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E-Book - Red Flags

E-Book - Red Flags

Sue Greenhalgh | James Selfe | Louis Gifford


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This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. This valuable clinical reference alerts practitioners to potentially serious indicators of pathology in their patients, such as cancer, tuberculosis (TB), or other conditions. With a fresh approach to the subject, it presents an hierarchy of red flags, an index of suspicion, discussion of red herrings, "3D thinking," and conditional probabilities intended to assist with clinical reasoning. It's an ideal, on-the-spot resource for anyone involved in the care of patients with musculoskeletal conditions.

  • The book's small, portable size makes it ideal for reference in any practice setting.
  • Two-color layout presents information in an accessible, at-a-glance format.
  • The unique red flag hierarchy assists with clinical reasoning.
  • Index of Suspicion highlights the most likely conditions indicated by specific red flags.
  • Discussion of 3D thinking encourages clinicians to look beyond immediate symptoms to find the underlying cause of a problem.
  • Discussion of red herrings describes how to approach indicators that may mislead a diagnosis.
  • Information on the concept of conditional probabilities helps practitioners make informed clinical decisions.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Red Flags: A Guide to Identifying Serious Pathology of the Spine iii
Contents v
Foreword ix
Acknowledgements xiii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1. Red Flags 5
Historical perspective of physiotherapy 7
Early development of indicators of serious pathology 8
Clinical guidelines 14
Red Herrings and masqueraders 20
Some pathologies appearing on Red Flag lists 25
Conclusion/summary 42
Chapter 2. Clinical Reasoning 49
Pain, behaviour and psychosocial flags 51
Clinical reasoning 58
Health behaviour 73
Summary 77
Weighted Red Flag list 81
Chapter 3. Subjective Examination: Age, Previous Medical History and Lifestyle Questions 89
Age 91
Medical history 96
Lifestyle 108
Chapter 4. Subjective Examination: Questions about the Current Episode and Pain 115
History of current episode questions 117
Pain questions 135
Extract from a patient–clinician consultation 143
Chapter 5. Objective Examination 171
Physical appearance 172
Inability to lie supine 174
Bizarre neurological deficit 175
Marked partial articular restriction of movement 178
Loss of sphincter tone and altered S4 sensation 178
Spasm 179
Vertebral artery testing 179
Upper cervical instability tests 181
Positive extensor plantar response 183
Disturbed gait 184
Summary 185
Chapter 6. Conclusion 191
Hierarchical list of Red Flags 192
Red Flags not Red Herrings – the clinician’s perspective 193
Index 201