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PASS CCRN®! - E-Book

PASS CCRN®! - E-Book

Robin Donohoe Dennison


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Book Details


Fully updated to mirror the latest CCRN-Adult test plan, PASS CCRN®!, 4th Edition is well known for its innovative learning strategies, targeted-yet-comprehensive coverage, and meticulous accuracy. Each section of the exam is addressed in detail, with review content presented in logical outline format and accompanied by a wealth of illustrations, tables, and algorithms. Learning activities in the book, as well as more than 1,000 review questions on the companion Evolve website, offer valuable practice and test-taking experience.

*The practice tests on the CD-ROM referenced on page 9 are now found on the accompanying website for the book. The website can be accessed by using the pincode found in the front matter of the book and following the prompts.*

  • Completely updated content follows the latest CCRN Test Plan to ensure you have the most current information for exam preparation.
  • Easy-to-follow outline format quickly and clearly presents the information you must know to pass the CCRN exam.
  • Engaging learning activities provide fun and stimulating ways to learn critical concepts.
  • Helpful appendices offer quick access to common abbreviations, laboratory values, and formulas essential to providing effective critical nursing care.
  • NEW! Behavioral/Psychosocial chapter reflects the latest CCRN test plan, addressing behavioral and psychosocial issues that affect the care of the critically ill.
  • More than 1,000 multiple-choice review questions on the new companion Evolve website offer convenient electronic access and can be answered in Study Mode or Exam Mode.
  • Nearly 45% of the art is new or updated, including completely new algorithms based on the latest core protocols from the AHA, to help clarify complex concepts.
  • Pharmacology boxes in each chapter highlight pharmacology as it pertains to each body system.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Evolve page i
Copyright Page iv
Clinical Consultants v
Reviewers vi
Dedication vii
Preface viii
Content Review viii
Learning Activities viii
Practice Questions and Examinations on the Evolve Website viii
Other Helpful Features ix
Acknowledgments x
Table Of Contents xi
1 The Critical Care Certification Examination 1
Certification 1
Definition 1
Purpose 1
Benefits of Achieving CCRN® Certification 1
The Synergy Model 2
Definition of Synergy 2
Core Concept 2
Assumptions 2
The Adult CCRN® Examination 3
Basic Information about the CCRN® Examination 3
Cognitive Levels of Questions 4
Distribution of Questions Related to the Nursing Process 4
Passing Score 4
Plan for Passing the CCRN® Examination (Figure 1-2) 4
Permission to Take the Examination 4
Preparation for the Exam 5
Performance During the Examination 7
Pass and Pass It On 9
Maintaining Your CCRN® Certification 10
Recertification 10
Chapter 1 Learning Activities 11
2 The Cardiovascular System: 13
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 13
General Information about the Cardiovascular System 13
The Heart 13
Vascular System 29
Oxygen Delivery to the Tissue (DO2)/Oxygen Consumption by the Tissues (VO2) (Figure 2-25) 33
Cardiovascular Assessment 36
Interview 36
Landmarks (Figure 2-29) 42
Inspection and Palpation 42
Auscultation 47
Diagnostic Studies 53
Electrocardiography 53
General Information 53
Rhythm Strip Analysis 57
Multiple-Lead ECG Analysis 65
ST Segment Monitoring 72
Hemodynamic Monitoring 72
General Information Regarding Hemodynamic Monitoring 72
Hemodynamic Parameters (Table 2-13) 74
Use of Hemodynamic Monitoring for Clinical Decision-Making 85
Chapter 2 Learning Activities 94
Across 95
Down 95
Across 106
Down 106
3 The Cardiovascular System: 109
Cardiopulmonary Arrest 109
Definition 109
Etiology 109
Pathophysiology 109
Clinical Presentation 109
Collaborative Management 109
Psychosocial Considerations 116
Evaluation 117
Dysrhythmias and Blocks 117
Definitions 117
Etiology 117
Pathophysiology: Arrhythmogenic Mechanisms 118
