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LIC - Obstetric & Gynaecological Ultrasound Ebk

LIC - Obstetric & Gynaecological Ultrasound Ebk

Trish Chudleigh | Alison Smith | Sonia Cumming


Additional Information


This established text covers the full range of obstetric ultrasound examinations that a sonographer would be expected to perform in a general hospital or secondary referral setting, and is the only text that combines the practicalities of learning how to perform these examinations with the information needed to carry them out in a clinical setting. It encourages students to think about their practice and provides the sonographer with the necessary tools to provide a 'gold standard' service.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Obstetric & Gynaecological Ultrasound i
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Table Of Contents vii
Contributor ix
Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
1 The principles of ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound and instrumentation 1
Contents 1
2D Ultrasound 1
Wave Properties 1
The Pulse-Echo Principle 2
2D Scanning 3
Time Gain Compensation 4
Generation, Detection and Diffraction 5
Interactions of Ultrasound with Tissue 7
Frame Rate 9
Focusing 10
Harmonic Imaging 11
Artefacts 12
3D Imaging 13
Doppler Ultrasound 14
The Doppler Principle 14
The Doppler Frequency Spectrum 16
The Vessel Wall Filter 18
Doppler Flowmeters 18
The Continuous Wave Flowmeter 18
Display options 19
Pulsed Doppler Flowmeters 19
The sample volume 20
Limitations of pulsed Doppler 20
Sampling limitations 20
Range–velocity limitations 21
Real-Time Spectrum Analysis 21
Doppler Indices 22
Frequency Calculations 23
Velocity Calculations 23
Volume Flow Calculations 23
Colour Flow Doppler Ultrasound 23
Power Doppler 25
Safety 25
Further reading 27
2 Preparing to scan 29
Contents 29
The Components of the Ultrasound Machine 29
The Probe 30
Left/Right Invert Control 31
Ultrasound Frequency 33
The Control Panel 33
Power Output 33
Thermal Index and Mechanical Index 33
Frequency 34
Depth and Zoom 34
Read Zoom 35
Write Zoom 35
Focus 35
Dynamic Range 35
Gain 36
Time Gain Compensation 36
The Resulting Image Including Presets 36
Freeze Control 38
Cine-loop 38
On-Screen Measurement 38
The Monitor 38
Recording Systems 38
The Ergonomics of Safe Scanning 39
Preparing Yourself for the Scan 40
Preparing the Woman for the Scan 41
Selecting the More Appropriate Route 41
Patient Identification 41
Preparing The Probe 43
Coupling Medium 43
Protection 43
The Triple Sheets Technique 44
Preparing for A Transvaginal Scan 44
Preparing for A Transabdominal Scan 45
Aftercare 45
Further reading 46
3 Starting to scan using the transabdominal route 47
Contents 47
Preparing to Scan 47
The Woman 48
Preparing the Probe 48
Protection 48
The Scanning Technique 48
Orientation 48
The Probe Movements 50
Sliding (Fig. 3.2A) 50
Rotating (Fig. 3.2B) 50
Angling (Fig. 3.2C) 52
Dipping (Fig. 3.2D) 52
The Uterine Survey and Assessing Fetal Number 52
Fetal Lie, Presentation, Attitude and Position 53
Identifying the Fetal Position 53
Lie and Presentation 53
Finding the Longitudinal Axis of the Fetus and Confirming a Live Fetus 53
Difficulties in Finding the Longitudinal Axis of the Fetus 55
Fetal position 55
Excessive fetal movement 55
Demonstrating the Live Fetus to the Woman 55
Cephalic or Breech Presentation 57
Transverse Lie 57
Oblique Lie 57
Fetal Attitude – Prone, Supine or Decubitus 57
Midsagittal and Coronal Sections 59
The Midsagittal Prone Position 59
The Midsagittal Supine Position 60
Decubitus Position 60
