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Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, Global Edition

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, Global Edition

John C. Hull


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Book Details


For undergraduate courses in derivatives, options and futures, financial engineering, financial mathematics, and risk management.
A reader-friendly book with an abundance of numerical and real-life examples.
Based on Hull's Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets presents an accessible and student-friendly overview of the topic without the use of calculus. Packed with numerical examples and accounts of real-life situations, this text effectively guides students through the material while helping them prepare for the working world.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 1
Copyright Page 2
Contents in Brief 4
Contents 5
Preface 13
Chapter 1: Introduction 17
1.1 Futures Contracts 17
1.2 History of Futures Markets 18
1.3 The Over-the-Counter Market 20
1.4 Forward Contracts 22
1.5 Options 23
1.6 History of Options Markets 26
1.7 Types of Trader 27
1.8 Hedgers 27
1.9 Speculators 30
1.10 Arbitrageurs 33
1.11 Dangers 34
Summary 34
Further Reading 36
Quiz 36
Practice Questions 36
Further Questions 38
Chapter 2: Mechanics of Futures Markets 40
2.1 Opening and Closing Futures Positions 40
2.2 Speci?cation of a Futures Contract 41
2.3 Convergence of Futures Price to Spot Price 44
2.4 The Operation of Margin Accounts 45
2.5 OTC Markets 48
2.6 Market Quotes 52
2.7 Delivery 53
2.8 Types of Trader and Types of Order 54
2.9 Regulation 55
2.10 Accounting and Tax 56
2.11 Forward vs. Futures Contracts 58
Summary 60
Further Reading 61
Quiz 61
Practice Questions 62
Further Questions 63
Chapter 3: Hedging Strategies Using Futures 65
3.1 Basic Principles 65
3.2 Arguments for and Against Hedging 68
3.3 Basis Risk 71
3.4 Cross Hedging 75
3.5 Stock Index Futures 79
3.6 Stack and Roll 85
Summary 86
Further Reading 87
Quiz 88
Practice Questions 89
Further Questions 90
Appendix: Review of Key Concepts in Statistics and the CAPM 92
Chapter 4: Interest Rates 97
4.1 Types of Rates 97
4.2 Measuring Interest Rates 99
4.3 Zero Rates 101
4.4 Bond Pricing 102
4.5 Determining Treasury Zero Rates 104
4.6 Forward Rates 106
4.7 Forward Rate Agreements 108
4.8 Theories of the Term Structure of Interest Rates 110
Summary 113
Further Reading 114
Quiz 114
Practice Questions 115
Further Questions 116
Appendix: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 118
Chapter 5: Determination of Forward and Futures Prices 120
5.1 Investment Assets vs. Consumption Assets 120
5.2 Short Selling 121
5.3 Assumptions and Notation 122
5.4 Forward Price for an Investment Asset 123
5.5 Known Income 126
5.6 Known Yield 128
5.7 Valuing Forward Contracts 128
5.8 Are Forward Prices and Futures Prices Equal? 131
5.9 Futures Prices of Stock Indices 131
5.10 Forward and Futures Contracts on Currencies 133
5.11 Futures on Commodities 137
5.12 The Cost of Carry 140
5.13 Delivery Options 140
5.14 Futures Prices and the Expected Spot Prices 141
Summary 143
Further Reading 144
Quiz 145
Practice Questions 145
Further Questions 147
Chapter 6: Interest Rate Futures 149
6.1 Day Count and Quotation Conventions 149
6.2 Treasury Bond Futures 152
6.3 Eurodollar Futures 157
6.4 Duration 160
6.5 Duration-Based Hedging Strategies Using Futures 165
Summary 169
Further Reading 170
Quiz 170
Practice Questions 171
Further Questions 172
Chapter 7: Swaps 174
7.1 Mechanics of Interest Rate Swaps 174
7.2 Day Count Issues 180
7.3 Confirmations 181
7.4 The Comparative-Advantage Argument 181
7.5 The Nature of Swap Rates 185
7.6 Overnight Indexed Swaps 185
7.7 Valuation of Interest Rate Swaps 187
7.8 Estimating the Zero Curve for Discounting 187
