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Abeloff's Clinical Oncology E-Book

Abeloff's Clinical Oncology E-Book

John E. Niederhuber | James O. Armitage | James H Doroshow | Michael B. Kastan | Joel E. Tepper


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Practical and clinically focused, Abeloff’s Clinical Oncology is a trusted medical reference book designed to capture the latest scientific discoveries and their implications for cancer diagnosis and management of cancer in the most accessible manner possible. Abeloff’s equips everyone involved - from radiologists and oncologists to surgeons and nurses - to collaborate effectively and provide the best possible cancer care.

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    Select the most appropriate tests and imaging studies for cancer diagnosis and staging of each type of cancer, and manage your patients in the most effective way possible by using all of the latest techniques and approaches in oncology.
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  • Stay at the forefront of the latest developments in cancer pharmacology, oncology and healthcare policy, survivorship in cancer, and many other timely topics.
  • See how the most recent cancer research applies to practice through an increased emphasis on the relevance of new scientific discoveries and modalities within disease chapters.
  • Streamline clinical decision making with abundant new treatment and diagnostic algorithms as well as concrete management recommendations.
  • Take advantage of the collective wisdom of preeminent multidisciplinary experts in the field of oncology, including previous Abeloff’s editors John E. Niederhuber, James O. Armitage, and Michael B. Kastan as well as new editors James H. Doroshow from the National Cancer Institute and Joel E. Tepper of Gunderson & Tepper: Clinical Radiation Oncology.
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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Inside front cover ifc1
Abeloff's Clinical Oncology, 5/e i
Copyright page iv
Dedication v
Memoriam vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments ix
Contributors xi
Table of Contents xxxi
I Science of Clinical Oncology 1
A Biology and Cancer 2
1 Molecular Tools in Cancer Research 2
Summary of Key Points 2
Introduction 2
Our Unstable Heredity 2
Detecting Cancer Mutations 2
Generating Diversity with Alternate Splicing 3
The Genomics of Cancer 4
Building Gene Libraries 5
Losing Control of the Genome 7
Epigenetics and Cancer 7
Profiling Tumors 7
The Cancer Proteome 13
Modeling Cancer in Vivo 15
Transgenic Models of Cancer 16
Conditional Control of Oncogene Activation 16
Models of Recessive Gene Mutations in Cancer 18
Future View 18
Recommended Texts 21
Further Selected Reading 21
2 Intracellular Signaling 22
Summary of Key Points 22
Introduction 22
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling 22
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling 23
Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factor–1 Receptor Signaling 25
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Signaling 27
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Signaling 27
RET Signaling 28
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Signaling 28
Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor Signaling 29
SRC Signaling 34
BCR-ABL Signaling 34
G-Protein Coupled Receptors Signaling 29
Cytokine Receptor Signaling 31
Serine/Threonine Receptor Signaling 32
Notch Receptor Signaling 33
Nuclear Hormone Receptor Signaling 33
Integrin Receptor Signaling 33
Non-receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling SRC Signaling The SRC family of intracellular, non-receptor tyrosine kinase proteins is composed of 11 members (Src, Fyn, Yes, Blk, Yrk, Frk/Rak, Fgr, Hck, Lck, Srm, and Lyn).296 They share common structural features, including the so-called SH domains 1 to 4. The SH1 domain includes the kinase domain. Only Src, Fyn, and Yes are expressed ubiquitously, whereas the tissue distribution of the latter six is more restricted.297 Together, Src family kinases have pleiotropic roles in cellular proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation, motility, adhesion, angiogenesis, and immunity.298,299 SRC is by far the most