Moving from a Coronal Section to a Midsagittal Section 60
Following the Longitudinal Lie of the Fetus 61
Assessing Fetal Situs 61
4 Starting to scan using the transvaginal route 63
Contents 63
Explaining the Procedure 63
Getting Started 64
Getting Into Position 64
Preparing and Positioning the Woman 64
Preparing the Probe 65
The Scanning Technique 66
Orientation 66
The Importance of Orientation 67
Putting It into Practice 67
Probe Movements 69
Sliding 69
Panning 70
Angling 70
Rotating 71
Finding the Uterus 71
Finding the Ovaries 72
The Iliac Vessels Technique 72
Slide and Pan Technique 73
Problems in Imaging the Uterus and Ovaries 74
Adiposity 74
Bowel Gas 74
Fibroids 74
Bowel Loops 74
Blood Vessels 74
Clinical Information 75
Further reading 75
5 Assessing the early intrauterine pregnancy 77
Contents 77
Assessing the Length of the Pregnancy 77
Early Embryological Development and Terminology 78
Using Embryological Age 78
Using the LMP 79
Using a Gestation Calculator Wheel 79
Using the Computer Database 79
Using Assisted Conception Dates 79
Using the Date of Egg Collection 80
Method 1 80
Method 2 80
Using the Date of Embryo Transfer 80
Using the Date of Embryo Transfer in a Frozen Cycle 80
Age of the Woman or Donor at the Time of Egg Collection 80
Assigning the EDD 81
Estimating the Length of Pregnancy 81
The Positive Pregnancy Test 81
Ultrasound Parameters 82
Assessment of Early Pregnancy 82
The Transvaginal Method 83
Examining the Uterus 83
Thickened Endometrium 83
The Intrauterine Gestation Sac 83
The Very Early Gestation Sac (4–5 Weeks) 85
The Pseudosac (Fluid Within the Cavity) 85
Implantation Bleed 85
Finding and Measuring the Gestation Sac 86
Calculation of Mean Gestation Sac Diameter 87
Threshold Values for Mean Gestation Sac Diameter 87
The Yolk Sac 87
The Embryo 89
CRL Definition 89
CRL Measurement 90
Ongoing Pregnancy, Heart Pulsations, CRL Threshold, Miscarriage Risk 91
Physiological Herniation of the Gut at 8–10 Weeks 91
Twin Pregnancies 92
Ovaries and Adnexae 92
Anechoic Corpus Luteum 93
Haemorrhagic Corpus Luteum 93
Collapsed Corpus Luteum 93
The Ovaries Following In Vitro Fertilization 94
The Transabdominal Method 94
Examining the Uterus 95
Problems 95
Finding the Gestation Sac 96
Ovaries and Adnexae 96
Writing the Report 97
Further reading 98
6 Problems of early pregnancy 99
Contents 99
Terminology 100
Historical Terminology 100
Current Terminology 100
Selection of Women for Scanning in Early Pregnancy 100
Length of Pregnancy 100
Serum hCG 101
Pregnancy Test 101
Clinical Question 101
Asymptomatic Women 101
Scanning the Symptomatic Early Pregnancy 102
Subchorionic Haematoma 102
Pregnancy of Unknown Viability 103
Identifying a PUV 103
Follow-up Scan and Diagnosis 104
Writing the Initial Report for PUV 104
Writing the Follow-up Report for PUV 105
Miscarriage 105
Ultrasound Diagnosis of Miscarriage 105
What You Should Look for, Measure and Include in Your Report for Miscarriage 105
Miscarriage, Early Embryonic Demise 106
Writing the Report for Miscarriage, Early Embryonic Demise 107
Miscarriage, Early Fetal Demise 107
Writing the report for Miscarriage, Early Fetal Demise 107
Incomplete Miscarriage 108
Products of conception 108
Writing the report for products of conception 109
Retained products of conception 109
Writing the report for retained products of conception 109
Complete Miscarriage 109
Management of miscarriage 110
Surgical management 110
Medical management 110
Expectant management 110
Pregnancies of Unknown Location 111
Management of PUL 111
Writing the Report for a PUL 112
Ectopic Pregnancy 112
