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Job Readiness for Health Professionals - E-Book

Job Readiness for Health Professionals - E-Book


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Book Details


Get an edge in the job market and develop the soft skills — the personal qualities, habits, attitudes, and social graces needed to work successfully with anyone, anywhere. Job Readiness for Health Professionals, Soft Skills Strategies for Success, 2nd Edition provides a unique tool for soft skill programming to help graduates succeed on the job as effective, engaged, and high-functioning employees. This handy resource uses an 8th grade reading level and a consistent, easy-to-follow modular format to guide you through the essential entry-level soft skills like how to dress, speak, and collaborate in the healthcare setting. With two new chapters, new Video Case vignettes, and 48 soft skills and behavioral competencies, it gives you the tools you need to join the healthcare workforce.

  • Behavioral objectives provided for mastering each skill.
  • Worktext format with journaling activities and multiple self-reflection activities offers valuable review exercises.
  • Critical thinking exercises woven throughout skills include multidisciplinary scenarios from the field.
  • What If? boxes feature short scenarios that encourage you to think about how you would handle a situation in the workplace.
  • Case studies throughout use fictional vignettes to illustrate the issues involved with the specific skills.
  • Down a Dark Road vignettes depict what can go terribly wrong when a skill is ignored or not mastered.
  • Experiential Exercises are actions or experiments that you can perform on your own to gain a deeper appreciation for the skill.
  • Cross Currents with Other Skills ties together and cross-references related skills, pointing out the synergies and connections between them.
  • NEW! Highly anticipated Finding Your First Job chapter highlights competencies that you need to consider and prepare for when starting your job search, beginning a career in the health professions, writing your resume, and interviewing.
  • NEW! Video Case vignettes with assessment and implementation tools on interview skills, active listening, dealing with others, problem solving and decision making, communication, presenting yourself for the workforce, working as a team, dealing with authority, and enhancing your promotability provide a multimedia component with real-life workplace scenarios for your review.
  • NEW! Being a Student chapter covers competencies where students often struggle, including: taking meaningful notes, remaining calm and confident during assessments, and successfully preparing for practicum interviews.
  • NEW! New content on financial literacy, including managing finances and paying back students loans, covers the impact financial decisions have on your life — both personally and as you look for a job.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover IFC1
Job Readiness for Health Professionals i
Copyright Page ii
Contributors iii
Reviewers iv
Preface v
Table Of Contents ix
Unit I Self-Mamgement Skills 1
Chapter 1: Who Are You? 2
Adopting a Positive Mental Attitude 2
Managing Your Time and Organizing Your Life 11
Achieving Honesty and Integrity 18
Aiming to Be Adaptable and Flexible 25
Striving for Tolerance 29
Being Dependable 35
Bibliography 38
Chapter 2: Being a Student 39
Taking Notes 40
Taking Notes for School Success 40
Reading to Learn 48
Doing Research to Learn 52
Improving Test Scores 54
Tests: Part of School, Part of Life 54
Realities About Tests 57
Preparing Effectively for Tests 57
The Anxiety Monster 58
The Day of the Test 60
Specific Test-Taking Techniques 61
After the Test 63
Professional Exams 64
Some Honest Talk About Cheating 65
Preparing for an Externship 67
The Importance of the Externship 67
Getting Off to a Good Start 68
Becoming a Competent Intern 73
Focus on the Goal 78
After Your Externship 79
Bibliography 81
Chapter 3: Finding Your First Job 82
Your Career in the Health Professions 83
Your First Step on the Road to Success 83
Connecting School and Career 83
Maximizing Your Education 87
Planning for Your Future 90
Beginning the Job Search 96
The Search Is On 96
Making a Commitment to the Job Search 97
Setting Up Job Search Central 97
Setting Up a Support System 99
Understanding the Job Market 100
Locating Job Leads 100
Using the Internet 104
Writing Your Resume 108
Production: The Second “P” of Marketing 108
Packaging: The Third “P” of Marketing 110
Presentation: The Fourth “P” of Marketing 111
Portfolios 116
Promotion: The Fifth “P” of Marketing 117
References 117
Pulling It All Together 120
10 Steps for Assembling Your Resume 121
Distributing Your Resume 127
New Developments in Resumes 127
Introducing Your Resume: Cover Letters 132
Applications 133
References 135
Letters of Recommendation 136
The Portfolio: Supporting What You Say 137
The Art of Interviewing 139
The Interview: Your Sales Opportunity 139
Knowing What to Expect 140
Practice: Your Key to Success 145
Be Prepared: What to Take Along 145
First Impressions: Make Them Count! 146
Courtesy During the Interview 147
Apply Your Communication Skills 148
Using Your Portfolio Wisely 150
Handling Sticky Interview Situations 151
Stay Focused on the Positive 154
It’s Your Interview, Too 155
Leaving Graciously 156
Some Final Thoughts 157
After the Interview 159
Is This the Job for You? 163
Discussing Salary: When and How 164
Considering an Offer 164
Understanding Benefits 164
Accepting an Offer 165
What to Expect 166
Turning Down a Job Offer 166
If You Don’t Get the Job 166
References 169
Chapter 4: Ready for Work 170
Modeling Business Etiquette 170
Dressing for Success 178
Displaying Good Grooming, Personal Hygiene, and Cleanliness 183
Chapter 5: Gaining Energy and Reducing Stress 190
Gaining Energy, Persistence, and Perseverance 190
Vowing to Be Drug-Free and Unimpaired 197
Managing Stress 203
Bibliography 210
Unit II Interpersonal Skills 211
Chapter 6: Being Easy to Deal With 212
Building Trust 212
Showing Empathy, Sensitivity, and Caring 218
Chapter 7: Dealing with Others 224
Managing and Resolving Conflict 224
Dealing with Difficult People 231
Valuing Multicultural Competence 238
Unit III Communication Skills 243
Chapter 8: Speaking and Writing Professionally 244
Speaking Professionally in Your Workplace 244
Writing, Grammar, and Spelling 249
Professional Phone Technique 257
Bibliography 262
Chapter 9: Interacting Successfully 263
Listening Actively 263
Communicating with Special Groups of Clients 269
Reading and Speaking Body Language 277
Bibliography 284
Unit IV Career Building Skills 285
Chapter 10: Planning for Career Success 286
Setting Goals and Planning Actions 286
Following Rules and Regulations 291
Maintaining Confidentiality and Discretion 297
Keeping Records 302
Financial Literacy 308
Managing Your Money 308
Bibliography 319
Chapter 11: Enhancing Your Promotability 320
Thinking Critically 320
Talking to Your Manager or Supervisor 325
Taking Accountability 333
Contributing as a Member of the Team 336
Committing to Your Profession 342
Unit V Emotional Skills- Managing Your Emotions 349
Chapter 12: Building Personal Emotional Strengths 350
Building Self-Esteem 350
Controlling Anxiety 356
Practicing Patience 361
Strengthening Resilience 364
Chapter 13: Managing Your Emotions 370
Separating Your Work and Personal Problems 370
Managing Anger and Strong Emotions 375
Exuding Optimism, Enthusiasm, and Positivity 380
Unit VI Go Forth and Prosper 385
Chapter 14: Go Forth and Prosper 386
Expect Acceptance 386
Bibliography 390
Index 391