Clinical Presentation 128
Collaborative Management 128
Acute Coronary Syndrome 150
Definitions 150
Etiology 151
Clinical Presentation 155
Pathophysiology 157
Collaborative Management 157
Heart Failure 184
Definitions 184
Etiology 184
Pathophysiology 185
Classifications of Heart Failure 185
Clinical Presentation (Table 3-19) 187
Collaborative Management 188
Cardiomyopathy 197
Definition 197
Dilated (Previously Called Congestive) Cardiomyopathy 197
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 199
Restrictive: Least Common 201
Indications for Cardiac Transplantation 202
Valvular Heart Disease 202
Definition 202
Mitral Regurgitation (Insufficiency, Incompetence) 202
Mitral Stenosis 203
Aortic Regurgitation (Insufficiency, Incompetence) 204
Aortic Stenosis 205
Collaborative Management 206
Hypertensive Crises 207
Definitions 207
Etiology 207
Pathophysiology 207
Clinical Presentation 207
Collaborative Management 209
Vascular Disease 215
Peripheral Arterial Disease 215
Acute Arterial Occlusion 218
Aortic Aneurysm 219
Carotid Arterial Stenosis 224
Cardiovascular Trauma 225
Blunt Cardiac Injury (i.e., Myocardial Contusion) 225
Penetrating Cardiac Injury 227
Great Vessel Injury 228
Cardiac Tamponade 228
Definition 228
Etiology 229
Pathophysiology 229
Clinical Presentation 229
Collaborative Management 230
Hypovolemic Shock 231
Cardiogenic Shock 231
Chapter 3 Learning Activities 232
Across 234
Down 234
Across 237
Down 237
Across 242
Down 242
4 The Pulmonary System: 243
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 243
General Information 243
Functional Anatomy 243
Physiology (Figure 4-9) 252
Pulmonary Assessment 263
Interview 263
Landmarks (see Figure 2-29) 265
Inspection and Palpation 265
Percussion 269
Auscultation 270
Bedside Assessment of Pulmonary Function 271
Basic Chest X-ray Interpretation 273
Diagnostic Studies 275
Acid-Base Balance and Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation 275
Physiology Review 275
Acid-Base Regulation 277
Acid-Base Imbalances (Figure 4-26) 277
Analysis of Arterial Blood Gases 279
Discussion of Acid-Base Imbalances 280
Airway Management 280
Etiology of Airway Obstruction 280
Clinical Presentation of Airway Obstruction 280
Collaborative Management of Airway Obstruction and/or Respiratory Distress 282
Oxygen Therapy 293
Definitions 293
Etiologies of Oxygen Deficiencies 294
Pathophysiology 294
Assessment 294
Indications for Oxygen Therapy 295
Principles of Oxygen Therapy 295
High-Flow Versus Low-Flow Oxygen Delivery Systems 295
Oxygen Delivery Systems 296
Hazards of Oxygen Therapy 296
Hyperbaric Oxygenation 296
Mechanical Ventilation 298
Indications for Mechanical Ventilation 298
Types of Ventilators 299
Inspiratory Modes 299
Expiratory Maneuvers 299
Mechanical Ventilator Parameters 303
Assessment of the Mechanically Ventilated Patient 304
Collaborative Management 305
Weaning (also Referred to as Liberation) 310
Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NPPV) 316
Description 316
Indications 316
Advantages over Traditional Mechanical Ventilation 316
Disadvantages 316
Contraindications 316
Complications 317
Reasons to Switch to Invasive Ventilation (Bauman, 2009) 317
Chest Tubes 317
Purposes of Chest Tubes (also Called Thoracostomy Tube or Thoracic Catheter) 317
Insertion 317
Chest Drainage System 317
Assessment 319
Collaborative Management 319
Chapter 4 Learning Activities 322
Across 323
Down 323
5 The Pulmonary System: 330
Chest Surgery and Chest Tubes 330
Surgical Procedures 330
Collaborative Management 330
Acute Respiratory Failure 332
Definitions 332
Etiology 332
Pathophysiology (Table 5-1) 332
Clinical Presentation 332
Collaborative Management 335
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 337
Definitions 337
Etiology: Risk Increases if More than One Occurs Simultaneously 338
Pathophysiology 338
Clinical Presentation 338
Collaborative Management 338
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension/Pulmonary Hypertension 344
Definition 344
Classification and Etiology (Simonneau et al., 2009) 346
Pathophysiology 346
