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A Practical Introduction to Restorative Practice in Schools

A Practical Introduction to Restorative Practice in Schools

Bill Hansberry | Margaret Thorsborne


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Proven to reduce bad behaviour and exclusions, and encourage happier, safer school environments, restorative justice is an effective approach to conflict resolution.

Suitable for education settings from preschool to college, this guide explains what restorative justice is, how it can be used in schools, what it looks like in the classroom and how it can be implemented. Featuring case studies that illuminate the underlying restorative principles and practices, this book covers a wide range of topics from the basics of restorative justice, through to school-wide processes for embedding the approach in policy and practice.

Drawing on the expertise of educators and consultants, this is a must-have resource for any school or centre that is serious about reducing bad behaviour and developing safer learning communities.

As a growing community of schools across the globe embrace Restorative Practices, there exists a greater need for resource materials that will give as much careful attention to restorative values and principles as they do to technical guidance around restorative tools. Bill Hansberry has found that sweet spot. Readers who embrace both aspects of this book will be as grounded in their understanding of the vital role of emotion in effective restorative practices as they will be enriched in their ability to practice a variety of restorative approaches.
Lauren Abramson, Ph.D., Founding Director, Community Conferencing Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Bill Hansberry runs an education consultancy ( Bill is widely recognised for his knowledge about behaviour management, restorative justice and cultural renewal in educational settings. He is also known for his passion for relational teaching, strategic community building and Circle Time, as well as his unique and engaging style in facilitating professional learning workshops for schools, school clusters and other organisations. Bill lives in Adelaide, Australia.
As interest grows in the use of restorative practice in schools, this new book by Bill Hansberry is a welcome addition to the resources available on the subject. Drawing on the author's personal experience, it provides both valuable insight into the theory underpinning restorative practice and practical advice on how it can be implemented in a school environment. By using case studies, the author also brings to life in an accessible and engaging way what the benefits of a restorative approach can be. Restorative practice should be integral to every school and this book can help to achieve this.
Jon Collins, Chief Executive, Restorative Justice Council
Of the many gifts in this book, I'd like to emphasize a few. Bill mounts compelling arguments for restorative approaches to problem-solving. These arguments are presented in a comprehensive way that will be useful for readers wishing to influence others. Bill's conference preparation, told through his case studies, is impeccable - challenging us to lift our practice, I believe, to new levels. His detailed follow-up work described in section 4 also reminds us that the game is not over once a process has happened. His insights into how children and young people feel and think is very helpful, again helping us to think carefully about our own practice, thoughts and feelings. Finally, though, the whole section called Feeling Restoratively is a must read, if we still need convincing that we need to change the way we work with young people. Bill's grasp of Affect and Script Psychology (Human Being Theory) allows the reader to understand in a deep way, our emotional selves as humans - we are after all, social animals, and we are wired to live in good relationship with others. Important issues around accountability, responsibility, mercy, forgiveness and redemption must be tackled if we are to change our schools, and eventually our communities and world. This book is full of useful ideas and I hope it will become a well-thumbed resource for restorative practitioners. It's a great read.
From the foreword by Margaret Thorsborne

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
A Practical Introduction to Restorative Practice in Schools: Theory, Skills and Guidance by Bill Hansberry 3
Foreword 11
Acknowledgements 16
Preface 18
Part 1 - Thinking Restoratively - Challenging Paradigms about What to Do when Things Go Wrong 21
Chapter 1. An Intractable Conflict 22
Chapter 2. Courage, Connectedness and Restorative Work 26
Chapter 3. How to be in Charge – Four Modes of Discipline and Control - More Asking and Less Telling 31
Chapter 4. Restorative Practice in Action - The Case of Tristan and Jason 45
Chapter 5. Different Questions, Different Outcomes 62
Part 2 - Feeling Restoratively - A Psychological Framework for Restorative Practice 75
Chapter 6. Silvan Tomkins and Humans as Emotional Beings 76
Chapter 7. Affect - What Makes Humans Tick? 80
Chapter 8. A Blueprint for Mentally Healthy Schools 87
Chapter 9. Affect Shame - Our Inbuilt Social Alarm Bell 91
Chapter 10. Grasping the Nettle - Shame’s Difficult Demand 96
Chapter 11. The Compass of Shame 104
Part 3 - Working Restoratively - Restorative Approaches for Different Ages and Situations 115
Chapter 12. Continuums of Responses to Disruption and Wrongdoing 116
Chapter 13. Positive Behaviour Correction 122
Chapter 14. Affective Statements and Conversations 129
Chapter 15. The Individual Conference 133
Chapter 16. The Small Group Conference 144
Chapter 17. The Large Group Conference 164
Chapter 18. The Classroom Conference 172
Chapter 19. The Community Conference 193
Chapter 20. The Leaving Well Conference 209
Chapter 21. The Path to Better Restorative Conversations 219
Chapter 22. Circles for Building Community and Teaching Restorative Thinking 239
Part 4 - Following Through Restoratively - Managing a Restorative Programme through Follow-Up,\nAccountability and Relationship Management 251
Chapter 23 - ‘What Have We Agreed to Here?’ - Holding Young People Accountable 252
Chapter 24 - Creating Conference Agreements 256
Chapter 25 - Recording and Managing New Conference Agreements 258
Chapter 26 - After the Conference - Relationship Management and Accountability 262
Chapter 27 - How to Review Conference Agreements 267
Chapter 28. Keeping Colleagues in the Loop About Conference Agreements 274
Chapter 29. Keeping Parents in the Loop About Conference Agreements 281
Chapter 30. Concluding Thoughts 285
Appendix 1. Pre-No-Blame Classroom Conference Student Reporting Pro Forma 291
Appendix 2. Example No-Blame Classroom Conference Pre-Conference Letter to Parents 292
Appendix 3. Example No-Blame Classroom Conference Post-Conference Survey 294
References 296
Subject Index 300
Author Index 310