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The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual E-Book

The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual E-Book

Christopher A. Sanford | Elaine C. Jong | Paul S. Pottinger


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Prevent, evaluate, and manage diseases that can be acquired in tropical environments and foreign countries with The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual. This pragmatic resource equips medical providers with the knowledge they need to offer effective aid, covering key topics in pre- and post-travel medicine, caring for immigrants and refugees, and working in low-resource settings. It's also the perfect source for travelers seeking quick, easy access to the latest travel medicine information.

  • Dynamic images illustrate key concepts for an enhanced visual understanding.
  • Evidence-based treatment recommendations enable you to manage diseases confidently.
  • This eBook allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Highlights new evidence and content surrounding mental health and traveling.
  • Covers emerging hot topics such as Ebola virus disease, viral hemorrhagic fevers, the role of point-of-care testing in travel medicine, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in returning travelers and students traveling abroad.
  • Includes an enhanced drug appendix in the back of the book.

  • Table of Contents

    Section Title Page Action Price
    Front Cover cover
    Expert Consult page IFC1
    The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual i
    Copyright Page iv
    Table Of Contents v
    Preface viii
    List of Contributors ix
    1 Pre-Travel Advice 1
    1 Approach to Travel Medicine and Contents of a Personal Travel Medicine Kit 1
    Approach to Travel Medicine 2
    Immunizations for Travel 3
    Malaria Chemoprophylaxis 4
    Traveler’s Diarrhea 5
    Medical Emergencies during Travel 9
    Finding a Physician in a Foreign Country 9
    Emergency Information Needed 9
    Payment for Services 10
    Emergency Medical Care en Route 10
    Emergency Evacuation Home 10
    Emergency Blood Transfusion 11
    Wilderness and Adventure Travel 11
    The Traveler’s Medical Kit 11
    Prescription Medications 11
    Summary of Considerations for Health and Travel 11
    Further Reading 15
    2 Urban Medicine: Threats to Travelers to Cities in Low-Income Nations 17
    Infectious Diseases 18
    Trauma 18
    Air Pollution 20
    Heat Illness 22
    Crime and Security 23
    Illicit Drug Use 24
    Conclusion 25
    Further Reading 25
    3 Emerging Infectious Diseases and the International Traveler 27
    Approach to International Travelers 27
    Emerging and Reemerging Zoonoses 29
    Vector-Borne Diseases 29
    West Nile Virus 29
    Chikungunya Virus 29
    Zika Virus 31
    Dengue Virus 31
    P. knowlesi Malaria 31
    Artemisinin-Resistant P. falciparum Malaria 32
    Lyme Borreliosis 32
    Air-Borne Diseases 32
    SARS-CoV 32
    MERS-CoV 32
    Food- and Water-Borne Diseases 33
    Sarcocystosis 33
    Other 33
    S. haematobium Urinary Schistosomiasis 33
    Ebola Virus 33
    Information Resources for Emerging Infectious Diseases 34
    4 Jet Health 36
    Cabin Air Quality 36
    Pressurization 36
    Ventilation 37
    Contamination 38
    Humidity and Temperature 39
    Transmission of Communicable Diseases on Aircraft 39
    Supplemental Oxygen during Air Travel 40
    The Air Carrier Access Act of 1986: Denial of Boarding/Passenger Acceptance 41
    Deep Venous Thrombosis and Air Travel 41
    Turbulence-Related Injuries 42
    In-Flight Medical Emergencies 43
    Automatic External Defibrillators 44
    Behavioral Problems during Air Travel 44
    Acknowledgments 45
    Further Reading 45
    5 Immunizations for Travelers 47
    Routine Immunizations 47
    Hepatitis A Vaccine as a Routine Immunization 48
    Hepatitis B Vaccine as a Routine Immunization 50
    Influenza Vaccine 50
    Pneumococcal Vaccine 50
    Required Travel Immunizations 50
    Yellow Fever Vaccine 51
    Yellow Fever (YF) Vaccine 51
    YF Vaccine Booster Doses 51
    YF Vaccine Precautions and Contraindications 51
    YF Vaccine-Associated Viscerotropic Disease (YEL-AVD) 53
    YF Vaccine Letter of Waiver 55
    Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines 55
    Meningococcal ACWY-Diphtheria Toxin Protein Conjugate (MenACWY-D) Vaccine 57