Clinical Presentation 346
Collaborative Management 348
Pneumonia 348
Definitions 348
Etiology 348
Pathophysiology (Figure 5-3) 350
Clinical Presentation 351
Collaborative Management 351
Aspiration Lung Disorder 354
Definitions 354
Etiology 354
Pathophysiology 354
Clinical Presentation 354
Collaborative Management 356
Status Asthmaticus 357
Definitions 357
Etiology 357
Pathophysiology 358
Clinical Presentation 358
Collaborative Management 359
Pulmonary Embolism/Infarction 362
Definition 362
Etiology 362
Pathophysiology (Figure 5-6) 362
Clinical Presentation 363
Collaborative Management 365
Chest Trauma 368
General Information 368
Pulmonary Contusion 368
Closed (Noncommunicating) Pneumothorax (Figure 5-7) 369
Tension Pneumothorax (Figure 5-8) 371
Open (Communicating) Pneumothorax (Also Called Sucking Chest Wound) (Figure 5-8) 372
Hemothorax 373
Rib Fracture/Sternal Fracture/Flail Chest 373
Diaphragmatic Rupture 375
Tracheobronchial Injury 376
Chapter 5 Learning Activities 377
Across 377
Down 378
Across 383
Down 383
6 The Neurologic System 385
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 385
General Information 385
Microscopic Anatomy and Physiology 385
Macroscopic Anatomy and Physiology 388
Neurologic Assessment 397
Interview 397
Vital Signs 402
General Appearance 403
Mental Status and Cognition 403
Motor Function 406
Sensory Function 408
Cranial Nerve Function 409
Reflexes 413
Miscellaneous 414
Neurologic Monitoring 415
Diagnostic Studies 421
Intracranial Hypertension 422
Etiology 422
Pathophysiology (Figure 6-24 on page 427) 422
Clinical Presentation 427
Collaborative Management 428
Encephalopathy 434
Definition 434
Etiology 434
Clinical Presentation: Varies with Etiology 434
Collaborative Management 434
Craniotomy 434
Surgical Procedures 434
Preoperative Collaborative Management 435
Postoperative Collaborative Management 435
Traumatic Brain Injuries 437
Etiology 437
Pathophysiology 437
Clinical Presentation 437
Collaborative Management 438
Skull Fractures 439
Etiology 439
Pathophysiology (Figure 6-30) 440
Clinical Presentation 440
Collaborative Management 440
Intracranial Hematomas 441
Etiology: Usually Trauma 441
Pathophysiology (Figure 6-31) 441
Clinical Presentation 442
Collaborative Management 442
Hydrocephalus 443
Definition 443
Etiology 443
Pathophysiology 443
Clinical Presentation 443
Collaborative Management 444
Hemorrhagic Stroke 444
Definition 444
Etiology 444
Pathophysiology (Figure 6-33) 444
Clinical Presentation 444
Collaborative Management 446
Ischemic Stroke 448
Definitions 448
Etiology 449
Pathophysiology (Figure 6-34) 449
Clinical Presentation 449
Collaborative Management 451
Brain Tumor 454
Etiology: Multifactorial or Unknown 454
Pathophysiology (Figure 6-36) 454
Clinical Presentation 454
Collaborative Management 455
Status Epilepticus 456
Definitions 456
Etiology 457
Pathophysiology 457
Clinical Presentation 457
Collaborative Management 458
CNS Infections 459
Definitions 459
Etiology 460
Pathophysiology 460
Clinical Presentation 460
Collaborative Management 462
Neuromuscular Disorders 463
Muscular Dystrophy 463
Multiple Sclerosis 463
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 464
Guillain-Barré Syndrome 464
Myasthenia Gravis 465
Collaborative Management of Neuromuscular Disorders 465
Chapter 6 Learning Activities 467
Across 468
Down 468
Across 474
Down 474
7 The Gastrointestinal System 476
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 476
General Information About the Gastrointestinal System 476
Alimentary Canal 476
Accessory Organs of Digestion (Figure 7-6) 483
Gastrointestinal Hormones 486
Blood Supply 486
Nervous Innervation 487
Functions of the Gastrointestinal System 488
Assessment of the GI System 489
Interview 489
Vital Signs 491
Inspection 491
Auscultation 494
Percussion 495
Palpation 495
Intraabdominal Pressure 496
Diagnostic Studies 498
GI Drugs (Table 7-6) 500
Decrease Gastric Acidity and/or Protect Gastric Mucosa 500
GI Hemorrhage 500
Malnutrition 504
Definitions 504
Etiology 504
Pathophysiology 505
Clinical Presentation 506
Collaborative Management 507
Upper GI Hemorrhage 508
