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Peter Shoenberg


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Book Details


The role of stress in the development of certain medical illnesses is increasingly recognised and there is a growing need to find effective psychological treatments that can address this factor in physical illness.
This text considers the ways in which stressful situations can interact with individuals to cause bodily changes that result in illness or physical symptoms. Accessible and fully up-to-date, this engaging text offers, in particular:
• An analysis of neuroscientific bases for understanding psycho somatic reactions
• Full clinical accounts of disorders, including telling case study material
• An original approach to understanding mind-body medicine
• A clear account of the development of psychoanalytic approaches to this complex field
Trainees and practitioners in counselling, psychotherapy, healthcare and medicine will find this a fascinating text that both deepens their understanding and enriches their practice.

an excellent resource and guide for psychotherapists and counsellors who have the challenging task of helping patients with somatic disorders in which emotions play a significant role.' – Graeme J. Taylor, MD MRCPsych, FRCPC, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toront, Canada

'a succinct summary of psychotherapeutic thinking on this important subject.' – Andrew Elder, FRCGP, Hon. Consultant in General Practice and Primary Care, Tavistock Centre, London

'This highly readable and informative text bridges the gap between health practitioners and psychotherapists caring for patients with medical and psychosomatic conditions.' Gary Rodin, MD, Head, Department of Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care, University of Toronto, Canada

DR PETER SHOENBERG is a Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy at Camden Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Service (formerly the University College London Hospital and the Royal Free Departments of Psychotherapy). He is the author of many journal articles and chapters on psychosomatic disorders.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
List of Illustrations viii
Foreword ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xv
1 Introduction 1
2 Historical Outline of Psychosomatic Medicine 11
3 The Scope for Psychotherapy in Psychosomatic Disorders: Psychotherapeutic Technique 27
4 The Effects of Stress 55
5 Somatization: The Somatoform Disorders 75
6 Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa 97
7 Obesity 114
8 Gastrointestinal Disorders 121
9 Skin Disorders 140
10 Cardiovascular Disorders 151
11 Respiratoty Disorders 162
12 Musculoskeletal Disorders 171
13 Headache 180
14 Psychosomatic Aspects of Gynaecology 184
15 Psychosomatic Approaches to Cancer 192
16 Developing a Psychosomatic Imagination 200
17 Conclusion 210
Notes 211
Glossary 214
References 233
Index 260