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Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Rachel Gillibrand | Virginia Lam | Victoria L. O'Donnell


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Book Details


What does it mean to say that one child is more intelligent than another?

Does it really make a difference if we talk to babies even though they can’t understand us?

What makes children with the same parents have different characters?

At what age are children likely to become involved in cyberbullying?


Developmental Psychology 2nd edition provides a clear and lively coverage of the main topics and concepts required by the British Psychological Society (BPS). The book takes a broadly topical organisation addressing the social and cognitive strands of development, providing an intuitive pathway through the core topics, and a final section which focuses on the clinical and applied aspects of the subject.  This second edition include updated and expanded coverage of play, motor development, genetics and research methods

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Brief contents v
Contents vii
Preface xi
Authors and contributors xv
Acknowledgements xviii
Section I Introduction to developmental psychology 1
Chapter 1 What is developmental psychology? 2
Learning outcomes 2
Introduction 3
The debates of developmental psychology 4
What is ‘typical’ development? 11
Recommended reading 11
Recommended websites 11
Chapter 2 Theoretical perspectives 12
Learning outcomes 12
Introduction 13
What is a theory? 14
Theoretical perspectives 14
Psychoanalytic perspective on development 17
Biological perspectives on development 24
Learning perspectives on development 31
Cognitive perspective on development 35
Integrative perspectives in developmental psychology 41
Summary 43
Review questions 44
Recommended reading 44
Recommended websites 45
Chapter 3 Research methods 46
Learning outcomes 46
Introduction 47
What is research? 48
The importance of understanding theoretical paradigms 48
Methods in developmental psychology research 50
Working with children 60
Summary 67
Review questions 68
Recommended reading 68
Recommended websites 69
Section II Cognitive and linguistic development 71
Chapter 4 Prenatal development and infancy 72
Learning outcomes 72
Introduction 73
How to grow a baby: the roles of nature and nurture in early development 74
Prenatal physical development 77
Prenatal development of the brain 77
Prenatal states: foetal sleep and waking cycles 81
Prenatal abilities and behaviours 82
Risks to prenatal development: environmental teratogens and genetic errors 83
Birth 85
The neonate: basic states, movements and reflexes 87
The postnatal development of the brain 88
Infant perception 91
Infant vision 91
Infant audition 95
Infant touch, taste and smell abilities 96
Motor abilities in infancy 98
Cognitive abilities in infancy: general models and approaches 99
Infant attention 101
Infant learning and memory 102
Basic knowledge and understanding in infancy 104
Categorisation in infancy 105
Reasoning and problem solving in infancy 108
Summary 110
Review questions 111
Recommended reading 111
Recommended websites 112
Chapter 5 Language development 114
Learning outcomes 114
Introduction 115
What is language? 116
What communication is there before verbal communication? 116
The four components of language 119
How do infants’ early social interactions prepare them for later language? 121
Theories of development 122
Phonological development 128
Semantic development 131
Syntactic development 136
The development of pragmatics 138
Summary 141
Review questions 142
Recommended reading 142
Recommended websites 143
Chapter 6 Memory and intelligence 144
Learning outcomes 144
Introduction 145
What is memory? 146
Memory in children 148
What is intelligence? 164
Intelligence in children 164
Summary 171
Review questions 172
Recommended reading 172
Recommended websites 173
Chapter 7 The development of mathematical thinking 174
Learning outcomes 174
Introduction 175
What is mathematical thinking? 177
Understanding number 179
The number system as a tool for thinking 186
Reasoning and solving problems with numbers 193
The step into rational numbers 206
Summary 215
Answers to problems 216
Review questions 217
Recommended reading 218
Recommended websites 219
Chapter 8 Theory of mind 220
Learning outcomes 220
Introduction 221
What is theory of mind? 222
How does theory of mind fit into a developmental perspective? 230
Theories explaining theory of mind 235
Theory of mind and children with autism 239
Summary 242
Review questions 242
Recommended reading 243
Recommended websites 243
Section III Social and emotional development 245
Chapter 9 Attachment and early social experiences 246
Learning outcomes 246
Introduction 248
What is attachment? 248
Measuring attachment 257
Attachment and childcare 263
Attachment beyond infancy 270
Summary 275
Review questions 275
Recommended reading 276
Recommended websites 276
Chapter 10 Childhood temperament and behavioural development 278
Learning outcomes 278
Introduction 279
What is temperament? 280
Studying and measuring temperament 282
Explanations for differences in temperament 297
Temperament in the long term 304
Summary 310
Review questions 311
Recommended reading 311
Recommended websites 312
Chapter 11 Development of self-concept and gender identity 314
Learning outcomes 314
Introduction 315
What are self-concept and social identity? 316
Theories in the development of the self-concept 316
Understanding of gender categories: children’s gender identity 322
Summary 342
Review questions 343
Recommended reading 343
Recommended websites 343
Chapter 12 Peer interactions and relationships 346
Learning outcomes 346
Introduction 348
The peer group and peer interactions 348
Play 351
Children’s friendships 366
Summary 375
Review questions 376
Recommended reading 377
Recommended websites 377
Chapter 13 Adolescence 378
Learning outcomes 378
Introduction 379
A brief history of adolescence 380
Physical changes during adolescence 381
Cognitive development and changes in the teenage years 385
Social development in the teenage years 394
Mental health in adolescence 399
Sex and relationship behaviour in adolescence 401
Summary 403
Answers to puzzles 403
Review questions 404
Recommended reading 404
Recommended websites 405
Section IV Clinical/applied aspects 407
Chapter 14 Developmental psychology and education 408
Learning outcomes 408
Introduction 410
Understanding development within social contexts 410
The application of developmental theory in classrooms 412
Five themes of ‘developmentally appropriate provision’ 420
Summary 438
Review questions 439
Recommended reading 440
Recommended websites 440
Chapter 15 Understanding bullying 442
Learning outcomes 442
Introduction 444
What is bullying? 444
Involvement in bullying 447
Theoretical perspectives on bullying 462
Tackling bullying: methods of intervention and prevention 469
Summary 476
Review questions 477
Recommended reading 478
Recommended websites 478
Chapter 16 Atypical development 480
Learning outcomes 480
Introduction 481
What is atypical development? 482
Assessment 487
Disorders of development 496
Therapy and intervention 510
Summary 516
Review questions 517
Recommended reading 517
Recommended websites 518
Chapter 17 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 520
Learning outcomes 520
Introduction 521
Introduction to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 522
ADHD across the lifespan 524
Co-morbidity and associated impairments in ADHD 528
What causes ADHD? 530
Treatment for ADHD 535
Future directions in ADHD research 539
Summary 541
Review questions 542
Recommended reading 542
Recommended websites 542
Glossary 543
Bibliography 553
Index 611