7.9 Forward Rates 190
7.10 Valuation in Terms of Bonds 191
7.11 Term Structure E?ects 194
7.12 Fixed-for-Fixed Currency Swaps 194
7.13 Valuation of Fixed-for-Fixed Currency Swaps 198
7.14 Other Currency Swaps 199
7.15 Credit Risk 201
7.16 Other Types of Swap 204
Summary 205
Further Reading 206
Quiz 207
Practice Questions 208
Further Questions 209
Chapter 8: Securitization and the Credit Crisis of 2007 211
8.1 Securitization 211
8.2 The U.S. Housing Market 215
8.3 What Went Wrong? 219
8.4 The Aftermath 221
Summary 222
Further Reading 223
Quiz 224
Practice Questions 224
Further Questions 224
Chapter 9: Mechanics of Options Markets 226
9.1 Types of Option 226
9.2 Option Positions 229
9.3 Underlying Assets 231
9.4 Speci?cation of Stock Options 232
9.5 Trading 236
9.6 Commissions 237
9.7 Margin Requirements 238
9.8 The Options Clearing Corporation 240
9.9 Regulation 241
9.10 Taxation 241
9.11 Warrants, Employee Stock Options, and Convertibles 242
9.12 Over-the-Counter Options Markets 243
Summary 244
Further Reading 244
Quiz 245
Practice Questions 245
Further Questions 246
Chapter 10: Properties of Stock Options 248
10.1 Factors Affecting Option Prices 248
10.2 Assumptions and Notation 252
10.3 Upper and Lower Bounds for Option Prices 252
10.4 Put–Call Parity 256
10.5 Calls on a Non-Dividend-Paying Stock 260
10.6 Puts on a Non-Dividend-Paying Stock 261
10.7 Effect of Dividends 264
Summary 265
Further Reading 266
Quiz 266
Practice Questions 267
Further Questions 268
Chapter 11: Trading Strategies Involving Options 270
11.1 Principal-Protected Notes 270
11.2 Strategies Involving a Single Option and a Stock 272
11.3 Spreads 274
11.4 Combinations 282
11.5 Other Pay o?s 285
Summary 285
Further Reading 286
Quiz 286
Practice Questions 287
Further Questions 287
Chapter 12: Introduction to Binomial Trees 289
12.1 A One-Step Binomial Model and a No-Arbitrage Argument 289
12.2 Risk-Neutral Valuation 293
12.3 Two-Step Binomial Trees 295
12.4 A Put Example 298
12.5 American Options 299
12.6 Delta 300
12.7 Determining u and d 301
12.8 Increasing the Number of Time Steps 302
12.9 Using DerivaGem 303
12.10 Options on Other Assets 303
Summary 308
Further Reading 308
Quiz 308
Practice Questions 309
Further Questions 310
Appendix: Derivation of the Black–Scholes–Merton Option Pricing Formula from Binomial Tree 312
Chapter 13: Valuing Stock Options: The Black–Scholes–Merton Model 314
13.1 AssumptionsaboutHowStockPricesEvolve 315
13.2 Expected Return 318
13.3 Volatility 319
13.4 Estimating Volatility from Historical Data 320
13.5 Assumptions Underlying Black–Scholes–Merton 322
13.6 The Key No-Arbitrage Argument 323
13.7 The Black–Scholes–Merton Pricing Formulas 325
13.8 Risk-Neutral Valuation 327
13.9 Implied Volatilities 328
13.10 Dividends 330
Summary 332
Further Reading 333
Quiz 334
Practice Questions 334
Further Questions 336
Appendix: The Early Exercise of American Call Options on Dividend-Paying Stocks 337
Chapter 14: Employee Stock Options 339
14.1 Contractual Arrangements 339
14.2 Do Options Align the Interests of Shareholders and Managers? 341
14.3 AccountingIssues 342
14.4 Valuation 344
14.5 Backdating Scandals 345
Summary 347
Further Reading 347
Quiz 348
Practice Questions 348
Further Questions 349
Chapter 15: Options on Stock Indices and Currencies 350
15.1 Options on Stock Indices 350
15.2 Currency Options 353
15.3 Options on Stocks Paying Known Dividend Yields 355
15.4 Valuation of European Stock Index Options 357
15.5 Valuation of European Currency Options 360
15.6 American Options 361
Summary 362
Further Reading 363
Quiz 363
Practice Questions 364
Further Questions 365
Chapter 16: Futures Options 366
16.1 Nature of Futures Options 366
16.2 Reasons for the Popularity of Futures Options 368
16.3 European Spot and Futures Options 369
16.4 Put–Call Parity 369
