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Berne & Levy Principles of Physiology E-Book

Berne & Levy Principles of Physiology E-Book

Matthew N. Levy | Bruce M. Koeppen | Bruce A. Stanton


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Here's a succinct, up-to-date summary of the physiological processes that take place in the human body, written in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. Derived from Berne et al.'s more lengthy text, Physiology, 5th Edition, it concisely and efficiently covers all of the most need-to-know concepts in the field. Updates include discussions of how the most recent findings in molecular biology and genetics affect our knowledge of physiology. A wealth of case examples, full-color artwork, review questions with answers, and boxes, tables, and graphs help readers to easily and thoroughly master the material.
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  • Provides shaded "clinical boxes" to demonstrate abstract concepts' relevance to human physiological phenomena.
  • Offers case examples that show how physiological processes respond to various stimuli or to pathological processes.
  • Delivers hundreds of full-color illustrations that make complex physiological principles easy to grasp quickly.
  • Includes abundant graphs, figures, and tables that display information at a glance.
  • Presents review questions and answers that allow readers to evaluate their comprehension.
  • Incorporates a great deal of new information on how new discoveries in molecular biology and genetics affect our understanding of human physiology.
  • Includes access to — with the full text of the book online, integration links to relevant material from other STUDENT CONSULT texts, online self-assessment activities, a community center, and other valuable features.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Berne & Levy Principles of Physiology iii
Copyright Page iv
Table of Contents xi
Dedication v
Contributors vii
Preface ix
Part One: Cell Physiology 3
Chapter 1. Cellular Membranes and Transmembrane Transport of Solutes and Water 3
Membranes Divide the Cell into Compartments with Specific Biochemical Functions 3
Membranes Are Composed of Lipids and Proteins 5
Membranes Are Permeability Barriers 6
The Transport of Molecules Across Membranes Occurs by Diffusion, Osmosis, and Protein-Mediated Transport Processes 8
Membranes Are More Permeable to Lipid-Soluble Substances Than to Water-Soluble Substances 9
Water Flows by Osmosis When There Is a Solute Concentration Difference Across a Membrane 10
Transporters Are Responsible for Moving Important Substances Across Membranes 13
Chapter 2. Ionic Equilibria and Resting Membrane Potentials 21
An Ion at Equilibrium Has No Net Force Acting on It 21
When an Ionic Species Cannot Permeate the Membrane, a Gibbs-Donnan Equilibrium May Occur 24
Every Cell Has a Resting Membrane Potential 26
Chapter 3. Generation and Conduction of Action Potentials 31
Action Potentials Have Different Forms in Different Tissues 31
The Membrane Potential of a Cell Can Be Measured by Penetrating Its Plasma Membrane with a Microelectrode 31
Action Potentials Involve the Flow of Ions Across the Plasma Membrane 33
Under Certain Circumstances, It Is More Difficult to Elicit an Action Potential 36
Conduction of Action Potentials Involves Ionic Currents 37
Chapter 4. Synaptic Transmission 42
At Electrical Synapses, Gap Junctions Permit Ions to Flow from One Cell to Another 42
At a Chemical Synapse, a Neurotransmitter Substance Released by the Presynaptic Cell Evokes an Electrical Response in the Postsynaptic Cell 43
The Neuromuscular Junction Is a Chemical Synapse 44
Chemical Synapses Between Neurons Share Many of the Properties of Neuromuscular Junctions 47
