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Research Ethics in the Real World E-Book

Research Ethics in the Real World E-Book

Tony Long | Martin Johnson


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Book Details


This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It departs from the usual principles-based approach and instead takes a predominantly consequentialist (harms and benefits) approach. It aims to be free of abstract philosophy, but will use the analysis of cases and a reasoned approach to examine alternative arguments. Whilst the book deals with issues in some depth it uses plain language and many clear examples of good and less good practice to illustrate points. It is at a level useful to both beginning and more experienced researchers.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Research Ethics in the Real World: Issues and solutions for health and social care iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Contributors vii
Foreword ix
Preface xi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. The individual in research 9
Chapter 3. The theoretical and social context of research ethics 29
Chapter 4. What are the ethical issues in research? 47
Chapter 5. How are these ethical issues to be resolved? 63
Chapter 6. Criticising research from an ethical point of view 85
Chapter 7. Research governance: an international perspective 103
Chapter 8. Getting ethics approval 123
Chapter 9. Ethics approval, ethical research and delusions of efficacy 139
Chapter 10. Techno-research and cyber ethics: research using the Internet 157
Chapter 11. Ethical issues of intervention in research 175
Chapter 12. Dissemination: ethics and aesthetics 193
Chapter 13. Research ethics in the real world: conclusions 207
Glossary 217
Index 219