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Political Science: An Introduction, Global Edition

Political Science: An Introduction, Global Edition

Michael G. Roskin | Robert L. Cord | James A. Medeiros | Walter S. Jones


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For courses in Introduction to Political Science.


Explore the Fundamentals of Political Science

Political Science: An Introduction shows students how the fundamental tenets of political science have helped important leaders make critical decisions for centuries. The authors present a balance of theoretical abstractions and applied reasoning to help students understand how to make calm, rational choices when it comes to political manipulation.


The Fourteenth Edition asks students to explore the controversial topic of exported democracy, and whether certain countries are ready and equipped to apply our form of government. By examining issues such as the Iraq war and the difficulty of adapting our own democracy in the U.S., the text prompts students to form their own opinions about democracy and political science. Geared toward those learning about the topic for the first time, the authors encourage students to consider different paradigms, viewpoints, and theories when developing their own political views.


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MyPoliSciLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
Brief Contents 5
Contents 7
Preface 11
Part I The Bases of Politics 15
Chapter 1 Politics and Political Science 16
What Is Politics? 17
Classic Works: Concepts and Percepts 18
What Is Political Science? 22
Classic Thought: “Never Get Angry at a Fact” 23
Methods: Learning a Chapter 24
Theory in Political Science 29
Theories: Models: Simplifying Reality 33
“Political Theory” versus Theory in Political Science 36
Classic Works: Not Just Europeans 37
Review Questions 40
Key Terms 40
Further Reference 41
Chapter 2 Political Ideologies 42
What Is Ideology? 43
Theories: The Origins of Ideologies 44
Liberalism 45
Conservatism 47
Socialism 49
Nationalism 53
Methods: Theses 55
Ideology in Our Day 56
Case Studies: Islamism: A Political Ideology Emanating from Islam 59
Democracy: Authoritarian Capitalism 60
Is Ideology Finished? 61
Review Questions 61
Key Terms 62
Further Reference 62
Chapter 3 States 63
Institutionalized Power 64
Classic Works: Aristotle’s Six Types of Government 66
Effective, Weak, and Failed States 66
Theories: Political Development in Three Stages 67
Unitary or Federal Systems 68
Methods: Sources 69
Case Studies: The Shaky Lives of Confederations 71
Electoral Systems 75
Case Studies: French and German Variations 77
States and the Economy 78
Review Questions 80
Key Terms 81
Further Reference 81
Chapter 4 Constitutions and Rights 82
Constitutions 84
The Highest Law of the Land 85
Case Studies: The Dangers of Changing Constitutions 86
Case Studies: Canada’s New Constitution 88
Can Constitutions Ensure Rights? 90
The Adaptability of the U.S. Constitution 91
Theories: What Is a Right? 92
Freedom of Expression in the United States 93
Methods: References 97
Review Questions 98
Key Terms 98
Further Reference 98
Chapter 5 Regimes 100
Representative Democracy 102
Democracy in Practice: Elitism or Pluralism? 108
Totalitarianism 111
Democracy: Dahl’s “Influence Terms” 111
Methods: Tight Writing 114
Democracy: Why Democracies Fail 115
Authoritarianism 116
Case Studies: Democracy in Iraq? 118
The Democratization of Authoritarian Regimes 118
Review Questions 120
Key Terms 120
Further Reference 121
Part II Political Attitudes 122
Chapter 6 Political Culture 123
What Is Political Culture? 124
Classic Works: The Civic Culture 126
Democracy: Civil Society 127
Methods: Quotations 128
The Decay of Political Culture 129
Case Studies: Soviet Political Culture and the New Russia 130
Elite and Mass Subcultures 131
Theories: Culture and Development 132
Minority Subcultures 133
Case Studies: “Yes Scotland!” versus “Better Together” 134
Democracy: The Three Israels 136
Political Socialization 136
Classic Works: The Authoritarian Personality 137
Case Studies: China Builds Unity 138
Review Questions 139
Key Terms 140
Further Reference 140
Chapter 7 Public Opinion 141
What Public Opinion Is and Isn’t 142
Democracy: A Short History of Polling 144
The Shape of Public Opinion 145
Classic Works: Almond’s Three Publics 147
Democracy: Opinion Curves 151
Public-Opinion Polls 151
Methods: Variables 155
American Opinion 155
Review Questions 159
Key Terms 160
Further Reference 160
Part III Political Interactions 161