Many Compounds Serve as Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators 50
Neurotransmitter Receptors Are Ligand-Gated Ion Channels or Signal-Transduction Proteins 54
Chapter 5. Membrane Receptors, Second Messengers, and Signal-Transduction Pathways 58
A Signal-Transduction Pathway Links the Binding of a Regulatory Substance to Its Receptor with Its Intracellular Effect 58
G Protein–Coupled Membrane Receptors Constitute a Large Family 62
A Second Messenger–Dependent Protein Kinase Is Modulated by the Cellular Level of a Second Messenger 65
Tyrosine Kinases Play Key Roles in the Control of Cellular Proliferation 67
Protein Phosphatases Undo the Work of Protein Kinases 69
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Receptors Have Guanylyl Cyclase Activity 70
Nitric Oxide Is a Short-Lived Paracrine Mediator 70
Signal Transduction Components Are Localized Within the Cell 70
Part Two: Nervous System 75
Chapter 6. Cellular Organization 75
The Nervous System Consists of a Complex Aggregate of Cells 75
The Nervous System Consists of a Peripheral and a Central Division 76
The Local Environment of Neurons Is Controlled 77
The Microscopic Anatomy of the Neuron Is Complex 79
The Nervous System Performs Several Important Functions 80
Information Is Transmitted as a Series of Nerve Impulses 81
Synaptic Transmission Allows Neurons to Communicate 82
Axonal Transport Moves Substances Within Neurons 82
Neurons and Neuroglia React to Injury 83
Chapter 7. General Sensory System 87
There Are Several Principles of Sensory Physiology 87
The Somatovisceral Sensory System Responds to Stimuli Applied to the Body or to Viscera 92
Chapter 8. Special Senses 105
The Visual System Detects and Interprets Photic Stimuli 105
The Auditory System Is Designed to Analyze Sound 111
The Vestibular System Is Part of the Membranous Labyrinth of the Inner Ear 116
The Chemical Sensory System Involves Taste and Smell 118
Chapter 9. Motor System 123
The Motor Units in the Spinal Cord Are Highly Organized 123
Descending Motor Pathways Have a Complex Organization 134
The Brainstem Controls Posture and Movement 135
The Cerebral Cortex Controls Voluntary Movement 139
The Cerebellum Assists in the Regulation of Posture and Movement 140
The Basal Ganglia Also Regulate Posture and Movement 142
Chapter 10. Autonomic Nervous System and Its Control 146
The Autonomic Nervous System Is Highly Organized 146
Autonomic Functions Are Coordinated 149
The Hypothalamus Performs a Variety of Functions 151
The Limbic System Includes Parts of the Telencephalon as well as the Hypothalamus 152
Chapter 11. Higher Functions of the Nervous System 155
The Electroencephalogram Records the Electrical Activity of Cerebral Neurons 155
Evoked Potentials Are Changes in Electrical Activity Induced by Activation of Neural Pathways in the Brain 156
States of Consciousness Vary with the Activity in Different Regions of the Brain 156
Learning and Memory Are Processes Based on Experience 158
Cerebral Dominance Denotes the Disparate Behavior Between the Halves of the Brain 158
Part Three: Muscle 165
Chapter 12. Skeletal Muscle 165
Different Types of Muscle Do Different Types of Work 165
Skeletal Muscles Have a Striated Appearance due to the Highly Organized Array of Contractile Elements 165
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Is Controlled by the Central Nervous System 167
The Skeletal Muscle Action Potential Causes Ca++ Release from the SR into the Cytosol, Promoting Actin-Myosin Interaction and Hence Contraction 167
Myosin Cross-Bridges in the Thick Filament Pull the Actin Thin Filaments Toward the Center of the Sarcomere, Resulting in Contraction 168
Skeletal Muscle Can Be Subdivided into Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle on the Basis of Speed of Contraction 170
