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Developing Workplace Skills for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Developing Workplace Skills for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Michelle Rigler | Amy Rutherford | Emily Quinn



The BASICS College Curriculum presents a hands-on approach to learning essential independence and life skills for students and new graduates with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The fourth book helps young adults to develop strategies for successfully managing workplace challenges, both before they enter the workplace and during employment.

Students or recent graduates are shown how to identify and develop strategies to overcome common challenges associated with ASD in the workplace. These include communication and social interactions with colleagues, working in a team, proactively and successfully managing workload, dealing with stress, and managing their emotions.

Ideal for graduates to use independently or for students in their last year of college, each chapter has a lesson-based progressive structure, providing valuable information and advice for the student, useful diagrams, practical exercises and workbook components that can be filled in at home or in class. Self-assessment tools ensure the skills from each chapter can be reviewed and adjusted as necessary. The book can be used on its own or in conjunction with the other books in the BASICS curriculum for a complete program of self-development.

This book is an excellent resource to assist young adults on the Autism spectrum to successfully transition from education to employment. It helps Autistic young people to identify their strengths and address barriers to employment. Filled with practical activities and case studies, tips and strategies, this handbook helps Autistic young people navigate the social world of work and its hidden curriculum.
Jeanette Purkis - Autism self-advocate, civil servant and author of ‘The Wonderful Word of Work: A Workbook for Asperteens’

Michelle Rigler, EdD, is Director of the Disability Resource Center at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Director of the Mosaic Program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder on which the BASICS Curriculum is based.

Amy Rutherford, M.Ed, is Assistant Director and an instructor for the Disability Resource Center's Mosaic Program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

Emily Quinn, M.Ed, is Interim Assistant Director of the Disability Resource Center and serves in the role of coach and instructor for the Mosaic Program for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Developing Workplace Skills for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The BASICS College Curriculum by Michelle Rigler, Amy Rutherford and Emily Quinn 3
Acknowledgements 7
Introduction 9
1. Finding your Professional Niche 13
Lesson 1: Neurodiversity in the Workplace 15
Lesson 2: Finding a Company that Works for You 19
Lesson 3: Creating your Optimal Work Environment 22
Lesson 4: Professional Tool for Niche Development In a Career 27
2. The Interview 31
Lesson 1: Preparation for Interview 33
Lesson 2: Making A Connection 36
Lesson 3: Follow Up 41
Lesson 4: Professional Tool for Scripting Common Interview Responses 48
3. Disclosure and Self-Advocacy 57
Lesson 1: Legal Protection Against Discrimination and Equal Access to Accommodations 59
Lesson 2: Art of Disclosure 63
Lesson 3: Tell Your Own Story 67
Lesson 4: Professional Tool for Navigating Disclosure 72
4. Professional Workplace Structure 79
Lesson 1: Understanding Professional Communication 81
Lesson 2: Communication Strategies 85
Lesson 3: Navigating Professional Miscues 88
Lesson 4: Professional Tool for Managing Workplace Communication 92
5. Stress Management 97
Lesson 1: Understanding Responsibilities and Identifying Stressors 99
Lesson 2: Managing Your Environment 104
Lesson 3: Responding to Stress in the Workplace 114
Lesson 4: Professional Tool for Managing Stress 118
6. Collaboration and Teamwork 123
Lesson 1: The Purpose of Teamwork 125
Lesson 2: Individual Contributions 127
Lesson 3: Conflict Resolution 131
Lesson 4: Professional Tool for Defining Your Role in a Team 137
7. Water Cooler Culture 147
Lesson 1: The Hidden Rules 148
Lesson 2: Learning through Casual Interactions 159
Lesson 3: Joining in the Culture 162
Lesson 4: Professional Tool for Creating Social Rules 167
8. Professional Growth 171
Lesson 1: Starting Over is Okay 172
Lesson 2: Ongoing Professional Development 176
Lesson 3: Evaluation and Feedback 180
Lesson 4: Professional Tools for continuing Development 184
Next Steps 189
Appendix A: Back to BASICS Chart: Professional Example 191
Appendix B: Guided Discussion 193
Appendix C: Resume Tools 213
Appendix D: Sample Interview Questions 217
References 219
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