intensively studied family member and was the first gene observed to have oncogenic potential. Peyton Rous was awarded the Nobel Prize for a series of experiments showing that a transmissible factor was present in avian sarcomas that was capable of initiating tumors in recipient birds. Five decades later the viral oncogene v-Src was identified as the oncogenic factor in the Rous sarcoma virus.300-302 Bishop and Varmus later showed that v-Src was a mutant form of the cellular protooncogene c-SRC, and Hunter and colleagues showed that its transformative capacity was dependent on its tyrosine kinase activity.13,14,303 c-SRC, hereafter called SRC, is regulated in a number of ways. First, Src has a myristoylation site in its N-terminus that is necessary for membrane localization and that promotes its interaction with nearby membrane-bound effectors.304 The SH2 and SH3 domains facilitate protein-protein interactions and conformational changes in the protein. Inactive SRC is maintained in a closed conformation, with phosphorylated Y530 (mediated by CSK, C-terminal SRC, and CSK homology kinases) interacting with the folded over SH2 domain.305 The closed, inactive confirmation of SRC is further stabilized by proline-rich segments of the kinase domain associating with the SH3 domain.306 SRC activation requires dephosphorylation of Y530, likely by PTPα/γ/1β (protein tyrosine phosphatase α/γ/1β) or SHP1/2, which allows the kinase to assume an open conformation.296,307 Autophosphorylation of Y419 in the activation loop of the kinase domain also promotes full activity,308 whereas binding of focal adhesion kinase and CRK-associated substrate to the SH2 domain induce SRC activation and link SRC signaling to the regulation of focal adhesion, actin reorganization, and migratory phenotypes.309,310 SRC is a downstream mediator of numerous receptor families including receptor tyrosine kinases, integrin receptors, hormone receptors, cytokines receptors, and GCPRs and promotes signaling through the PI3K/AKT, RAS/MAP kinase, and JAK/STAT cascades, among others.296,297,299,307,311-315 Although SRC mutations are rare in human cancers, SRC is frequently activated as a consequence of other mutational events in colorectal, breast, esophageal, gastric, pancreatic, hepatocellular, ovarian, and lung cancers.296 In colorectal and hepatocellular carcinomas, SRC activation occurs in the setting of concomitant loss of CSK.316-318 The tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib, which is used in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia and Philadelphia-chromosome–positive acute lymphoid leukemia, inhibits Src family kinases, as well as BCR-ABL, KIT, Ephrin A2 receptor, and PDGFR (Table 2-1).319-321 Additional dual SRC/ABL and SRC selective inhibitors that are in early clinical testing include bosutinib (SKI-606), saracatinib (AZD0530), ponatinib (AP24534), XL-228, KX2-391, AZM475271, XL99, TG100435/100855, and DCC2036. Most have shown limited single-agent activity and are being developed as combination therapies.299,307,313-315 BCR-ABL Signaling The ABL tyrosine kinase is found in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus, and its functions vary based on subcellular localization.322 Cytoplasmic ABL has been implicated in G1/S checkpoint regulation,323 whereas nuclear ABL inhibits binding of the DNA repair protein RAD51 to sites of DNA damage.324 ABL contains an SH3 domain, an SH2 domain, and a kinase domain followed by a C terminal region that contains actin binding sites, suggesting that when localized to the cytoplasm, the protein interacts with components of the cytoskeleton.325 Although chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is the disease most associated with derangements in ABL signaling, a number of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, have also been shown to have aberrant activation of ABL.322 Translocation of the ABL gene on chromosome 9 with the breakpoint cluster region (BCR) gene on chromosome 22 results in the expression of a BCR-ABL fusion protein.326 This translocation, the Philadelphia chromosome, is found in almost all CML patients and represents the pathognomonic molecular lesion in this disease. BCR-ABL translocations are also found in approximately one third of acute lymphoblastic leukemias.327,328 The realization that the proliferation and survival of CML cells is dependent on the fusion protein encoded by the 9;22 translocation led to the development of imatinib, an inhibitor of the ABL tyrosine kinase (Table 2-1).328 Essentially all patients with CML respond to this agent, and the development of imatinib established selective inhibitors of oncogenic kinases as a viable therapeutic strategy. 329 34