Ultrasound Findings of Ectopic Pregnancy (Tubal) 112
Assessing the endometrium and uterine cavity 113
Assessing the ovaries 114
Assessing the adnexae 114
Assessing the ectopic pregnancy 114
Assessing the Pouch of Douglas 115
Management of ectopic pregnancy 115
What should be included in the report for ectopic pregnancy 116
Management of Ectopic Pregnancy 116
Expectant management 116
Medical management 116
Surgical management 117
Interstitial Ectopic 117
Cervical Pregnancy 117
Caesarean Scar Pregnancy 118
Ovarian Pregnancy 118
Abdominal Pregnancy 118
Heterotopic Pregnancy 119
Trophoblastic Disease 119
Complete Hydatidiform Mole 119
Partial Hydatidiform Mole 119
Invasive Mole 120
Pregnancy and an Intrauterine Contraceptive Device 120
Uterine Fibroids 120
Ovarian Problems in Early Pregnancy 121
Ovarian Cysts in Pregnancy 121
Difficult-to-Assess Ovarian Cysts 121
Further reading 122
7 Dating and screening the pregnancy between 10 and 14 weeks 123
Contents 123
The Value of an Accurate EDD 125
Ultrasound Parameters 125
Crown Rump Length 125
The Correct Section 125
Neutral Position 126
Degree of Curvature of the Lower Spine 127
Identifying the End Points 127
Finding the Maximum Length 127
Measuring the CRL 127
Reporting the CRL Measurement to One Decimal Place 128
Problems 128
Head Circumference and Biparietal Diameter 129
The Correct Section at 12–14 Weeks 129
Measuring the HC 130
Measuring the BPD 130
Problems with HC and BPD Measurements 130
Size Charts and Dating Charts 131
Size Charts 131
Dating Charts and Look-Up Tables 131
Using the Correct Data Set Correctly 131
The Impact of Differing Equations for Pregnancy Dating 132
Crown Rump Length 132
Head Circumference 132
Biparietal Diameter 132
Dealing with the Differences in Gestational Age Equivalents 133
Estimation of Gestational Age in a Spontaneously Conceived Twin Pregnancy 133
Estimation of Gestational Age in an Assisted Conception Pregnancy 133
Screening for Down’s Syndrome and Edwards’ and Patau’s Syndromes in the First Trimester 134
Down’s Syndrome 134
Edwards’ Syndrome 134
Patau’s Syndrome 134
Combined Screening 135
Triploidy 136
Age-Related, Background and Adjusted Risks 136
Threshold Risk and Terminology 136
Screening for Down’s Syndrome Using NT 137
Getting the Correct Section for Measuring the NT 137
Getting the Correct Section in Practice 139
When Obtaining a Correct Section Is Not Possible 139
When Obtaining a Correct Section Is Not Possible in the Larger Woman 139
Calliper Placement 140
Measuring the NT 141
The Impact of NT on Risk 141
The Implications of NT Above the 95th Centile 143
The Impact of the CRL Measurement on Combined Screening Risk Assessment 144
Clinical Management of the Screen Positive Result 145
Information Required for Accurate Risk Assessment From Combined Screening 147
Maternal Weight 147
Ethnicity 147
Smoking 147
Other factors 147
Aftercare 147
When Measuring an Accurate CRL Is Not Possible 148
Examining the Fetus for Structural Abnormalities 149
Acrania/Exencephaly/Anencephaly 150
Alobar Holoprosencephaly 151
Cystic Hygroma 151
Omphalocele 151
Gastroschisis 152
Megacystis 152
Absent Limb(s) 153
Stomach 154
Heart 154
Scan Menus 154
The ‘Dating Menu’ 154
Managing the Woman Who Declines Screening for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s Syndromes 154
The ‘Combined Screening Menu’ 155
An ‘Anatomical Survey Menu’ 155
Amniotic Fluid and the Placenta 156
Amniotic Fluid Volume 156
Placental Site 156
Reporting the Findings of the Dating Scan and of the Combined Screening Scan 156
Further reading 157
8 First steps in examining the second trimester pregnancy 159