    Meningococcal ACWY-CRM Conjugate (MenACWY-CRM) Vaccine 57
    Meningococcal Polysaccharide A/C/Y/W-135 Vaccine (MPSV4) 57
    Polio Vaccine 57
    Cholera Vaccine 58
    Smallpox Vaccine 58
    Recommended Travel Vaccines 58
    Hepatitis A Vaccine 58
    Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Vaccine 58
    Delayed Hepatitis A Vaccine Booster Dose 59
    Hepatitis A Vaccine Interchangeability 59
    Immune Globulin (IG) 59
    Concurrent Administration of Hepatitis A Vaccine with Immune Globulin 59
    Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Vaccine 59
    Hepatitis B Vaccine Low-Responders or Nonresponders 60
    Accelerated Hepatitis B Vaccine Schedules 60
    Hepatitis A/B Combination Vaccine 60
    Accelerated Hepatitis A/B Vaccine Schedule 60
    Typhoid Vaccine 61
    Ty21A Oral Typhoid Vaccine 61
    Ty21A Typhoid Vaccine and Concomitant Drugs 61
    Ty21A Oral Typhoid Vaccine and Other Vaccines 61
    Vi Capsular Polysaccharide (ViCPS) Typhoid Vaccine 61
    ViCPS Typhoid Vaccine Combined with Hepatitis A Vaccine 62
    Cholera Vaccine 62
    Killed Whole-Cell B Subunit Oral Cholera Vaccine (WC/rBS OCV) 62
    Killed Whole-Cell Bivalent (O1 and O139 Serogroups) Oral Cholera Vaccine (BivWC OCV) 62
    Meningococcal Serogroup B Vaccine 62
    Meningococcal B-4C Vaccine (MenB-4C) 63
    Meningococcal B-FHbp Vaccine (MenB-FHbp) 63
    Rabies Vaccine 63
    Pre-Exposure Rabies Vaccines 63
    Rabies Vaccine Booster Doses 64
    Rabies Post-Exposure Vaccine and Rabies Immune Globulin (RIG) 64
    Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine 64
    Japanese Encephalitis Purified Inactivated Virus Vaccine (JE-PIV) 66
    Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccine 66
    FSME-Immuno TBE Vaccine 66
    Tuberculosis (BCG) Vaccine 68
    Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Vaccine (BCG) 68
    Conclusion 69
    Further Reading 69
    6 Malaria Prevention 71
    Approach to Malaria Prevention 71
    1. Assessing Individual Risk 72
    2. Preventing Mosquito Bites (Personal Protection Measures) 72
    3. Use of Chemoprophylactic Drugs Where Appropriate 73
    4. Seeking Early Diagnosis and Treatment If Fever Develops during or after Travel 74
    Current Chemoprophylactic Drug Regimens 74
    Chloroquine-Sensitive Zones 75
    Chloroquine-Resistant Zones 80
    Atovaquone Plus Proguanil (Malarone) 80
    Doxycycline 82
    Mefloquine 83
    Primaquine 84
    Chloroquine and Mefloquine-Resistant Zones 84
    Contrasts in Prophylaxis Recommendations among Health Organizations 84
    Frequent Short-Term Travel to High-Risk Areas 84
    Summary 85
    Other Drugs 85
    Drug Regimens to Avoid for Chemoprophylaxis 85
    Amodiaquine 85
    Artemisinin Derivatives, Alone or in Combination with Other Antimalarials 85
    Chloroquine plus Proguanil 85
    Halofantrine 85
    Pyrimethamine plus Sulfadoxine (Fansidar) 86
    Pyrimethamine plus Dapsone 86
    Quinine 86
    Standby Emergency Malaria Therapy (SBET) 86
    Atovaquone plus Proguanil (Malarone™) 87
    Artemether/Lumefantrin (Coartem™, Riamet™) 87
    Special Therapeutic Considerations 87
    The Pregnant Traveler 87
    The Infant Traveler 88
    The Immunocompromised Traveler 88
    The Traveler without a Spleen 89
    Long-Term Travelers 89
    Primaquine for Relapse Prevention 89
    Primaquine-Resistant or Tolerant P. vivax 89
    Further Reading 90
    7 Water Disinfection 91
    Risk of Water-Borne Infection 91
    Field Techniques for Water Treatment 92
    Definitions 93
    Heat 93
    Filtration 95
    Clarification 97
    Granular Activated Charcoal 97
    Chemicals 97
    Choice of Halogen 102
    Superchlorination-Dechlorination 105
    Iodine Resins 105
    Chlorine Dioxide 106
    Other Chemical Disinfectants 106
    Mixed Species Disinfection (Electrolysis) 106
    Potassium Permanganate 106
    Hydrogen Peroxide 106
    Silver 107
    Citrus 107
    Ultraviolet Light 107
    Solar Irradiation (SODIS) 107
    Nanoparticles: Solar Photocatalytic Disinfection 108
    Summary of Preferred Techniques 108
    Further Reading 110
    8 Traveler’s Diarrhea: Prevention and Self-Treatment 112
    Etiology 113
    Prevention of Traveler’s Diarrhea 114
    Dietary Precautions 114
    Immunizations 114
    Chemoprophylaxis 115
    Bismuth Subsalicylate 115
    Antibiotic Prophylaxis 115
    Probiotics 116
    Empiric Self-Treatment 116
    Oral Rehydration 116
    Symptomatic Treatment 117