The Force of Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Is Increased by Recruitment of More Motor Units and by Tetanus 171
Muscle Spindles and Golgi Tendon Organs Modulate Force Through Reflex Arcs 172
Afferent Signals from the Spindles Contribute to Skeletal Muscle Tone 173
Muscles Convert the Chemical Energy in ATP into Mechanical Energy, Although the ATP Pool Must Be Continually Replenished 173
When the Energy Demands of Exercise Exceed the Aerobic Capacity of the Muscle, an Oxygen Debt Is Developed 174
Muscle Fatigue Is Not due to Depletion of ATP 174
The Cross-Sectional Diameter of a Skeletal Muscle Increases by Hypertrophy 174
The Length-Tension Relationship of Skeletal Muscle Contraction Is Consistent with the Sliding Filament Theory 175
The Speed of Muscle Shortening Decreases with an Increase in Load 175
Chapter 13. Cardiac Muscle 178
Cardiac Muscle Is a Striated Muscle but Unlike Skeletal Muscle Is Involuntary 178
Cardiac Muscle Cells Form an Electrical Syncytium 178
The Heart Can Beat on Its Own, Without Outside Influence 179
Extracellular Ca++ Is Required for an Action Potential to Release Ca++ from the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and thus Initiate Contraction 179
Contraction of Cardiac Muscle Results from Myosin Cross-Bridges in the Thick Filament Pulling the Actin Thin Filaments Toward the Center of the Sarcomere 180
Cardiac Muscle Cannot Increase Force of Contraction by Recruiting More Muscle Cells or Tetany 180
The Frank-Starling Law of the Heart Explains Intrinsic Modulation of Contraction 182
Extrinsic Control of Contraction Occurs by Hormonal Stimulation of Adrenergic Receptors 182
Cardiac Muscle Relies Largely on Aerobic Metabolism, Including Oxidation of Fats, to Meet Energy Demands 183
Cardiac Hypertrophy 183
Chapter 14. Smooth Muscle 186
Smooth Muscle Is a Diverse Group: Some Types Exhibit Spontaneous, Synchronous Activity, Whereas Other Types of Smooth Muscle Act Independently 186
Smooth Muscles Lack Sarcomeres but Contain the Contractile Elements Actin and Myosin 186
Numerous Factors Can Initiate Contraction of Smooth Muscle by Increasing the Cytosolic [Ca++] 187
Ca++ Promotes Actin-Myosin Interaction by Stimulating Myosin Phosphorylation 188
Smooth Muscle Tone Can Be Decreased by Inhibiting Myosin Light-Chain Kinase or Activating Myosin Dephosphorylation 188
Slight Changes in Membrane Potential Can Dramatically Influence Smooth Muscle Tone 190
The Latch State Allows Smooth Muscle to Maintain Tone for Long Periods with Little Energy Use 190
The Number and Size of Smooth Muscle Cells Can Increase Under Certain Conditions 191
Smooth Muscle Cells also Have Synthetic and Secretory Functions 191
Part Four: Cardiovascular System 197
Chapter 15. Overview of the Circulation, Blood, and Hemostasis 197
The Heart and Blood Vessels Form the Circulatory System 197
The Heart Is Composed of Two Pumps 197
Blood Vessels Connect the Heart with Organs 198
How Does Blood Move Through the Cardiovascular Circuit? 200
Blood and Hemostasis 200
Chapter 16. Electrical Activity of the Heart 208
Cardiac Transmembrane Potentials Are Prolonged 208
There Are Two Principal Types of Cardiac Action Potentials 209
The Resting Potential Is Determined by Ionic Diffusion 210
The Fast Response Depends on Na 212
The Slow Response Is Found in all Cardiac Cells 219
The Fast Response Underlies Rapid Conduction of the Cardiac Impulse 219
The Ca++ Current Determines Conduction of the Slow Response 220
Cardiac Excitability Is Determined by the Availability of Na+ and Ca++ Currents 220
Chapter 17. Natural Excitation of the Heart 225
The Sinoatrial Node Is the Natural Pacemaker of the Heart 226
Atrial Muscle Conducts the Cardiac Impulse from the Sinoatrial Node to the Atrioventricular Node 230
Atrioventricular Node Connects the Atria to the Ventricular Conducting System 230
Ventricular Conduction Is Rapid 232