Contents 159
Approaching the Second Trimester Scan 160
Screening Standards 161
Routine Anomaly Screening 162
Confirming Situs Solitus 164
Measuring the HC and BPD 164
Lateral Ventricles/Chitty Section for HC and BPD 165
Finding the Correct Section for HC and BPD 165
Measuring the HC 166
Measuring the BPD 167
‘Outer-to-inner’ measurement 167
‘Outer-to-outer’ measurement 167
BPD measurements in breech and transverse presentations 167
Problems in Obtaining the Correct Sections for HC and BPD 168
Incorrect angle 168
Incorrect rotation 168
Incorrect level 168
Midline not horizontal 168
OA/OP position 168
The Ventricles 170
The Posterior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle/Atrium 170
Measurement of the Posterior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle 170
The Anterior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle 172
Measurement of the Anterior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle 172
Current practice 173
Evaluating the Skull Shape From the Lateral Ventricles View 173
Evaluating the Intracranial Anatomy From the Lateral Ventricles View 173
The Clinical Impact of Correctly Evaluating the Chitty HC Section 174
The Thalami View/Hadlock Section 174
Finding the Thalami View 174
The Suboccipito-Bregmatic Section 175
Finding the Suboccipito-Bregmatic Plane 175
The Cerebellum 175
Measuring the TCD 175
The Cisterna Magna 176
The Nuchal Fold 176
The Clinical Impact of Correctly Evaluating the Suboccipito-Bregmatic Section 176
Measuring the AC 177
Finding the AC 177
Measurement of the AC 177
Problems in Obtaining the Correct Section for AC 178
Directly Anterior Fetal Spine 178
Noncircular Outline 178
Long Length of UV 179
Evaluating the Fetal Anatomy From the AC Section 179
The Clinical Impact of Correctly Evaluating the AC Section 179
Measuring the FL 179
Finding the FL 180
Measurement of the FL 180
Problems in Obtaining the Correct Section for FL 181
Fetal Movements 181
One or Both End Points Are Difficult to Define 181
The Upper Femur Appears Straight While the Lower Femur Appears Bowed 181
Gestational Age Equivalents of the HC and FL Disagree 181
Evaluating the Femur Length View 181
Evaluating the Anatomy between the AC and FL Sections 181
The Clinical Impact of Correctly Evaluating the FL Section 182
Observation of the Fetus for Body and Limb Movements 182
Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid Volume 182
Visual Assessment 183
Oligohydramnios/Anhydramnios 183
Polyhydramnios 183
Localization of the Position of the Placenta Relative to the Internal Os 184
Problems of Placental Localisation 186
Overdistension of the Maternal Bladder 186
Braxton Hicks Contractions 186
Assessment of Fetal Biometry 186
Dating the Pregnancy 187
Dating a Twin Pregnancy 188
Reporting the Scan Findings 188
Reporting the Findings When the EDD Has Already Been Accurately Assigned 188
Reporting the Findings When the Gestational Age and the EDD are to be Assigned 188
Screening for Down’s Syndrome with the Quadruple Test 189
Maternal Weight 190
Ethnicity 190
Smoking Status 190
Method of Conception 190
Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus 190
Screening for Edwards’ and Patau’s Syndromes With the Quadruple Test 191
Further reading 191
9 Assessing the fetal head, brain, neck and face 193
Contents 193
The Shape of the Skull 194
Dolicocephaly and Brachycephaly 194
Lemon-Shaped Skull 194
Strawberry-Shaped Skull 195
Clover-Leaf-Shaped Skull 195
Practical Management of an Abnormally Shaped Skull 195
The Integrity of the Skull Bones 196
Acrania, Exencephaly and Anencephaly 196
Encephalocele 197