RAS/MAP Kinase Pathway Signaling 35
The PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway Signaling 36
Translational Implications 37
References 38
References 39.e1
3 The Cellular Microenvironment and Metastases 40
Summary of Key Points 40
Introduction 40
Mechanisms of Metastasis 40
Hematogenous Metastasis 40
Invasion 40
Changes in Cell Adhesion 40
Cell Motility 42
Disruption of the Basement Membrane 42
Intravasation 42
Survival in the Circulatory System 42
Arrest and Extravasation 42
Proliferation 43
Angiogenesis 43
Lymphatic Metastasis 43
Transcoelomic Metastasis 43
Adhesion 43
Anoikis 44
Immune Evasion 44
Peritoneal Implantation and Metastatic Growth 44
Metastasis and Tumor Reseeding 44
Tumor Microenvironment and Metastasis 44
Cancer Stem Cells 44
Endothelial Cells and Pericytes 45
Immune Cells 45
Fibroblasts 45
Hypoxia 46
Patterns of Metastasis 47
Seed and Soil Hypothesis 47
Premetastatic Niche 47
Organ Specificity 48
Metastases to the Bone 48
Metastases to the Brain 48
Metastases to the Lung 48
Metastases to the Liver 49
Clinical Relevance and Applications 49
Conclusion 49
References 50
References 51.e1
4 Control of the Cell Cycle 52
Summary of Key Points 52
Introduction 52
The Cell Division Cycle 53
Overview of the Cell Cycle Machinery 53
Cyclin-Dependent Kinases and Their Regulators 53
Retinoblastoma Proteins and E2F Transcription Factors 55
Cell Cycle Phosphatases 55
Ubiquitin-Dependent Protein Degradation 55
The Mitotic Spindle and Mitotic Kinases and Kinesins 55
Entry into the Cell Cycle 56
DNA Replication 56
Mitosis 58
Cell Cycle Checkpoints 60
G1/S Checkpoint 60
Intra-S Phase Checkpoint 62
G2 Checkpoint 62
Spindle Assembly Checkpoint 62
Cell Cycle Deregulation in Human Cancers 63
Unscheduled Cell Cycle Entry in Cancer 63
Mutations in p53 and Checkpoint Regulators 65
Aneuploidy and Chromosomal Instability 65
Therapeutic Manipulation of Cell Cycle Controls 65
Targeting Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Activity 66
Targeting DNA Damage Response Proteins 66
Targeting the Mitotic Spindle and the SAC 67
Targeting Mitotic Entry and Exit 67
Targeting Aneuploidy 67
Summary 67
References 68
References 68.e1
Additional Resources 68.e6
5 Pathophysiology of Cancer Cell Death 69
Summary of Key Points 69
Introduction 69
Fundamental Science—Mechanisms of Cell Death 69
Apoptosis 69
Extrinsic Apoptosis 70
Intrinsic Apoptosis 70
Necrosis 71
Autophagy 72
Fundamental Science—Cell Death and Cancer 72
Oncogenes and Cell Death Regulation 73
Oncosuppressors and Cell Death Regulation 74
Clinical Relevance and Applications 76
What the Future Holds 76
References 77
References 77.e1
6 Cancer Immunology 78
Summary of Key Points 78
Overview 78
The Antigenic Profile That Distinguished Tumors From Normal Tissues 79
Evidence Pro and Con for Immune Surveillance of Cancer 80
Innate Mechanisms of Tumor Immune Surveillance 81
Immune Tolerance and Immune Evasion—the Immune Hallmarks of Cancer 82
Immunologic Characteristics of the Tumor Microenvironment 84
Regulatory T Cells and Cancer 84
Immature Myeloid Cells/Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Cancer 86
Immune Inhibitory Molecules Expressed in the Tumor Microenvironment 86
TGF-β—A Major Inhibitory Cytokine in the Tumor Microenvironment 87
Co-Inhibitory Ligands and Receptors That Downmodulate Tumor Immunity 87
The CTLA4 Checkpoint—A Global Regulator of T-Cell Activation 87
Biology of the PD1 Checkpoint—A Pathway That Functions Within the Tumor Microenvironment 88
Additional Checkpoints Participate in Tumor Immune Resistance and Tolerance 89
Inhibition of Antitumor Responses Versus Induction of Tumor Antigen–Specific Tolerance 92
The Nature of Immune Responses That Promote Cancer Formation 92
Tumor Promotion Via the IL-23/Th17 Axis 93
Implications for Cancer Immunotherapy 94
References 95
References 97.e1
