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Clinical Companion to Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Clinical Companion to Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

Sharon L. Lewis | Debra Hagler | Linda Bucher | Margaret M. Heitkemper | Mariann M. Harding | Jeffrey Kwong | Dottie Roberts


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Book Details


Get instant access to all the information you need for more than 200 medical-surgical conditions and procedures with the Clinical Companion to Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. Designed to accompany the 10th Edition of the Lewis main text, this portable reference has been completely updated throughout to reflect current practice. The Clinical Companion is organized alphabetically for quick reference and includes a variety of full-color illustrations and summary tables to help you digest information quickly.

  • Disorders section covers commonly encountered medical-surgical conditions in a consistent, clinically-relevant format that includes:
    • Definition/Description
    • Pathophysiology
    • Clinical Manifestations
    • Complications
    • Diagnostic Studies
    • Interprofessional Care (including Drug Therapy, where relevant)
    • Nursing Management

  • Treatments and Procedures section summarizes the need-to-know content about common medical-surgical treatments and procedures such as basic life support, enteral nutrition, and artificial airway management.
  • Cross-references to Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition, make it easy to locate more in-depth information.
  • Patient and caregiver teaching content highlighted with a special icon, identifying information to share with patients and caregivers.
  • Reference Appendix contains information commonly used in nursing practice, such as abbreviations, laboratory values, and commonly used formulas.
  • NEW! Attractive full-color design ties the Clinical Companion to the textbook.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Clinical Companion to Medical-Surgical Nursing i
Copyright Page iv
Preface v
Table Of Contents vi
One Disorders 1
Abdominal Pain, Acute 3
Description 3
Clinical Manifestations 3
Diagnostic Studies 3
Interprofessional Care 3
Nursing Management 4
Goals 4
Nursing Interventions 4
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 5
Acute Coronary Syndrome 5
Description 5
Pathophysiology 5
Unstable Angina 5
Myocardial Infarction: ST-Elevation (STEMI) and Non–ST-Elevation (NSTEMI) 6
Clinical Manifestations 7
Unstable Angina 7
Myocardial Infarction 7
Complications 8
Diagnostic Studies 9
Cardiac Biomarkers 9
Interprofessional Care 10
Nursing Management 11
Goals 11
Nursing Diagnoses 11
Nursing Interventions 11
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 12
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 13
Description 13
Pathophysiology 14
Clinical Manifestations 16
Diagnostic Studies 16
Nursing and Interprofessional Management 16
Goals 16
Nursing Diagnoses 17
Interprofessional Care 17
O2 Administration. 17
Mechanical Ventilation. 17
Positioning. 17
Interprofessional Supportive Therapy 18
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 18
Addison’s Disease 18
Description 18
Clinical Manifestations 19
Diagnostic Studies 19
Interprofessional Care 20
Nursing Management 20
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 21
Alzheimer’s Disease 21
Description 21
Pathophysiology 21
Clinical Manifestations 22
Diagnostic Studies 25
Interprofessional Care 25
Nursing Management 26
Goals 26
Nursing Diagnoses 26
Nursing Interventions 26
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 27
Anal Cancer 29
Anemia 29
Description 29
Diagnostic Studies 30
Clinical Manifestations 32
Nursing Management 32
Goals 32
Nursing Diagnoses 32
Nursing and Interprofessional Management 35
Anemia, Aplastic 35
Description 35
Pathophysiology 35
Clinical Manifestations 35
Diagnostic Studies 36
Nursing and Interprofessional Management 36
Anemia, Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency 37
Description 37
Pathophysiology 37
Clinical Manifestations 37
Diagnostic Studies 38
Interprofessional Care 38
Nursing Management 38
Anemia, Folic Acid Deficiency 39
Clinical Manifestations 39
Nursing and Interprofessional Management 39
Anemia, Iron-Deficiency 39
Description 39
Pathophysiology 40
Clinical Manifestations 40
Diagnostic Studies 40
Interprofessional Care 41
Nursing Management 41
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 41
Aneurysm, Aortic 41
Description 41
Pathophysiology 42
Clinical Manifestations 42
Complications 43
Diagnostic Studies 43
Interprofessional Care 44
Nursing Management 45
Goals 45
Nursing Diagnoses 45
Nursing Interventions 45
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 45
Angina, Chronic Stable 46
Description 46
Pathophysiology 46
Clinical Manifestations 47
Diagnostic Studies 48
Interprofessional Care 48
Drug Therapy 48
Cardiac Catheterization 49
Nursing Management 50
Goals and Nursing Diagnoses 50
Nursing Interventions 50
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 50
Ankylosing Spondylitis 51
Description 51
Pathophysiology 51
Clinical Manifestations 51
Diagnostic Studies 52
Interprofessional Care 52
Nursing Management 52
Aortic Dissection 53
Description 53
Pathophysiology 53
