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Introductory Statistics, Global Edition

Introductory Statistics, Global Edition

Neil A. Weiss


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Statistically Significant

Weiss’s Introductory Statistics, Tenth Edition, is the ideal textbook for introductory statistics classes that emphasize statistical reasoning and critical thinking. Comprehensive in its coverage, Weiss’s meticulous style offers careful, detailed explanations to ease the learning process. With more than 1,000 data sets and over 3,000 exercises, this text takes a data-driven approach that encourages students to apply their knowledge and develop statistical understanding.


This text contains parallel presentation of critical-value and p-value approaches to hypothesis testing. This unique design allows the flexibility to concentrate on one approach or the opportunity for greater depth in comparing the two.


MyStatLab not included. Students, if MyStatLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyStatLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

MyStatLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 1
Copyright Page 4
About the Author 5
Contents 6
Preface 11
Supplements 16
Technology Resources 17
Data Sources 19
Part I Introduction 23
Chapter 1 The Nature of Statistics 23
Case Study: Top Films of All Time 23
1.1 Statistics Basics 24
1.2 Simple Random Sampling 31
1.3 Other Sampling Designs* 39
1.4 Experimental Designs* 47
Chapter in Review 53
Review Problems 53
Focusing on Data Analysis 56
Case Study Discussion 56
Biography 56
Part II Descriptive Statistics 58
Chapter 2 Organizing Data 58
Case Study: World's Richest People 58
2.1 Variables and Data 59
2.2 Organizing Qualitative Data 64
2.3 Organizing Quantitative Data 74
2.4 Distribution Shapes 97
2.5 Misleading Graphs* 105
Chapter in Review 109
Review Problems 110
Focusing on Data Analysis 113
Case Study Discussion 113
Biography 114
Chapter 3 Descriptive Measures 115
Case Study: The Beatles' Song Length 115
3.1 Measures of Center 116
3.2 Measures of Variation 127
3.3 Chebyshev's Rule and the Empirical Rule* 139
3.4 The Five-Number Summary; Boxplots 147
3.5 Descriptive Measures for Populations; Use of Samples 161
Chapter in Review 172
Review Problems 172
Focusing on Data Analysis 175
Case Study Discussion 176
Biography 176
Part III Probability, Random Variables, and Sampling Distributions 178
Chapter 4 Probability Concepts 178
Case Study: Texas Hold'em 178
4.1 Probability Basics 179
4.2 Events 186
4.3 Some Rules of Probability 195
4.4 Contingency Tables; Joint and Marginal Probabilities∗ 201
4.5 Conditional Probability* 207
4.6 The Multiplication Rule; Independence∗ 215
4.7 Bayes's Rule* 223
4.8 Counting Rules* 230
Chapter in Review 240
Review Problems 240
Focusing on Data Analysis 243
Case Study Discussion 244
Biography 244
Chapter 5 Discrete Random Variables* 245
Case Study: Aces Wild on the Sixth at Oak Hill 245
5.1 Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions* 246
5.2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of a Discrete Random Variable* 253
5.3 The Binomial Distribution* 260
5.4 The Poisson Distribution* 273
Chapter in Review 280
Review Problems 281
Focusing on Data Analysis 283
Case Study Discussion 283
Biography 283
Chapter 6 The Normal Distribution 284
Case Study: Chest Sizes of Scottish Militiamen 284
6.1 Introducing Normally Distributed Variables 285
6.2 Areas under the Standard Normal Curve 296
6.3 Working with Normally Distributed Variables 302
6.4 Assessing Normality; Normal Probability Plots 312
6.5 Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution*† 318
Chapter in Review 325
Review Problems 326
Focusing on Data Analysis 328
Case Study Discussion 328
Biography 328
Chapter 7 The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean 329
Case Study: The Chesapeake and Ohio Freight Study 329
7.1 Sampling Error; the Need for Sampling Distributions 330
7.2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of the Sample Mean 335
7.3 The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean 341
Chapter in Review 348
Review Problems 349
Focusing on Data Analysis 351
Case Study Discussion 351
Biography 351
Part IV Inferential Statistics 353
Chapter 8 Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean 353
Case Study: Bank Robberies: A Statistical Analysis 353