7 Stem Cells, Cell Differentiation, and Cancer 98
Summary of Key Points 98
Introduction 98
Properties of Normal Stem Cells 98
Genetic Regulation of Self-Renewal 99
Target Cells for Malignant Transformation 100
Evidence for Cancer Stem Cells 102
Clinical Implications of CSCs 104
Future Implications of CSCs 106
Acknowledgments 106
References 106
References 107.e1
8 Vascular and Interstitial Biology of Tumors 108
Summary of Key Points 108
Introduction 108
Vascular Compartment 108
New Vessel Formation 109
Cellular Mechanisms 109
Molecular Mechanisms 110
Vascular Architecture 111
Blood Flow and Microcirculation 112
Vascular Permeability 112
Movement of Cells Across Vessel Walls 114
Extravascular Compartment 116
Composition and Origin 116
Interstitial Transport 116
Lymphangiogenesis and Lymphatic Transport 116
Interstitial Hypertension 119
Metabolic Environment 120
Hypoxia 120
Low pH 121
Molecular, Cellular, and Therapeutic Consequences 121
Antiangiogenic Agents in the Clinic 122
Mechanisms of Action 122
Biomarkers 124
Toxicity 124
Perspective 124
Conclusion 124
Acknowledgments 125
References 125
References 126.e1
B Genesis of Cancer 127
9 Environmental Factors 127
Summary of Key Points 127
Introduction 127
Role of Environmental Agents in the Etiology of Human Cancers 128
Chemicals 128
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 128
Aromatic Amines 130
Benzene 130
Aflatoxins 130
Tobacco Chemicals 131
Chemotherapeutic Agents 131
Radiation 132
Ultraviolet 132
Ionizing 133
Radon 133
Metals 133
Arsenic 133
Nickel 134
Cadmium 134
Chromates 134
Fibers and Dusts 135
Asbestos 135
Silica 135
Wood Dust 135
Dietary Factors in Human Carcinogenesis: Naturally Occurring Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens 135
Exposure Biomarkers and Susceptibility Factors 136
Assessing Human Exposure: Role for Intermediate Biomarkers 136
Genetic Polymorphisms and Human Susceptibility 137
Public Health Approaches to Cancer Prevention 138
Geographic Distribution of Cancer 138
Identifying Human Carcinogens 139
Cancer Chemoprevention 139
Summary 140
References 140
10 DNA Damage Response Pathways and Cancer 142
Summary of Key Points 142
Introduction 142
Types of DNA Damage 143
Consequences of DNA Damage 143
DNA Damage Response Pathways 143
Types of DNA Repair and Their Contribution to Cancer 145
Nucleotide Excision Repair 145
Human Nucleotide Excision Repair Deficient Syndromes and Cancer 146
Base Excision Repair 147
Mismatch Repair 148
Human MMR Deficiency and Cancer 148
Double-Strand Break Repair 149
Ataxia Telangiectasia 150
Other Cancer-Prone Disorders Associated with Genomic Instability 151
Diseases Involving Homologues of RecQ 151
p53 Gene and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome 151
BRCA1, BRCA2, and Breast-Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility 151
Fanconi Anemia, Cancer, and Interstrand Cross-link Repair 152
Conclusions and Future Directions 153
References 153.e1
References 153
11 Viruses and Human Cancer 154
Summary of Key Points 154
Introduction 154
Epstein-Barr Virus 154
Hepatitis B Virus 157
Human Papillomaviruses 159
Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus-I 161
Human Hepatitis C Virus 162
Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus 163
Merkel Cell Polyomavirus 165
Treatment and Prevention of Viral Tumors 166
HBV Vaccine 166
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine 166
References 168.e1
References 167
12 Genetic Factors: 169
Summary of Key Points 169
Common Syndromes of Cancer Predisposition 173
Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndromes 174
Clinical Features 174
Genetics 176
Clinical Management 177
Cowden Syndrome 177
Clinical Features 177
Genetics 177
Risk Management Recommendations 178
Common Colon Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 178
Lynch Syndrome 178
Clinical Features 178
Genetics 178
Clinical Management 179
Polyposis Syndromes 179
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 179
II Problems Common to Cancer and its Therapy 531
A Hematologic Problems and Infections 532
34 Disorders of Blood Cell Production in Clinical Oncology 532
Summary of Key Points 532
Introduction 532
Disorders of Red Cells 532
Anemia 532
Pathophysiology 532
Management 533
Increasing Importance of Iron and Iron Metabolism 534
