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Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Global Edition

Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Global Edition

Joseph S. Valacich | Joey F. George


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Book Details


For Structured Systems Analysis and Design courses.


Help Students Become Effective Systems Analysts

Using a professionally-oriented approach, Modern Systems Analysis and Design covers the concepts, skills, and techniques essential for systems analysts to successfully develop information systems.


The Eighth Edition examines the role, responsibilities, and mindset of systems analysts and project managers. It also looks at the methods and principles of systems development, including the systems development life cycle (SDLC) tool as a strong conceptual and systematic framework. Valuing the practical over the technical, the authors have developed a text that prepares students to become effective systems analysts in the field.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 1
Copyright Page 2
Brief Contents 5
Contents 7
Preface 19
Part One Foundations for Systems Development 25
An Overview of Part One 26
Chapter 1 The Systems Development Environment 27
Learning Objectives 27
Introduction 27
A Modern Approach to Systems Analysis and Design 29
Developing Information Systems and the Systems Development Life Cycle 30
A Specialized Systems Development Life Cycle 36
The Heart of the Systems Development Process 37
The Traditional Waterfall Sdlc 39
Different Approaches to Improving Development 40
Case Tools 40
Agile Methodologies 41
eXtreme Programming 43
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 44
Our Approach to Systems Development 46
Summary 47
Key Terms 47
Review Questions 48
Problems and Exercises 48
Field Exercises 49
References 49
Chapter 2 The Origins of Software 50
Learning Objectives 50
Introduction 50
Systems Acquisition 50
Outsourcing 51
Sources of Software 52
Choosing Off-the-Shelf Software 58
Validating Purchased Software Information 61
Reuse 61
Summary 64
Key Terms 64
Review Questions 65
Problems and Exercises 65
Field Exercises 65
References 65
BEC Case: The Origins of Software 67
Case Questions 67
Chapter 3 Managing the Information Systems Project 68
Learning Objectives 68
Introduction 68
Pine Valley Furniture Company Background 68
Managing the Information Systems Project 70
Initiating a Project 74
Planning the Project 77
Executing the Project 82
Closing Down the Project 86
Representing and Scheduling Project Plans 87
Representing Project Plans 88
Calculating Expected Time Durations Using Pert 89
Constructing a Gantt Chart and Network Diagram at Pine Valley Furniture 90
Using Project Management Software 93
Establishing a Project Start Date 94
Entering Tasks and Assigning Task Relationships 94
Selecting a Scheduling Method to Review Project Reports 95
Summary 96
Key Terms 97
Review Questions 98
Problems and Exercises 98
Field Exercises 100
References 100
Appendix: Object-Oriented analysis and Design 102
Learning Objectives 102
Unique Characteristics of an OOSAD Project 102
Define the System as a Set of Components 102
Complete Hard Problems First 102
using Iterations to Manage the Project 104
don’t Plan too Much up Front 104
how Many and how long are Iterations? 105
Project activity Focus Changes over the life of a Project 107
Summary 107
Review Question 107
Problems and Exercises 107
BEC Case: Managing the Information Systems Project 108
Case Questions 108
Part Two Planning 109
An Overview of Part Two 110
Chapter 4 Identifying and Selecting Systems Development Projects 111
Learning objectives 111
Introduction 111
Identifying and Selecting Systems Development Projects 112
The Process of Identifying and Selecting Is Development Projects 113
Deliverables and Outcomes 117
Corporate and Information Systems Planning 118
Corporate Strategic Planning 119
Information Systems Planning 121
Electronic Commerce Applications: Identifying and Selecting Systems Development Projects 128
Internet Basics 128
Pine Valley Furniture Webstore 129
Summary 130
Key Terms 130
Review Questions 131
Problems and Exercises 131
Field Exercises 132
References 132
BEC Case: Identifying and Selecting Systems Development Projects 134