Definitions 508
Etiology 513
Pathophysiology 513
Clinical Presentation 513
Collaborative Management 518
Hepatic Failure/Encephalopathy 524
Definitions 524
Etiology 524
Pathophysiology (Figure 7-18) 524
Clinical Presentation 524
Collaborative Management 527
Acute Pancreatitis 530
Definition 530
Etiology 530
Pathophysiology 530
Clinical Presentation 530
Collaborative Management 532
Intestinal Infarction/ Obstruction/Perforation 534
Definitions 534
Etiology 534
Pathophysiology 535
Clinical Presentation 535
Collaborative Management 537
Abdominal Trauma 538
Definition 538
Etiology 538
Pathophysiology 538
Clinical Presentation 538
Collaborative Management 539
GI Surgery 541
Procedures Frequently Requiring Critical Care 541
Postoperative Management for GI Surgeries 541
Chapter 7 Learning Activities 547
Across 547
Down 548
Across 552
Down 552
8 The Renal System 554
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 554
General Information 554
Functional Anatomy 554
Physiology 557
Assessment of Fluid, Electrolyte, and Renal Status 565
Interview 565
Vital Signs 567
Inspection and Palpation 567
Percussion 568
Auscultation 568
Urine Output 569
Bladder Volume by Portable Ultrasound Bladder Scanner 569
Hemodynamic Monitoring 569
Diagnostic Studies 569
Drugs Affecting the Renal System 571
Diuretics 571
Dopaminergic Stimulators 574
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances 575
Hypovolemia 575
Water Loss Syndromes 576
Hypervolemia 577
Water Excess Syndromes 577
Hyponatremia 578
Hypernatremia 578
Hypokalemia 579
Hyperkalemia 580
Hypocalcemia 581
Hypercalcemia 582
Hypophosphatemia 583
Hyperphosphatemia 583
Hypomagnesemia 584
Hypermagnesemia 585
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) 585
Definition 585
Etiology 585
Pathophysiology 586
Clinical Presentation 586
Collaborative Management 588
Chronic Kidney Disease 591
Definition 591
Etiology 591
Pathophysiology 591
Collaborative Management 591
Renal Replacement Therapy 591
Dialysis 591
Renal Transplant 599
Chapter 8 Learning Activities 603
Across 604
Down 604
Across 609
Down 609
9 The Endocrine System 611
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 611
Functions 611
Components 611
Process of Hormone Synthesis, Secretion, Effect, and Suppression 611
Regulation of Hormones 611
Endocrine Dysfunction 612
Assessment of the Endocrine System 612
Interview 612
Inspection and Palpation 616
Percussion 617
Auscultation 617
Diagnostic Studies 618
Endocrine Pharmacology 618
Antidiuretic Hormone 618
Insulin 618
Glucagon 618
Diabetes Insipidus (DI) 619
Definition 619
Etiology 619
Pathophysiology (Figure 9-3) 620
Clinical Presentation 620
Collaborative Management 621
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) 622
Definition 622
Etiology 622
Pathophysiology (Figure 9-4) 622
Clinical Presentation 623
Collaborative Management 624
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) 624
Definitions 624
Etiology 624
Pathophysiology 624
Clinical Presentation 624
Collaborative Management 625
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HHS) 627
Definition 627
Etiology 627
Pathophysiology 627
Clinical Presentation 627
Collaborative Management 628
Hypoglycemia 629
Definition 629
Etiology 629
Pathophysiology 629
Clinical Presentation 629
Collaborative Management 630
Chapter 9 Learning Activities 632
Across 632
Down 633
10 The Hematologic and Immunologic Systems 636
Selected Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology 636
Purposes of the Hematologic and Immunologic Systems 636
Bone Marrow 636
Spleen 636
Liver 636
Lymphatic System 637
Blood 637
Inflammation 641
Immunity 643
Hemostasis 645
Blood Groups 650
Assessment of the Hematologic and Immunologic Systems 651
Interview 651
Physical Examination 654
Diagnostic Studies 654
Blood and Blood Component Administration 659
Actions 659
Blood and Blood Products 659
Collaborative Management 659
Drugs Affecting Clotting 661
Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors 661
Anticoagulants 666
Fibrinolytics 666
Selected Drugs That Affect Clotting 667
Coagulopathies 667
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 667