16.5 Bounds for Futures Options 371
16.6 Valuation of Futures Options Using Binomial Trees 371
16.7 A Futures Price as an Asset Providing a Yield 374
16.8 Black’s Model for Valuing Futures Options 374
16.9 Using Black’s Model Instead of Black–Scholes–Merton 374
16.10 American Futures Options vs. American Spot Options 376
16.11 Futures-Style Options 376
Summary 377
Further Reading 378
Quiz 378
Practice Questions 378
Further Questions 380
Chapter 17: The Greek Letters 381
17.1 Illustration 381
17.2 Naked and Covered Positions 382
17.3 A Stop-Loss Strategy 382
17.4 Delta Hedging 384
17.5 Theta 391
17.6 Gamma 393
17.7 Relationship Between Delta, Theta, and Gamma 396
17.8 Vega 397
17.9 Rho 399
17.10 The Realities of Hedging 400
17.11 Scenario Analysis 400
17.12 Extension of Formulas 402
17.13 Creating Options Synthetically for Portfolio Insurance 404
17.14 Stock Market Volatility 406
Summary 407
Further Reading 408
Quiz 408
Practice Questions 409
Further Questions 411
Chapter 18: Binomial Trees in Practice 412
18.1 The Binomial Model for a Non-Dividend-Paying Stock 412
18.2 Using the Binomial Tree for Options on Indices, Currencies, and Futures Contracts 419
18.3 The Binomial Model for a Dividend-Paying Stock 422
18.4 Extensions of the Basic Tree Approach 426
18.5 Alternative Procedure for Constructing Trees 428
18.6 Monte Carlo Simulation 428
Summary 430
Further Reading 431
Quiz 431
Practice Questions 432
Further Questions 433
Chapter 19: Volatility Smiles 434
19.1 Foreign Currency Options 434
19.2 Equity Options 437
19.3 The Volatility Term Structure and Volatility Surfaces 439
19.4 When a Single Large Jump Is Anticipated 441
Summary 442
Further Reading 443
Quiz 444
Practice Questions 444
Further Questions 445
Appendix: Why the Put Volatility Smile is the Same as the Call Volatility Smile 447
Chapter 20: Value at Risk 449
20.1 The VaR Measure 449
20.2 Historical Simulation 452
20.3 Model-Building Approach 456
20.4 Generalization of Linear Model 459
20.5 Quadratic Model 464
20.6 Estimating Volatilities and Correlations 466
20.7 Comparison of Approaches 472
20.8 Stress Testing and Back Testing 472
Summary 473
Further Reading 474
Quiz 475
Practice Questions 475
Further Questions 477
Chapter 21: InterestRateOptions 479
21.1 Exchange-Traded Interest Rate Options 479
21.2 Embedded Bond Options 481
21.3 Black’s Model 481
21.4 European Bond Options 483
21.5 Interest Rate Caps 485
21.6 European Swap Options 491
21.7 Term Structure Models 494
Summary 495
Further Reading 496
Quiz 496
Practice Questions 497
Further Questions 498
Chapter 22: Exotic Options and Other Nonstandard Products 499
22.1 Exotic Options 499
22.2 Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities 506
22.3 Nonstandard Swaps 507
Summary 514
Further Reading 515
Quiz 515
Practice Questions 516
Further Questions 517
Chapter 23: Credit Derivatives 519
23.1 Credit Default Swaps 520
23.2 Valuation of Credit Default Swaps 524
23.3 Total Return Swaps 528
23.4 CDS Forwards and Options 530
23.5 Credit Indices 530
23.6 The Use of Fixed Coupons 531
23.7 Collateralized Debt Obligations 532
Summary 535
Further Reading 535
Quiz 536
Practice Questions 536
Further Questions 537
Chapter 24: Weather, Energy, and Insurance Derivatives 538
24.1 Weather Derivatives 538
24.2 Energy Derivatives 539
24.3 Insurance Derivatives 542
Summary 543
Further Reading 544
Quiz 544
Practice Questions 545
Further Question 545
Chapter 25: Derivatives Mishaps and What We Can Learn From Them 546
25.1 Lessons for All Users of Derivatives 546
25.2 Lessons for Financial Institutions 550
25.3 Lessons for Non?nancial Corporations 555
Summary 557
Further Reading 557
Answers to Quiz Questions 558
Glossary of Terms 582
Deriva Gem Software 600
Major Exchanges Trading Futures and Options 605
Table for N(x) When x < 0 606
Table for N(x) When x > 0 607
Index 609