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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour

David Buchanan | Andrzej Huczynski


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Organizational Behaviour is the most established and yet most engaging book of its kind available today. Whatever your background, Buc and Huc will enable you to view organisations and their actions in a whole new way.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Outline Contents vii
Full Contents viii
Acknowledgements xv
Student briefing xxiii
What are the aims of this text? xxiii
Who are our readers? xxiii
What approach do we adopt? xxiii
What aids to learning are included? xxiv
Instructor briefing xxix
What is our perspective? xxix
Why include cartoons? xxx
Why recommend movies and television programmes? xxxi
Invitation to see: why analyse photographs? xxxii
Part 1 The organizational context 2
Invitation to see (1) and What would you do? 3
Chapter 1 Explaining organizational behaviour 5
Key terms and learning outcomes 5
What is organizational behaviour? 6
If we destroy this planet 10
A field map of the organizational behaviour terrain 14
The problem with social science 17
Explaining organizational behaviour 21
Research and practice: evidence-based management 24
Human resource management: OB in action 27
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 33
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 34
Chapter exercises 35
References 37
Chapter 2 Environment 39
Key terms and learning outcomes 39
Why study an organization’s environment? 40
The search for ‘fit’ 42
Analysing the organization’s environment 46
PESTLE and scenario planning 55
Ethical behaviour 60
Business ethics and corporate social responsibility 63
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 69
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 70
Chapter exercises 71
References 73
Chapter 3 Technology 75
Key terms and learning outcomes 75
Why study technology? 76
Determinism or choice 77
The second machine age 79
Automating knowledge work 85
New ways of working 87
The social matrix 90
Four challenges 94
Cybercrime 96
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 99
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 102
Chapter exercises 103
References 105
Chapter 4 Culture 107
Key terms and learning outcomes 107
Why study organizational culture? 108
Rise of organizational culture 109
Culture: surface manifestations, values and basic assumptions 110
Organizational socialization 116
Perspectives on culture contrasted 119
Culture strength and organizational performance 124
Types of organizational culture 127
National cultures 128
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 134
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 135
Chapter exercises 137
References 139
Part 2 Individuals in the organization 142
Invitation to see (2) and What would you advise? 143
Chapter 5 Learning 145
Key terms and learning outcomes 145
Why study learning? 146
The learning process 147
The behaviourist approach to learning 150
The cognitive approach to learning 156
Behaviourism in practice 158
Cognitive perspectives in practice 160
Behaviour modification versus socialization 163
The learning organization 165
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 171
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 172
Chapter exercises 173
References 175
Chapter 6 Personality 177
Key terms and learning outcomes 177
Why study personality? 178
Defining personality 180
Types and traits 181
Personality Types A and B 186
Stress management: individual and organizational 187
The Big Five 192
The development of the self 195
Nomothetic versus idiographic 200
Selection methods 201
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 205
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 206
Chapter exercises 207
References 211
Chapter 7 Communication 212
Key terms and learning outcomes 212
Why study communication? 213
Interpersonal communication 216
Verbal communication 220
Non-verbal communication 222
Cultural differences in communication style 230
Impression management 231
Emotional intelligence 234
Organizational communication 236
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 240
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 242
Chapter exercises 243
References 247
Chapter 8 Perception 249
Key terms and learning outcomes 249
Why study perception? 250
Selectivity and organization 251
Perceptual sets and perceptual worlds 257
Do we see to know or know to see? 259
Perceptual sets and assumptions 261
Sex, appearance, attractiveness and discrimination 263
Perceptual errors and how to avoid them 266
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 269
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 270
Chapter exercises 271
References 274
Chapter 9 Motivation 276
Key terms and learning outcomes 276
Why study motivation? 277
Extreme jobs, boreout and the gig economy 280
Drives, motives and motivation 282
Content theories 284
Process theories 287
The social process of motivating others 293
Engagement and high performance 299
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 303
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 304
Chapter exercises 305
References 308
Part 3 Groups and teams in the organization 312
Invitation to see (3) and What would you advise? 313
Chapter 10 Group formation 314
Key terms and learning outcomes 314
Why study groups? 315
Groups in organizations 315
Definitions of groups 318
Types of group tasks 322
The Hawthorne studies 325
Group-oriented view of organizations 328
Formal and informal groups 331
Group formation 334
Group development 337
Groups and teams 340