Reentry Is the Cause of Many Rhythm Disturbances 234
Triggered Activity Can Generate Arrhythmias 235
Electrocardiography Is an Important Clinical Tool 236
Arrhythmias Arise from Disturbances of Impulse Initiation or Propagation 239
Chapter 18. Cardiac Pump 245
The Structure of the Heart Is Designed for Optimal Function 245
The Cardiac Chambers Consist of Two Atria, Two Ventricles, and Four Valves 251
The Cardiac Cycle Is the Sequential Contraction and Relaxation of Atria and Ventricles 253
A Graph of the Cardiac Pressure-Volume Relationship Reveals the Sequence of Dynamic Changes During a Single Cardiac Cycle 255
Chapter 19. Regulation of the Heartbeat 260
Autonomic Nerves Control Heart Rate 260
Neural Regulation Involves the Autonomic Nervous System 261
Autonomic Reflexes Regulate Cardiac Function 263
Regulation of Myocardial Performance 266
Chapter 20. Hemodynamics 276
Physical Factors Govern Blood Flow 276
Bloodstream Velocity Depends on Cross-sectional Area 276
The Relationship Between Pressure and Flow Depends on Characteristics of the Blood and Conduits 277
Resistance to Flow Depends on Flow and Pressure Difference 280
Blood Flow May Be Laminar or Turbulent 282
Blood Is a Non-newtonian Fluid 283
Chapter 21. Arterial System 288
Arteries Serve as Hydraulic Filters 288
Arteries Are Compliant Tubes 289
Arterial Blood Pressure Is Determined by Several Factors 290
Indirect Methods Are Often Used to Measure Blood Pressure 295
Chapter 22. Microcirculation and Lymphatics 298
Functional Anatomy of Circulation Includes Arterioles and Capillaries 298
Transcapillary Exchange Encompasses a Few Processes 301
The Lymphatics Return Fluid, and Solutes May Escape from the Capillaries to the Circulating Blood 305
Chapter 23. Peripheral Circulation and Its Control 309
Contraction and Relaxation of Arteriolar Vascular Smooth Muscle Regulate Peripheral Blood Flow 309
Peripheral Blood Flow Is Controlled by Intrinsic Factors 310
Extrinsic Control of Peripheral Blood Flow Is Mediated Mainly by the Sympathetic Nervous System 312
Regulation of Peripheral Blood Flow Is Achieved by Balance Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors 316
Chapter 24. Control of Cardiac Output: Coupling of the Heart and Blood Vessels 320
Critical Cardiac and Vascular Factors Regulate Cardiac Output 320
Cardiac Output Affects Central Venous Pressure 321
The Heart and Blood Vessels Interact with Each Other 324
Changes in Heart Rate Have Variable Effects on Cardiac Output 327
Ancillary Factors also Regulate Cardiac Output 328
Chapter 25. Special Circulations 332
Cutaneous Circulation Is the Flow of Blood to the Skin 332
Skeletal Muscle Circulations Are Intertwined 334
Coronary Circulation Is Dependent on Several Factors and Conditions 335
Cerebral Circulation Is Regulated by Local and Neural Factors 338
Splanchnic Circulation Includes Intestinal and Hepatic Circulation 340
Fetal Circulation Supplies the Tissues with O2 and Nutrients from the Placenta and Bypasses the Fetal Lungs 341
Chapter 26. Interplay of Central and Peripheral Factors in Control of the Circulation 346
Exercise Has Many Benefits for Circulation 346
Hemorrhaging Is a Dangerously Rapid Loss of Blood 351
Part Five: Respiratory System 361
Chapter 27. Overview of the Respiratory System 361
The Major Function of the Lung Is Gas Exchange 361
Breathing Is Regulated in the Central Nervous System 365
Lung Function Is Closely Related to Lung Structure 366
Chapter 28. Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall 372
Lung Volume Determines Many Properties of the Lung 372
Turbulent Airflow Creates a Sound Heard with the Stethoscope 375
Important Clinical Tests of Pulmonary Function Include the Spirogram and the Flow-Volume Curve 377
The Work of Breathing Occurs Primarily During Inspiration 379