    Empiric Antibiotic Treatment 118
    Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics 118
    Azithromycin 118
    Rifaximin 119
    Special Considerations 119
    Further Reading 119
    9 Disequilibrium: Jet Lag, Motion Sickness, Cold Exposure, and Heat Illness 121
    Jet Lag 121
    Prevention and Treatment 122
    Melatonin 122
    Nonbenzodiazepine Benzodiazepine-Receptor Agonists (NBRAs) 122
    Ramelteon 123
    Armodafinil 124
    Agomelatine 124
    Sleep Schedule Adjustment 124
    Bright Light Exposure 125
    Jet Lag Diet and Other Remedies 125
    Motion Sickness 126
    Prevention 126
    Antihistamines 127
    Scopolamine Patch 127
    Sympathomimetics 128
    Phenytoin 128
    Other Drugs 128
    Treatment 128
    Cold Exposure 129
    Nonfreezing Cold Injuries 130
    Pernio 130
    Trench Foot 130
    Freezing Injuries 130
    Hypothermia 131
    Heat Illness 132
    Acclimatization 133
    Environmental Heat Illness 133
    Heat Syncope 133
    Heat Edema 133
    Heat Tetany 134
    Heat Cramps 134
    Heat Exhaustion 134
    Treatment of Heat Exhaustion 134
    Heat Stroke 135
    Classic Heat Stroke 135
    Exertional Heat Stroke 135
    Differential Diagnosis of Heat Stroke in Travelers 135
    Treatment of Heat Stroke 136
    Cool the Patient 136
    Support the Vital Signs 136
    Prevention of Heat Stroke 136
    Further Reading 136
    2 Advice for Special Travelers 138
    10 High-Altitude Travel 138
    What Constitutes “High Altitude”? 138
    The Environment at High Altitude 138
    Physiologic Responses to Hypobaric Hypoxia 139
    The Altitude-Naïve Traveler 140
    Normal Responses to High Altitude 140
    Recognition of Acute Altitude Illness 140
    Risk Factors for Acute Altitude Illness 141
    Prevention of Acute Altitude Illness 141
    Nonpharmacologic Measures 141
    Pharmacologic Measures 143
    Treatment of Acute Altitude Illness 143
    The Returning Traveler 143
    Determining What Happened 144
    Further Evaluation 145
    Risk Mitigation for Future Trips 146
    The Potentially At-Risk Traveler 146
    A Framework for Assessing Risk 146
    Question 1: Is the Individual at Risk for Severe Hypoxemia or Impaired Tissue Oxygen Delivery? 146
    Question 2: Is the Individual at Risk for Impaired Ventilatory Responses to Hypoxia? 146
    Question 3: Is the Individual at Risk Due to the Expected Pulmonary Vascular Responses to Hypobaric Hypoxia? 147
    Question 4: Will Environmental Features of High Altitude or the Expected Physiologic Responses to Hypobaric Worsen the Underlying Medical Condition? 147
    Further Evaluation 147
    Risk Mitigation Strategies 149
    Return Travel to High Altitude 149
    Further Reading 150
    General High-Altitude Medicine 150
    Travelers with Underlying Medical Conditions 151
    11 Dive Medicine 152
    Preparation for Dive Travel 152
    Decompression Sickness 154
    Prevention of Swimmer’s Ear (Otitis Externa) 157
    Recreational Diving 157
    Barotrauma 158
    After the Trip 162
    Further Reading 162
    12 Travel Advice for Pediatric Travelers 165
    Developmental Aspects and Travel 165
    Airline Travel 166
    Motion Sickness 167
    Vaccine Schedules for Infants and Children 167
    Malaria Prevention 173
    Personal Protective Measures 173
    Chemoprophylaxis 175
    Diarrhea Prevention and Treatment 177
    General Safety for Traveling Children and Adolescents 180
    Altitude 180
    Miscellaneous Issues for Young Travelers 181
    Further Reading 182
    13 Students Traveling Abroad 184
    The Pre-University Student 185
    University Students 185
    Health Science Students Abroad 185
    Vaccines for Students 186
    Medications for Traveling Students 186
    The Role of the Chaperone 187
    Traveling with Chronic Illness 187
    Mental Health 188
    Social Issues 189
    Personal Safety 189
    Contingency Planning for Emergencies 190
    Summary 190
    Further Reading 190
    General Travel 190
    Pre-University Adolescent Student Traveler 190
    University Student Travelers 191
    Health Science Student Travelers 191
    14 Advice for Women Travelers 192
    Gender-Based Medicine 192
    Gender-Related Issues in Tropical Disease 192
    General Health Issues of Women Travelers 193
    Women’s Travel Medicine Kit 193
    Menstruation 193
    Urinary Tract Infections 194
    Vaginitis 198
    Contraception 198
    Special Considerations for Women on Oral Contraceptives 198