Definition 667
Etiology 667
Pathophysiology 675
Clinical Presentation 675
Collaborative Management 676
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) 678
Definition 678
Etiology 678
Pathophysiology 678
Clinical Presentation 678
Collaborative Management 680
Chapter 10 Learning Activities 681
Across 682
Down 682
11 Multisystem 685
Shock 685
Definitions 685
Classification by Etiology 685
Pathophysiology 685
Clinical Presentation (Table 11-1) 685
Collaborative Management 690
Hypovolemic Shock 696
Definition 696
Etiology 696
Pathophysiology 696
Clinical Presentation 696
Collaborative Management 696
Cardiogenic Shock 698
Definition 698
Etiology 698
Pathophysiology 698
Clinical Presentation 698
Collaborative Management 699
Anaphylactic Shock 700
Definitions 700
Etiology 700
Pathophysiology 701
Clinical Presentation 701
Collaborative Management 701
Neurogenic Shock 703
Definition 703
Etiology 703
Pathophysiology 703
Clinical Presentation 703
Collaborative Management 704
Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock 704
Definitions 704
Etiology 704
Pathophysiology 704
Clinical Presentation 704
Collaborative Management 706
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 709
Definitions 709
Etiology 709
Pathophysiology 709
Clinical Presentation 709
Collaborative Management 711
Multisystem Trauma 711
Definitions 711
Predisposing Factors 714
Mechanism of Injury 714
Pathophysiology 717
Clinical Presentation 717
Collaborative Management 717
Drug Intoxication and Poisoning 719
Definition 719
Etiology 719
Pathophysiology 719
Clinical Presentation (Table 11-10) 719
Collaborative Management 730
Asphyxia 733
Definition 733
Etiology 733
Pathophysiology 733
Clinical Presentation 733
Collaborative Management 733
Chapter 11 Learning Activities 734
Across 735
Down 735
Across 739
Down 740
12 Behavioral/Psychosocial 741
Physical Assessment and Examination 741
Chief Complaint 741
History of Present Illness 741
Current Medications 741
Past Medical History 741
Social History 741
Mental Status Exam 741
Psychosocial Characteristics (Erikson, 1968) 742
Young Adulthood (18-40 Years of Age) 742
Middle Adulthood (40-60 Years of Age) 742
Older Adulthood (60 Years of Age to Death) 742
Basic Human Needs 742
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 742
Human Needs of the Critically Ill Patient 742
Responses to Illness and Environment 743
Stress 743
Anxiety 743
Loneliness 743
Powerlessness 744
Sensory Overload 744
Sensory Deprivation 744
Anger 744
Depression 744
Denial 745
Near-Death Experience (NDE) 745
General Principles of Care 745
Therapeutic Milieu 745
Crisis 746
Anxiety Disorders 746
Definition/Description 746
Predisposing Factors 746
Pathophysiology (Yates, 2009) 747
Clinical Presentation 747
Collaborative Management 747
Trauma/Violence/Abuse 747
Definition 747
Predisposing Factors 747
Clinical Presentation 748
Age-Related Considerations 748
13 Professional Caring and Ethical Practice 762
Critical Care Nursing: General Concepts 762
Nursing 762
Critical Care Nursing 762
The Future of Nursing 762
Clinical Judgment 763
Learning Activities Answers 801
Chapter 2 801
Chapter 3 808
Chapter 4 814
Chapter 5 820
Chapter 6 825
Chapter 7 831
Chapter 8 835
Chapter 9 840
Chapter 10 843
Chapter 11 845
Chapter 12 849
Chapter 13 852
References and Recommended Reading 855
Appendixes 869
Appendix A Common Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in Critical Care Nursing 869
Appendix B Normal Laboratory Values 881
Blood 881
Chemistries 881
Proteins 881
Lipids 881
Enzymes 881
Muscle Proteins 881
Arterial Blood Gases 881
Hematology 881
Clotting Profile 882
Hormones 882
Toxicology 882
Urine 882
Stool 882
Appendix C Formulae Significant to Critical Care Nursing 883
General 883
Conversion 883
Drug Administration 883
Cardiovascular 883
Pulmonary 884
Neurologic 885
Nutrition 885
Fluid, Electrolyte, Acid-Base 885
Index 886
A 886
B 889
C 890
D 893
E 894
F 895
G 896
H 897
I 899
J 900
K 900
L 900
M 901
N 902
O 903
P 904
Q 907
R 907
S 908
T 910
U 911
V 912
W 913
X 913
Y 913
Z 913
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