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Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology

Giovanni Moneta


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Book Details


Happiness is fundamental to how we live our lives, but the meaning of happiness remains as contentious as it did when it was first debated thousands of years ago.
Taking a critical approach to the subject, Positive Psychology investigates the debates that have shaped the psychological discussion of happiness, from theories of well-being to examining how psychotherapy can help foster positive mental health. Offering contrasting perspectives on each topic and examining a range of classic and contemporary research, this book encourages you to engage with positive psychology in a critical way while considering how the theory applies to our everyday lives.
Whether you are new to the subject or want to develop your understanding of the complexities of the field, this lively and engaging introduction will enhance your knowledge not just of positive psychology, but of what happiness and well-being mean to you.

From theories of well-being to psychotherapy, this book takes a critical European perspective to positive psychology, encouraging the reader to engage with the question of 'What is positive psychology?' Accessible yet comprehensive, it is an ideal introduction to the subject for both undergraduate and postgraduate students

Giovanni B. Moneta is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at London Metropolitan University, UK. He conducts research in the area of personality psychology and individual differences with a focus on motivation, emotion and culture, and has published in journals such as Journal of Personality and The Leadership Quarterly.

"An excellent, readable introduction to positive psychology for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, with interesting and innovative coverage of the relationship between happiness and personality." - John Parkinson, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Bangor University, UK

"Moneta's book is a master-guide to positive psychology. Both comprehensive and deep, this text reveals the contributions of the field, the promise it holds, and its most pressing unanswered questions." - Teresa Amabile, Professor at Harvard Business School, USA, and co-author of The Progress Principle

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
1 What Is Positive Psychology? 1
The birth of positive psychology 1
The origins of positive psychology 2
The childhood of positive psychology 3
The goal of this book: Finding an answer to the question 5
The narrated roadmap of this book 5
Overview 5
Measurement issues 16
Recommended web resources and further reading 17
Websites 17
Reading 18
2 Positive Emotions and Well-Being 19
Negative and positive emotions 20
Emotions, feelings, and moods 20
Positive and negative affect 23
Origins and consequences of affect 26
The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions 27
The dual nature of affect: Signal and cause of progress 30
The ratio of positive to negative emotions 31
Cross-cultural differences in emotions 32
Affect and emotional complexity 33
The role of emotions in positive psychology 34
Happiness and life satisfaction 35
Feelings of happiness and happiness 35
The measurement of happiness 35
Background variables and happiness 36
Income and happiness across nations: Basic needs and human rights 37
Income and happiness within wealthy nations: The hedonic treadmill 39
Differences between happy and unhappy people 41
Models of well-being 43
The hedonic definitional model of subjective well-being 43
The eudaimonic definitional model of psychological well-being 45
Empirical comparison of subjective and psychological well-being 47
Directions for future research 50
Self-development and understanding exercise 53
Recommended web resources and further reading 55
Websites 55
Reading 56
3 Positive Self 57
Introduction 57
Self-concept 58
Self-esteem 58
Self-efficacy 60
Self-regulation 64
Ego 64
Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and self-determination 66
Self-construals and cross-cultural differences in self-processes 72
Reversals 79
Stress and coping 82
Needs and motives 85
Personal strivings 89
Goals 92
Achievement goals 93
The creative self 95
The creative self in social context 100
The 'I' and the 'me' 105
Directions for future research 109
Self-development and understanding exercise 111
Recommended web resources and further reading 112
Websites 112
Reading 113
4 Positive Traits 114
Introduction 114
5 Optimism and Self-Regulation of Emotions 157
Introduction 157
Optimism, hope, and emotional intelligence 158
Optimism 158
Hope 162
Emotional intelligence 165
Self-regulation of emotions 169
Attentional control 169
Mindfulness 171
Meta-emotions 173
Adaptive and maladaptive metacognitions 175
Directions for future research 177
Self-development and understanding exercise 180
Recommended web resources and further reading 181
Websites 181
Reading 181
6 Flow 183
Introduction 183
Measurement methods and models of flow 184
The Flow Questionnaire and the first model of flow 184
The Experience Sampling Method and the quadrant and octant models 188
The Standardized Flow Scales and the componential model 191
Overall assessment 193
The origins of flow 193
Self-Determination Theory and flow 193
The teleonomy of the self and the autotelic personality 195
Cultural influence on flow 196
Consequences of flow 198
Flow and creativity 198
Flow and sport performance 198
Flow and work performance 199
Flow and academic performance 200
Flow and emotions 200
Frequency of flow and well-being 201
Negative consequences of flow 202
Directions for future research 202
Self-development and understanding exercise 205
Recommended web resources and further reading 206
Websites 206
Reading 207
7 Positive Relationships 208
Introduction 208
Romantic love 209
Well-being in love 209
Components of love 210
Types of love and relationship well-being 212
Love and subjective well-being 212
Relationships in work environments 213
Well-being at work 213
Relationships between indicators of wellness 216
Positive work environment factors 218
Positive management 220
The inner work life, the progress principle, and positive team leadership 221
The missing bolt in the affect–creativity yoke: Negative emotions 223
Parenting, teacher–student, and child–other relationships 228
Well-being indicators 228
Positive parenting 228
Positive teaching: Autonomy and structure 231
Extracurricular activities: Developmental and negative experiences 232
Directions for future research 234
Self-development and understanding exercise 237
Recommended web resources and further reading 238
Websites 238
Reading 238
8 Positive Therapy 239
Introduction 239
Mental illness and mental health 241
Happiness-enhancing interventions 244
Positive emotions interventions 247
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and metacognitive therapy 248
Directions for future research 251
Self-development and understanding exercise 252
Recommended web resources and further reading 254
Websites 254
Reading 254
9 Future Directions in Positive Psychology 255
The three approaches to the question 255
The trade-offs of happiness 256
Negative emotions as signals 257
Optimal states versus optimal sequencing of states 259
Beyond good and bad 259
References 261
Index 290