8.1 Estimating a Population Mean 354
8.2 Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When σ Is Known 360
8.3 Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When σ Is Unknown 374
Chapter in Review 385
Review Problems 385
Focusing on Data Analysis 388
Case Study Discussion 388
Biography 388
Chapter 9 Hypothesis Tests for One Population Mean 389
Case Study: Gender and Sense of Direction 389
9.1 The Nature of Hypothesis Testing 390
9.2 Critical-Value Approach to Hypothesis Testing† 398
9.3 P-Value Approach to Hypothesis Testing† 403
9.4 Hypothesis Tests for One Population Mean When σ Is Known 409
9.5 Hypothesis Tests for One Population Mean When σ Is Unknown 421
9.6 The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test* 429
9.7 Type II Error Probabilities; Power∗ 444
9.8 Which Procedure Should Be Used?** 455
Chapter in Review 455
Review Problems 455
Focusing on Data Analysis 459
Case Study Discussion 459
Biography 459
Chapter 10 Inferences for Two Population Means 460
Case Study: Dexamethasone Therapy and IQ 460
10.1 The Sampling Distribution of the Difference between Two Sample Means for Independent Samples 461
10.2 Inferences for Two Population Means, Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Assumed Equal† 468
10.3 Inferences for Two Population Means, Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Not Assumed Equal 480
10.4 The Mann-Whitney Test* 492
10.5 Inferences for Two Population Means, Using Paired Samples 507
10.6 The Paired Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test* 520
10.7 Which Procedure Should Be Used?** 530
Chapter in Review 530
Review Problems 531
Focusing on Data Analysis 533
Case Study Discussion 533
Biography 533
Chapter 11 Inferences for Population Standard Deviations* 535
Case Study: Speaker Woofer Driver Manufacturing 535
11.1 Inferences for One Population Standard Deviation* 536
11.2 Inferences for Two Population Standard Deviations, Using Independent Samples* 549
Chapter in Review 563
Review Problems 563
Focusing on Data Analysis 565
Case Study Discussion 565
Biography 565
Chapter 12 Inferences for Population Proportions 566
Case Study: Arrested Youths 566
12.1 Confidence Intervals for One Population Proportion 567
12.2 Hypothesis Tests for One Population Proportion 579
12.3 Inferences for Two Population Proportions 583
Chapter in Review 595
Review Problems 595
Focusing on Data Analysis 597
Case Study Discussion 597
Biography 597
Chapter 13 Chi-Square Procedures 598
Case Study: Eye and Hair Color 598
13.1 The Chi-Square Distribution 599
13.2 Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test 600
13.3 Contingency Tables; Association 609
13.4 Chi-Square Independence Test 619
13.5 Chi-Square Homogeneity Test 628
Chapter in Review 635
Review Problems 636
Focusing on Data Analysis 639
Case Study Discussion 639
Biography 639
Part V Regression, Correlation, and ANOVA 640
Chapter 14 Descriptive Methods in Regression and Correlation 640
Case Study: Healthcare: Spending and Outcomes 640
14.1 Linear Equations with One Independent Variable 641
14.2 The Regression Equation 646
14.3 The Coefficient of Determination 660
14.4 Linear Correlation 667
Chapter in Review 675
Review Problems 676
Focusing on Data Analysis 677
Case Study Discussion 678
Biography 678
Chapter 15 Inferential Methods in Regression and Correlation 679
Case Study: Shoe Size and Height 679
15.1 The Regression Model 680
15.2 Inferences for the Slope of the Population Regression Line 692
15.3 Estimation and Prediction 700
15.4 Inferences in Correlation 710
Chapter in Review 716
Review Problems 716
Focusing on Data Analysis 718
Case Study Discussion 718
Biography 719
Chapter 16 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 720
Case Study: Self-Perception and Physical Activity 720
16.1 The F-Distribution 721
16.2 One-Way ANOVA: The Logic 723
16.3 One-Way ANOVA: The Procedure 729
16.4 Multiple Comparisons*† 742
16.5 The Kruskal-Wallis Test* 750
Chapter in Review 760
Review Problems 760
Focusing on Data Analysis 762
Case Study Discussion 763
Biography 763
Appendixes A-1
Appendix A Statistical Tables A-1
Appendix B Answers to Selected Exercises A-23
Index I-1
A I-1
B I-1
C I-1
D I-2
E I-2
F I-3
G I-3
H I-3
I I-3
J I-4
K I-4
L I-4
M I-4
N I-4
O I-4
P I-5
Q I-6
R I-6
S I-6
T I-7
U I-8
V I-8
W I-8
X I-8
Y I-8
Z I-8
Photo Credits C-1