    Drug Interactions That May Affect Oral Contraceptive Efficacy 199
    Contraceptive Failure: Emergency Contraception 199
    Sexually Transmitted Infections 200
    Gynecologic Concerns at Altitude 201
    Travel during Pregnancy 201
    Basic Questions to Answer When Counseling Pregnant Women 201
    Transportation Risks during Pregnancy 203
    Airlines 203
    Automobile Travel 204
    Sea Travel 204
    FDA Use-in-Pregnancy Ratings 204
    Travel Vaccines for Women 205
    Vaccination during Pregnancy 205
    Cholera 206
    Hepatitis A Vaccine 206
    Hepatitis B Vaccine 206
    Hepatitis A/B Combination Vaccine 206
    HPV Vaccine 206
    Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine 206
    Meningococcal Vaccines 207
    Polio 207
    Rabies Vaccines (Diploid Cell Culture) 207
    Tetanus, Diphtheria (Td) and Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccines 207
    Typhoid Vaccines 208
    Varicella 208
    Yellow Fever 208
    Vector-Borne Diseases during Pregnancy 208
    Malaria Chemoprophylaxis in Pregnancy 209
    Prevention of Traveler’s Diarrhea during Pregnancy 209
    Other Parasitic Diseases 210
    Other Infections 210
    Exercise 211
    Medical Service Available in the Area of Destination 212
    Health Insurance Coverage When Out of Area 212
    Signs of Serious Pregnancy-Related Illness for Which Emergency Medical Help Should be Sought 212
    Travel Issues and Breast Feeding 212
    Older Women Travelers 213
    Personal Security and Safety Issues 214
    Summary 214
    15 The Immunocompromised Traveler 215
    The Immunocompromised Traveler 215
    Infectious Disease Risks 215
    Enteric Infections 216
    Respiratory Infections 217
    Vector-Borne Infections 218
    Preparation of the Immunocompromised Traveler 219
    Infection Prevention Strategies 221
    Vaccinations 221
    Vaccines for Travel to Developing Countries 223
    Special Vaccines for Specific Destinations or Activities 224
    Chemoprophylaxis for Traveler’s Diarrhea 224
    Antimalarial Prophylaxis 225
    Sexual Precautions 225
    Further Reading 225
    16 Travel with Chronic Medical Conditions 228
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, and Other Respiratory Conditions 229
    Supplemental Oxygen 231
    Travelers with Asthma 232
    Cardiovascular Disease 233
    Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators 235
    Diabetes Mellitus 235
    Diabetes and High Altitude 237
    Traveling East across Six or More Time Zones 237
    Traveling West Across Six or More Time Zones 238
    Prevention of Hypoglycemia 240
    Artificial Hip Joints and Other Orthopedic Hardware 241
    Internet Resources 241
    References and Further Reading 241
    17 Travel and Mental Health 243
    Medevac Statistics 243
    Pre-departure Assessment and Advice: Risk Factors 243
    Pre-travel Evaluation of Resilience 244
    Common Mental Health Problems among Travelers and How They Arise 246
    Sleep, Travel, and Psychiatric Problems 246
    Alcohol-Use Disorders and Their Consequences 246
    Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders 247
    The Psychological Sequelae of Exposure to Traumatic Events 247
    Psychosis 247
    The Role of the Clinician: Organizing Support 248
    Mental Health Support for Humanitarian and Other Overseas Workers 248
    Internet Resources 248
    Further Reading 249
    18 Pre-Travel Assessment and Advice for Expatriates and Volunteers 250
    Expatriates 250
    Definitions 250
    Type of Expatriate 250
    Destination 250
    Duration 250
    Emerging Trends 250
    Pre-Travel Care 251
    History 251
    Physical Exam 251
    Laboratory Tests 251
    Assessing Fitness for Travel 252
    Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD) 252
    Typhoid Vaccine 253
    Hepatitis B 253
    Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccine 254
    JE-MB Vaccine 254
    JE-VC Vaccine 254
    JE-CV Vaccine 254
    JE SA-14-14-2 Vaccine 254
    Rabies 254
    Yellow Fever 254
    On the Horizon 255
    Other Health Problems: Infectious 255
    Malaria 255
    Dengue 255
    Gastrointestinal (GI) Infections 255
    Sexually Transmitted Infections 256
    Tuberculosis (TB) 256
    Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers 256
    Other Health Problems: Non-Infectious 256
    Safety and Security 256
    Traffic and Trauma 256
    Mental and Emotional Health 256
    Dental Problems 257
    Cardiovascular 257
    Medical Care Abroad 257
