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Identifying with Freedom

Identifying with Freedom

Tony Day


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Book Details


Indonesia, a huge secular, archipelagic nation-state in Southeast Asia, is one of the world's newest democracies. Yet little is known to outsiders about this complex and fascinating country, the home of the world's largest Muslim community and the scene of recent natural disasters and violent communal struggles. Eleven scholars provide incisive critical appraisals of the leading issues and controversies facing Indonesians as they seek to build a democratic nation that is tolerant of multicultural diversity and free from imperial domination.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Series Page ii
Title Page iii
Table of Contents v
Chapter 1: Introduction: Identifying wth Freedom 1
Chapter 2: Gay and Lesbian Indonesians and the Idea of the Nation 19
Chapter 3: Democracy, Polygamy, and Women in Post-Reformasi Indonesia 28
Chapter 4: Islamic Influences on Indonesian Feminism 39
Chapter 5: Going 'Un-Native' in Indonesia(N) 49
Chapter 6: Indonesian Publishing: New Freedoms, Old Worries, and Unfinished Democratic Reform 58
Chapter 7: 'New Barbarism or Old Agency among the Dayak?: Reflections on Post-Suharto Ethnic Violence in Kalimantan 70
Chapter 8: Vigilantes and the State 87
Chapter 9: The Ironies of Instability in Indonesia 95
Chapter 10: Indonesia Seen by Outside Insiders: Its Chinese Alters in Transnational Space 105
Chapter 11: Indonesians in Asylum 125
Notes on Contributors 135