Chapter 29. Ventilation, Perfusion, and Their Relationship 384
Ventilation Is Determined by the Tidal Volume and the Respiratory Frequency 384
Perfusion Is the Process by Which Deoxygenated Blood Passes Through the Lung and Becomes Reoxygenated 386
The Arteries of the Pulmonary Circulation Are Ideally Configured to Support Their Functions 387
Ventilation and Perfusion Are Essential for Normal Gas Exchange 389
Chapter 30. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport 396
Gas Movement Throughout the Respiratory System Occurs Predominantly via Diffusion 396
Hemoglobin Is the Major Transport Molecule for Oxygen 398
Proper Transport of CO2 from the Body Provides the Necessary Exchange of Gases in the Respiratory System 402
Chapter 31. Control of Respiration 407
CO2 Is the Most Important Regulator of Ventilation 407
Pulmonary Mechanoreceptors Affect Ventilation and Ventilatory Patterns 411
Chapter 32. Nonrespiratory Functions of the Lung 417
The Mucociliary Transport System Is Composed of Periciliary Fluid, a Mucus Layer, and Cilia Functioning Together to Remove Particulates from the Lung 417
The Mucosal Immune System Provides the Major Immune Defense Mechanisms for the Lung 420
Part Six: Digestive System 429
Chapter 33. Motility of the Gastrointestinal Tract 429
The Wall of the Gastrointestinal Tract Has a Layered Structure 429
The Functions of the Gastrointestinal Tract Are Regulated by Hormones, Paracrine Agonists, and Substances Released from Neurons 430
Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle Cells Have Unique Mechanical and Electrophysiological Properties 434
The Enteric Nervous System Functions as a Semiautonomous “Enteric Brain” 435
Chewing Is Frequently a Reflex Behavior 436
Swallowing Is Accomplished via a Complex Reflex 436
The Esophagus Moves Food from the Pharynx to the Stomach 438
Contractions of the Stomach Mix and Propel Gastric Contents 439
Vomiting Is the Expulsion of Gastric (and Sometimes Duodenal) Contents from the Gastrointestinal Tract via the Mouth 442
The Motility of the Small Intestine Mixes and Propels Intestinal Contents 443
The Motility of the Colon Facilitates the Absorption of Salts and Water and Permits the Orderly Evacuation of Feces 445
Chapter 34. Gastrointestinal Secretions 451
Saliva Lubricates Food and Begins the Digestion of Starch 451
Gastric Secretions Begin the Digestion of Proteins and Have Other Important Functions 454
Pancreatic Secretions Include Enzymes That Digest All the Major Foodstuffs 461
Functions of the Liver and Gallbladder 465
Electrolytes, Water, and Mucus Are Secreted by Intestinal Mucosa 470
Chapter 35. Digestion and Absorption 473
Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Occur Mainly in the Duodenum and Jejunum 473
Digestion and Absorption of Lipids Occur Mainly in the Duodenum and Jejunum 477
The Gastrointestinal Tract Absorbs and Secretes Water and Electrolytes 480
Ca++ Is Actively Absorbed in All Segments of the Intestine 488
A Small Fraction of Ingested Iron Is Absorbed 489
Magnesium, Phosphate, and Copper Are Absorbed in the Small Intestine 491
Transporters Mediate Absorption of Most of the Water-Soluble Vitamins 491
Part Seven: Renal System 497
Chapter 36. Elements of Renal Function 497
The Kidneys Have Several Major Functions 497
Structure and Function Are Closely Linked in the Kidneys 498
Once Urine Leaves the Renal Pelvis, It Flows Through the Ureters and Enters the Urinary Bladder, Where Urine Is Stored 503
Micturition Is the Process of Emptying the Urinary Bladder 504
The Glomerular Filtration Rate Is Equal to the Sum of the Filtration Rates of All Functioning Nephrons 505
Blood Flow Through the Kidneys Serves Several Important Functions 508
Hormones and Sympathetic Nerves Regulate the Glomerular Filtration Rate and Renal Blood Flow 510