    Post-Travel Care 257
    Further Reading 258
    19 Health Screening in Immigrants, Refugees, and International Adoptees 260
    Mandatory Immigration Screening in the United States: Medical Component 260
    Summary 264
    Medical Screening of New Arrivals in the United States 265
    Summary 266
    Further Reading and Salient References 269
    3 Fever 271
    20 Travel-Acquired Illnesses Associated with Fever 271
    Epidemiology 271
    Medical History 274
    Vaccinations and Prophylaxis 274
    Exposures 274
    Clinical Characteristics 275
    Incubation Period 275
    Fever Patterns 275
    Specific Symptoms 275
    Approach to the Traveler with Fever 282
    Infectious Diseases in the Traveler with Fever 284
    Malaria 284
    Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever (Enteric Fevers) 284
    Arboviral Diseases 285
    Dengue Fever 285
    Chikungunya 287
    Zika 287
    Yellow Fever 288
    Hemorrhagic Syndromes 288
    Rickettsial Diseases 288
    Helminths 293
    Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis) 293
    Filariasis 293
    Strongyloidiasis 293
    Trichinosis 293
    Paragonimiasis 293
    Echinococcosis 294
    Protozoa 294
    Amebiasis 294
    Chagas Disease 294
    African Trypanosomiasis 294
    Visceral Leishmaniasis 294
    Toxoplasmosis 295
    Bacteria 295
    Tuberculosis 295
    Meningococcal Meningitis 295
    Leptospirosis 295
    Brucellosis 295
    Plague 296
    Melioidosis 296
    Relapsing Fever 296
    Bartonellosis (Oroya Fever) 296
    Anthrax 296
    Sexually Transmitted Infections 296
    Viruses 296
    Respiratory and Enteric Viruses 296
    Hepatitis 297
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 297
    Infectious Mononucleosis 297
    Measles 297
    Fungi 297
    Further Reading 297
    21 Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment 300
    General Considerations 300
    Etiology 300
    Presentation 300
    Epidemiology 300
    Pathogenesis 301
    Natural Life Cycle 301
    Pathophysiology 303
    Immunity to Malaria 303
    Clinical Features 304
    Laboratory Diagnosis 305
    Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) 306
    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 306
    Serology 306
    Treatment 306
    Uncomplicated Malaria 306
    Antimalarial Drugs for Uncomplicated Malaria 307
    Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies (ACTs) 307
    Atovaquone-Proguanil 307
    Chloroquine 307
    Mefloquine 307
    Primaquine 307
    Drugs No Longer Recommended 307
    Severe Malaria 309
    Radical Cure of P. vivax or P. ovale Malaria 310
    Prevention of Malaria in Travelers 310
    Special Therapeutic Considerations 311
    Malaria during Pregnancy 311
    Malaria in Infancy and Childhood 311
    Malaria in Patients with Chronic Diseases 312
    General Points 312
    Commonly Encountered Practical Problems 312
    Errors of Diagnosis 312
    Errors of Management 313
    Therapeutic Dilemmas (Always Seek Expert Advice) 313
    Further Reading 314
    Diagnosis of Malaria 314
    Treatment of Malaria 314
    Management Issues in Severe Malaria 314
    22 Viral Hepatitis in Travelers and Immigrants 315
    Epidemiology and Etiology 316
    Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) 316
    Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) 318
    HBV Infection in Pregnancy 320
    Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) 320
    Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) 321
    Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) 321
    Clinical Syndromes 324
    Prodrome 324
    Icteric Phase 324
    Convalescent Phase 325
    Acute Liver Failure 325
    Chronic Hepatitis 325
    Viral Hepatitis Co-Infections 325
    Differential Diagnosis 326
    Viral Diseases 326
    Yellow Fever 326
    Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) 326
    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 326
    Herpes Simplex 326
    Coxsackievirus 326
    Nonviral Infections 326
    Typhoid 326
    Malaria 326
    Liver Abscess 326
    Q Fever 326
    Secondary Syphilis 326
    Leptospirosis 327
    Toxoplasmosis 327
    Helminthic Infestations 327
    Ascariasis 327
    Schistosomiasis 327
    Flukes 327
    Toxic Hepatitis 327
    Biliary Tract Disease 327
    Gilbert Syndrome 327
    Pregnancy 327
    Diagnosis 327
    Hepatitis A 328
    Hepatitis B 328
    Hepatitis C 330
    Hepatitis D 330
