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BTEC National Health and Social Care Student Book 1

BTEC National Health and Social Care Student Book 1

Marilyn Billingham | Pamela Davenport | Hilary Talman | Nicola Matthews | Beryl Stretch | Author


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BTEC National Health and Social Care Student Book 1

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Acknowledgement ii
Contents iii
Introduction iv
Chapter 1: Human Lifespan Development 1
A: Human growth and development through the life stages 3
A1 Physical development across the life stages 3
Physical development in infancy and early childhood 5
A2 Intellectual development across the life stages 12
A3 Emotional development across the life stages 18
A4 Social development across the life stages 24
B: Factors affecting human growth and development 31
B1 The nature/nurture debate 31
B2 Genetic factors that affect development 32
B3 Environmental factors that affect development 38
B4 Social factors that affect development 43
B5 Economic factors that affect development 47
B6 Major life events that affect development 52
C: Effects of ageing 57
C1 The physical changes of ageing 57
C2 The psychological changes of ageing 62
C3 The societal effects of an ageing population 66
Chapter 2: Working in Health and Social Care 77
A: The roles and responsibilities of people who work in the health and social care sector 80
Roles of people who work in health and social care settings 80
Responsibilities of people who work in health and social care settings 86
Specific responsibilities of people who work in health and social care settings 94
Multi-disciplinary working in the health and social care sector 109
Monitoring the work of people in health and care settings 110
B: The roles of organisations in the health and social care sector 112
Roles of organisations in providing health and social care services 112
Issues that affect access to services 119
Ways organisations represent the interests of service users 121
Roles of organisations that regulate and inspect health and social care services 123
Responsibilities of organisations towards people who work in health and social care settings 132
C: Working with people with specific needs in the health and social care sector 134
People with specific needs 134
Working practices 138
Chapter 3: Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care 149
A: The structure and organisation of the human body 151
How cells work 151
Characteristics of tissues 156
The structure and function of body organs 164
Energy in the body 165
Human genetics 167
B: The structure, function and disorders of body systems 171
Homeostatic mechanisms 171
The structures, function and main disorders of the cardiovascular system 179
The structure, function and main disorders of the respiratory system 188
The structure, function and main disorders of the skeletal system 193
The structure, function and main disorders of the muscular system 196
The structure, function and main disorders of the digestive system 199
The structure, function and main disorders of the nervous system 207
The structure, function and main disorders of the endocrine system 209
The structure, functions and disorders of the lymphatic and immune systems 213
Structure, function and disorders of the renal system 215
The structure, function and disorders of the reproductive system 218
C: Medical research 225
How data are collected and used 225
Chapter 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs 233
A: Examine principles, values and skills which underpin meeting the care and support needs of individuals 236
Promoting equality, diversity and preventing discrimination 236
Skills and personal attributes required for developing relationships with individuals 239
Empathy and establishing trust with individuals 243
B: Examine the ethical issues involved when providing care and support to meet individual needs 246
Ethical issues and approaches 246
Legislation and guidance on conflicts of interest, balancing resources and minimising risk 251
C: Investigate the principles behind enabling individuals with care and support needs to overcome challenges 256
Enabling individuals to overcome challenges 256
Promoting personalisation 264
Communication techniques 267
D: Investigate the roles of professionals and how they work together to provide the care and support necessary to meet individual needs 276
How agencies work together to meet individual care and support needs 276
Roles and responsibilities of key professionals on multi-disciplinary teams 279
Maintaining confidentiality 282
Managing information 286
Chapter 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care 295
A: Examine how a duty of care contributes to safe practice in health and social care settings 298
Duty of care 298
Complaints procedures 302
B: Understand how to recognise and respond to concerns about abuse and neglect in health and social care settings 308
Types and signs of abuse and neglect 309
Factors that could contribute to an individual being vulnerable to abuse or neglect 317
Responding to concerns of suspected abuse or neglect 319
Reducing the likelihood of abuse and neglect 323
C: Investigate the influence of health and safety legislation and policies in health and social care settings 327
Health and safety legislation and policies in health and social care 327
Influence of legislation and policies on health and social care practice 331
D: Explore procedures and responsibilities to maintain health and safety and respond to accidents and emergencies in health and social care settings 336
Procedures to maintain health and safety 336
Procedures for responding to accidents and emergencies 342
Health and safety responsibilities 344
Chapter 10: Sociological Perspectives 349
A: Understand how sociological concepts and perspectives are applied to the study of health and social care 352
Concepts and terminology used within sociology 352
The key sociological perspectives 363
B: Examine how sociological approaches support understanding of models and concepts of health 369
The biomedical model of health and alternatives 369
The concepts of health, ill health and disability 371
C: Examine how social inequalities, demographic change and patterns and trends affect health and social care delivery 374
Inequalities within society 374
Demographic change and data 380
Patterns and trends in health and ill health within social groups 385
Chapter 11: Psychological Perspectives 391
A: Examine how psychological perspectives contribute to the understanding of human development and behaviour 394
Principal psychological perspectives as applied to the understanding of development and behaviour 394
Application of psychological perspectives to health and social care practice 406
Contribution of psychological perspectives to the understanding of specific behaviours 413
B: Examine the contribution of psychological perspectives to the management and treatment of service users’ specific behaviours 415
Factors that affect human development and specific behaviours 415
Contribution of psychological perspectives to the management of behaviours 416
Contribution of psychological perspectives to the treatment of behaviours 420
C: Examine how psychological perspectives are applied in health and social care settings 423
Behaviour of service users in health and social care settings 423
Practices in health and social care settings 428
Chapter 14: Physiological Disorders and their Care 433
A: Investigate the causes and effects of physiological disorders 436
Types of physiological disorders and effects on body systems and functions 436
Causes of physiological disorders 443
Signs and symptoms of physiological disorders 450
B: Examine the investigation and diagnosis of physiological disorders 453
Investigative procedures for physiological disorders 453
Diagnostic procedures for physiological disorders 457
C: Examine treatment and support for service users with physiological disorders 459
Provision of treatment and support 459
Types of carers and care settings 461
D: Develop a treatment plan for service users with physiological disorders to meet their needs 467
Care methods and strategies 468
Treatment plan processes 469
Glossary 477
Index 483