Clinical Manifestations and Complications 54
Diagnostic Studies 55
Interprofessional Care 55
Nursing Management 56
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 56
Appendicitis 56
Description 56
Pathophysiology 56
Clinical Manifestations and Complications 57
Diagnostic Studies 57
Interprofessional Care 57
Nursing Management 57
Asthma 58
Description 58
Pathophysiology 58
Clinical Manifestations 59
Classification of Asthma 60
Complications 60
Diagnostic Studies 63
Interprofessional Care 63
Intermittent and Persistent Asthma 63
Acute Asthma Exacerbations 64
Severe and Life-Threatening Asthma Exacerbations 64
Drug Therapy 65
Nursing Management 65
Goals 65
Nursing Diagnoses 65
Nursing Interventions 65
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 66
Bell’s Palsy 67
Description 67
Pathophysiology 67
Clinical Manifestations 68
Interprofessional Care 68
Nursing Management 69
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo 69
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 70
Description 70
Pathophysiology 70
Clinical Manifestations 70
Complications 70
Diagnostic Studies 71
Interprofessional Care 71
Drug Therapy 71
Nursing Management 75
Goals 75
Nursing Diagnoses 75
Preoperative 75
Postoperative 75
Nursing Interventions 75
Preoperative Care. 76
Postoperative Care. 76
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 77
Bladder Cancer 77
Description 77
Clinical Manifestations 78
Diagnostic Studies 78
Nursing and Interprofessional Management 78
Bone Tumors 79
Description 79
Osteochondroma 80
Osteosarcoma 80
Metastatic Bone Cancer 80
Nursing Management: Bone Cancer 81
Brain Tumors 82
Description 82
Clinical Manifestations 82
Diagnostic Studies 82
Interprofessional Care 83
Nursing Management 84
Goals 84
Nursing Diagnoses/Collaborative Problems 84
Nursing Interventions 84
Breast Cancer 85
Description 85
Pathophysiology 85
Clinical Manifestations 87
Diagnostic Studies 88
Screening 88
Post-Diagnosis 88
Interprofessional Care 89
Surgical Therapy 89
Radiation Therapy 89
Chemotherapy 90
Hormone Therapy 90
Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy 90
Follow-up and Survivorship Care 92
Nursing Management 93
Goals 93
Nursing Diagnoses 93
Nursing Interventions 93
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 95
Bronchiectasis 95
Description 95
Clinical Manifestations 96
Diagnostic Studies 96
Interprofessional Care 96
Nursing Management 97
Burns 97
Description 97
Pathophysiology 97
Types of Burn Injury 98
Classification of Burn Injury 98
Clinical Manifestations 101
Emergent Phase 101
Two Treatments and Procedures 679
Amputation 681
Description 681
Nursing Management 681
Preoperative Care 681
Postoperative Care 682
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 682
Artificial Airways 683
Description 683
Nursing and Interprofessional Management 685
Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers 689
Description 689
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 690
Hands-Only CPR 693
Chemotherapy 694
Description 694
Classification of Chemotherapeutic Drugs 694
Methods of Administration 694
Effects of Chemotherapy 697
Nursing Management: Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy 698
▼ Patient and Caregiver Teaching 699
Chest Tubes and Pleural Drainage 699
Description 699
Chest Tube Insertion 700
Pleural Drainage 700
Nursing Management: Chest Drainage 701
Drainage System 703
Patient’s Clinical Status 703
Chest Tube Removal 704
Dialysis 704
Enteral Nutrition 706
Tube Feedings and Safety 706
Patient Position 706
Aspiration Risk 706
Tube Position 707
Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy 708
Description 708
Nursing Management 708
Mechanical Ventilation 712
Description 712
Types of Mechanical Ventilation 712
Nursing Management 713
Ostomies 713
Description 713
Types of Ostomies 713
Nursing Management 716
Preoperative Care 716
Postoperative Care 716
Colostomy Care 716
Three Reference Appendix 743
Abbreviations 745
The Joint Commission Official “Do Not Use” List 752
Additional Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols 753
Blood Gases 753
Blood Products* 755
Breath Sounds 758
Commonly Used Formulas 760
Characteristics of Common Dysrhythmias 761
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitoring 764
ECG Waveforms and Normal Sinus Rhythm 764
Glasgow Coma Scale 767
Heart Sounds 768
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring 770
Laboratory Values 771
Lung Volumes and Capacities 773
Medication Administrations 774
Drug Calculations 774
Ratio and Proportion 774
IV Drip Rate 775
Techniques of Administration 775
Angles of Injection 775
Injection Sites 776
Subcutaneous 776
Intramuscular: Deltoid Muscle 776
Intramuscular: Dorsogluteal Muscle 777
Intramuscular: Vastus Lateralis Muscle 777
Intramuscular: Ventrogluteal Muscle 778
Z-Track Technique 778
Intermittent IV Drug Administration 779
Peripheral Vein Intermittent Infusion Device 779
Central Vein Intermittent Infusion Device 779
Temperature Equivalents 780
Conversion Factors 780
TNM Classification System 781
English/Spanish Common Medical Terms 781
Hints for Pronunciation of Spanish Words 781
Common Words/Phrases for Clinical Situations 782
Urinalysis 785
Index 789
A 789
B 791
C 792
D 794
E 795
F 795
G 796
H 796
I 798
J 798
K 799
L 799
M 799
N 800
O 800
P 800
R 802
S 802
T 803
U 804
V 804
W 804
X 804
Inside Back Cover ibc1