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Nursing Research and Statistics

Nursing Research and Statistics

Sharma Suresh


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Nursing Research and Statistics

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Front matter iii
Nursing research & statistics second edition i
Copyright page ii
Foreword v
Preface to the second edition vii
Preface to the first edition ix
Acknowledgements xi
Table of contents xiii
1 Foundation of nursing research 1
Learning objectives 3
Introduction 4
Methods of acquiring knowledge in nursing 4
Unstructured methods 5
Structured methods 6
Problem solving 7
Problem-solving process 7
Scientific methods 9
Characteristics of scientific methods 9
Purposes of scientific methods 9
Steps of scientific methods 10
Limitations of scientific methods 10
Meaning of research and nursing research 10
Research 10
Nursing research 11
Need and purposes of nursing research 13
Importance and significance of nursing research 13
Historical evolution of nursing research 14
Contribution of florence nightingale (1820–1910) 15
Major milestones of nursing research in western countries 15
Major milestones of nursing research in india 17
Characteristics of good research 19
Types of research 21
Quantitative and qualitative research (table 1.2) 22
Quantitative research 22
Qualitative research 23
Basic and applied research 24
Basic research 24
Applied research 24
Scope and areas of nursing research 25
Research in clinical nursing practices 26
Research in nursing education 26
Research in nursing administration 27
Research in health systems and outcomes of care 27
Problems in nursing, health, and social research 28
Concept of evidence-based practice 29
Meaning of ebp 29
Steps for process of ebp 30
Purposes of ebp 32
Barriers in ebp 33
Review questions 34
Long answer and short answer questions 34
Multiple choice questions 34
Answers to multiple choice questions 35
Further reading 36
2 Overview of research process 38
Learning objectives 38
Introduction 39
Basic research terms 39
Quantitative research process: Overview 42
Qualitative research process: Overview 45
Ethics in nursing research 48
Definition 48
Importance of ethics in nursing research 48
Code of ethics in nursing research 49
Principle of beneficence 49
Principle of justice 49
Principle of respect of human dignity 50
Informed consent 50
Waiver of informed consent 52
Responsibilities of an investigator in obtaining informed consent 53
Icmr ethical guidelines for biomedical research 54
Code of ethics for nurses in india 57
Ethical responsibilities of a nurse researcher 58
Review questions 58
Long answer and short answer questions 58
Multiple choice questions 59
Answers to multiple choice questions 60
Further reading 60
3 Research problem 62
Learning objectives 62
Introduction 63
Definitions 63
Identification of research problem 64
Sources of research problem 64
Criteria for selecting a good research problem 66
Formulation of research problem 68
Identification of variables 71
Operational definitions 74
Essential characteristics of operational definitions 76
Writing research objectives 76
Meaning of research objectives 76
Characteristics of research objectives 77
Need of research objectives 78
Types of research objectives 78
Method of stating objectives 79
Review questions 81
Long answer and short answer questions 81
Multiple choice questions 81
Answers to multiple choice questions 83
Further reading 83
4 Hypothesis and assumption 84
Learning objectives 84
Hypothesis 85
Definitions 85
Importance of hypothesis in research 86
Characteristics of a good hypothesis 86
Sources of hypotheses 87
Types of hypothesis 88
Formulating hypotheses 90
Assumption 92
Definitions 92
Uses of assumption in research 93
Types of assumption 93
Examples of assumption 94
Delimitations 94
Uses of delimitations 96
Types of delimitations 96
Points to remember while writing delimitations 96
Review questions 97
Long answer and short answer questions 97
Multiple choice questions 97
Answers to multiple choice questions 98
Further reading 98
5 Literature review 100
Learning objectives 100
Introduction 101
Meaning of literature review 101
Importance of literature review 102
Purposes of literature review 103
Types of literature review 103
Sources of literature review 105
Primary sources 105
Secondary sources 105
Steps of literature review 109
Points to be considered for literature review 115
Review questions 116
Long answer and short answer questions 116
Multiple choice questions 116
Answers to multiple choice questions 117
Further reading 117
6 Theories, models, and frameworks in nursing research 120
Learning objectives 120
Meaning of theory 121
Meaning of conceptual model 121
Theoretical and conceptual frameworks 122
Theoretical framework 122
Conceptual framework 124
Nature and characteristics of theories 127
Purposes and uses of theories, models, and frameworks 128
Theories 129
Models and framework 129
Using theory in research 130
Testing and developing theories 130
Evaluation of theory-testing research 130
Evaluation of theory development research 131
Developing conceptual or theoretical framework and models 132
Prerequisites to develop the conceptual framework 132
Sources of concepts to develop conceptual framework 132
Steps of developing conceptual framework 133
Review questions 134
Long answer and short answer questions 134
Multiple choice questions 135
Answers to multiple choice questions 135
Further reading 135
7 Research approaches and designs 137
Learning objectives 137
Introduction 138
Definitions 138
Elements of research design 138
The approach 138
Population, sample, and sampling technique 139
The time, place, and sources of data collection 139
Tools and methods of data collection 139
Methods of data analysis 140
Selection of research design 140
Factors affecting selection of research design 140
Validity of research designs 141
Internal validity 141
External validity 143
Types of research design 144
Experimental research designs 146
True experimental designs 147
Essential characteristics 147