The Echogenicity of the Bones of the Skull and of the Brain 198
Hypomineralization of the Skull 198
Increased Echogenicity of the Brain 198
The Size of the Head 199
Microcephaly 199
Head Size and Spina Bifida 200
The H/A Ratio 200
The Appearances of the Intracranial Anatomy 200
The Cerebral Falx and the Midline 200
The Cavum Septum Pellucidum 200
Absent Cavum Septum Pellucidum 201
The Thalamus/Thalami 201
The Sylvian Fissure/Insula 201
The Ventricular System 202
The Lateral Ventricles 202
The Third Ventricle 203
The Fourth Ventricle (See Later in Text) 203
Ventriculomegaly/Hydrocephalus 203
The Choroid Plexus 204
Choroid Plexus Cysts 204
Porencephalic Cyst 205
Hydranencephaly 206
Holoprosencephaly 206
The Corpus Callosum 206
Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum 206
Arachnoid Cyst 207
The Appearances of the Posterior Fossa 208
The Cerebellum 208
Abnormal Size 208
Abnormal Shape: The Banana Sign 208
Arnold Chiari malformation 209
Agenesis of the cerebellar vermis 209
The Fourth Ventricle 210
The Cisterna Magna 210
Dandy-Walker complex 210
Blake’s pouch cyst 211
The Nuchal Fold 211
Increased Nuchal Fold/Skin Fold Thickness 211
The Appearances of the Neck 212
Cystic Hygroma 212
Neck Mass 212
The Appearances of the Fetal Face 214
Development of the Face 214
Obtaining a Coronal View of the Face 214
The Orbits and Eyes 215
The Nose and Upper Lip 215
The Alveolar Ridge or Alveolus 216
The Palate 216
Facial Clefting 216
Cleft lip 217
Clefting of the alveolus 218
The premaxilla 218
Midline cleft 218
The Profile 218
The Forehead 219
Flat Forehead 219
The Nose 220
Nasal Bone 220
Proboscis 220
The Chin 221
Micrognathia 221
The Tongue 221
Macroglossia 221
Further reading 221
10 Assessing the chest and heart 223
Contents 223
The Chest and Ribs 223
The Chest 223
Champagne Cork Chest 224
The Ribs 224
Rib Fractures 224
Differential Diagnosis of Chest Masses 225
The Diaphragm 225
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 225
The Lungs 226
Hydrops Fetalis 227
Pleural Effusion 227
Pericardial Effusion 227
Congenital Lung Lesions 227
Bronchopulmonary Sequestration 227
Cystic Pulmonary Airways Malformation 228
Tracheal Occlusion 229
The Fetal Circulation 229
The Foramen Ovale 231
The Ductus Arteriosus 231
The Ductus Venosus 231
The Umbilical Vessels 231
Changes at Delivery 232
The Fetal Heart 233
Colour Doppler Settings 233
M Mode 235
Aim of the Examination 235
The Four Chamber View 235
Situs Solitus 237
Situs abnormalities 238
Left atrial isomerism 238
Right atrial isomerism 238
Size of the Heart 238
Enlarged heart 239
The Apex of the Heart 239
Dextrocardia 239
Angle of the Cardiac Axis 239
Abnormal axis 239
The Atria 240
The Foramen Ovale 240
The Atrial Septum 240
Atrial septal defect 240
The Ventricles 241
Difference in size of the ventricles 241
Enlarged ventricle 241
Small ventricle 241
The Moderator Band 242
Moderator band in the ‘wrong’ ventricle 242
The Left Ventricle 242
The AV Valves 242
The tricuspid valve 242
The mitral valve 242
The Crux of the Heart 243
AVSD 243
The Ventricular Septum 243
The Left Outflow Tract View 245
The 3vt View 247
The Right Outflow Tract View 247
The Cross over of the Great Vessels 249
The 3vv 249
Other Cardiac Abnormalities 251
Aortic Stenosis 251
Critical Aortic Stenosis 251
Pulmonary Stenosis 251
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 251
Pulmonary Atresia 252
Ventricular Septal Defect 253
Overriding Aorta 253
Conotruncal Abnormalities/Truncus Arteriosus 254
Tetralogy of Fallot 254
TGA 254
Corrected Transposition 255
Double Outlet Right Ventricle 255
Coarctation 255
