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E-Book - Cognitive Behavioural Interventions in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

E-Book - Cognitive Behavioural Interventions in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

Marie Donaghy | Maggie Nicol | Kate Davidson


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Book Details


This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It presents the application of the model of cognitive behavioural intervention in the practice of physiotherapy and occupational therapy addressing a range of clinical problems with contributions from professionals who are specialists in their field. The book explains the psychological model and provides a rationale for applying CBT as a tool to strengthen physiotherapy and occupational therapy interventions. Case studies are integral to this book, highlighting the application of CBT, outlining the strategies, and illustrating the outcomes and boundaries of treatment.
• case studies
• evidence–based
• interdisciplinary approach
• contributed to by renowned specialists in the field

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Cognitive–Behavioural Interventions in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy iii
Copyright page iv
Table of contents v
Contributors vii
Foreword ix
Introduction xiii
Part 1: Theoretical context 1
Chapter 1: Cognitive–behavioural therapy: origins and developments 3
The origins of cognitive–behavioural therapy 3
Basic assumption of cognitive therapy 5
Main characteristics of cognitive–behavioural therapy 9
The empirical basis of cognitive–behavioural therapy 11
Developments in cognitive–behavioural therapy in mental health 11
Common myths about cognitive–behavioural therapy 14
References 16
Chapter 2: Incorporating cognitive–behavioural approaches into models of practice 19
Introduction 19
What is a model of practice? 19
Model of human occupation (MOHO) 21
The biopsychosocial model 28
References 30
Chapter 3: Biomedical links between cognitions and behaviour 33
Introduction 33
Aspects of brain physiology 33
The neurobiology of the anxiety disorders 39
Neurobiology of depression 42
Conclusions 46
References 46
Part 2: Practical application 51
Chapter 4: Cognitive–behavioural therapy for depression 53
Prevalence 53
What is depression? 53
The efficacy of cognitive–behavioural therapy for major depression 55
Can CBT reduce relapse rates? 56
Summary 57
Key Messages 72
References 72
Chapter 5: Cognitive–behavioural therapy for anxiety 75
Introduction 75
Types of anxiety 75
Prevalence 77
Comorbidity 77
Context 78
Cognitive model of anxiety 78
Assessment – engagement 80
Assessment – measures 81
Contraindications for treatment of anxiety 82
Treatment 83
Treating the cognitive element 84
Treating the physiological element 86
Treating the behavioural element 87
Dealing with relapse 88
Conclusion 89
Key Messages 89
References 90
Chapter 6: Enduring mental illness 91
Introduction 91
What is enduring mental illness? 91
CBT and enduring mental illness 93
Key stages of engagement 99
Conclusion 101
Key Messages 102
References 102
Chapter 7: Cognitive–behavioural approaches in the treatment of alcohol addiction 105
Introduction 105
Cognitive–behavioural approach to treatment 107
The efficacy of cognitive therapy for alcohol addiction 111
Exercise and cognitive–behavioural approaches 114
Conclusion 117
Key Messages 117
References 118
Chapter 8: Chronic pain 121
Introduction 121
The biopsychosocial model 121
Thoughts and feelings 123
Cognitive–behavioural therapy 123
Education 125
Pacing and goal setting 125
Pain management programmes 127
Key Messages 132
References 132
Chapter 9: Fibromyalgia management using cognitive–behavioural principles 135
Introduction 135
Key Messages 144
References 144
Chapter 10: Chronic fatigue syndrome 147
Introduction 147
Clinical description 147
Diagnosis 148
Young people 148
Evidence base for treatment and outcome 149
Sources of information accessible to patients 150
Integrating CBT within physiotherapy and occupational therapy 151
Cognitive model of chronic fatigue 151
Treatment techniques 153
Working with young people and families 157
Liaison with schools 157
Conclusion 160
Key Messages 160
Sources of information accessible to patients 161
References 162
Chapter 11: Concluding comments 165
Appendix 167
Useful questions in the Socratic approach 167
Index 169