Manipulation 147
Control 147
Randomization 148
Methods of randomization 149
Symbolic presentations 149
Types of true experimental designs 151
Post-test-only control design 151
Pretest–post-test-only design 151
Solomon four-group design 152
Factorial design 153
Randomized block design 153
Crossover design 154
Latin square design 155
Advantages and disadvantages of true experimental design 156
Advantages 156
Disadvantages 156
Randomized control trials in nursing 157
Definitions of rct 158
History of rct 158
Characteristics of rct (fig. 7.9) 158
Purposes of rct 158
Randomization in rct 159
Types of randomization 159
Classification of rcts 160
Use of placebos in rcts 161
Difficulties in conducting rct 161
Advantages of rcts 162
Disadvantages of rcts 162
Quasi-experimental research design 162
Main characteristics 163
Types of quasi-experimental designs 163
Time series design (fig. 7.11) 163
Advantages and disadvantages of quasi-experimental design 164
Advantages 164
Disadvantages 164
Pre-experimental research design 165
Types of pre-experimental research design 165
Advantages and disadvantages of pre-experimental design 166
Advantages 166
Disadvantages 166
Nonexperimental research design 166
Need of nonexperimental design 166
Types of nonexperimental research designs 167
Descriptive research designs 167
Main features 167
Types of descriptive research design 168
Univariant descriptive design 168
Exploratory design 168
Comparative design 169
Correlational/ex-post facto research design 170
Main features 170
Types of correlational research design 170
Prospective research design 171
Retrospective research design 171
Ambispective research design 171
Developmental research design 172
Types of developmental research design 172
Cross-sectional research design 173
Longitudinal research design 173
Epidemiological research designs 173
Cohort study designs 174
Case–control studies 174
Survey research design 175
Main features 176
Types of the survey 176
Advantages and disadvantages of nonexperimental research design 177
Advantages 177
Disadvantages 177
Other additional research designs 177
Methodological studies 178
Meta-analysis 178
Steps in conducting a meta-analysis 178
Secondary data analysis 179
Outcome research 180
Evaluation studies 180
Operational research 181
Qualitative research designs 182
Importance of qualitative research designs 182
Characteristics of qualitative research design 182
Phases of the qualitative research design 183
Main types of qualitative data collection 184
Types of qualitative research designs 184
Phenomenological research 184
Characteristics of the phenomenological approach 185
Types of the phenomenological research 187
Ethnographic research 188
Characteristics of the ethnographic research 188
Grounded theory 188
Characteristics of the grounded theory 189
Types of the grounded theory 192
Historical research design 192
Characteristics of historical research design 193
Steps of historical research 193
First step: Data collection 193
Second step: Criticism of the data 194
Third step: Presentation of the facts 195
Areas of historical study 196
Methods and tools used in historical research 196
Action research 197
Data collection methods 197
Importance of action research in nursing 198
Case study 198
Triangulation (mixed methods) 200
Review questions 201
Long answer and short answer questions 201
Multiple choice questions 202
Answers to multiple choice questions 203
Further reading 204
8 Population, sample, and sampling 205
Learning objectives 205
Introduction 206
Terminology used in sampling 206
Purposes of sampling 207
Characteristics of good sample 208
Sampling process 208
Factors influencing sampling process 210
Nature of the researcher 210
Nature of the sample 210
Circumstances 210
Types of sampling techniques (fig. 8.3) 211
Probability sampling techniques 211
Features of the probability sampling 211
Types of probability sampling 213
Simple random sampling technique 213
Merits 214
Demerits 214
Stratified random sampling 215
Merits 217
Demerits 217
Systematic random sampling 217
Merits 218
Demerits 218
Cluster or multistage sampling 218
Types of cluster samples 218
Merits 219
Demerits 219
Sequential sampling 219
Merits 220
Demerits 220
Nonprobability sampling 220
Features of the nonprobability sampling 220
Uses of nonprobability sampling 221
Types of the nonprobability sampling 221
Purposive sampling 221
Merits 222
12 Introduction and descriptive statistics 379
Learning objectives 381
Introduction 382
Definitions 382
Uses and applications of statistics 382
Uses 382
Applications 383
Terms related to statistics 383
Scales of measurements 384
Nominal-level measurement 384
Ordinal-level measurement 384
Interval-level measurement 385
Ratio-level measurement 385
Classification of statistics 386
Frequency distribution 386
Graphical presentation of data 389
Constructing diagrams/graphs 389
Types of diagram and graphs 390
Limitations of graphs 394
Measures of central tendency 395
Definitions 396
Objectives of central value 396
Requisites of good averaging 396
Measures of central tendency 396
Arithmetic mean 396
Merits of arithmetic mean 398
Demerits of arithmetic mean 398
Median 398
Appendixes 467
Appendix I 467
Appendix II 468
Appendix III 468
Appendix IV 471
Appendix V 472
Appendix VI 474
Appendix VII 474
Appendix VIII 474
Appendix IX 474
Appendix X 476
Appendix XI 477
Study title 477
Sample design 478
Method of sampling 478
Stage 1: Selection of district 478
Stage 2: Selection of sub-district for rural and urban 480
Stage 3: Selection of villages from the selected sub-district for rural area: 480
Stage 4: Systematic selection of households within each selected village 480
Sample selection in rural areas 481
Sample selection in urban areas 481
Appendix XII 481
Important institutes for health science research funding in india 481
Appendix XIII 482
Vancouver style of reference writing 482
Harvard style of reference writing 482
Glossary 490
Index 509
A 509
B 509
C 509
D 510
E 511
F 511
G 511
H 511
I 512
J 512
K 512
L 512
M 513
N 513
O 514
P 514
Q 514
R 515
S 515
T 516
U 517
V 517
W 517
Z 517