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Psychodynamic Counselling with Children and Young People

Psychodynamic Counselling with Children and Young People

Sue Kegerreis


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Book Details


Introducing key psychodynamic theory, concepts and techniques, this text examines the challenges and opportunities of counselling adolescents and children. The book explores a wide variety of settings and contexts, from schools to community projects and mental health services. It is an invaluable guide for counsellors and therapists at all levels.
SUE KEGERREIS is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies at University of Essex .

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Acknowledgements x
1 Introduction 3
The need for childhood counselling 3
Structure of the book – finding your way around 6
2 Key theoretical ideas in psychodynamic thinking 12
The unconscious 12
The inner world 14
Containment 18
Transference 19
Countertransference 20
3 Key elements of psychodynamic technique 1 22
Introduction 22
Techniques used in the psychodynamic approach 23
Practical equipment 25
The psychodynamic toolbox 26
4 Key elements of psychodynamic technique 2 37
Family trees 37
Working with and working in transference and countertransference 44
Working in the metaphor 48
Interpretations and reality 49
5 The developmental perspective 52
Early years 53
Puberty and adolescence 56
Mid-adolescence 57
Later adolescence 59
6 Learning – the hardest task of all 62
7 Using play and art 73
Reading play 73
Working with art materials 78
8 Behaviour 82
9 Understanding and working with groups 91
Projection and roles in groups 94
Gang dynamics 96
10 Consent and clienthood 100
Who is the client? 101
Turning referrals into clients 102
11 Working with difference 109
Culturally sensitive practice 112
Racism 115
Differences in sexual orientation 119
Differences in physical and intellectual ability 124
12 Working in different settings 126
Schools 127
13 Family consultation centres, community adolescent services and beyond 139
Child and adolescent mental health services/family consultation centres 139
Community-based services 143
Medical settings 146
Other possible settings 151
14 Short-term and time-limited work 152
Agencies and time 154
Time-limited work 155
Open-ended short-term work 160
15 Assessment 164
What is the problem? 164
Whose problem is it? 166
Is counselling the right resource? 168
Is this case suitable for this counsellor? 170
Is the child available enough for the work? 171
Anxieties and defences 171
Who am I to this child? 173
The child's inner emotional world 174
Why now? 174
The use of assessment 175
16 Endings and outcomes 176
References 186
Index 193