Right Aortic Arch (V Sign) 255
Right Aortic Arch (U Sign) 255
Double Aortic Arch 257
Additional Views of the Heart 257
The Ductal Arch View 257
The Aortic Arch View 257
Fetal Heart Rate and Rhythm 258
Further reading 259
11 Assessing the abdomen 261
Contents 261
Abdominal Size 262
The Gall Bladder 262
Absent Gall Bladder 262
The Liver 263
The Spleen 263
The Stomach 263
Right Sided Stomach 264
Absent or Small Stomach 264
Oesophageal Atresia and Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula 264
‘Double Bubble’ 265
The Bowel 265
Bright or Echogenic Bowel 265
Bowel Obstruction 267
‘Double Bubble’ or Duodenal Atresia 267
Lower Bowel Atresia or Obstruction 268
The Anterior Abdominal Wall 268
Physiological Herniation of the Bowel 268
The Umbilical Cord 268
Two-Vessel Cord or Single Umbilical Artery 269
The Cord Insertion 270
Chest Wall and Abdominal Wall Defects 271
Ectopia Cordis 271
Bladder Extrophy or Ectopia Vesicae 271
Omphalocele 271
Gastroschisis 272
The Kidneys 273
Transverse Section of the Kidney 273
Sagittal Section of the Kidney 273
Coronal Section of the Kidney 274
Measurement of the Kidneys 275
The Renal Pelvis and Ureter 275
Measurement of the Renal Pelvis 276
Duplex Kidney 276
The Bladder 277
Ureterocele 277
Urinary Tract Abnormalities 278
Renal Agenesis 278
Congenital Cystic Disease of the Kidney 278
Classifications 278
Infantile Polycystic Kidney Disease 279
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Disease 280
Renal Dysplasia 280
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease 281
Meckel–Gruber Syndrome 281
Renal Cysts 281
Obstructive Uropathy 281
Urethral Obstruction 282
Renal Pelvic Dilation 282
Abdominal Cysts 283
Fetal Hydrops or Hydrops Fetalis 284
The Genitalia 285
Further reading 286
12 Ultrasound assessment of the spine and limbs 287
Contents 287
The Spine 288
Sagittal View of the Spine 288
Coronal View of the Spine 289
Transverse View of the Spine 290
Neural Tube Defects 290
Alpha-Fetoprotein 291
Spina Bifida 291
The ‘Lemon’ and ‘Banana’ Signs 292
Other Abnormalities Associated with the Spine 294
Sacral Agenesis (Caudal Regression Syndrome) 294
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma 294
Hemivertebra, Scoliosis, Lordosis and Kyphosis 294
The Limbs 295
The Humerus 296
The Radius and Ulna 296
The Hands 296
Abnormalities of the Hands 297
Fixed flexion of the hands 297
Polydactyly 297
Syndactyly 297
Clinodactyly 298
Overlapping fingers 298
The Femur 298
The Tibia and Fibula 298
The Feet 299
Abnormalities of the Foot 300
Talipes 300
Rocker bottom foot 300
Sandal gap 300
Polydactyly 301
Skeletal Dysplasia 301
Abnormal Length 301
Bowing 302
Defective Mineralization 303
Fractures 303
Additional Features 303
Frontal Bossing 303
Nasal Bridge 303
Characteristic Features 304
Thanatophoric Dysplasia 304
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 304
Achondrogenesis 304
Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy 304
Ellis–Van Creveld Syndrome 304
Diastrophic Dysplasia 304
Achondroplasia 304
Modes of Inheritance 304
13 Assessing fetal growth, amniotic fluid, fetal and uterine artery Dopplers 307
Contents 307
Defining Growth and Growth Velocity 307
Assessing Fetal Growth 308
Defining Normal Growth 309
Estimating Fetal Weight 311
Customized Growth Charts 311
SGA and IUGR 312
Small for Gestational Age 312
Intrauterine Growth Restriction 312
Maternal causes of growth restriction 313
Placental causes of growth restriction 313
Reduced uteroplacental perfusion 313
Reduced fetoplacental perfusion 313
Identifying the High-Risk Population 313
The Head/Abdomen Ratio 313