Chapter 8 Political Communication 162
The Mass Media and Politics 163
Classic Works: The Two-Step Flow of Mass Communications 164
Democracy: The Tendency to Media Oligopoly 167
Social Media 168
Case Studies: The Media and War 169
The Giant: Television 170
Methods: Defining Variables 172
Theories: The Framing of News 174
Are We Poorly Served? 175
Case Studies: The Media and Watergate 177
The Adversaries: Media and Government 178
Review Questions 180
Key Terms 180
Further Reference 180
Chapter 9 Interest Groups 182
The Ubiquity of Interest Groups 183
Theories: Countervailing Power 185
Interest Groups and Government 185
Case Studies: French Antipluralism 187
Effective Interest Groups 188
Case Studies: Trade Unions and the Right to Strike in the U.K. 191
Methods: Tables 192
Interest Group Strategies 193
Classic Works: Olson’s Theory of Interest Groups 196
Interest Groups: An Evaluation 197
Review Questions 199
Key Terms 199
Further Reference 200
Chapter 10 Parties 201
Methods: Cross-Tabulations 202
Functions of Parties 203
Democracy: Parties That Ignore Voters 206
Parties in Democracies 207
Theories: What Is a “Relevant” Party? 209
Classic Works: Duverger’s Three Types of Parties 210
Classifying Political Parties 211
Classic Works: Kirchheimer’s “Catchall” Party 213
Party Systems 213
Democracy: Multiparty Systems Are More Fun 214
Theories: Sartori’s Party Competition 217
The Future of Parties 218
Review Questions 219
Key Terms 219
Further Reference 219
Chapter 11 Elections 221
Why Do People Vote? 222
Who Votes? 223
Theories: Downs’s Theory of Voting 223
Methods: Tendency Statements 225
Who Votes How? 226
Case Studies: Is the U.S. Electoral System Defective? 231
Electoral Realignment 233
Democracy: Partisan Polarization 234
What Wins Elections? 235
Democracy: Changing Positions 238
Review Questions 239
Key Terms 239
Further Reference 239
Part IV Political Institutions 241
Chapter 12 Legislatures 242
The Origins of Parliaments 243
Presidential and Parliamentary Systems 244
Classic Works: Where Did the U.S. System Originate? 246
Bicameral or Unicameral? 249
What Legislatures Do 250
Methods: Longitudinal Studies 251
The Decline of Legislatures 254
Democracy: Pork-Barrel Politics 255
Review Questions 260
Key Terms 260
Further Reference 261
Chapter 13 Executives and Bureaucracies 262
Presidents and Prime Ministers 263
Democracy: Israel’s Directly Elected Prime Ministers 266
Democracy: Putin’s Authoritarianism 267
Classic Works: Lasswell’s Psychology of Power 268
Executive Leadership 268
Democracy: An Imperial Presidency? 269
Methods: Graphs 270
Cabinets 272
Classic Works: American Paranoia 274
Bureaucracies 274
Classic Works: Weber’s Definition of Bureaucracies 275
The Trouble with Bureaucracy 279
Theories: Bureaucratic Politics 280
Review Questions 281
Key Terms 281
Further Reference 282
Chapter 14 Judiciaries 283
Types of Law 284
Classic Works: The Roots of Law 286
The Courts, the Bench, and the Bar 287
Case Studies: Common Law versus Code Law 288
Comparing Courts 290
Classic Works: Marbury v. Madison 293
The Role of the Courts 294
Methods: Scattergrams 295
The Supreme Court’s Political Role 297
Review Questions 302
Key Terms 302
Further Reference 302
Part V What Political Systems Do 304
Chapter 15 Political Economy 305
What Is Political Economy? 306
Case Studies: How High Are U.S. Taxes? 308
Government and the Economy 308
Methods: Maps 312
What Is Poverty? 316
Democracy: Poverty and Ideology 317
Case Studies: Welfare Spending versus Tax Expenditures 319
The Costs of Welfare 320
How Big Should Government Be? 322
Review Questions 323
Key Terms 324
Further Reference 324
Chapter 16 Violence and Revolution 325
System Breakdown 326
Types of Violence 328
Methods: Thinkpieces 329
Theories: Rising Expectations 332
Terrorism 333
Case Studies: Revolutionary Political Warfare in Vietnam 334
Revolutions 335
Case Studies: The Iranian Revolutionary Cycle 337
After the Revolution 338
Case Studies: Violent versus Velvet Revolutions 340
Review Questions 343
Key Terms 343
Further Reference 343
Chapter 17 International Relations 345
What Is International Relations? 346
Power and National Interest 348
Methods: Avoid “They” 348
Theories: Types of National Interest 349
The Importance of Economics 350
Why War? 352
Classic Works: Kennan’s Dinosaur Analogy 354
Keeping Peace 355
Beyond Sovereignty? 357
Democracy: The Democratic Peace 359
U.S. Foreign Policy: Involved or Isolated? 359
Theories: Klingberg’s Alternation Theory 360
Classic Works: Thucydides on War 362
Review Questions 363
Key Terms 363
Further Reference 363
Glossary 365
Index 374