Chapter 37. Solute and Water Transport Along the Nephron: Tubular Function 516
Quantitatively, the Reabsorption of NaCl and Water Represents the Major Function of Nephrons 516
Several Hormones Regulate NaCl Reabsorption 525
ADH Regulates Water Reabsorption 526
Chapter 38. Control of Body Fluid Osmolality and Extracellular Fluid Volume 531
Body Fluid Compartments 531
Control of Body Fluid Osmolality: Urine Concentration and Dilution 533
Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and Regulation of Renal NaCl Excretion 542
Chapter 39. Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphate Homeostasis 555
K+, One of the Most Abundant Cations in the Body, Is Critical for Many Cell Functions 555
Several Hormones Promote the Uptake of K+ into Cells After a Rise in Plasma [K+] 556
Some Hormones, Drugs, and Factors Disturb Normal K+ Uptake by Cells 557
The Kidneys Play a Major Role in Maintaining K+ Balance 559
Ca++ and Pi Are Multivalent Ions That Have Many Complex and Vital Functions 563
Chapter 40. Role of the Kidneys in Acid-Base Balance 573
Overview of Acid-Base Balance 573
Renal Acid Excretion 574
The Diagnosis of and Approach to Patients with Acid-Base Disorders Frequently Involve the Measurement and Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases 579
The Analysis of an Acid-Base Disorder Is Directed at Identifying the Underlying Cause so that Appropriate Therapy Can Be Initiated 583
Part Eight: Endocrine System 589
Chapter 41. General Principles of Endocrine Physiology 589
The Endocrine System Is a Key Component in Maintenance of Homeostasis 589
Hormones Are Synthesized, Stored, and Secreted in a Variety of Ways 591
The Dominant Mechanism of Regulating Hormone Secretion Is Negative Feedback 593
Hormone Turnover Is the Rate at Which Hormones Are Released and Replaced 594
Hormone Responses Require Recognition by the Target Cell, Generation of Second Messengers, and Various Intracellular Effector Mechanisms 595
Chapter 42. Whole-Body Metabolism 601
Energy Metabolism Considers Obtaining, Storing, and Expending Sources of Energy 601
Energy Generation Is Dependent on Chemical and Gaseous Sources 603
Energy Is Stored and Transferred 604
Carbohydrate Metabolism Is the Body’s Method of Processing of Sugars 606
Intake of Proteins, Especially Those Containing Amino Acids That Cannot Be Synthesized in the Body, Is Vital to Health 607
Fat Metabolism Occurs in Several Ways 608
Metabolic Adaptations Include Fasting and Exercise 610
Energy Stores Are Regulated 611
Chapter 43. Hormones of the Pancreatic Islets 617
The Cells of Origin of Insulin and Glucagon Are Interspersed in Small Islets Scattered Throughout the Pancreas 617
Amylin Moderates the Glucose-Lowering Effects of Insulin 625
Glucagon Is Synthesized and Secreted in Response to a Lowering of Plasma Glucose Levels 625
Substrate Fluxes Are Sensitive to the Relative Availability of Insulin and Glucagon 627
Chapter 44. Endocrine Regulation of the Metabolism of Calcium and Phosphate 631
The Calcium Ion Is of Fundamental Importance to All Biological Systems 631
The Phosphate Ion Is a Component of Many Intermediates in Glucose Metabolism 633
Bone Turnover Is Regulated 633
Vitamin D, Through Its Active Metabolites, Is a Major Regulator of Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism 636
The Function of the Parathyroid Gland Is to Regulate Plasma Calcium and Phosphate Levels 638
Calcitonin Is Secreted in Response to an Increased Plasma Calcium Level 643
An Integrated System Maintains Normal Concentrations of Calcium and Phosphate 643
Chapter 45. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 647
The Anatomy and Embryological Development of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland Subserve Their Close Functional Relationship 647
Hypothalamic Function Regulates Pituitary Gland Secretions to Coordinate with the Essential Needs of the Organism 649
