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Oral Medicine E-Book

Oral Medicine E-Book

Sergio Gandolfo | Crispian Scully | Marco Carrozzo


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Book Details


This title has been authored by professionals working in Europe and uses a unique combination of systematic, methodical and concise easy-access text with superb color clinical photographs to help dental practitioners recognize the signs and symptoms of conditions affecting the soft tissues of the mouth (e.g. ulcers and oral cancer) as well as the oral effects of systemic diseases. Flowcharts also illustrate the processes of diagnosis and treatment and lists differential diagnoses by site and by symptom.

  • Clearly describes and illustrates 76 oral conditions under standardized headings of clinical features, incidence, aetiology, diagnosis and management.
  • Gives therapeutic protocols with associated flowcharts to correspond with the trend towards protocol-driven treatment.
  • Includes diagnostic flowcharts for major symptoms such as ulcers and red lesions, placed beside clinical photos to guide the reader systematically through the diagnostic process.
  • Provides step-by-step instructions on how to carry out biopsies and toluidine blue staining.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Oral Medicine iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Foreword ix
Preface xi
How to use this book xii
Part 1: Diagnosis 1
Chapter 1: Differential diagnosis by site 3
Gingiva 4
Lips 4
Palate 5
Tongue 5
Floor of mouth 6
Chapter 2: Differential diagnosis by signs and symptoms 7
Halitosis 8
Facial swelling 8
Swelling of the salivary glands 8
Dry mouth (xerostomia) 8
Burning mouth syndrome 8
Pain 8
Facial palsy 8
Pigmentation 9
Purpura 9
Premature loss of teeth 9
Sialorrhoea 9
Trismus 9
Chapter 3: Diagnostic flowcharts 11
White or white and red spots and plaques 12
Single white spot or single white plaque 13
Multiple white spots or multiple white plaques 15
White and red spot plaques 17
Red lesions 19
Erosions 22
Ulcers 26
Blisters and vesicles 30
Papillary-verrucous lesions 32
Part 2: Clinical features 35
Chapter 4: Pathology 37
Addison’s disease 38
Amalgam tattoo (focal argyrosis) 38
Amyloidosis 40
Angina bullosa haemorragica 40
Angioderma (allergic) 41
Angioderma (hereditary) 41
Angular stomatitis (perleche; angular cheilitis) 42
Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) 43
Aphthae (recurrent aphthous stomatitis) 43
Basal cell carcinoma (basalioma) 46
Behçet’s syndrome 46
Black or brown hairy tongue 47
‘Burning mouth’ (oral dysaesthesia) 47
Candidosis 49
Carcinoma, squamous cell 51
Carcinoma, verrucous 52
Cheek biting 56
Cheilitis 56
Chemical burns 57
Cracked lip 58
Crenated tongue 60
Crohn’s disease 60
Denture-induced hyperplasia (denture granuloma or epulis fissuratum) 60
Denture-related stomatitis 61
Desquamative gingivitis 62
Drug-induced hyperpigmentation 63
Drug-induced lesions 64
Epulis 65
Other gingival hyperplasia 65
Erythema migrans (benign migratory glossitis; geographic tongue) 70
Erythema multiforme 72
Erythroplasia (erythroplakia) 74
Fibrous lump or nodule (fibroepithelial polyp) 74
Fissured (scrotal) tongue 75
Foliate papillitis 78
Fordyce’s granules 79
Furred tongue 79
Glossitis due to candidosis 80
Glossitis in deficiency states 80
Granular cell myoblastoma 81
Haemangioma 82
Hand, foot and mouth disease 85
Herpangina 85
Herpes simplex infections 87
Herpes varicella-zoster virus infections 88
Shingles (zoster) 89
Human immunodeficiency virus disease 89
Infectious mononucleosis 90
Kaposi’s sarcoma 91
Keratoacanthoma 92
Keratoses 92
Leukoplakia 92
Frictional keratosis 97
Smoker’s keratosis (‘stomatitis nicotina’) 97
Other tobacco-related habits 97
Sublingual keratosis 97
Carcinoma 100
Leukaemia 100
Leukoedema 100
Lichen planus 107
Lupus erythematosus 108
Lymphangioma 110
Lymphomas (non-Hodgkin’s) 110
Measles 112
Median rhomboid glossitis 112
Mucocele 113
Mumps (acute viral parotitis) 114
Naevi 114
Necrotising sialometaplasia 115
Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis 116
Palatal papillary hyperplasia 117
Papillomas 120
Parotitis 121
Pemphigoid, mucous membrane 126
Pemphigus vulgaris 127
Plasma cell gingivitis 129
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia 130
Purpura 130
Racial pigmentation 132
Salivary neoplasms 134
Salivary obstruction 135
Sialosis 136
Sjögren’s syndrome 136
Syphilis 140
Torus palatinus and mandibularis 140
Traumatic ulcers 141
White sponge naevus 141
Part 3: Therapy 143
Chapter 5: Guide to the main drugs used in the treatment of oral mucosal diseases 145
Analgesics 146
Antibacterial agents 146
Antifungal agents (for oral candidosis) 148
Antiviral agents (oral herpetic infections) 149
Corticosteroids and immunomodulants 149
Other immunomodulant drugs 150
Other drugs 151
Chapter 6: Main drug side effects of oral and perioral localisation 153
Angioedema 154
Candidosis 154
Cheilitis 154
Erythema multiforme 154
Pain in salivary glands 154
Gingival swelling 154
Hypersalivation 154
Lichenoid reactions 154
Black hairy tongue 154
Lupoid reactions (lupus-like) 154
Oral pigmentation 154
Pemphigus vulgaris 155
Pemphigoid-like reactions 155
Dental pigmentation 155
Trigeminal paraesthesia 155
Xerostomia 155
Osteochemonecrosis 155
Chapter 7: Therapeutic protocols 157
Herpetic infection 158
Oral candidosis 158
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis 160
Erythema multiforme 162
Lichen planus 164
Mucous membrane pemphigoid 166
Pemphigus vulgaris 168
Oral keratosis 168
Burning mouth syndrome 168
References 172
Part 4: Biopsies and vital stains 173
Chapter 8: How to perform a biopsy of the oral mucosa 175
Excisional biopsy 176
Incisional biopsy 178
Oral lichen planus biopsy 183
References 185
Chapter 9: How to perform a toluidine blue staining 187
Toluidine blue formula 188
References 189
Index 191