Case Questions 134
Chapter 5 Initiating and Planning Systems Development Projects 135
Learning Objectives 135
Introduction 135
Initiating and Planning Systems Development Projects 135
The Process of Initiating and Planning Is Development Projects 136
Deliverables and Outcomes 137
Assessing Project Feasibility 138
Assessing Economic Feasibility 139
Assessing Technical Feasibility 147
Assessing Other Feasibility Concerns 150
Building and Reviewing the Baseline Project Plan 151
Building the Baseline Project Plan 151
Reviewing the Baseline Project Plan 156
Electronic Commerce Applications: Initiating and Planning Systems Development Projects 161
Initiating and Planning Systems Development Projects for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 161
Summary 163
Key Terms 163
Review Questions 164
Problems and Exercises 164
Field Exercises 165
References 165
BEC Case: Initiating and Planning Systems Development Projects 167
Case Questions 167
Part Three Analysis 169
An Overview of Part Three 170
Chapter 6 Determining System Requirements 171
Learning Objectives 171
Introduction 171
Performing Requirements Determination 171
The Process of Determining Requirements 172
Deliverables and Outcomes 173
Traditional Methods for Determining Requirements 174
Interviewing and Listening 174
Interviewing Groups 178
Directly Observing Users 179
Analyzing Procedures and Other Documents 180
Contemporary Methods for Determining System Requirements 185
Joint Application Design 186
Using Prototyping During Requirements Determination 189
Radical Methods for Determining System Requirements 191
Identifying Processes to Reengineer 192
Disruptive Technologies 192
Requirements Determination Using Agile Methodologies 193
Continual User Involvement 193
Agile Usage-Centered Design 194
The Planning Game from Extreme Programming 195
Electronic Commerce Applications: Determining System Requirements 197
Determining System Requirements for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 197
Summary 200
Key Terms 200
Review Questions 201
Problems and Exercises 201
Field Exercises 202
References 203
BEC Case: Determining System Requirements 204
Case Questions 205
Chapter 7 Structuring System Process Requirements 206
Learning Objectives 206
Introduction 206
Process Modeling 206
Modeling a System’s Process for Structured Analysis 207
Deliverables and Outcomes 207
Data Flow Diagramming Mechanics 208
Definitions and Symbols 208
Developing DFDs: an Example 210
Data Flow Diagramming Rules 213
Decomposition of DFDs 214
Balancing DFDs 217
An Example DFD 219
Using Data Flow Diagramming in the Analysis Process 222
Guidelines for Drawing DFDs 222
Using DFDs as Analysis Tools 224
Using DFDs in Business Process Reengineering 225
Modeling Logic with Decision Tables 227
Electronic Commerce Application: Process Modeling Using Data Flow Diagrams 230
Process Modeling for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 231
Summary 232
Key Terms 233
Review Questions 233
Problems and Exercises 234
Field Exercises 240
References 240
Appendix 7A: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Use Cases 241
Learning Objectives 241
Introduction 241
Use Cases 241
What Is a Use Case? 241
Use Case Diagrams 242
Definitions and Symbols 243
Written Use Cases 246
Level 247
The Rest of the Template 247
Electronic Commerce Application: Process Modeling Using Use Cases 249
Writing Use Cases for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 251
Summary 254
Key Terms 254
Review Questions 254
Problems and Exercises 254
Field Exercise 255
References 255
Appendix 7B: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 256
Learning Objectives 256
Introduction 256
When to Use an Activity Diagram 259
Problems and Exercises 259
Reference 260
Appendix 7C: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 261
Learning Objectives 261
Introduction 261
Dynamic Modeling: Sequence Diagrams 261
Designing a Use Case with a Sequence Diagram 263
A Sequence Diagram for Hoosier Burger 266
Summary 268
Key Terms 268
Review Questions 268
Problems and Exercises 268
Field Exercise 269
References 269
Appendix 7D: Business Process Modeling 270
Learning Objective 270
Introduction 270
Basic Notation 270
Business Process Example 274
Summary 275
Key Terms 275