The Posterior Pituitary Gland Regulates Water Metabolism and Breast Milk Secretion 651
The Anterior Pituitary Gland Secretes Numerous Hormones with Various Functions 654
Chapter 46. Thyroid Gland 663
Functional Anatomy 663
Thyroid Gland Activity Is Regulated by the Hypothalamus and Anterior Pituitary Gland 667
The Metabolism of Thyroid Hormone Contributes to Its Actions 669
The Intracellular Actions of Thyroid Hormone Are Mediated by Nuclear Receptors and Changes in Gene Expression 670
Chapter 47. Adrenal Cortex 676
Adrenal Hormones from Separate Anatomical Zones Regulate or Modulate Many Essential Physiological Processes 676
Cortisol Secretion by the Adrenal Cortex Is Basically Regulated Through Negative Feedback on the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 679
Cortisol (Glucocorticoids) Actions Permit Many Physiological Processes to Be Maintained at Normal Levels 682
Adrenal Sex Steroids Maintain the Skeletal System and Protect Against Osteoporosis 686
Aldosterone Secretion Is Regulated Primarily in Response to Changes in Na+ Availability and Extracellular Fluid Volume 686
Chapter 48. Adrenal Medulla 691
The Adrenal Medulla Functions Partly as a Sympathetic Nervous System Ganglion and Partly as an Endocrine Gland 691
Catecholamine Hormones Are Synthesized in Sequential Steps Alternating Between the Cytoplasm and Storage Granules of the Adrenomedullary Cells 692
Catecholamine Hormones Work Through Several Plasma Membrane Receptors and Second Messengers 694
The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis, Adrenal Medulla, and Sympathetic Nervous System Together Integrate the Response to Stress 696
Chapter 49. Overview of Reproductive Function 699
The Gonads Contain Several Cell Types with Different Reproductive and Hormonal Functions 699
The Gonads Synthesize Androgens and Estrogens by the Same Biochemical Steps Used in the Adrenal Cortex 700
Gonadal Steroid Hormone Secretion Is Regulated 701
The Secretion Pattern of Sex Steroid Hormones Varies Markedly at Different Stages of Life 703
The Two Genders Are Normally Differentiated by Genetic, Gonadal, and Genital (Phenotypic) Factors 705
Germ Cell Development Is Determined by Gender 709
Chapter 50. Male Reproduction 712
The Anatomy of the Testis Creates Special Conditions Conducive to the Maturation of Germ Cells Under Endocrine, Paracrine, and Autocrine Regulation 712
Biology of Spermatogenesis 713
Delivery of Spermatozoa 715
During Puberty, Males Develop Adult Levels of Androgenic Hormones and Full Reproductive Function 716
Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis 716
Sertoli Cell Function and Its Regulation 717
Testosterone, an Androgen, Is in Part Only a Circulating Prohormone 719
Outside the Testis, Androgens Act on Reproductive Organs, Produce Secondary Sexual Characteristics, Stimulate Somatic Growth and Maturation, and Influence Metabolism 720
Chapter 51. Female Reproduction 724
Biology of Oogenesis 724
Hormonal Regulation Is Part of Oogenesis 729
The Cyclic Changes in Ovarian Hormone Secretion Affect All the Reproductive Tract Tissues Involved in Conception 733
Estrogens and Progesterone Modulate Gene Expression 735
Estradiol and Progesterone Circulate Bound to Protein 736
Female Puberty Begins with the Increase of Gonadotropin Secretion 736
Estrogen Deficiency Characterizes Menopause 737
The Endocrine Aspects of Pregnancy Are Many and Varied 737
Maternal Metabolism Is Adapted to the Changing Needs of the Mother and Fetus 742
Just as the Maintenance of the Pregnant State Depends on a Unique Hormonal Milieu, Its Termination Probably also Depends on Specific Hormonal Changes 742
The Maternal Provision of Nutrients to the Newborn Begins Within 48 Hours of Delivery 744
Answers to Case Studies 747
Index 787