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Professional Perspectives in Health Care

Professional Perspectives in Health Care

Carol Wilkinson


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Book Details


Professional Perspectives in Health Care covers a broad range of healthcare issues such as confidentiality, the patient as consumer and interprofessional working. It examines the latest developments and international perspectives on working in healthcare, and encourages a critical appreciation of current debates on the professional agenda.
CAROL WILKINSON is Principal Lecturer in Health Studies at the University of Lincoln, UK. She is co-author of Watson& Wilkinson: Nursing in Primary Care (Palgrave).
Professional Perspectives in Health Care covers a broad range of healthcare issues such as confidentiality, the patient as consumer and interprofessional working. It examines the latest developments and international perspectives on working in healthcare, and encourages a critical appreciation of current debates on the professional agenda.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Half-Title\r i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Acknowledgements xi
Notes on the Contributors xii
Introduction\r xiv
PART I The Effect of Policy Intervention upon Professional Working Arrangements in Health Care 1
1 Evidence-based Practice 3
2 Patient Information and Society 29
3 Clinical Governance 45
4 Interprofessional Working 61
5 A Professional Approach to Ethnic Diversity 83
6 Building Research Capacity in Health Services 95
7 Regulation of Herbal Medicine and Complementary Medicine 114
PART II Research Supporting Health Professionals 135
Introduction 137
8 Studying Organizational Health Culture in a Hospital Setting: Some Reflections on the Process 145
9 Integrating Herbal Medicine into the National Health Service: Perspectives of General Practitioners 166
10 The Therapeutic Relationship in the Dental Setting 205
11 Mentorship in Practice: Student Nurse Perspectives 253
Index 302