Review Questions 275
Problems and Exercises 275
Field Exercises 276
References 276
BEC Case: Structuring System Process Requirements 277
Case Questions 278
Chapter 8 Structuring System Data Requirements 279
Learning Objectives 279
Introduction 279
Conceptual Data Modeling 280
The Conceptual Data Modeling Process 281
Deliverables and Outcomes 282
Gathering Information for Conceptual Data Modeling 283
Introduction to E-R Modeling 285
Entities 285
Attributes 287
Candidate Keys and Identifiers 288
Other Attribute Types 289
Relationships 290
Conceptual Data Modeling and the E-R Model 291
Degree of a Relationship 292
Cardinalities in Relationships 294
Naming and Defining Relationships 295
Associative Entities 296
Summary of Conceptual Data Modeling with E-R Diagrams 298
Representing Supertypes and Subtypes 298
Business Rules 299
Domains 300
Triggering Operations 302
Role of Packaged Conceptual Data Models: Database Patterns 303
Universal Data Models 303
Industry-Specific Data Models 303
Benefits of Database Patterns and Packaged Data Models 303
Electronic Commerce Application: Conceptual Data Modeling 304
Conceptual Data Modeling for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 304
Summary 308
Key Terms 308
Review Questions 309
Problems and Exercises 310
Field Exercises 312
References 313
Appendix: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 314
Learning Objectives 314
Introduction 314
Representing Objects and Classes 314
Types of Operations 315
Representing Associations 316
Representing Associative Classes 318
Representing Stereotypes for Attributes 319
Representing Generalization 319
Representing Aggregation 322
An Example of Conceptual Data Modeling at Hoosier Burger 323
Summary 326
Key Terms 326
Review Questions 327
Problems and Exercises 327
References 328
BEC Case: Structuring System Data Requirements 329
Case Questions 330
Part Four Design 333
An Overview of Part Four 334
Chapter 9 Designing Databases 335
Learning objectives 335
Introduction 335
Database Design 335
The Process of Database Design 336
Deliverables and Outcomes 338
The Relational Database Model 341
Well-Structured Relations 341
Normalization 342
Rules of Normalization 343
Functional Dependence and Primary Keys 343
Second Normal Form 344
Third Normal Form 344
Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations 345
Represent Entities 346
Represent Relationships 346
Summary of Transforming E-R Diagrams to Relations 350
Merging Relations 350
An Example of Merging Relations 350
View Integration Problems 351
Logical Database Design for Hoosier Burger 352
Physical File and Database Design 355
Designing Fields 355
Choosing Data Types 356
Controlling Data Integrity 357
Designing Physical Tables 358
Arranging Table Rows 361
Designing Controls for Files 365
Physical Database Design for Hoosier Burger 366
Electronic Commerce Application: Designing Databases 367
Designing Databases for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 368
Summary 370
Key Terms 371
Review Questions 372
Problems and Exercises 372
Field Exercises 373
References 374
BEC Case: Designing Databases 375
Case Questions 376
Chapter 10 Designing Forms and Reports 377
Learning Objectives 377
Introduction 377
Designing Forms and Reports 377
The Process of Designing Forms and Reports 379
Deliverables and Outcomes 380
Formatting Forms and Reports 384
General Formatting Guidelines 384
Highlighting Information 386
Color Versus No Color 388
Displaying Text 389
Designing Tables and Lists 389
Paper Versus Electronic Reports 393
Assessing Usability 395
Usability Success Factors 395
Measures of Usability 396
Electronic Commerce Applications: Designing Forms and Reports for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 397
General Guidelines 397
Designing Forms and Reports at Pine Valley Furniture 397
Lightweight Graphics 398
Forms and Data Integrity Rules 398
Stylesheet-Based HTML 399
Summary 399
Key Terms 400
Review Questions 400
Problems and Exercises 401
Field Exercises 401
References 402
BEC Case: Designing Forms and Reports 403
Case Questions 403
Chapter 11 Designing Interfaces and Dialogues 405
Learning Objectives 405
Introduction 405
Designing Interfaces and Dialogues 405
The Process of Designing Interfaces and Dialogues 405
Deliverables and Outcomes 406
