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Working with Violence

Working with Violence

Jessica Yakeley


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Book Details


A psychoanalytic understanding of violence is key to successful treatment strategies. This book draws on the expanding discipline of forensic psychotherapy to explore the theory behind violent behaviour in adults. With key definitions and practical case studies, it offers an accessible framework for mental health workers.
JESSICA YAKELEY is Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mental and Behavioural Sciences, University College London, UK. She is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Psychotherapy at the Portman Clinic, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, and a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy at the Camden Psychotherapy Service, Camden and Islington Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. She is also a Member of the British Psychoanalytic Society.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Foreword viii
Acknowledgements xi
Introduction 1
1 Violence: Psychoanalytic Perspectives 7
A psychoanalytic history of aggression 8
Definitions of violence 10
Different forms of violence 11
Attachment, trauma and loss 13
Mentalization 14
The internal object world, the role of the father and superego 16
The role of phantasy 19
Defence mechanisms and defensive systems 20
The external setting and situational factors 22
Towards a multi-dimensional framework 24
Summary 25
2 Violence, Mental Illness and Personality Disorder 26
Diagnostic classifications 27
Personality disorder 29
Psychosis 33
Summary 39
3 Psychopathy 41
Historical conceptions of psychopathy 41
Definitions of psychopathy and the Hare Psychopathy Checklist 43
Developmental origins and the internal world of the psychopath 44
Personality organisation 45
Failures of internalisation 45
Internal object relations and the grandiose self 46
The psychopathic superego 48
Countertransference reactions 50
Psychopathic violence 51
Psychopathic breakdown and the fallacy of dual diagnosis 52
Summary 54
4 Violence, Sexuality and Perversion 56
Definitions of perversion 57
Polymorphous perversion 59
Perversion as a defence against castration anxiety 60
The erotic form of hatred 62
A defence against generational and sexual difference – the facts of life 65
Summary 67
5 Violent Women 68
Violence against the body 69
Infanticide 74
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy 77
Domestic violence 80
Summary 82
6 Violence and Society, Race and Culture 84
Group violence 84
Racism and violence 87
Dehumanisation, genocide and terrorism 93
Summary 96
7 A Psychoanalytic Approach to Risk Assessment 97
Models of risk 98
Subjectivity 100
Violence as communication 101
Countertransference 102
Transference and the index offence 106
Towards a psychoanalytic risk formulation and framework 110
Summary 113
8 Working in Medium and High Security Settings 114
Containment 114
The sick and fragmented institution 116
Treating the institution 118
Working in prisons 123
Summary 125
9 Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Violent Patients 127
Assessing the violent patient 129
The setting 134
Engaging the patient 135
Transference and countertransference 140
Mourning and working through 145
Summary 149
10 Group-Analytic Psychotherapy for Violence 150
Selection for group-analytic psychotherapy 151
The group process 153
The setting, group 'rules' and boundaries 155
Transference and defence 157
Endings and beginnings 161
Summary 163
11 Working with the Wider Professional Network 164
Confidentiality 165
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements 168
Working with the courts 172
Summary 176
Glossary 178
A 178
C 178
D 179
E 180
F 181
G 182
H 182
I 182
L 183
M 183
O 183
P 184
R 186
S 187
T 188
References 189
Index 204
A 204
B 204
C 204
D 204
E 205
F 205
G 205
H 206
I 206
K 206
L 206
M 206
N 206
O 206
P 207
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S 208
T 208
V 208
W 208