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A Pocketbook of Managing Lower Back Pain E-Book

A Pocketbook of Managing Lower Back Pain E-Book

Fraser Ferguson



You are about to go on placement or have recently qualified and are about to treat patients complaining of low back pain. Questions such as 'What do I do?'; 'What do I look for'; 'How do I do it?' may suddenly become overwhelming. This pocketbook covers the examination, initial management and discharge options for patients with low back pain. It will fit easily into your pocket with information that is close to hand.

  • clinically effective examinations
  • reflects current clinical practice
  • key points, charts, tables all backed up with links to other texts and websites

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Managing Lower Back Pain iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Dedication vi
Foreword vii
Acknowledgements ix
The purpose of this book\r 1
Chapter 1:\rReview of low back pain, physiotherapy and physiotherapists 5
Introduction 6
Definition of Low Back Pain 6
The Recurrent Nature of LBP 7
The Traditional Pathway of Care for Patients with LBP\r 13
The Changing Role of Physiotherapy in the Management of LBP\r 13
How does Self-Referral Affect me? 16
References 17
Chapter 2: Identification and significance of red flags 21
What are Red Flags ?\r 22
What are the Most Common Red Flags? 25
How Prevalent are Red Flags in Patients with LBP? 33
Investigations – Which and When?\r 34
Recommended Additional Reading 36
References 36
Chapter 3: Identification and physiotherapy management of cauda equina syndrome 39
Setting the Scene 40
Who Gets CES? 43
Development of CES Pathway 45
CES Triage 45
Recommended Reading 49
References 49
Chapter 4: Identification and management of yellow flags 51
What are Yellow Flags? 52
Management of Yellow Flags 62
How can we Begin to do Something About Yellow Flags Once they are Identified? 65
Suggested Words/Phrases to use to Discourage Development of Psychosocial (Yellow Flag) Issues 70
Other Flags Associated with Yellow Flags\r 70
Additional Reading/Information 72
References 73
Chapter 5:\rThe subjective examination 75
Introduction 76
Where do you Start from? 76
Present Symptoms 77
Outcome Measures 77
Questioning 91
Tips to Help Avoid Traps During Assessments\r 95
Reflective Listening 97
Recommended Additional Reading 100
References 100
Chapter 6: Objective examination 101
Introduction 102
Observation 104
Range of Movement 105
Neurological Exam 107
Recommended Additional Reading 118
References 118
Chapter 7: An introduction to differential diagnosis in LBP patients 121
Possible Errors in Clinical Diagnosis 122
Differential Diagnosis of Leg Pain 124
Introduction to Differential Diagnosis of Referred Leg Pain 124
Lumbar Spine Pain and Pelvic Girdle Pain 129
Spinal Stenosis 133
Sacroiliac Joint Pain and Lumbar Spine Pain\r 135
Facet or Zygapophyseal Joints 140
Recommended Reading 141
References 141
Chapter 8: Pain and pharmacology 143
Important Information 144
A Definition of Pain: Acute and Chronic 144
Who has Pain? 145
How does Pain Go Away? 146
Dimensions of Pain 147
Adaptive and Maladaptive Pain 149
Pain Mechanisms 151
Pharmacological Management 153
Additional Reading/Information 158
References 158
Chapter 9: Physiotherapy treatments for LBP: clinical guidelines and the importance of evidence-based medicine 161
Introduction 162
Traditionally Used Physiotherapy Treatments for LBP 162
Physiotherapy Consensus on LBP Interventions 167
What Treatments Physiotherapists in the UK Actually give 168
Where can I go for Guidance and Support to Manage LBP Patients then: A Quick Guide to Clinical Guidelines\r 169
Evidence-Based Medicine 185
Recommended Additional Reading/References 192
References 193
Chapter 10: Examples of how specialist services can change the management of LBP 199
Working Backs Scotland 200
Australian Study 200
The Greater Glasgow Back Pain Service: Physiotherapy-Led Back Pain Service 201
References 211
Appendix: Possible answers to Clinical Challenges and Case Studies 213
CC 1.1 213
CC 1.2 213
CC 2.1 214
CC 2.2 214
CC 2.3 214
CC 2.4 215
CS 3.1 215
CS 4.1 215
CS 4.2 216
CS 4.3 217
CC 5.1 217
CS 5.1 218
CC 5.2 218
CS 6.1 219
CC 7.1 219
CC 8.1 219
CS 8.1 219
CC 8.2 220
CC 9.1 220
CC 9.3 220
CS 9.1 220
CC 9.4 221
Index\r 223