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Anatomy Trains E-Book

Anatomy Trains E-Book

Thomas W. Myers


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Book Details


Understanding the role of fascia in healthy movement and postural distortion is of vital importance to bodyworkers and movement therapists. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists presents a unique ‘whole systems’ view of myofascial/locomotor anatomy in which the bodywide connections among the muscles within the fascial net are described in detail for the first time. Using the metaphor of railway or train lines, Myers explains how patterns of strain communicate through the myofascial ‘webbing’, contributing to postural compensation and movement stability. Written in a style that makes it easy to understand and apply, Anatomy Trains provides an accessible and comprehensive explanation of the anatomy and function of the myofascial system in the body. The DVD ROM in the back of the book contains video of techniques, Anatomy Trains-based dissections and computer animations of the myofascial meridian lines.
includes full-colour illustrations of 11 myofascial meridians and the rules for discovering other meridians
• uses numerous full colour charts and drawings to detail the muscular and fascial structures involved in the meridians
• presents information on assessment of structural and movement patterns and gives related application to manual therapy and movement education
• provides a selection of techniques from the library of structural integration
• includes an introduction to the fascial system as a whole, with points-of-view and the latest research findings on the fascial system’s responses
• offers a fun approach to learning essential structural anatomy, comparing the connective tissue system to a railway network
• video material on the accompanying DVD ROM to visually present the anatomy as described in the book.
Full colour throughout
• New design and layout
• 140 New full colour figures including dissection photographs and client photos
• DVD ROM in back of book
• A new appendices on ‘Structural integration' and 'Myofascial meridians and oriental medicine'
• New posters to be published simultaneously.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Anatomy Trains iii
Copyright Page iv
Table of Contents v
Dedication ii
Elsevier DVD-ROM Licence Agreement vi
Preface vii
Preface to the 1st edition viii
Acknowledgments ix
How to use this book xi
I: Introduction: laying the railbed 1
The hypothesis 1
The philosophy 2
Anatomy Trains and myofascial meridians: what’s in a name? 4
History 6
References 11
Chapter 1. The world according to fascia 13
‘Blessed be the ties that bind’: fascia holds our cells together 13
The extracellular matrix 15
How to build a body 18
Connective tissue plasticity 19
The three holistic networks 24
Three holistic networks: a summary 31
The double-bag theory 36
The musculoskeletal system as a tensegrity structure 44
References 61
Chapter 2. The rules of the game 65
1. Tracks proceed in a consistent direction without interruption 65
2. These tracks are tacked down at bony ‘stations’ or attachments 67
3. Tracks join and diverge in ‘switches’ and the occasional ‘roundhouse’ 68
4. ‘Expresses’ and ‘locals’ 69
Summary of rules and guidelines 69
What the Anatomy Trains is not 70
How we present the lines 71
References 71
Chapter 3. The Super. cial Back Line 73
Overview 73
Postural function 73
Movement function 73
The Superficial Back Line in detail 73
References 95
Chapter 4. The Superficial Front Line 97
Overview 97
Postural function 97
Movement function 97
The Superficial Front Line in detail 97
References 113
Chapter 5. The Lateral Line 115
Overview 115
Postural function 115
Movement function 115
The Lateral Line in detail 115
Chapter 6. The Spiral Line 131
Overview 131
Postural function 131
Movement function 131
The Spiral Line in detail 131
Reference 146
Chapter 7. The Arm Lines 149
Overview 149
Postural function 149
Movement function 149
The Arm Lines in detail 149
Summary overview – fascia/muscle alternation 163
References 169
Chapter 8. The Functional Lines 171
Overview 171
Postural function 171
Movement function 171
The Functional Lines in detail 171
Reference 177
Chapter 9. The Deep Front Line 179
Overview 179
Postural function 179
Movement function 179
The Deep Front Line in detail 182
References 202
Chapter 10. Anatomy Trains in motion 203
Applications 203
Summary 227
Reference 228
Chapter 11. Structural analysis 229
Global postural assessment method 230
Postural analysis of five ‘clients’ 237
Subjective elements 248
References 254
Appendix 1: A note on the meridians of latitude: the work of Dr Louis Schultz (1927–2007) 255
Appendix 2: Structural Integration 258
Appendix 3: Myofascial meridians and oriental medicine 271
Anatomy Trains terms 281
Bibliography 283
Index 287