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Silent Grief

Silent Grief

Christopher Lukas | Henry M Seiden


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Book Details


This book gives insights into the pain and suffering involved when people are grieving for someone who has committed suicide, but it also offers hope without diminishing the significance of the suffering involved. As such, it has a lot to offer, and is therefore to be welcomed.'

- Well-Being

'This book provides deep and valuable insight into the experiences of "suicide survivors" - those who have been left behind by the suicide of friend, family member or loved one.'

- Therapy Today

'The personal stories are full of pathos interest and will clarify where the death leaves those left behind. The list of self-help groups is world wide and it will be useful that you can point the bereaved and traumatized in the right direction.'

- Accident and Emergency Nursing Journal

'The authors describe powerfully the effect of suicide on survivors and the world of silence, shame, guilt and depression that can follow. Author Christopher Lake is a suicide survivor and co-author Henry Seiden is an experienced therapist and educator.

They use sensitive and unambiguous language to provide an understanding of what it is like to live in the wake of suicide and the struggle to make sense of the world. They also look at how survivors might actively respond to their situation, rather than being passive victims. This book should be read by any professional who is likely to come into contact with people affected by suicide.'

- Nursing Standard, October 2007

'The book is well written and relevant to both survivors and professionals concerned for the welfare of those bereaved by suicide.'

- SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide) Newsletter

'Silent grief is a book for and about "suicide survivors," defined as people who have experienced the death of a friend or relative through suicide, and for anyone who wants to understand what survivors go through. The book explains the profound, traumatic effect suicide has on individuals bereaved in such circumstances. Using verbatim quotes from survivors it explains how they experience feelings of shame, guilt, anger, doubt, isolation and depression. This book provides good insight into the experience of individuals affected by suicide and can be a useful resource to anybody working with such people - be it prisoners who have lost someone close through suicide or the family of a prisoner following a self-inflicted death in prison.

- National Offender Management Service. Safer Custody News. Safer Custody Group. May/June 2007

Silent Grief is a book for and about "suicide survivors" - those who have been left behind by the suicide of a friend or loved one.

Author Christopher Lukas is a suicide survivor himself - several members of his family have taken their own lives - and the book draws on his own experiences, as well as those of numerous other suicide survivors. These inspiring personal testimonies are combined with the professional expertise of Dr. Henry M. Seiden, a psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist.

The authors present information on common experiences of bereavement, grief reactions and various ways of coping. Their message is that it is important to share one's experience of "survival" with others and they encourage survivors to overcome the perceived stigma or shame associated with suicide and to seek support from self-help groups, psychotherapy, family therapy, Internet support forums or simply a friend or family member who will listen.

This revised edition has been fully updated and describes new forms of support including Internet forums, as well as addressing changing societal attitudes to suicide and an increased willingness to discuss suicide publicly.

Silent Grief gives valuable insights into living in the wake of suicide and provides useful strategies and support for those affected by a suicide, as well as professionals in the field of psychology, social work, and medicine.

A well-done, very readable work for virtually all populations; highly recommended.
Reviewed on Metapsychology Online Reviews
Christopher Lukas is a 45-year veteran of the public television world in the US, a writer and television producer whose documentaries include films on end-of-life care, psychology, and the arts. Dr. Henry M. Seiden is a psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist, living and practicing in New York. He has taught and supervised in a number of graduate schools, clinics, hospitals, and training institutes in New York City.
This book is intended specifically neither for suicide survivors nor for professionals, yet it is well-suited to both audiences. Survivors will definitely find kinship - if not comfort - in the many personal stories featured here; they are also likely to feel less isolated and more accepting of their emotional reactions upon learning that they are not alone. Similarly, mental health professionals will benefit by gaining greater insight into and compassion for their clients who are suicide survivors. Overall, a well-done, very readable work for virtually all populations; highly recommended.
Metapsychology Online Reviews

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Prelims [ About the editors| Acknowledgements| Foreword by Robert Chambers]
PART ONE: Introduction to wellbeing and quality of life: ideas, issues, and choices
1 Introduction: why wellbeing?
2 Key issues in wellbeing and quality of life assessment
3 Practical choices in designing a wellbeing and quality of life assessment
PART TWO: Wellbeing and quality of life in development practice
4 A social justice approach to wellbeing: the PADHI psychosocial framework
5 Inner wellbeing: the Wellbeing and Poverty Pathways approach
6 Traidcraft: assessing human flourishing
7 CAFOD: quality of life Batteries Tool
8 Trócaire: measuring change, person wellbeing, and programme impact using the Wheel
PART THREE: Wellbeing and quality of life in policy and advocacy
9 The potential for a wellbeing approach in policy making and sustainable development
10 Oxfam’s Humankind Index
11 Wellbeing Wales: the Sustainable Wellbeing Framework
PART FOUR: Going forward
12 Conclusion: the politics of working on wellbeing
Further resources on wellbeing and quality of life