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BTEC Nationals Information Technology Student Book

BTEC Nationals Information Technology Student Book

Jenny Phillips | Alan Jarvis | Mark Fishpool | Richard McGill | Tim Cook | Author


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BTEC Nationals Information Technology Student Book 1

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents iii
Introduction iv
Chapter 1: Information Technology Systems 1
A: Digital devices in IT systems 4
Digital devices, their functions and use 4
Peripheral devices and media 10
Computer software in an IT system 14
Emerging technologies 21
Choosing IT systems 23
B: Transmitting data 26
Connectivity 26
Networks 29
C: Issues relating to transmission of data 33
Protocols used to govern and control data transmission for common tasks 33
D: Operating online 38
Online systems 38
Online communities 43
E: Protecting data and information 50
Threats to data, information and systems 50
Protecting data 51
F: Impact of IT systems 58
Online services 58
Impact on organisations 60
Using and manipulating data 65
G: Issues 72
Moral and ethical issues 72
Legal, moral and ethical issues 74
Chapter 2: Creating systems to manage information 85
A: The purpose and structure of relational database management systems 87
Relational database management systems 87
Manipulating data structures and data in relational databases 96
Normalisation 103
B: Standard methods and techniques to design relational database solutions 111
Relational database design 111
C: Creating a relational database structure 143
Producing a database solution 143
Testing and refining the database solution 166
D: Evaluating a database development project 167
Database design evaluation 168
Evaluation of database testing 168
Evaluation of the database 169
Chapter 3: Using Social Media in Business 179
A: Explore the impact of social media on the ways in which businesses promote their products and services 182
Social media websites 182
Business uses of social media 188
Risks and issues 191
B: Develop a plan to use social media in a business to meet requirements 194
Social media planning process 195
Business requirements 195
Content planning and publishing 197
Developing an online community 203
Developing a social media policy 203
Reviewing and refining plans 204
C: Implement the use of social media in a business 205
Creating accounts and profiles 205
Content creation and publication 207
Implementation of online community building 209
Data gathering and analysis 213
Chapter 4: Programming 219
A: Examine the computational thinking skills and principles of computer programming 222
Computational thinking skills 222
Uses of software applications 226
Features and characteristics of programming languages 227
Programming constructs and techniques and their implementation in different languages 233
Documentation of code 247
Principles of logic applied to program design 248
Quality of software applications 249
B: Design a software solution to meet client requirements 252
Software development life cycle 252
Software solutions design 254
C: Develop a software solution to meet client requirements 269
Software solutions development 269
Testing software solutions 270
Improving, refining and optimising software applications 271
Reviewing software solutions 272
Chapter 5: Data Modelling 277
A: Investigate data modelling and how it can be used in the decision-making process 280
Stages in the decision-making process 280
Spreadsheet features used to support data modelling 283
Using data modelling to consider alternatives 287
Evaluating models 288
Documenting and justifying decisions 288
B: Design a data model to meet client requirements 290
Functional specification 290
Spreadsheet model design 291
Reviewing and refining data model designs 292
C: Develop a data model to meet client requirements 293
Developing a data model solution 293
Testing the data model solution 326
Reviewing and refining the data model solution 327
Chapter 6: Website Development 333
A: Understand the principles of website development 336
Purpose and principles of website products 336
Factors affecting website performance 342
B: Design a website to meet client requirements 345
Website design 345
Common tools and techniques used to produce websites 354
C: Develop a website to meet client requirements 360
Website development 360
Client-side scripting 366
Other issues involved in website development 371
Website review 372
Website optimisation 373
Chapter 7: Mobile Apps Development 379
A: Investigate mobile apps and mobile devices 382
Types of mobile apps 382
Context of mobile apps 382
Mobile device integration 383
Mobile app programming 386
B: Design a mobile app that utilises device functions 388
Analyse requirements for an app 388
Designing a mobile app 389
C: Develop a mobile app that utilises device functions 393
Content preparation for mobile apps 393
Developing a mobile app 396
Testing a mobile app 412
Lessons learned from developing a mobile app 415
Chapter 8: Computer Games Development 419
A: Investigate technologies used in computer gaming 422
Gaming trends and society 422
Gaming technology 427
B: Design a computer game to meet client requirements 433
Computer games design processes and techniques 434
Design documentation 440
Reviewing and refining designs 448
C: Develop a computer game to meet client requirements 450
Principles of computer games development 450
Developing computer games 454
Testing computer games 459
Reviewing computer games 461
External reviews and quality characteristics 463
Glossary 467
Index 473