Ultrasound Features of Intrauterine Growth Restriction 313
Symmetrical intrauterine growth restriction 314
The constitutionally small fetus 314
The pathologically small fetus 314
Asymmetrical growth restriction 315
Large for Dates 315
Fetal Biophysical Profile 316
Amniotic Fluid 320
Assessment of amniotic fluid volume 320
Subjective Assessment 320
Single Deepest Pool 320
Amniotic Fluid Index 321
Deepest Vertical Pool or AFI? 322
Oligohydramnios/Anhydramnios 322
14 Placental and cervical imaging 345
Contents 345
Development of the Placenta 345
Normal placental appearances 346
Localizing the Placenta at 18–22 Weeks 346
Placenta Praevia 349
Classification 349
The Clinical Problem 349
the Relationship between the Placental Edge and the Internal Os 349
When to Scan in the Third Trimester 350
Reporting Placental Site at 32 and 36 Weeks 351
At 32 Weeks 351
At 36 Weeks 352
Variations in Placental Morphology 352
Placental Lakes 352
Succenturiate Lobe 353
Amniotic Band 353
Morbidly Adherent Placenta/Placenta Accreta 354
Chorioangioma 354
Placental Grading 355
Placental Abruption 356
Cord Insertion Into the Placenta 356
Velamentous Cord Insertion 357
Marginal Cord Insertion 358
Vasa Praevia 358
The cervix 358
Assessment and Measurement of Cervical Length 358
Cervical Funnelling 361
Further reading 361
15 Multiple pregnancy 363
Contents 363
Placentation of the Singleton Pregnancy 364
Zygosity 364
Dizygotic Twins 364
DZ Twinning Rates 366
Monozygotic Twins 366
The Three Types of MZ Twins 366
DCDA Monozygotic Twins 366
MCDA Monozygotic Twins 367
MCMA Monozygotic Twins 367
Conjoined twins 367
MZ Twinning Rates 368
The Implications of Twinning 368
Risks of Chromosomal Defects 368
DZ Twins 368
MZ Twins 368
DC Twins 368
Establishing Chorionicity and Amnionicity 369
Diagnosing the Early Twin Pregnancy 369
Problems 371
Determining chorionicity 371
Triploidy Screening in a Twin Pregnancy 373
Combined Screening 373
Measuring NT in a Twin Pregnancy 374
The Twin Pregnancy With One Live Fetus and One Empty Sac 374
The Twin Pregnancy With One Live Fetus and One Dead Fetus 374
Quadruple Test Screening 374
Quadruple Testing in an MC Twin Pair 374
Quadruple Testing in a DC Twin Pair 375
Ultrasound Labelling of Twins 375
The Implications of Monochorionic Twinning 375
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome 376
The Intertwin Membrane 376
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion 378
Your Role in the Scanning of MCDA Twin Pregnancies 378
Normal Ultrasound Findings in MCDA Twin Pregnancies 379
Diagnosis and Assessment of Chorionicity of Twins after 14 Weeks 379
The 18–22 Week Scan in a Twin Pregnancy 379
Structural Abnormalities in a Twin Pregnancy 379
Assessment of Fetal Growth in a Twin Pregnancy 380
Measuring Amniotic Fluid in a Twin Pregnancy 380
Intertwin Growth Discrepancy 380
Pitfalls 380
Further reading 380
16 Scanning the non pregnant pelvis 381
Contents 381
The Uterus and Cervix 382
Anatomy 382
Ultrasound Appearances 382
Caesarean Section Scar 383
Measuring the Uterus 384
Longitudinal Diameter 384
AP Diameter 385
Transverse Diameter 385
Assessment of the Endometrium 385
Measuring Endometrial Thickness 386
Subjective Assessment of the Endometrium 386
The Postmenopausal Uterus 387
The Perimenopausal Uterus 388
Congenital Uterine Anomalies 388
Interpretation of a 3D Volume 389
The Adnexae 391
The Ovaries 391
Ultrasound Appearances 391
Measuring Ovarian Size and Volume 391
Longitudinal Diameter 391
AP Diameter 392
Transverse Diameter 392
Paraovarian cysts 393
The Fallopian Tubes 393
The Pouch of Douglas 393
Writing the Report 394
Further reading 394