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 341
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 342
Chapter exercises 343
References 345
Chapter 11 Group structure 347
Key terms and learning outcomes 347
Why study group structure? 348
Group structure and process 349
Power structure 351
Status structure 352
Liking structure 353
Communication structure 355
Role structure 361
Leadership structure 366
Virtual teams 368
Networked individualism 371
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 374
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 375
Chapter exercises 377
References 380
Chapter 12 Individuals in groups 383
Key terms and learning outcomes 383
Why study individuals in groups? 384
The individual and the group 384
Group influences on individuals’ perceptions 386
Group influences on individuals’ performance 388
Group influences on individuals’ behaviour 394
Deindividuation 405
Individual influences on group attitudes and behaviour 408
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 409
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 410
Chapter exercises 411
References 414
Chapter 13 Teamworking 417
Key terms and learning outcomes 417
Why study teamworking? 418
The T-word and teamwork design 420
Types of teams 421
Advice teams 425
Action teams 426
Project teams 427
Production teams 429
Teamwork activities 430
Ecological framework for analysing work team effectiveness 436
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 441
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 442
Chapter exercises 443
References 446
Part 4 Management and organization 450
Invitation to see (4) and What are you going to do? 451
Chapter 14 Work design 452
Key terms and learning outcomes 452
Why study work design? 453
Birth of scientific management 453
Taylorism 454
Development of Taylorism 460
Fordism 463
After Ford: the deskilling debate 468
Back to the future? 474
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 476
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 478
Chapter exercises 479
References 481
Chapter 15 Elements of structure 484
Key terms and learning outcomes 484
Why study elements of structure? 485
Organization structuring 486
Types of jobs 489
Line, staff and functional relationships 495
Sexuality and the informal organization 504
Roles in organizations 507
Formalization 511
Centralization versus decentralization 511
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 513
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 514
Chapter exercises 515
References 518
Chapter 16 Organization design 521
Key terms and learning outcomes 521
Why study organization design? 522
Max Weber and bureaucracy 522
Henri Fayol and managerial activities 526
Henry Mintzberg and managerial roles 532
Contingency approach 535
Contingency and technological determinism 536
Contingency and environmental determinism 541
Strategic choice 545
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 547
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 549
Chapter exercises 550
References 552
Chapter 17 Organizational architecture 555
Key terms and learning outcomes 555
Why study organizational architecture? 556
Era of self-contained organization structures 558
Era of horizontal organization structures 561
Era of boundaryless organizations 566
Outsourcing 566
Collaboration 572
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 586
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 587
Chapter exercises 588
References 590
Part 5 Leadership processes 594
Invitation to see (5) and What would you advise? 595
Chapter 18 Leadership 597
Key terms and learning outcomes 597
Why study leadership? 598
Leadership versus management 600
Trait-spotting 601
Do women have the wrong traits? 604
Style-counselling 610
Context-fitting 613
New leadership 620
Distributed leadership 621
Who needs leaders? 623
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 625
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 626
Chapter exercises 628
References 630
Chapter 19 Change 633
Key terms and learning outcomes 633
Why study change? 634
Making change happen 636
Change and the individual 640
Readiness and resistance 643
Participation and dictatorship 647
Organization development 649
Why change, when you can innovate? 651
To be an innovator and lead change 656
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 659
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 661
Chapter exercises 662
References 664
Chapter 20 Decision making 667
Key terms and learning outcomes 667
Why study decision making? 668
Models of decision making 668
Decision conditions: risk and programmability 678
Group decision making 681
Problems with group decision making 683
Organizational decision making 689
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 694
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 695
Chapter exercises 696
References 698
Chapter 21 Conflict 701
Key terms and learning outcomes 701
Why study conflict? 702
Contrasting conflict frames of reference 703
Coordination failure and conflict 707
Conflict management 713
Conflict expression 718
Radical frame of reference 719
Emotional labour 724
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 729
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 731
Chapter exercises 732
References 733
Chapter 22 Power and politics 736
Key terms and learning outcomes 736
Why study power and politics? 737
Power in organizations 739
Power and influence 748
Organization politics and political skill 751
Is it different for women? 757
Recap, Revision, Research assignment 762
Springboard, OB cinema, OB on the web 763
Chapter exercises 764
References 767
Glossary 770
Name index 783
Subject index 794