    Hepatitis E 332
    Epstein-Barr Virus and Cytomegalovirus 332
    Treatment 332
    Prevention 333
    Hepatitis A Vaccine 333
    HAV Vaccine in Compromised Hosts 333
    Immune Globulin 333
    Hepatitis B 333
    HBV Vaccine in Compromised Hosts 334
    Hepatitis C 334
    Hepatitis D 334
    Hepatitis E 334
    Further Reading 334
    23 Leptospirosis 336
    Etiology 336
    Epidemiology 336
    Clinical 338
    Anicteric Leptospirosis 339
    Severe (Icteric) Leptospirosis (Weil Syndrome) 340
    Pulmonary Leptospirosis 340
    Differential Diagnosis 340
    Diagnosis 340
    Cultures 340
    Immunodiagnosis 342
    Laboratory and Radiologic Findings 342
    Treatment 342
    Prevention 343
    Further Reading 343
    24 Lyme Disease 345
    Causative Organism 345
    Transmission 346
    Epidemiology 347
    Clinical Manifestations 348
    Diagnosis 349
    Therapy 351
    Prevention 353
    Tick Bite Prevention 353
    Post-Exposure Antibiotic Prophylaxis 353
    Lyme Disease Vaccine 353
    Further Reading 354
    25 Tuberculosis in Travelers and Immigrants 356
    Transmission and Pathogenesis 356
    Epidemiology 357
    Conditions Mimicking Tuberculosis 357
    Mycobacterium bovis and Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infection 358
    Tuberculosis in Tourists 358
    Clinical Features 359
    Pulmonary Tuberculosis 359
    Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis 359
    Tuberculosis in Children 359
    Tuberculosis in Persons with HIV Infection 360
    Diagnosis 360
    Radiographic Findings 360
    Tuberculin Skin Testing 360
    Interferon-γ Release Assays 361
    AFB Smear and Culture 362
    Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing 362
    Treatment of Active Tuberculosis 362
    Drug-Resistant TB 364
    Treatment Precautions 365
    Adherence to TB Treatment 365
    Prevention 366
    TB Risk Assessment 367
    Evaluation of Immigrants for TB 368
    Evaluation of Travelers Who Visit TB-Endemic Countries 368
    Pre-Travel 368
    Post-Travel 369
    References and Further Reading 369
    26 Chagas Disease 371
    Epidemiology 371
    Parasite Distribution versus Disease Distribution 371
    Vectors 372
    Reservoir Hosts 373
    Transmission by Vector 373
    Transmission Related to Transfusions and Organ Transplants 374
    Congenital Transmission 374
    Clinical Features 375
    Acute Disease 375
    Chronic Disease 376
    Chronic T. cruzi Infection in Immunosuppressed Patients 376
    Diagnosis 378
    Serologic Detection Methods 378
    Parasite Detection Methods 378
    Blood Cultures 378
    Polymerase Chain Reaction 378
    Evaluation and Treatment 378
    Evaluation 378
    Antitrypanosomal Agents 379
    Symptomatic Treatment 380
    Prognosis 380
    Prevention 380
    For Persons Living in Endemic Areas 380
    For Persons Traveling to Endemic Areas 380
    References and Further Reading 381
    27 Human African Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping Sickness) 382
    Epidemiology 382
    Pathogen/Lifecycle 383
    Clinical Manifestations 383
    Testing and Diagnosis 385
    Treatment 386
    Treatment of T.b. gambiense Trypanosomiasis 387
    Stage 1 387
    4 Diarrhea 415
    31 Approach to Diarrhea in Returned Travelers 415
    Exposure History and Risk Factors 415
    Clinical Presentation and Evaluation 416
    Diagnostic Studies 417
    Infectious Diarrhea Syndromes 422
    Salmonella 422
    Shigella 423
    Campylobacter 424
    Vibrio 425
    Other Notable Bacterial Pathogens 425
    Emerging Bacterial Pathogens 426
    Viral Agents 427
    Further Reading 427
    32 Amebiasis, Giardiasis, and Other Intestinal Protozoan Infections 429
    Entamoeba histolytica 429
    Pathogenesis 429
    Intestinal Amebiasis 429
    Extraintestinal Amebiasis 430
    Immunity 430
    Epidemiology 430
    Clinical Features 430
    Intestinal Amebiasis 430
    Extraintestinal Amebiasis 431
    Diagnosis 431
    Intestinal Amebiasis 431
    Examination of the stool 431
    Colonoscopy 431
    5 Dermatology 457
    35 Approach to Tropical Dermatology 457
    Clinical Approach 457
    General Dermatologic Treatments 458
    Further Reading 459
    36 Acute Skin Reactions and Bacterial Infections 460
    Sunburn and Other Ultraviolet Light Reactions 460
    Etiology 460
    Prevention 460
    Treatment 461
    Dermatitis in Travelers 462
    Etiology 463
    Clinical Features 463
    Diagnosis 463
    Treatment 463
