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Challenges in Professional Supervision

Challenges in Professional Supervision

Liz Beddoe | Allyson Davys


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Challenges in Professional Supervision draws on the latest research and theory to explore issues, trends and developments in supervision work.

The provision of excellent supervision is strongly linked to improved performance and staff retention. In this book, supervision is examined across a broad range of settings, addressing concerns common to a range of professions, including health, social work and counselling. The book is divided into two sections: the first describes the contemporary themes in professional supervision and the second discusses the models and skills being employed to deliver it. Issues such as supervising ethically, practitioner wellbeing and managing the process are all explored. There are also chapters on group supervision, supervision of managers and how to have difficult conversations.

This book is ideal for managers and senior practitioners in health and social care with an active interest in developing, energising and inspiring their supervision practice, as well as academics interested in keeping up-to-date with developments in the field.

This book is written by the two people who know most about professional supervision: Liz Beddoe and Allyson Davys. What is most exciting is the critical analysis that they bring; they really understand the complexities in practice today, and in exploring the challenges in supervision, they challenge us to raise our game, so that there are better outcomes for those who use our services.
Professor Viviene Cree, School of Social & Political Science, The University of Edinburgh
The scope of this text is truly impressive. The authors are unflinching in their critical analysis of the urgent developmental challenges facing supervision in all the health professions today. Their scholarly and up-to-date knowledge of the professional literature and current research in the field, combined with their keen awareness of the hard realities of practice in diverse contexts, makes for invigorating reading.
Jim Holloway, BACP Senior Accredited Supervisor, partner in Cambridge Supervision Training, co-author of Practical Supervision: How to Become a Supervisor for the Helping Professions
Liz Beddoe is Associate Professor in the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. Liz has a background in social work in health settings and has been an academic for two decades. Liz's main teaching and research interests include critical perspectives on social work education and professionalisation, professional supervision, and political and news media framing of social work and social problems. Allyson Davys is a registered social worker who has a background of practice, supervision, teaching and management in health, social care and the tertiary education sectors. Her interest in professional supervision covers more than twenty years of supervision practice, education and research. Currently she is focussing on research, academic writing and doctoral study and has a small private practice. She has a particular interest in supervision as a generic practice and across different professions. They are the authors of Best Practice in Professional Supervision, also published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Challenges in Professional Supervision - Current Themes and Models for Practice 3
List of Tables 8
List of Figures 9
Acknowledgements 10
Introduction - Contemporary Themes in Professional Supervision 11
Part One - Contemporary Ideas and Debates in Professional Supervision 21
Chapter 1 - Supervision in Context: Surveillance or Support? 22
The Personal Survival Lens 23
The Professional Development Lens 26
The Quality Assurance Lens 30
A Focus On Supervision Research 33
The Perspectives of Service Users and Carers: A New Challenge for Supervision 35
Conclusions 37
Chapter 2 - Starting with Who We Are: Culture, Gender and Belief in the Supervision Encounter 39
Supervision and Cultural Competence, Broadly Considered 43
The Context of Supervision 45
What is Cultural Competency in Supervision? 48
Indigenous Voices 52
Conclusions 53
Chapter 3 - The Education of the Reflective Supervisor 54
The Education and Training of Supervisors 56
Reflective Practice for Supervision 59
Our Reflections as Supervision Educators 64
Conclusions 68
Chapter 4 - Practitioner Wellbeing and the Role of Supervision 70
Resilience 73
Wellbeing and the helping professions 74
Supporting Wellbeing at Three Stages 78
Conclusions 86
Chapter 5- Ethics and Supervision 87
Ethical Supervision – the Supervision Relationship 91
Ethical Supervision: the Practice 92
Ethical Supervision: Social Justice and the Aspirations of Professions 95
Ethical Supervision and the Organisation: Safeguarding 97
Contemporary Challenges: Ethics and New Technology in Supervision 98
Conclusions 100
Chapter 6 - Managing a Supervision Practice 102
Operating a Private Supervision Practice 102
A Supervision Website 104
Nuts and Bolts 104
A Context for Private Supervision Delivery 105
Accountability and Relationships 107
Separating the Functions of Supervision 108
Relationships in Private and External Supervision 111
The External Supervisor and the Employing Organisation 113
Three-way Conversations 114
Conclusion 121
Part Two - Modes, Models and Skills 123
Chapter 7 - Group Supervision 124
Purpose of Group Supervision 125
Advantages and Disadvantages 127
Choosing Group Supervision 129
Contexts of Group Supervision 130
Types of Supervision Groups 133
Group Supervision for the Supervisee 133
Facilitating a Supervision Group 134
Stages of Group Development 135
Contracts in Group Supervision 137
The Reflective Learning Model as a Model for Group Supervision 140
Conclusion 146
Chapter 8 - Interprofessional Supervision 147
Traditional versus Interprofessional Supervision 147
Choosing Interprofessional Supervision 148
Accountability in Interprofessional Supervision 150
Roles within Interprofessional Supervision 151
Experiences of Interprofessional Supervision 153
Working with Difference 154
Limits of Interprofessional Supervision 156
Setting up Interprofessional Supervision 157
Conclusion 160
Chapter 9 - Supervising for Strengths 161
Underlying Theoretical Orientation 163
Attention to ‘Relationship’ 166
Technical Aspects 167
Focus on the Supervisee’s Development 172
Attention to Culture 173
Conclusions and Cautions 174
Chapter 10 - Supervision of Managers 176
First Line Management 178
Supervision for First Line Managers 178
Beginning the Journey to Manager: The Case for Supervision 179
Dual Role 182
The Supervision of Managers 182
Supervising a Manager 185
A Model for managers 186
Conclusion 192
Chapter 11 - From Difficult Situations to Courageous Conversations 193
Courageous Conversations 193
Attributes and Skills for the Conversation 195
Noticing the Moments 195
Preparing for a Conversation 196
The Conversation 197
Conclusion 208
Chapter 12 - Creativity within the Supervision: Keeping Supervision Exciting and Supervisors Engaged 209
Live Observation 215
‘Thinking Aloud’ – Using Critical Reflection to Examine Supervision Practice 218
Creativity within the Supervision Session 221
A Mosaic of Supervision 223
Peer Supervision 224
References 229
Afterword 227
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