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Administrative Law and The Administrative Court in Wales

Administrative Law and The Administrative Court in Wales

David Gardner


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As we progress into the twenty-first century, Wales is acquiring a new identity and greater legislative autonomy. The National Assembly and the Welsh Government have power to create laws specifically for Wales. In parallel, the judicial system in Wales is acquiring greater autonomy in its ability to hold the Welsh public bodies to account. This book examines the principles involved in challenging the acts and omissions of Welsh authorities through the Administrative Court in Wales. It also examines the legal provisions behind the Administrative Court, the principles of administrative law, and the procedures involved in conducting a judicial review, as well as other Administrative Court cases. Despite extensive literature on public and administrative law, none are written solely from a Welsh perspective: this book examines the ability of the Welsh people to challenge the acts and omissions of Welsh authorities through the Administrative Court in Wales.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Series Preface v
Contents vii
Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xix
Note on the Text xxi
List of UK Statutes xxiii
List of UK Statutory Instruments xxix
List of Acts of the National Assembly xxxv
List of Assembly Measures xxxv
List of Welsh Statutory Instruments xxxvi
List of Conventions xxxvi
List of European Treaties xxxvii
List of Cases xxxviii
Practice Directions, Notes and Statements lv
Chapter 1: Historical Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Prehistory and the Romans 1
The Welsh Princes 3
After the Welsh Princes 7
The Legal Union of England and Wales 9
The Establishment of the Current Judicial System in England and Wales 11
Modern Development of Administrative Law and the Crown Office/Administrative Court Office 21
The European Element 23
The Road to Devolution 25
The Government of Wales Act 1998 26
The Government of Wales Act 2006 29
Conclusion 32
Chapter 2: The Administrative Court in Wales: Creation and Jurisdiction 33
Introduction 33
Creating the Administrative Court in Wales 33
The Current Arrangement for the Administrative Court in Wales 38
The Jurisdiction of the Administrative Court in Wales 42
The Western Circuit 50
Conclusion 51
Chapter 3: Administrative Law 53
Introduction 53
Overview 54
Unlawfulness 57
Unreasonableness 71
Procedural Impropriety 77
Human Rights 84
Conclusion 95
Chapter 4: Public Law Defendants in Wales 97
Introduction 97
Public Bodies – Defendants in Administrative Court Cases 98
United Kingdom Government 101
The National Assembly for Wales 102
The Welsh Government and the Welsh Ministers 118
Local Government 122
Other Welsh Public Body Defendants 127
Conclusion 133
Chapter 5: Judicial Review 135
Introduction 135
Establishing the Parties 135
Pre-Action Considerations 138
Representation, Funding and Advice 147
An Overview of the Judicial Review Procedure 151
Lodging the Claim 151
Interim, Urgent, and Pre-Action Applications 154
The Acknowledgement of Service 160
Permission to Apply for Judicial Review 161
The Substantive Judicial Review 167
Remedies 172
The Role of the Upper Tribunal in Judicial Review Proceedings 182
The Planning Court 189
Conclusion 190
Chapter 6: Non-Judicial Review Administrative Court Procedures 191
Introduction 191
Pre-Action Conduct 191
Statutory Applications 192
General Statutory Appeals 197
Appeals By Way of Case Stated 202
Habeas Corpus 206
Committal for Contempt 211
Devolution Issues in Court Proceedings: Part 2 of Schedule 9 to the Government of Wales Act 2006 217
Conclusion 224
Chapter 7: Consequential and Ancillary Orders in the Administrative Court 225
Introduction 225
Ending a Case 225
Costs 230
References to the Court of Justice of the European Union 247
Appeals 249
Enforcing After Non-Compliance with an Order of the Court 252
Conclusion 256
Annex A – Part 54 Civil Procedure Rules 257
Annex B – ACO Wales Listing Policy 277
Annex C – Contact Details 282
Annex D – Addresses for Service of Central Government Departments 285
Annex E – Judicial Review Checklist 287
Annex F – ACO Wales Statistics 288
Annex G – Pro Formas 291
Annex H – The Legal System of England and Wales 293
Bibliography 295
Index 303
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