Safety of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents 534
Polycythemia 536
Disorders of White Cells 536
Neutropenia 536
Pathophysiology 536
Management 536
Prevention of Infection 536
Treatment of Established Neutropenia or Neutropenic Infection 537
Use of Myeloid Growth Factors to Maintain Chemotherapy Dose Intensity 537
Leukocytosis 538
Disorders of Platelets 538
Thrombocytopenia 538
Pathophysiology 538
Management 538
Thrombocytosis 538
Acquired Marrow Failure States 539
Myelodysplastic Syndrome 539
Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia 539
Congenital Marrow Failure States 539
Congenital and Cyclic Neutropenia 539
Cellular Treatment of Cytopenias 539
References 540
References 541.e1
35 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Cancer-Associated Venous Thromboembolism 542
Summary of Key Points 542
Introduction 543
Epidemiology of Cancer-Associated VTE 543
Cancer-Associated VTE Is Common 543
The Bidirectional Relationship Between Cancer and VTE 544
VTE is Associated with Worse Outcomes in Patients with Cancer 544
Pathogenesis of Cancer-Associated VTE 544
Tumor-Specific Factors 545
Host-Specific Factors 546
Environmental Factors 547
Surgery, Radiation Therapy, and Cancer-Associated VTE 547
Chemotherapy, Hormonal Therapy, and Cancer-Associated VTE 547
Immunomodulatory Agents and Cancer-Associated VTE 548
Molecularly Targeted Therapies and Cancer-Associated VTE 548
Hematopoietic Growth Factors and Cancer-Associated VTE 548
Indwelling Venous Catheters and Cancer-Associated VTE 548
Prevention of Cancer-Associated VTE 548
Prevention of VTE in Hospitalized Medical Oncology Patients 548
Prevention of VTE in Ambulatory Medical Patients with Cancer 549
Assessment of Risk of Cancer-Associated VTE 551
Prevention of VTE in Hospitalized Surgical Patients with Cancer 552
Prevention of Central Venous Catheter Thrombosis 552
Diagnosis of VTE in Patients with Cancer 553
Diagnosis of Cancer-Associated VTE 553
D-Dimer Testing in the Diagnosis of VTE 553
Imaging 553
Duplex Ultrasonography 553
Contrast Venography 554
Computed Tomographic Venography 554
Magnetic Resonance Venography 554
Diagnosis of Cancer-Associated PE 554
Pulmonary Angiography 554
Ventilation/Perfusion Scanning 554
Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography 554
Management of Cancer-Associated VTE 555
Acute Management of Cancer-Associated VTE 555
Anticoagulation 555
Thrombolysis 555
Vena Cava Filters 556
Chronic Management of Cancer-Associated VTE 556
Management of Recurrent Cancer-Associated VTE 556
Management of Cancer-Associated VTE in Special Situations 557
Central Venous Catheter–Associated VTE 557
Cancer-Associated VTE in Patients with Thrombocytopenia 557
Cancer-Associated VTE in Patients with Central Nervous System Lesions 558
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant and VTE 558
Outpatient Management of Cancer-Associated VTE 558
Management of Unsuspected VTE 559
Use of Anticoagulants to Improve Survival in Patients with Cancer 559
Reversal of Anticoagulation 559
References 560
References 561.e1
36 Infection in the Patient with Cancer 562
Summary of Key Points 562
Introduction 562
Infection Risk Factors 562
Neutropenia as a Risk Factor for Infection 562
Other Risk Factors for Infection 563
Sources of Infection 563
Approach to Fever in the Neutropenic Patient 564
Definitions 564
Initial Evaluation 565
Risk Assessment 565
Empiric Antibiotic Therapy 566
Use of Vancomycin or Other Gram-Positive Agents 567
Initial Empirical Therapy for Patients Who Are Clinically Unstable 567
Subsequent Modifications of Empiric Antibiotic Regimens 568
Empiric Antifungal Therapy 568
Duration of Antibiotic Therapy 569
Adjunctive Therapies 569
Hematopoietic Growth Factors 569
Granulocyte Transfusions 569
Infections in the Patient with Cancer 569
Bacteremia 569
Pulmonary Infections 569
Fungal Infections 570
Gastrointestinal Infections 571
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract 571
Lower Gastrointestinal Tract 571
Central Nervous System Infections 572
Vascular Access Devices 572
Viral Infections 573
Prevention of Infections in Selected Risk Groups 574
Low-Risk Patients 574
Patients with Acute Leukemia 574
Patients Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 575
Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 575
