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Coastal Systems

Coastal Systems

Simon K. Haslett


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Book Details


Where oceans, land and atmosphere meet, three dynamic forces contribute to the physical and ecological evolution of coastlines. Coasts are responsive systems, dynamic with identifiable inputs and outputs of energy and material. In chapters illustrated and furnished with topical case studies from around the world, this book establishes the importance of coasts within a systems framework - waves, tides, rivers and sea-level change all play critical roles in the evolution of our coasts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
List of plates ix
List of figures xi
List of tables xiv
List of boxes xv
Author’s preface to the first edition xvii
Author’s preface to the second edition xix
Author’s preface to the third edition xxi
Acknowledgements xxiii
Introduction 1
1. Coastal systems: definitions, energy and classification 3
2. Wave-dominated coastal systems 19
3. Tidally-dominated coastal systems 71
4. River-dominated coastal systems 107
5. Sea level and the changing land-sea interface 131
6. Coastal management issues 157
Conclusion 177
Glossary 179
Further reading 195
Videos by the author 201
Bibliography 203
Index 219
Back Cover Back Cover