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Acupuncture: an Aid to Differential Diagnosis E-Book

Acupuncture: an Aid to Differential Diagnosis E-Book

Susanna Dowie


Additional Information


ACUPUNCTURE: AN AID TO DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS gives a comprehensive conventional and acupuncture differential diagnosis, referenced by presenting condition and by acupuncture diagnosis. Presented in an accessible format, spiral bound and with a horizontal cut on each page, it gives the practitioner and student access to a handy and portable memory aid to differential diagnosis.

  • Presented in a small, portable and quick-referenced form
  • Includes both western medicine differential diagnosis and Chinese medicine differential diagnosis
  • Suitable for both students and practitioners of acupuncture
  • Attractive two colour design

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
e9780443068676v1.pdf 1
Front Cover 1
e9780443068676v2 136
Front cover 136
Acupuncture:An Aid to Differential Diagnosis 138
Dedication page 140