Patients with Graft-versus-Host Disease 577
Prophylaxis with Other Immunosuppressive Therapies 577
Pretransplantation Measures to Prevent Infection 578
Pretransplantation Serostatus Blood Work 578
Environmental Measures to Prevent Infection during and after Transplantation 578
Review of Commonsense Measures That Will Assist in the Prevention of Infection 579
References 579
References 580.e1
B Metabolic and Paraneoplastic Syndromes 581
37 Hypercalcemia 581
Summary of Key Points 581
Introduction 581
Etiology 581
Types of Hypercalcemia of Malignancy 582
Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy 582
Parathyroid Hormone–Related Protein 583
Vitamin D–Linked Hypercalcemia 583
Local Osteolytic Hypercalcemia 583
Multiple Myeloma 583
Carcinoma of the Breast 583
Special Cases 584
Pseudohypercalcemia 584
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 584
Tamoxifen-Linked Hypercalcemia 584
Evaluation of the Patient 584
Clinical Findings 584
Laboratory Investigations 585
Grading the Complication 585
Mild Hypercalcemia 585
Moderate Hypercalcemia 585
Severe Hypercalcemia 585
Treatment 585
Ethical Considerations 585
General Considerations 586
Extracellular Fluid Volume Expansion 586
Calciuretic Therapy 586
Furosemide 586
Calcitonin 586
Antiresorptive Therapy 586
Bisphosphonates 586
Gallium Nitrate 587
Therapy Directed against Humoral Factors 587
Calcimimetics 587
Humanized Antibodies to PTHrP 588
Osteoprotegerin and Denosumab 588
Other Therapies 588
Long-Term Treatment 588
References 589
38 Tumor Lysis Syndrome 591
Summary of Key Points 591
Epidemiology and Definition 591
Etiology and Pathogenesis 591
Risk Factors and Incidence of Tumor Lysis Syndrome 591
Prevention and Management of Tumor Lysis Syndrome 593
Allopurinol 593
Rasburicase 593
Conclusions 595
References 596
39 Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes 597
Summary of Key Points 597
Introduction 597
Paraneoplastic Syndromes of the Central Nervous System 598
Paraneoplastic Encephalomyelitis 598
Limbic Encephalitis 598
Anti–N-methyl-d-aspartate Receptor Encephalitis 600
Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration 601
Motor Neuron Syndromes 601
Stiff Man Syndrome 602
Peripheral Nerve Hyperexcitability (Neuromyotonia) 602
Paraneoplastic Opsoclonus-Myoclonus 602
Paraneoplastic Syndromes of the Visual System 603
Paraneoplastic Syndromes of the Peripheral Nervous System 603
Paraneoplastic Sensory Neuronopathy 603
Sensorimotor Neuropathies 604
Vasculitic Neuropathy 604
Autonomic Neuropathy 604
Paraneoplastic Syndromes of the Neuromuscular Junction 605
Myasthenia Gravis 605
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome 605
Paraneoplastic Myopathic Syndromes 605
Polymyositis–Dermatomyositis 605
Acute Necrotizing Myopathy 606
Treatment and Prognosis 606
References 606
References 607.e1
40 Cancer-Related Pain 608
Summary of Key Points 608
Incidence 608
Facts 608
Etiology 608
Current Status of Cancer Pain Management 609
Barriers to the Provision of Adequate Analgesia 609
Evaluation of the Patient with Pain 610
Management of Cancer Pain 612
Pharmacologic Therapy 612
Antineoplastic Therapy 614
Nonpharmacologic Therapy 614
Invasive Therapy 614
Regional Analgesia 615
Neuroablative Procedures 616
Difficult-to-Manage Pain Problems 616
Patients with Pain of Neuropathic Origin 616
Patients with Episodic or Incidental Pain 617
Patients with Impaired Cognitive or Communicative Function 617
Patients with a History of Substance Abuse 618
Conclusion 618
References 618
41 Cancer Cachexia 620
Summary of Key Points 620
Introduction 620
Definitions and Epidemiology 620
Biological Characteristics and Pathophysiology 621
Patient Evaluation and Staging 622
Treatment 622
Future Possibilities and Clinical Trials 624
References 624
42 Nausea and Vomiting 626
Summary of Key Points 626
Introduction 626
Physiology of the Vomiting Reflex 626
Clinical Features of Chemotherapy-Induced Emesis 627
Clinical Syndromes 627
Acute Nausea and Vomiting 627
Delayed Nausea and Vomiting 628
Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting 628
Prognostic Factors 628
Chemotherapeutic Agents 628
Patient Characteristics 628
Age 628
Gender 628
History of Alcohol Intake 629
Previous Chemotherapy 629
Conduct and Interpretation of Clinical Antiemetic Trials 629
Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting 630
Acute Nausea and Vomiting 630
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists 630
NK1 Receptor Antagonists 631
Corticosteroids 631
Substituted Benzamides 631
Phenothiazines 632
Benzodiazepines 632
Butyrophenones 632
Cannabinoids 632
Combination Antiemetic Therapy 632
Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting 632
Delayed Nausea and Vomiting 632
Radiation-Induced Nausea and Vomiting 633
Summary of Recommendations for Combination Antiemetic Therapy 633
References 634
References 634.e1
43 Oral Complications 635
Summary of Key Points 635
Introduction 635
Pathophysiology of Mucosal Injury and Clinical Manifestations 635
Mucositis Assessment 636
Oral Complications From Chemotherapy, Including Myeloablative Chemotherapy 636
Incidence and Risk Factors 636
Biological Therapies 637
Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Oral Complications 638
Oral Care Protocols and Oral Hygiene 638
Antimicrobial and Antiseptic Interventions 638
Cryotherapy 638
5-FU–Based Chemotherapy 638
Edatrexate 638
High-Dose Melphalan 638
Antioxidants, Anticholinergics, and Coating Agents 639
Antiinflammatory Agents 639
Amino Acids 639
Growth Factors 639
Low-Level Laser Therapy 639
Other Interventions 639
Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Oral Mucositis 640
Mouthwashes and Coating Agents 640
Antiinflammatory Agents 640
Growth Factors 640
Systemic Analgesics 640
Laser Therapy 640
Other Therapies 640
Treatment For Biological Therapy–Induced Mucositis 640
Oral Complications From Radiation Therapy 641
Mucositis 641
Etiology of Mucositis 641
Prevention of Mucositis 641
Radiotherapy Technique 641
Oral Hygiene 641
Growth Factors 642
Low-Level Laser Therapy 642
Antibiotics and Probiotics 642
Benzydamine Hydrochloride 642
Sucralfate 642
Amifostine 642
Other Interventions 642
Treatment of Established Mucositis 643
Concurrent Oral Mucosa Infection 643
Analgesics 643
Daily Nursing Evaluation 643
Other Interventions 643
Xerostomia 643
Etiology of Xerostomia 643
Prevention of Xerostomia 644
Radiotherapy Technique 644
Amifostine 644
Pilocarpine 644
Salivary Gland Transfer 644
Acupuncture 644
Treatment of Xerostomia 644
Dietary Modification 644
Oral Lubricants 644
Muscarinic Receptor Agonists 645
Acupuncture 645
Dental Caries 645
Etiology of Dental Caries 645
Prevention and Treatment of Dental Caries 645
Soft Tissue Necrosis 645
Etiology of Soft Tissue Necrosis 645
Treatment of Soft Tissue Necrosis 645
Osteoradionecrosis 646
Etiology of Osteoradionecrosis 646
Treatment of Osteoradionecrosis 646
Taste Alterations 646
Trismus 646
Etiology of Trismus 646
Prevention and Treatment of Trismus 646
Malignancy 646
References 647
References 647.e1
44 Dermatologic Toxicities of Anticancer Therapy 648
Summary of Key Points 648
Introduction 650
Cutaneous Complications of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy 650
Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia 650
Etiology and Biocharacteristics 650
Epidemiology 651
Clinical Manifestations 651
Workup 652
Differential Diagnosis 652
Treatment 652
Preemptive Counseling 652
Preventive Treatment 653
Treatments for Acceleration of Hair Growth After Chemotherapy 653
Prognosis 653
Cutaneous Extravasation Injury 653
Etiology and Biocharacteristics 653
Epidemiology 653
Clinical Manifestations 653
Workup 654
Treatment 654
Prevention 654
Pharmacologic and Surgical Treatment 654
Prognosis 655
Chemotherapy-Induced Hyperpigmentation 655
Etiology and Biocharacteristics 655
Epidemiology 655
Clinical Manifestations 656
Workup 656
Differential Diagnosis 656
Generalized Hyperpigmentation 656
Localized Hyperpigmentation 656
Treatment 656
Prognosis 656
Toxic Erythema of Chemotherapy 656
Hand-Foot Syndrome 657
Etiology and Biocharacteristics 657
Epidemiology 658
Clinical Manifestations 658
Workup 659
Differential Diagnosis 659
Hand-Foot Skin Reaction 659
Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease 659
Erythema Multiforme 659
Treatment 659
Dose Reductions 660
Prevention 660
Reactive/Symptomatic Treatment 661
Prognosis 661
Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis 661
Etiology and Biocharacteristics 661
Epidemiology 661
Clinical Manifestations 661
Workup 661
Differential Diagnosis 661
Clinical 661
