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The A to Z of ASDs

The A to Z of ASDs

Rudy Simone | Stephen M. Shore



The A to Z of ASDs is a one-stop shop for adults on the autism spectrum in the form of an alphabetical guide to an array of challenging topics. From anxiety to zen meditation, compassion to self-esteem, dating to socializing (and everything in between), Aunt Aspie's wisdom and witty one-liners offer helpful advice for serious subjects. With tried-and-tested tips, Aunt Aspie shares some of the tough life lessons she's learnt so you can avoid making the same mistakes, and make informed choices on the issues that matter.

Sometimes philosophical, often light-hearted and always informative, the practical information in this book will help you to navigate tricky life issues, and enable you to think through the more challenging questions facing people with ASDs.

Rudy Simone is an Aspergirl, writer, speaker and AS consultant. She is the author of 22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man with Asperger's Syndrome, 22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know and Aspergirls, also published by JKP. She lives in New York, USA. Visit her website at
Aunt Aspie brings her refreshingly candid and sharp wit to words that provide life-changing advice in The A-Z of ASDs by Rudy Simone. Love it!
Liane Holliday Willey, author of Pretending to be Normal and Safety Skills for Asperger Women
From A to Z, Aunt Aspie's advice will help you to evolve in a challenging world without stifling your differences. Aunt Aspie is the wise, gentle and understanding character every person with autism should have not far from their bedside table.
Hugo Horiot, author, France
...Whether you are on the autism spectrum or someone you know is or even if no one you know is and you just like learning about new things this is a great read.
Vexing Circumstance blog

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The A to Z of ASDs - Aunt Aspie's Guide to Life by Rudy Simone 3
Foreword 7
Acknowledgements 9
Disclaimer 11
Introduction 13
A 15
Abnormal 15
Accomplishments 15
Acting 16
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 16
Adversity 18
Advice 19
Ageism 19
Aging on the spectrum 20
Androgyny 21
Anger 21
Animals 21
Anti-social 22
Anxiety 23
Approval 24
Arranging things 24
Asperger’s 25
Authenticity 27
Autism, causes of 28
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) 30
Awkward 31
B 31
Babies 31
Being taken advantage of 31
Bigotry 33
Black and white thinking 34
Bluntness 34
Body image 35
Breakups 36
Budgeting 38
Bullying 38
Burning bridges 41
C 42
Candida 42
Character 42
Clichés 43
Clothing 44
Cognitive issues 44
Comorbids 44
Competitiveness 45
Compliment 46
Condescension 46
Confidence vs. arrogance 47
Conflict and confrontation 47
Consideration for others 48
Conversation 49
Counseling 50
Creativity 51
Crisis 52
Criticism 53
Crush 54
Cynicism and optimism 55
D 56
Dating 56
Death 59
Deficits 60
Depression 60
Diagnosis 62
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) 63
Diet 63
Disability 65
Discipline and organization 66
Disclosure 67
Do-it-yourself (DIY) 70
Doctor visits 71
Drinking to cope 72
E 73
Eating disorders 73
Eating “non-foods” 73
Echophenomena (echolalia, palilalia and echo-praxia) 76
Education 78
Eidetic and photographic memory 79
Emotions 80
Empathy 81
Employment and self-employment 82
Epiphany 84
Escapism 84
Executive function 85
Exercise 86
Expectations 88
Eye contact 89
F 91
Face blindness 91
Facial expression 91
Fame 92
Family dysfunction 93
Forgiveness and memory anomalies 95
Freaks, geeks and the art of being uncool 96
Friend 97
Fun 99
G 99
Gastrointestinal issues (leaky gut) 99
Gender issues 101
Gossip 104
Gratitude 105
Grooming and hygiene 105
Groups 106
Gynecology visits 107
H 107
Happiness, joy and hope 107
Health 109
Helpful 109
Hermit 109
Holidays 110
Honesty 114
Humiliation 115
Humility and humor 116
Hyperlexia 117
Hypersensitivity 117
I 118
Identity 118
Imagination 119
Immunization 119
i-muscles 120
Independence 120
Insomnia 121
Instincts and intuition 121
Intelligence 123
Introspection 124
IRL 124
Irlen lenses 125
J 126
Joint attention 126
Joking 126
Journaling 128
Judgmental 128
K 128
Know-it-all 128
Knowledge 129
L 130
Labels 130
Listening 131
Literal thinking 132
Love 133
Luck, karma and success 133
M 134
Machines 134
Manifesting 135
Manners 135
Masturbation 136
Math 136
Maturity 137
Medication 138
Meditation 141
Meltdowns 142
Mental illness 143
Mimicking 144
Misdiagnosis 145
Misunderstood, being 146
Money 148
Monologuing 149
Motivation and self-motivation 150
Mutism 152
N 152
Narcissism, egocentrism and Machiavellianism 152
Negativity and chronic complaining 153
News programs 154
Neurotypicals (NTs) or non-autistics (NAs) 155
Nightmares 155
Normal 156
Nostalgia 156
O 157
Obesity 157
Obsession 159
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 160
P 161
Paranoia 161
Parenting 162
Pedantry 164
Periods (menstruation) 165
Perfectionism 167
Playtime 168
PMS (PMT) 168
Pooping, peeing and other body functions 170
Pop culture 171
Popular and unpopular, being 172
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 172
Poverty 173
Power 175
Probiotics 175
Profanity 176
Proprioception 176
Prosopagnosia 177
Q 178
Questions 178
Quiet 178
Quitting 178
R 179
Rejection 179
Relationships 180
Religion 185
Resistance 186
Respect and self-respect 186
Rest and relaxation (R&R) 187
Rigidity 188
Ritual and routine 188
S 190
Savant 190
Selective mutism (SM) 190
Self-advocacy 192
Self-centered and selfish 193
Self-esteem 194
Self-improvement 195
Self-pity 197
Sensory issues 198
Sex 200
Sexism 203
Sexual abuse 206
Shopping 209
Sleep issues 212
Smiling 214
Social imagination 215
Social media (SM) 215
Socializing IRL (in real life) 219
Someday 222
Soothing behaviors 222
Speech delay 224
Sports 225
Step-parenting 226
Stimming 227
Strengths, abilities and challenges 228
Stress and panic attacks 228
Substance abuse 230
Suicide/suicidal thoughts 232
Surprises 236
Swearing 237
T 238
Tact and diplomacy 238
Talent 238
Television 240
Theory of mind 240
Transitions 241
Travel 243
Trolls and trolling behavior 246
Trust 248
U 249
Uncertainty 249
Underestimated 250
V 251
Vacations 251
Validation 251
Victim 251
Video games 252
Violence 253
Virility 254
Vitality 254
W 255
Wanderlust 255
Weird 255
Working out 256
Writing 256
Y 257
You know you’re an Aspie when 257
Z 258
Zen 258
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