreas 572
The Thymus 573
The Gonads 573
Other Endocrine Structures 573
Disorders of the Endocrine System 574
Pituitary Disorders 574
A Disorder of the Pancreas: Diabetes Mellitus 574
Disorders of the Thyroid Gland 575
Disorders of the Adrenal Cortex 575
The Endocrine System Throughout Life 576
Focus on Hypothalamus and Pituitary Interactions 564
Related Clinical Terms 577
Chapter Summary 578
Review Questions 580
18. Blood 582
Composition of Blood 583
Blood Plasma 583
Formed Elements 584
Blood Cell Formation 589
Bone Marrow as the Site of Hematopoiesis 589
Cell Lines in Blood Cell Formation 590
Disorders of the Blood 592
Disorders of Erythrocytes 592
Disorders of Leukocytes 593
Disorders of Platelets 593
The Blood Throughout Life 593
Transplants of Bone Marrow and Cord Blood 594
Related Clinical Terms 595
Chapter Summary 595
Review Questions 596
19. The Heart 598
Location and Orientation Within the Thorax 599
Structure of the Heart 601
Coverings 601
Layers of the Heart Wall 601
Heart Chambers 602
Heart Valves 607
Valve Structure 607
Valve Function 607
Heart Sounds 607
Pathway of Blood Through the Heart 609
Cardiac Muscle Tissue 611
Structure of Cardiac Muscle 611
Mechanism of Contraction 612
Conducting System and Innervation 613
Conducting System 613
Innervation 614
Blood Supply to the Heart 615
Coronary Arteries 615
Cardiac Veins 616
Disorders of the Heart 616
Coronary Artery Disease 616
Heart Failure 616
Disorders of the Conduction System 616
The Heart Throughout Life 618
Development of the Heart 618
The Heart in Adulthood and Old Age 619
Focus on Blood Flow Through the Heart 610
Coronary Artery Disease 617
Related Clinical Terms 620
Chapter Summary 620
Review Questions 622
20. Blood Vessels 624
Part 1: General Characteristics of Blood Vessels 625
Structure of Blood Vessel Walls 625
Types of Blood Vessels 625
Arteries 625
Capillaries 628
Venous Vessels 630
Vascular Anastomoses 631
Part 2: Blood Vessels of the Body 632
The Pulmonary Circulation 632
The Systemic Circulation 633
Systemic Arteries 633
Systemic Veins 644
Disorders of the Blood Vessels 654
Blood Vessels Throughout Life 658
Fetal Circulation 658
Blood Vessels in Adulthood 659
Focus on Fetal and Newborn Circulation 656
Atherosclerosis? Get Out the Cardiovascular Dra ¯no 655
Related Clinical Terms 659
Chapter Summary 659
Review Questions 661
21. The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 663
The Lymphatic System 664
Lymphatic Capillaries 664
Collecting Lymphatic Vessels 665
Lymph Nodes 665
Lymph Trunks 666
Lymph Ducts 666
The Immune System 668
Lymphocytes 669
Lymphocyte Differentiation and Activation 670
Lymphoid Tissue 671
Lymphoid Organs 673
Disorders of the Lymphatic and Immune Systems 677
The Lymphatic and Immune Systems Throughout Life 677
AIDS: The Modern-Day Plague? 672
Related Clinical Terms 678
Chapter Summary 678
Review Questions 680
22. The Respiratory System 681
Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System 682
The Nose and the Paranasal Sinuses 683
The Pharynx 687
The Larynx 687
The Trachea 690
The Bronchial Tree 692
The Lungs and Pleurae 695
Ventilation 700
The Mechanism of Ventilation 700
Neural Control of Ventilation 702
Disorders of the Respiratory System 703
Bronchial Asthma 703
Cystic Fibrosis 703
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 705
The Respiratory System Throughout Life 706
Lung Cancer: The Facts Behind the Smoke Screen 704
Related Clinical Terms 707
Chapter Summary 707
Review Questions 709
23. The Digestive System 711
Overview 712
Abdominal Regions 713
The Peritoneal Cavity and Peritoneum 716
Digestive Processes 718
Anatomy of the Alimentary Canal 719
Histology 719
Smooth Muscle 721
The Mouth and Associated Organs 723
The Pharynx 728
The Esophagus 728
The Stomach 730
The Small Intestine 733
The Large Intestine 736
Anatomy of the Accessory Organs 742
The Liver 742
The Gallbladder 746
The Pancreas 746
Disorders of the Digestive System 748
Peptic Ulcers 748
Intestinal Obstruction 748
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 748
Viral Hepatitis 748
Cystic Fibrosis and the Pancreas 749
The Digestive System Throughout Life 749
Embryonic Development 749
The Digestive System in Later Life 750
Focus on the Peritoneum and the Digestive System Organs 714
Focus on Digestive Processes and the Histology of the Alimentary Canal 740
Related Clinical Terms 751
Chapter Summary 751
Review Questions 754
24. The Urinary System 756
Kidneys 757
Gross Anatomy of the Kidneys 757
Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidneys 760
Ureters 767
Gross Anatomy 767
Microscopic Anatomy 767
Urinary Bladder 768
Gross Anatomy 768
Microscopic Anatomy 769
Urethra 770
Micturition 771
Disorders of the Urinary System 772
Urinary Tract Infections 772
Renal Calculi 772
Cancer of Urinary Organs 773
The Urinary System Throughout Life 773
Related Clinical Terms 775
Chapter Summary 775
Review Questions 777
25. The Reproductive System 779
The Male Reproductive System 780
The Testes 780
Male Reproductive Ducts 783
Accessory Glands 786
The Penis 787
The Male Perineum 788
Spermatogenesis 788
The Female Reproductive System 791
The Ovaries 791
The Uterine Tubes 793
The Uterus 794
Oogenesis and the Female Menstrual Cycle 796
The Vagina 802
The External Genitalia and Female Perineum 803
The Mammary Glands 803
Pregnancy and Childbirth 804
Pregnancy 804
Childbirth 809
Disorders of the Reproductive System 810
Reproductive System Cancers in Males 810
Reproductive System Cancers in Females 810
The Reproductive System Throughout Life 813
Embryonic Development of the Sex Organs 813
Descent of the Gonads 813
Puberty 815
Menopause 815
Contraception: To Be or Not To Be 801
Related Clinical Terms 816
Chapter Summary 816
Review Questions 818
Appendix A: The Metric System 821
Appendix B: Answers to Check Your Understanding, Multiple Choice, and Matching Questions 823
Glossary 831
Photo and Illustration Credits 843
Index 845
Word Roots: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms BEP1
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