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The Psychology of Nursing Care

The Psychology of Nursing Care

Neil Niven


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Book Details


The study of psychology is a key part of nursing training. The Psychology of Nursing Care is built around nursing themes and focuses on those areas of psychology with direct relevance to nursing practice, omitting those with little bearing. The result is an applied psychology of nursing profoundly useful to pre-registration students.
The study of psychology is a key part of nursing training. The Psychology of Nursing Care is built around nursing themes and focuses on those areas of psychology with direct relevance to nursing practice, omitting those with little bearing. The result is an applied psychology of nursing profoundly useful to pre-registration students.
NEIL NIVEN sometime Chartered Health Psychologist and Research Supervisor for the RCN Institute. He was also Head of Behavioural Sciences at the University of Newcastle, and Visting Professor of Health Psychology at the Universities of Conneticut and Helsinki.

'[A] useful addition to the wealth of literature already available...' - Journal of Advanced Nursing

'Whether you are an experienced practitioner, or a student in the early days of your education and practice, this text is for you. The text is not only written in a way that is clear and interesting but also in a style which demonstrates its relevance to current practice.' Dr. Dorothy Feguson, Journal of Community Nursing

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
List of Illustrations x
List of Tables xi
List of Exercises xii
Acknowledgements xiii
Preface xiv
Introduction 1
Psychology and nursing 5
The psychology of nursing care 6
1 Interpersonal Skills 8
Self-esteem: the affective component of self 9
Self-actualisation 10
Social construction: the distributed self 16
Questioning and listening 29
Listening 32
Assertiveness 34
Handling difficult emotions 36
Embarrassment 39
Humour 40
2 Making Judgements about Others 47
Attribution: understanding the causes of behaviour 48
Errors and bias 53
Prejudice 56
Origins of prejudice 62
Reducing of prejudice 66
3 The Effect of Groups on Behaviour 73
Groups 74
The family group 88
4 Child Health Development 102
The neonate 103
Parent–child interaction 106
Attachment behaviour 112
Maternal deprivation 116
Children’s understanding of health and illness 119
5 Adolescence, Adulthood and Ageing 133
Adolescence 134
Eating disorders 137
Social and cultural factors 139
Nursing adolescents 142
Adulthood 143
Middle adulthood 153
Late adulthood 158
6 Life Events, Transitions and Crises 183
Classification of life events 184
Models of life events 191
7 The Biopsychosocial Perspective (1) Individual Differences 216
Psychophysiology 217
The nervous system 217
Sleep 226
Personality 230
Psychodynamic theories 230
Psychometric theories 234
Humanistic theories 242
8 The Biopsychosocial Perspective (2) Pain and Stress 251
Pain 252
Types of pain 253
Theories of pain 255
The experience of pain 257
What influences the perception of pain? 258
Assessment of pain 261
Management of pain 264
Cognitive restructuring 265
CBT and chronic pain 269
Stress and coping 273
The nature of stress 273
Coping strategies 277
Stress management 280
Organisational stress 292
9 Decision Making and Communication 315
Decision making 316
Health decision making 322
Problem solving 324
Social influence 330
10 Changing Attitudes and Behaviour 342
Attitude formation 343
Attitude measurement 344
Attitude change 346
Models of behaviour change 361
Locus of control 364
Self-efficacy 365
11 Community Health Psychology 375
Environment and behaviour 376
The hospital environment 379
Children and hospitalisation 392
Index 411
A 411
B 411
C 412
D 413
E 413
F 413
G 414
H 414
I 414
J 414
K 414
L 415
M 415
N 416
O 416
P 416
Q 417
R 417
S 417
T 418
V 418
W 418
Z 418