17 The menstrual cycle, the menopause and the effects of exogenous hormones 395
Contents 395
The Menstrual Cycle 395
The Endometrium 396
Days 1–5 396
The Endometrium 397
The Ovary 397
Days 6–12 398
The Endometrium 398
18 Uterine and ovarian anomalies 409
Contents 409
Uterine Fibroids 409
Incidence 410
Symptoms 410
Ultrasound Appearances 410
Location 410
Submucosal 411
Subserosal 412
Intramural 412
Pedunculated 412
Degeneration 412
Lipoleiomyoma 413
Leiomyosarcoma 413
Ultrasound Examination 413
Mapping and Reporting of Fibroids 415
Example report A 415
Example report B 415
Mapping and Reporting Difficulties 415
Clinical Management 416
Adenomyosis and Adenomyoma 416
Ultrasound Appearances 417
Adenomyosis 417
Adenomyoma 417
Haematometra, Haematocolpos and Haematosalpinx 418
Ultrasound Appearances 418
Endometrial Polyp 419
Ultrasound Appearances 419
Endometrial Hyperplasia 420
19 Characterization of adnexal cysts, differential diagnoses of the pelvis and report writing 429
Contents 429
The Adnexae 429
Defining an Adnexal Cyst 429
The Purpose of Your Ultrasound Examination 430
How To Establish the Origin of an Adnexal Cyst 431
Paraovarian Cyst 431
Hydrosalpinx 431
Pedunculated Fibroid 432
Fibroma 432
Granulosa Cell Tumour 432
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess 432
Peritoneal Pseudocyst 433
Measurement of an Adnexal Cyst 433
IOTA Classification 434
Type 434
Unilocular Cyst 434
Unilocular Solid Cyst 435
Multilocular Cyst 435
Multilocular Solid Cyst 435
Solid Cyst 436
Internal Content 436
Contour 437
Vascularity 437
Free fluid 437
Characterization for Malignancy Risk 439
Assessing the Malignancy Risk 439
Ovarian Crescent Sign 439
Diagnostic Algorithms 439
Risk of Malignancy Index 439
Ultrasound score (U) as for Menstrual status (M) 440
Menstrual status (M) 440
Ovarian tumour marker (CA) 440
The Simple Rules Algorithm 440
The simple rules in practice 441
Case 1 – mucinous cystadenoma (Fig. 19.11) 441
Case 2 – fibroma (Fig. 19.3) 441
Case 3 – metastatic ovarian carcinoma (Fig. 19.16A and B) 441
Writing the Report for Adnexal Cysts 442
Further reading 442
20 Professional issues 443
Contents 443
The Referrer of the Ultrasound Examination 443
Managing the Examination 444
Discussing the Findings 444
Arranging Follow-up 446
The Ultrasound Report 446
The Sonographer’s Responsibilities 447
Departmental Protocol 447
Working with a Student 447
Medicolegal Issues 448
The Manager’s Responsibilities 448
Audit of Findings 449
Further reading 449
Appendices 451
Appendix 1 Orientation and fetal lie 453
Appendix 2 Equation and look-up table for estimating gestational age (GA) from the crown rump length (CRL) as recommended by current national guidelines 457
Appendix 3 Head circumference (HC) dating table and equation 459
Appendix 4 Biparietal diameter (BPD) dating table (‘outer to inner’) 461
Appendix 5 The 11 conditions screened for, together with their current expected detection rates, within the national screening programme 463
Appendix 6 Equation, head circumference (HC) size chart and HC size table 465
Appendix 7 Biparietal diameter (BPD) size chart (‘outer to inner’) 467
Appendix 8 Equation, abdominal circumference (AC) size chart and AC size table 469
Appendix 9 Equation and dating table for estimating gestational age (GA) from the femur length (FL) 471
Appendix 10 Equation, femur length (FL) size chart and FL size table 473
Appendix 11 Markers of chromosomal abnormality 475
Index 477
A 477
B 478
C 479
D 480
E 481
F 482
G 484
H 484
I 485
J 486
K 486
L 486
M 487
N 488
O 488
P 489
Q 491
R 491
S 491
T 493
U 494
V 495
W 496
X 496
Y 496
Z 496