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Skills Practice Manual for LaFleur Brooks' Health Unit Coordinating - E-Book

Skills Practice Manual for LaFleur Brooks' Health Unit Coordinating - E-Book

Elaine A. Gillingham | Monica Wadsworth Seibel


Additional Information


Master skills in a simulated hospital electronic medical record before working in actual hospital practice! Nearly 100 exercises and activities in this practice manual correspond to LaFleur Brooks’ Health Unit Coordinating, 7th Edition and provide hands-on experience by specifying necessary skills, as well as the materials and steps you need to practice them. Plus, the online electronic health record that comes with this manual gives you realistic practice working on hospital computer system to help you hone skills you’ll use in the field!

  • Standard organization for each activity provides a record of the tasks to be completed, such as: materials needed, situation, directions, and check lists.
  • Relevant practice orders include additional scenarios to give you more practice with relevant skills.
  • Printable physicians orders allow simulation for both the EHR and paper environment.
  • Ordering requisitions appendix can be used for activities requiring the online EHR when a computer is not available.
  • Handwritten doctors’ orders give you practice deciphering poor handwriting samples
  • Clinical Evaluation Record provides a written record of your performance in the clinical setting.
  • NEW! Online access to a working Electronic Health Record gives you realistic hands-on practice entering orders; admitting, transferring, and discharging patients; processing patient and order inquiries; canceling orders; entering lab and diagnostic imaging results; completing patient profiles, doctor’s rosters, and chart forms.
  • NEW! Fully updated directions provides the most up-to-date information on order transcription, forms and orders, and skills evaluations that reflect working in an EHR environment.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Skills practice manual for lafleur brooks’ health unit coordinating seventh edition i
Copyright page iv
Preface v
Instructions to the student vii
Table of contents ix
I Orientation to hospitals, medical centers, and health care 1
4 Communication devices and their uses 1
II Personal and professional skills 9
7 Management techniques and problem-solving skills for health unit coordinating 9
III The patient's paper chart, transcription of doctors' orders, and documentation of vital signs 11
8 The patients chart 11
10 Patient activity, patient positioning, and nursing observation orders 23
11 Nursing treatment orders 35
12 Nutritional care orders 47
13 Medication orders 57
14 Laboratory orders and recording telephoned laboratory results 81
15 Diagnostic imaging orders 111
16 Other diagnostic studies 127
17 Treatment orders 141
18 Miscellaneous orders 155
IV Health unit coordinator procedures 165
19 Admission, preoperative, and postoperative procedures 165
20 Transcribing discharge orders 177
Appendix A Additional transcription practice (samples of pre-printed and handwritten doctors orders) 183
Appendix B Generic hospital forms and examples of downtime requisitions that may be used when computers are not available 215
Appendix C The clinical evaluation record 257
Outline 258
To the evaluator 259
To the student 259
Introduction to the health care facility 259
Objective 1: Locate the following on the nursing unit: 259
Objective 2: Write the names of the following health care personnel on the nursing unit. 260
Objective 3: Describe the duties of the health care personnel listed. 260
Objective 4: Write the name of the services provided by the nursing unit (for example, medical or pediatric). 261
Objective 5: Locate the following departments in the hospital. 261
Objective 6: Demonstrate the use of the pneumatic tube system for conveying devices by sending a tube or conveyor to anoth ... 261
Objective 7: Demonstrate the correct assembly and labeling of a patient’s chart. 262
Objective 8: Locate the area where patient care forms are stored. 262
Objective 9: Identify the standard forms used to prepare a patient’s chart at the time of admission to the unit. 262
Objective 10: Collect a sample of the following supplemental forms. 262
Objective 11: List other supplemental forms used on the nursing unit. 262
Objective 12: A. locate the area on the nursing unit where the central service department supplies are stored. 262
Objective 13: Locate the following resource materials on the nursing unit (may be computerized or hard copy). 263