    Drug Eruptions 464
    Clinical Features 464
    Diagnosis 464
    Treatment 464
    Arthropod Bites and Stings 464
    Etiology and Clinical Features 464
    Diagnosis 465
    Treatment 465
    Prevention 466
    Bacterial Skin Infections 466
    Pyoderma 466
    Etiology 466
    Clinical Features 467
    Diagnosis 468
    Treatment 468
    Pyomyositis 470
    Etiology 470
    6 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 524
    41 Sexually Transmitted Infections and Foreign Travel 524
    Casual Sexual Activity and Travel 524
    Sexual Tourism 525
    The International Spread of HIV 525
    Risks for Acquisition of STIs and HIV during Travel 526
    Prevention of STIs and HIV 526
    Barrier Protection 526
    HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis 527
    Vaccines 527
    Advice to Travelers 527
    Further Reading 528
    42 Gonococcal and Chlamydial Genital Infections and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 529
    Epidemiology 529
    Urethritis 530
    Cervicitis 531
    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 531
    Treatment of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia 532
    Further Reading 533
    43 Syphilis 535
    Epidemiology 535
    Clinical Presentation 535
    Primary Syphilis 536
    Secondary Syphilis 536
    Latent and Tertiary Syphilis 537
    Neurosyphilis 537
    Diagnosis 537
    Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Syphilis 540
    Treatment 541
    Assessing Therapeutic Response 543
    Management of Sex Partners 543
    HIV and Syphilis 543
    Further Reading 543
    44 Genital Ulcer Disease 545
    Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 547
    Epidemiology 547
    Pathogenesis 548
    Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis 548
    Treatment and Prevention 549
    Chancroid 550
    Epidemiology 550
    Pathogenesis 550
    Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis 550
    Treatment and Prevention 551
    Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) 551
    Epidemiology 551
    Pathogenesis 551
    7 Helminths 554
    45 Common Intestinal Roundworms 554
    General Considerations 554
    Etiology 555
    Clinical Features 555
    Prevention 555
    Diagnosis 555
    Hematology 555
    Microbiology 557
    Serology 557
    The String Test 557
    Adhesive Tape Test 557
    Baermann Funnel Gauze Method 557
    Treatment 557
    Special Therapeutic Considerations 558
    Intestinal Obstruction Due to Ascaris 558
    Surgery 558
    Pregnant and Lactating Women 558
    Infants 559
    Altered Immune States 559
    Chronic Strongyloides Infections 559
    Pinworm 559
    Other Roundworms 560
    Other Hookworm Species 560
    Mass Drug Administration 560
    Anisakiasis 560
    Epidemiology 561
    Clinical Presentation 561
    Diagnosis 561
    Treatment 561
    Prevention 561
    Further Reading 562
    46 Cestodes 564
    Epidemiology and Demographics of Human Tapeworm Infections in Developed Nations 564
    Intestinal Tapeworms 564
    Tissue Tapeworms 568
    Clinical Presentation of Tapeworm Infections 569
    Diagnosis 569
    Parasitologic Testing 569
    Radiology 570
    Pathology 570
    Clinical Management 570
    Treatment 570
    Public Health and the Role of Screening 572
    Prognosis 572
    Further Reading 572
    47 Filarial Infections 574
    Lymphatic Filariasis 574
    Epidemiology 574
    B. malayi and B. timori 574
    W. bancrofti 575
    Pathology 575
    Clinical Manifestations in Those Native to the Endemic Region 576
    Clinical Manifestations in New Arrivals to Endemic Areas 576
    Diagnosis 577
    Direct Examination 578
    Nuclepore™ filtration 578
    Knott’s concentration technique 578
    Indirect Measures 578
    Detection of circulating parasite antigen 578
    Serodiagnosis using parasite extract 578
    Molecular diagnostics 578
    Imaging studies 578
    Differential Diagnosis 579
    Treatment 579
    Microfilaria-Positive Individuals 579
    Microfilaria-negative antigen-positive individuals 579
    Acute Manifestations of Lymphatic Filariasis 579
    Filarial Adenolymphangitis (ADL) 579
    Chronic Manifestations of Lymphatic Filariasis 579
    Lymphedema 579
    Treatment Options and Dosage 580
    Prevention and Control 580
    Tropical Eosinophilia Syndrome 580
    Clinical Features 581
    Pathology 581
    Differential Diagnosis 581
    Treatment 581
    Onchocerciasis 581
    Epidemiology 581