Interaction Methods and Devices 406
Methods of Interacting 406
Hardware Options for System Interaction 414
Designing Interfaces 416
Designing Layouts 416
Structuring Data Entry 419
Controlling Data Input 421
Providing Feedback 422
Providing Help 424
Designing Dialogues 427
Designing the Dialogue Sequence 428
Building Prototypes and Assessing Usability 429
Designing Interfaces and Dialogues in Graphical Environments 431
Graphical Interface Design Issues 431
Dialogue Design Issues in a Graphical Environment 433
Electronic Commerce Application: Designing Interfaces and Dialogues for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 433
General Guidelines 434
Designing Interfaces and Dialogues at Pine Valley Furniture 435
Menu-Driven Navigation with Cookie Crumbs 435
Summary 436
Key Terms 436
Review Questions 437
Problems and Exercises 437
Field Exercises 438
References 438
BEC Case: Designing Interfaces and Dialogues 439
Case Questions 440
Chapter 12 Designing Distributed \rand Internet Systems 441
Learning Objectives 441
Introduction 441
Designing Distributed and Internet Systems 441
The Process of Designing Distributed and Internet Systems 441
Deliverables and Outcomes 442
Designing LAN and Client/Server Systems 443
Designing Systems for LANs 443
Designing Systems for a Client/server Architecture 445
Cloud Computing 449
What Is Cloud Computing? 449
Managing the Cloud 453
Service-Oriented Architecture 456
Web Services 457
Designing Internet Systems 458
Internet Design Fundamentals 459
Site Consistency 460
Design Issues Related to Site Management 462
Electronic Commerce Application: Designing a Distributed Advertisement Server for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 465
Advertising on Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 465
Designing the Advertising Component 466
Designing the Management Reporting Component 467
summary 468
Key Terms 468
Review Questions 470
Problems and Exercises 470
Field Exercises 471
References 472
BEC Case: Designing Distributed and Internet Systems 473
Case Questions 473
Part Five Implementation and Maintenance 475
An Overview of Part Five 476
Chapter 13 System Implementation 477
Learning Objectives 477
Introduction 477
System Implementation 478
Coding, Testing, and Installation Processes 479
Deliverables and Outcomes from Coding, Testing, and Installation 479
Deliverables and Outcomes from Documenting the System, Training Users, and Supporting Users 481
Software Application Testing 481
Seven Different Types of Tests 482
The Testing Process 485
Combining Coding and Testing 487
Acceptance Testing by Users 487
Installation 488
Direct Installation 488
Parallel Installation 489
Single-Location Installation 490
Phased Installation 490
Planning Installation 491
Documenting the System 492
User Documentation 492
Training and Supporting Users 494
Training Information Systems Users 494
Supporting Information Systems Users 495
Support Issues for the Analyst to Consider 497
Organizational Issues in Systems Implementation 498
Why Implementation Sometimes Fails 499
Security Issues 501
Electronic Commerce Application: System Implementation and Operation for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 502
Developing Test Cases for the Webstore 502
Alpha and Beta Testing the Webstore 504
Webstore Installation 504
Project Closedown 505
Summary 505
Key Terms 506
Review Questions 507
Problems and Exercises 507
Field Exercises 508
References 508
BEC Case: System Implementation 509
Case Questions 509
Chapter 14 Maintaining Information Systems 510
Learning Objectives 510
Introduction 510
Maintaining Information Systems 510
The Process of Maintaining Information Systems 511
Deliverables and Outcomes 512
Conducting Systems Maintenance 513
Types of Maintenance 513
The Cost of Maintenance 514
Managing Maintenance 516
Role of Automated Development Tools in Maintenance 521
Website Maintenance 521
Electronic Commerce Application: Maintaining an Information System for Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 523
Maintaining Pine Valley Furniture’s Webstore 523
Cannot Find Server 523
Summary 524
Key Terms 525
Review Questions 526
Problems and Exercises 526
Field Exercises 526
References 527
Glossary of Terms 528
Glossary of Acronyms 535
Index 536