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E-Book - Ayurvedic Medicine

E-Book - Ayurvedic Medicine

Sebastian Pole


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Ayurvedic Medicine brings the unique theories and traditions of Ayurveda alive so that they are accessible to the complementary health practitioner of today. This book offers a clear, accessible and yet detailed guide to Ayurvedic herbalism. It encompasses a brief history of the growth of Ayurveda , a discussion of its fundamental principles, treatment strategies as well as the energetic approach of traditional Ayurvedic herbal pharmacy and pharmacology. It also emphasizes the importance of using sustainably harvested herbs in clinical practice. The introductory "theoretical" chapters complement the core of the book that includes over 100 plant profiles of Ayurvedic herbs and 50 traditional formulas.

  • The herbal material medica of Ayurveda is discussed, along with traditional ayurvedic energetics, in way that is accessible to the western complementary practitioner.
  • Uniquely styled plant profiles include information on over 100 herbs and 25 formulas.
  • The Ayurvedic theory of clinical treatment is clearly presented, as well as its application.
  • Material represents a blend of traditional medicine with modern research, combining pure Ayurveda with modern phytotherapy and bio-medicine.
  • Coverage of each plant includes details on growing habitat and special characteristics.
  • Practical step-by-step instructions explain how to prepare herbal medicines in the unique Ayurvedic style - oils, creams, ghees, jams, etc.
  • Photos are provided of both the freshly growing herbs and dried samples.
  • Authored by an experienced Medical Herbalist, Ayurvedic practitioner, and passionate herb grower well-versed in the classical Ayurvedic texts and contemporary writings.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
About the author vii
Foreword ix
Dedication xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
Abbreviations xvii
Introduction xix
Chapter 1. A History of Ayurveda and the Growth of the Materia Medica 3
Chapter 2. The Basic Principles of Ayurveda 15
Chapter 3. Ayurvedic Herbal Pharmacology and Pharmacy: Dravyaguna and Bhaisajya Vyākhyāna 59
Chapter 4. Ayurvedic Therapy and Treatment: Cikitsā 87
Case studies 108
Chapter 5. The Scientific Basis of Ayurveda 111
Chapter 6. Plant Profiles 117
Plant Profile Template 118
Ajmoda 120
Ajwain 122
Aloe 124
Amalaki 126
Anthrapachaka 128
Aragvadha 129
Arjuna 130
Ashoka 132
Ashwagandha 133
Bakuchi 135
Bala 137
Bhallataka 139
Bhringaraja 141
Bhumiamalaki 143
Bibhitaki 145
Bilva 147
Brahmi 149
Cardamom 151
Castor 153
Chiretta 155
Chitraka 156
Chrysanthemum 158
Cinnamon 160
Cloves 162
Coleus 164
Coriander 165
Cumin 167
Damanaka 169
Daruharidra 170
Devadaru 171
Dhattura 172
Ephedra 173
Fennel 175
Fenugreek 177
Frankincense (Indian) 179
Garlic 181
Ginger 183
Gokshura 185
Gotu Kola 187
Guduchi 189
Guggulu 191
Gurmar 193
Haritaki 194
Hemp seed 196
Hingu 197
Jasmine 199
Jatamamsi 200
Kalamegha 202
Kanchanara 204
Kapikacchu 206
Karavella 207
Krishna Jiraka 209
Kushtha 211
Kutaja 213
Kutki 215
Lemon and lime 217
Lemongrass 219
Licorice 220
Lotus 222
Manjishtha 224
Mint 226
Mustaka 228
Mustard seed 230
Myrrh 231
Neem 233
Nutmeg 235
Pepper 237
Pippali 239
Pit Shirisha 241
Pomegranate 242
Psyllium 244
Punarnava 246
Pushkaramoola 248
Rhubarb 250
Rose 252
Safed musali 254
Safflower 256
Saffron 258
Salt 260
Sandalwood 262
Sariva 264
Sarpagandha 266
Senna 268
Shankhapushpi 269
Shatavari 271
Shilajit 273
Tagarah 275
Tila 277
Trivrut 279
Tulsi 280
Turmeric 282
Vacha 284
Vamsa Lochana 286
Varuna 287
Vasa 288
Vidanga 290
Vidari 292
Chapter 7. 52 Common Ayurvedic Formulas 295
Asava, arista: medicated wines 295
Avaleha: medicinal jams 296
Cūrna: powder preparations 297
Pusyānuga cūrna 300
Guggulu: pills made with Commiphora mukul 304
Kvātha: decoctions 311
Siddha ghrta: medicated ghees 313
Siddha taila: medicated oils 314
Vatī: tablets 315
Appendix 1: Tables 319
Appendix 2: Treatment Glossary 335
Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms 341
Appendix 4: Resources 347
Appendix 5: Bibliography 351
Appendix 6: Index of Plant Names 355
Appendix 7: A Note on the Transliteration and Pronunciation of the Sounds 361
Index 363