Histological 661
Treatment 661
Prognosis 662
Cutaneous Complications of Radiation Therapy 662
Radiation Dermatitis 662
Etiology and Biocharacteristics 662
Epidemiology 662
Clinical Manifestations 662
Differential Diagnosis 663
Acute 663
Chronic 663
Diagnosis/Workup 663
Treatment 663
Prognosis 664
Radiation Recall 664
Etiology and Biocharacteristics 664
Epidemiology 664
Clinical Manifestations 664
Differential Diagnosis 664
Cytostatic Drug Recall 664
Radiosensitization 664
III Specific Malignancies 937
66 Cancer of the Central Nervous System 938
Summary of Key Points 938
Introduction 939
Epidemiology 939
Tumor Biology 942
Cell Proliferation 942
Invasion 943
Angiogenesis and Hypoxia 943
Stem Cells 943
Clinical Presentation 944
Pathophysiology of Signs and Symptoms 944
General Signs and Symptoms 945
Localizing Signs of Intracranial Tumors 945
Treatment of Brain Tumor Symptoms 946
Acute Raised ICP 946
Chronically Increased ICP 946
Seizures 946
Deep Venous Thrombosis 947
Diagnostic Imaging 947
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 947
Computed Tomography 949
Positron Emission Tomography 949
Lumbar Puncture 950
Skull Radiograph Studies 950
Intraoperative Ultrasound Examination 950
Surgery: General Considerations 950
Radiation Therapy: General Considerations 951
Radiation Therapy: Technical Details 951
Stereotactic Radiotherapy 951
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy 952
Heavy Charged Particle Radiation Therapy 952
Adverse Effects after Irradiation of the Brain or Spine 952
Acute and Early Delayed Effects after Cranial Irradiation 952
Late Effects 952
Radiation Necrosis of the Brain 952
Neurocognitive Deficits after Cranial Irradiation 953
Endocrine Deficits after Cranial or Spinal Irradiation 954
Optic Neuropathy after Cranial Irradiation 954
Second Malignant Neoplasms Developing after Cranial Irradiation 954
Myelopathy after Spinal Irradiation 954
General Principles of Chemotherapy 955
Supratentorial Gliomas 956
Clinical Considerations 956
Pathological Classification of Supratentorial Gliomas 957
Imaging of Supratentorial Gliomas 959
Genetics of Supratentorial Gliomas 959
Genetic Changes in Astrocytomas 959
Genetic Changes in Glioblastomas 960
Genetic Changes in Oligodendrogliomas and Oligoastrocytomas 962
Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutations 963
Surgery for Supratentorial Gliomas: Extent of Surgical Resection 965
Navigation during Surgery 965
Complications of Surgery 965
Radiation Therapy for Supratentorial Gliomas 966
Radiation Therapy for Low-Grade Gliomas 966
Radiation Therapy for High-Grade Gliomas 967
Chemotherapy for Gliomas 969
Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed High-Grade Astrocytomas 969
Chemotherapy for Recurrent High-Grade Astrocytomas 969
Chemotherapy for Low-Grade Astrocytomas 971
Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Anaplastic Oligodendrogliomas 972
Chemotherapy for Recurrent Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma and Oligoastrocytoma 972
Chemotherapy for Low-Grade Oligodendrogliomas and Oligoastrocytomas 973
Therapy for Elderly Patients with Malignant Gliomas 973
Quality of Life after Therapy for Gliomas 973
New Approaches to Therapy of Gliomas 973
Adult Brainstem Gliomas 974
Primary CNS Lymphoma 975
Histopathological Features 975
Tumor Biology 975
Clinical Diagnosis and Staging 975
Treatment 977
Meningioma 979
Clinical and Pathological Considerations 979
Surgery and Conventional Radiation Therapy for Meningiomas 980
Stereotactic Radiation Techniques for Meningiomas 981
Medical Therapy for Meningiomas 981
Pituitary Adenoma 981
Clinical and Pathological Considerations 981
Surgery for Pituitary Adenomas 982
Medical Therapy for Pituitary Adenomas 983
Radiation Therapy for Pituitary Adenomas 983
Late Effects after Pituitary Irradiation 984
Stereotactic Radiation Techniques for Pituitary Adenomas 984
Acoustic Neuroma 984
Clinical and Pathological Considerations 984
Surgery for Acoustic Neuromas 985
Radiotherapy for Acoustic Neuromas 985
Cerebellar Hemangioblastomas 986
Index 2093
A 2093
B 2099
C 2105
D 2118
E 2121
F 2125
G 2126
H 2130
I 2135
J 2138
K 2139
L 2139
M 2144
N 2151
O 2155
P 2158
Q 2167
R 2167
S 2173
T 2179
U 2183
V 2184
W 2185
X 2186
Y 2186
Z 2186
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