    Pathology 582
    Evidence Synopsis e1
    Title: e1
    Date completed: e1
    Authors: e1
    Clinical question: e1
    Author recommendations: e1
    Evidence and recommendations: e1
    PICO: e2
    What are the parameters of our evidence search? Refer to the following tables (Tables 1 and 2) e2
    Guidelines: e5
    Author commentary: e6
    Update alerts: e6
    Glossary: e6
    References e6
    Recommended citation: e7
    Evidence Synopsis e8
    Title: e8
    Date completed: e8
    Authors: e8
    Clinical question: e8
    Author recommendations: e8
    Evidence and recommendations: e8
    PICO: e8
    What are the parameters of our evidence search? e8
    Patients or population: e8
    Settings: e8
    Intervention: e8
    Comparison: e8
    Guidelines and performance measures: e11
    American Heart Association: e11
    Author commentary: e11
    Update alerts: e11
    Glossary: e11
    References e11
    Recommended citation: e12
    Evidence Synopsis e13
    Title: e13
    Date completed: e13
    Authors: e13
    Clinical question: e13
    Author recommendations: e13
    Evidence and recommendations: e13
    PICO: e13
    Basis for and determinants of the strength of recommendations e14
    Patients or population: e14
    Setting: e14
    Intervention: e14
    Comparison: e14
    Guidelines and performance measures: e14
    Author commentary: e15
    Update alerts: e15
    Glossary: e15
    References e15
    Recommended citation: e16
    Evidence Synopsis e17
    Title: e17
    Date completed: e17
    Authors: e17
    Clinical question: e17
    Author recommendations: e17
    Evidence and recommendations: e17
    PICO: e18
    What are the parameters of our evidence search? e18
    Population: e18
    Setting: e18
    Intervention: e18
    Comparator: e18
    Outcome: e18
    Guidelines: e21
    Author commentary: e22
    Update alerts: e24
    Glossary: e24
    References e24
    Appendix: e25
    Patients or population: e25
    Exposure: e25
    Comparison: e25
    Outcome: e25
    Recommended citation: e25
    Evidence Synopsis e26
    Title: e26
    Date completed: e26
    Authors: e26
    Clinical question: e26
    Author recommendations: e26
    Evidence and recommendations: e26
    What are the parameters of our evidence search? e26
    What is the basis for our conclusion(s)? e27
    Patients or population: e27
    Intervention: e27
    Comparison: e27
    Outcome: e27
    Setting: e27
    Outcome: e30
    Outcome: e32
    Guidelines: e35
    Author commentary: e36
    Update alerts: e37
    Glossary: e37
    References e37
    Recommended citation: e37
    Quick Evidence Synopsis e38
    Title: e38
    Date completed: e38
    Authors: e38
    Clinical question: e38
    What does the evidence conclude? e38
    What are the parameters of our evidence search? e38
    PICO: e38
    What is the basis for the conclusion(s)? e39
    Population: e39
    Setting: e39
    Intervention: e39
    Comparator: e39
    What do clinical guidelines say? e39
    Author commentary: e39
    FDA Black Box warning e39
    FDA precautions and warnings: e39
    Glossary: e39
    Next scheduled update: e39
    References e41
    Recommended citation: e41
    Evidence Synopsis e42
    Title: e42
    Date completed: e42
    Authors: e42
    Clinical question: e42
    Author recommendations: e42
    Evidence and recommendations: e42
    PICO: e42
    What are the parameters of our evidence search? e43
    Patients or population: e43
    Intervention: e43
    Comparison: e43
    Outcome: e43
    Settings: e43
    Guidelines: e49
    Author commentary: e49
    Update Alerts: e50
    Glossary: e50
    References e50
    Recommended citation: e51
    Evidence Synopsis e52
    Title: e52
    Date completed: e52
    Authors: e52
    Clinical question: e52
    Author recommendations: e52
    Evidence and recommendations: e52
    PICO: e52
    What are the parameters of our evidence search? e53
    Patients or population: e53
    Intervention: e53
    Comparison: e53
    Outcome: e53
    Setting: e53
    Guidelines: e55
    Author commentary: e55
    Update alerts: e55
    Glossary: e55
    References e56
    Recommended citation: e56
    Appendix 610
    Index 615
    A 615
    B 618
    C 619
    D 622
    E 623
    F 625
    G 626
    H 627
    I 630
    J 631
    K 631
    L 631
    M 633
    N 635
    O 636
    P 636
    Q 639
    R 639
    S 639
    T 642
    U 644
    V 645
    W 645
    X 646
    Y 646
    Z 646