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Rescuing the Vulnerable

Rescuing the Vulnerable

Beate Althammer | Lutz Raphael | Tamara Stazic-Wendt


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In many ways, the European welfare state constituted a response to the new forms of social fracture and economic turbulence that were born out of industrialization—challenges that were particularly acute for groups whose integration into society seemed the most tenuous. Covering a range of national cases, this volume explores the relationship of weak social ties to poverty and how ideas about this relationship informed welfare policies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. By focusing on three representative populations—neglected children, the homeless, and the unemployed—it provides a rich, comparative consideration of the shifting perceptions, representations, and lived experiences of social vulnerability in modern Europe.

“This volume’s focus on the young, the homeless, and the unemployed is particularly welcome given the limited amount of scholarship within histories of poverty and welfare on these groups. The book’s underlying principles are of universal significance and will be of interest to the general reader of welfare history.” · Olwen Purdue, Queen’s University Belfast

Beate Althammer is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Trier and a visiting lecturer at the University of Lüneburg. She is author of Das Bismarckreich 1871-1890 (2009) and co-editor of the volumes Bettler und Vaganten in der Neuzeit (1500-1933) (2013) and The Welfare State and the “Deviant Poor” in Europe, 1870-1933 (2014).

Tamara Stazic-Wendt is a doctoral student at the University of Trier and is currently completing her dissertation on unemployment in rural Germany during the interwar period. Her recent publications include “The ‘New Morocco’ Settlement between Trier and Euren, Germany: Drawing Boundaries and Constructing Deviance, 1925-1933” in The Welfare State and the “Deviant Poor” in Europe, 1870-1933 (2014).

Lutz Raphael is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Trier. His recent books include Imperiale Gewalt und Mobilisierte Nation: Europa 1914-1945 (2011) and (together with Altay Coskun) Fremd und rechtlos?: Zugehörigkeitsrechte Fremder von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Ein Handbuch (2014).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Series Page ii
Title page iii
Imprint page iv
Contents v
Illustrations, Figures and Tables viii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Poverty and Social Bonds 23
Part I: Endangered Childhoods 47
Chapter 2: Living at the Edge of Society 49
Chapter 3: Orphans, Pauper Children or Wayward Children? 74
Chapter 4: The Reduction of Poverty Starts with Children 97
Chapter 5: Compassion for the Distant Other 129
Part II: Vagrancy and Homelessness 161
Chapter 6: Traditional Mobility and Solidarity in Crisis 163
Chapter 7: Controlling Vagrancy 187
Chapter 8: The Problem of Homelessness in Post-war Britain 212
Part III: Unemployment 235
Chapter 9: 'Unite Idle Men with Idle Land' 237
Chapter 10: An Unbearable Social Existence 259
Chapter 11: How Unemployment was Normalized by the Establishment of Public Labour Exchanges in Austria, 1918–1938 283
Chapter 12: The Poor Unemployed 307
Part IV: Re-establishing Social Ties 333
Chapter 13: Voices from the Lower Depths 335
Chapter 14: 'They Sit for Days and Have Only Their Sorrow to Eat' 356
Chapter 15: Seen with Their Own Eyes 382
Conclusion 405
Index 417