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Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Sharon L. Lewis | Susan A. Sandstrom | Linda Bucher | Margaret M. Heitkemper | Mariann M. Harding | Jeffrey Kwong | Dottie Roberts


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Book Details


Prepare for success in the classroom! Corresponding to the chapters in the 10th edition of Lewis' market-leading text Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, this study guide offers a complete review of content and a wide range of activities to help you understand key nursing concepts. Alternate item format questions reflect the most current NCLEX test plan. And to make studying easier, answers for all exercises are included in the back of the book.

  • A wide variety of clinically relevant exercises and activities, including NCLEX examination-style multiple-choice questions, prioritization and delegation questions, and case studies, help you learn the material.
  • Answers to all questions in the back of the book provide you with immediate feedback as you study.
  • Additional alternate item format questions prepare you for the most current NCLEX exam.
  • NEW! Attractive four-color design ties the study guide to the textbook.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
1 Concepts in Nursing Practice 1
1 Professional Nursing Practice 1
2 Health Disparities and Culturally Competent Care 5
3 Health History and Physical Examination 8
4 Patient and Caregiver Teaching 11
5 Chronic Illness and Older Adults 15
6 Stress and Stress Management 19
Word and Phrase List 20
7 Sleep and Sleep Disorders 23
8 Pain 26
9 Palliative Care at End of Life 30
10 Substance Use Disorders 33
2 Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Disease 37
11 Inflammation and Wound Healing 37
12 Genetics and Genomics 41
13 Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation 44
14 Infection and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 48
15 Cancer 52
16 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances 57
3 Perioperative Care 63
17 Preoperative Care 63
18 Intraoperative Care 66
19 Postoperative Care 69
4 Problems Related to Altered Sensory Input 72
20 Assessment of Visual and Auditory Systems 72
21 Visual and Auditory Problems 77
22 Assessment of Integumentary System 82
23 Integumentary Problems 85
24 Burns 89
5 Problems of Oxygenation: Ventilation 94
25 Assessment of Respiratory System 94
26 Upper Respiratory Problems 99
27 Lower Respiratory Problems 103
28 Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases 109
6 Problems of Oxygenation: Transport 115
29 Assessment of Hematologic System 115
30 Hematologic Problems 118
Etiologic 118
Morphologic 118
7 Problems of Oxygenation: Perfusion 125
31 Assessment of Cardiovascular System 125
32 Hypertension 131
33 Coronary Artery Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome 135
34 Heart Failure 141
35 Dysrhythmias 145
36 Inflammatory and Structural Heart Disorders 152
37 Vascular Disorders 157
8 Problems of Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, and Elimination 163
38 Assessment of Gastrointestinal System 163
39 Nutritional Problems 167
40 Obesity 171
41 Upper Gastrointestinal Problems 175
42 Lower Gastrointestinal Problems 181
43 Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Tract Problems 187
9 Problems of Urinary Function 194
44 Assessment of Urinary System 194
45 Renal and Urologic Problems 198
46 Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease 203
10 Problems Related to Regulatory and Reproductive Mechanisms 209
47 Assessment of Endocrine System 209
48 Diabetes Mellitus 213
49 Endocrine Problems 219
50 Assessment of Reproductive System 224
Terms 224
Terms 225
51 Breast Disorders 228
52 Sexually Transmitted Infections 232
53 Female Reproductive and Genital Problems 235
54 Male Reproductive and Genital Problems 240
11 Problems Related to Movement and Coordination 244
55 Assessment of Nervous System 244
56 Acute Intracranial Problems 249
57 Stroke 254
58 Chronic Neurologic Problems 258
59 Dementia and Delirium 263
60 Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Problems 267
61 Assessment of Musculoskeletal System 272
62 Musculoskeletal Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery 277
63 Musculoskeletal Problems 283
64 Arthritis and Connective Tissue Diseases 286
12 Nursing Care in Specialized Settings 291
65 Critical Care 291
66 Shock, Sepsis, and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 297
67 Acute Respiratory Failure and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 302
68 Emergency and Disaster Nursing 306
Answer Key for Study Guide 310
Chapter 1 310
Chapter 2 311
Chapter 3 312
Chapter 4 313
Chapter 5 315
Chapter 6 316
Case Study 318
Chapter 7 318
Case Study 319
Chapter 8 320
Case Study 322
Chapter 9 322
Case Study 323
Chapter 10 323
Case Study 325
Chapter 11 325
Case Study 327
Chapter 12 327
Case Study 328
Chapter 13 329
Case Study 330
Chapter 14 331
Case Study 333
Chapter 15 333
Case Study 335
Chapter 16 336
Case Study 338
Chapter 17 339
Case Study 340
Chapter 18 340
Case Study 341
Chapter 19 342
Case Study 343
Chapter 20 343
Chapter 21 346
Case Study 348
Chapter 22 348
Chapter 23 350
Case Study 351
Chapter 24 352
Case Study 353
Chapter 25 354
Chapter 26 356
Case Study 357
Chapter 27 358
Case Study 360
Chapter 28 361
Case Study 363
Chapter 29 364
Chapter 30 366
Case Study 369
Chapter 31 369
Chapter 32 371
Case Study 373
Chapter 33 373
Case Study 376
Chapter 34 377
Case Study 379
Chapter 35 380
Case Study 382
Chapter 36 382
Case Study 384
Chapter 37 385
Case Study 387
Chapter 38 388
Chapter 39 390
Case Study 392
Chapter 40 392
Case Study 394
Chapter 41 395
Case Study 398
Chapter 42 398
Case Study 401
Chapter 43 402
Case Study 405
Chapter 44 406
Chapter 45 408
Case Study 410
Chapter 46 411
Case Study 414
Chapter 47 414
Chapter 48 416
Case Study 419
Chapter 49 419
Case Study 422
Chapter 50 423
Chapter 51 425
Case Study 426
Chapter 52 428
Case Study 429
Chapter 53 429
Case Study 432
Chapter 54 432
Case Study 434
Chapter 55 435
Chapter 56 437
Case Study 439
Chapter 57 440
Case Study 441
Chapter 58 442
Case Study 444
Chapter 59 445
Case Study 447
Chapter 60 447
Case Study 450
Chapter 61 450
Chapter 62 452
Case Study 455
Chapter 63 455
Case Study 456
Chapter 64 457
Case Study 460
Chapter 65 460
Case Study 463
Chapter 66 464
Case Study 467
Chapter 67 468
Case Study 470
Chapter 68 471
Case Study 472
Inside Back Cover ibc1