Objective 14: Locate the surgery schedule for your nursing unit and identify which patients from your floor are scheduled ... 263
Health unit coordinator communication skills and professionalism 264
Objective 1: Demonstrate communication skills. 264
Objective 2: Demonstrate professional standards. 264
Communication devices 266
Objective 1: Demonstrate effective telephone communication skills whenanswering incoming calls. 266
Objective 2: Demonstrate effective telephone communication skills when making outgoing calls. 266
Objective 3: Demonstrate effective telephone communication skills when leaving a voice mail message. 266
Objective 4: Demonstrate effective telephone communication skills when paging. 267
Objective 5: Demonstrate the use of fax machine by faxing pharmacy copies. 267
Objective 6: Demonstrate the use of scanner by scanning standard chart forms. 267
Objective 7: Demonstrate appropriate communication skills using the intercom. 267
Objective 8: Demonstrate the use of locator or wireless device by locating hospital personnel. 267
Objective 9: Demonstrate required computer skills. 267
Legalities and confidentiality: Dealing with patient information 269
Objective 1: Demonstrate knowledge andapplication of the Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Actrequirements. 269
Objective 2: Demonstrate the following legal guidelines when dealing with patient charts and legal documents. 269
Routine health unit coordinator tasks 270
Objective 1: Given a written set of 20or more vital signs, graph the temperature,pulse, and respiration (TPR) and bloodpressure (BP) on patients’ graphic sheets. 270
Objective 2: Order daily diagnostic tests for the patients on your unit. 270
Objective 3: Transcribe admission, transfer, and discharge data on the daily census record. 270
Objective 4: File diagnostic reports in patients’ charts. compare each patient’s name on the diagnostic report with th ... 270
Transcription of physicians’ orders 271
Objective 1: Transcribe activity, positioning,and nursing observation orders. 271
Objective 2: Transcribe nursing treatment orders. 272
Objective 3: Transcribe nutritional care orders. 272
Objective 4: Transcribe medication orders. 272
Objective 5: Transcribe laboratory orders. 273
Objective 6: Transcribe diagnostic imaging orders. 274
Objective 7: Transcribe cardiopulmonary (respiratory care) orders. 275
Objective 8: Transcribe cardiovascular diagnostic orders. 275
Objective 9: Transcribe cardiac catheterization orders. 276
Objective 10: Transcribe neurology orders. 276
Objective 11: Transcribe physical therapy orders. 276
Objective 12: Transcribe occupational therapy orders. 276
Objective 13: Transcribe miscellaneous orders. 276
Health unit coordinating procedures 277
Objective 1: Perform admission procedures. 277
Objective 2: Perform discharge procedures. 278
Objective 3: Perform additional steps for discharge to another facility. 279
Objective 4: Perform additional steps for discharge home with assistance. 280
Objective 5: Perform postmortem procedures. 280
Objective 6: Perform procedures for transfer of patient to another unit within the hospital. 280
objective 7: Perform procedures for transfer of patient to another room on the same unit. 281
Objective 8: Perform procedures for receiving a transferred patient. 281
Objective 9: Perform preoperative procedures. 282
Objective 10: Perform postoperative procedures 282
Management of the unit 283
Objective 1: Assign cell phones or wirelessdevices to unit staff with appropriatedocumentation. 283
Objective 2: Add or remove nursing staff assignments to or from the treatment team, or assist with staffing assignments. 283
Objective 3: Monitor and maintain the electronic record. 284
Objective 4: Maintain inventories and order or request supplies, services, and equipment as directed, including office sup ... 284
Objective 5: Gather data and complete administrative reports (daily, weekly, monthly). 284
Objective 6: Coordinate and attend staff education events and inservices. 284
Objective 7: Assist with the management and capture of patient charges as necessary. 284
Organization and prioritizing skills 285
Objective 1: Demonstrate knowledge ofcode procedures. 285
Objective 2: Perform tasks in a conscientious manner. 285
Objective 3: Demonstrate accuracy when transcribing doctors’ orders. 285
Objective 4: Demonstrate initiative. 286
Objective 5: Demonstrate thoroughness. 286
Objective 6: Demonstrate ability to establish priorities on the job. 286
Objective 7: Demonstrate ability to multitask. 286
Objective 8: Demonstrate the ability to plan a day’s activities. 287